When she first woke up, she felt a dull pain in the back of her neck.

The pain emanating from inside made Qi Qiqi mistakenly think that her head had become twice as large as before. The things in her eyes were turning wildly, and she tried to get up, but her hands were held in wet and soft things. It turned out that she was lying on the floor covered with silver frost.

Where is this?

She wasn’t fully awake yet, she couldn’t do her best. After finally holding on to the wall and climbing up, she found herself at the end of a dark narrow alley.

The sky is still gloomy.

The little snow still falls gently from the sky.

Fighting sounds faintly discernible in the distance, she smelled the smell of blood, and her dim consciousness slowly condensed. The light shining through the alley seemed like a glowing cave, hollowing out a corner of her vision.


A burst of majestic True Qi suddenly rushed from the alleyway, blowing snow all over the sky, Qi Qiqi was forced to cover her face with her sleeves.

Who is fighting?

Qiqiqi supported the wall and got up.

Then, as it should be by rights, she noticed the bright red like withered petals.

That is snow.

Snow that was dyed red.

It is mixed among the snowflakes flying in the narrow alleys, as eye-catching as a drop of ink falling on a white paper, with a mysterious beauty.


Qi Qiqi subconsciously groped her body. No wound was found, it was not her blood.

“…Whose blood is it?”

The doubt prompted Qi Qiqi to look up all around. Her sword, Tianli, leaned quietly against the side wall, accompanied by several different types of weapons, the most prominent of which was probably the pair of white jade long and short guns.

“Lin’s Sect Master’s gun?”

Qi Qiqi recognized the pair of long and short guns, and instantly connected her broken thoughts.

──Yes, we escaped from the town’s national guard…we were overtaken by the Grandmaster…and…

Just thinking of this, Qi Qiqi’s heart was shocked, feeling The whole body is cold.


Qi Qiqi screamed in surprise.

She remembered what Sue Kirin left behind to delay Grandmaster, and also remembered that she was knocked out.

“Kirin?” she yelled.

There was a reply from her in the alley, apart from this there was no other response.

“Kirin, where are you?”

Qi Qiqi wanted to find the girl, but she just took a step but her body collapsed again, and she fell to the ground weakly. She felt dizzy and shook her head against the wall again.

“Kirin, where are you?”

The knee was cold and stinging, but she only asked twice, as if she would get a response from the girl this time.

So did the girl respond? as it should be by rights.

Qi Qiqi retreated and turned to look for the girl with her sight, and finally found a silhouette sitting on the floor leaning against the back of the alley.

He is a tall, female person.

The man was covered in wounds, half of his handsome and elegant face was covered in blood, Qi Qiqi looked carefully at it for several times before recognizing his identity.

“…Lin Sect Master?”

I don’t know if I heard Qi Qiqi’s voice, Lin Yu’s closed eyelids moved slightly, but they did not open.

“Lin Sect Master, are you okay?”

Qi Qiqi knelt and leaned against the wall while asking. She stretched out her finger to probe the breath of Yu Tan Lin Yu.

Still alive.

Although he is so angry, he is still alive. “Lin Sect Master, wake up.” Qi Qiqi gently patted Lin Yu’s cheek and kept calling him.

Fortunately, Lin Yu did not at all enter a state of shock, but passed out.

It didn’t take long for him to open his eyes feebly.

“Palace Master Qi…?”

A pair of clear and flawless eyes are now without expression, and he weakly responds to Qi Qiqi.

“It’s me.”

Qi Qiqi was nodded, and Lin Yu smiled laboriously.

“You are awake. Too…very good ──cough cough cough!”

He coughed suddenly and stooped, coughing up blood. “Lin Sect Master!” Qi Qiqi cried out in surprise, hurriedly smoothing his back with one hand, and taking the bright red and warm liquid for him with the other.

She found that the blood coughed up by Lin Yu was mixed with some meat foam.

Lin Sect Master has suffered a serious internal injury! Qi Qiqi realized this immediately, rummaging through her sleeve for a while, and took out a small porcelain bottle. She poured out two pills from the porcelain bottle, “This is Yulu Pingshang Pill, which can stabilize your injury.” With such a simple explanation, she fed the pills to Lin Yu. Lin Yu didn’t resist either, swallowing it into his stomach without chewing.

“Lin Sect Master…why did you get so badly hurt? What happened?”

What happened during the time I passed out? Kirin, what happened to her? Qi Qiqi was confused, hoping to get details from Lin Yu.

After taking the medicine, Lin Yu took a few deep breaths before finally stopping his cough, and his breath became a little more stable.

“We were in an ambush.” ​​He said with a wry smile.


Qi Qiqi’s heart was shaken, and she hurriedly asked:

“Is it Zhen Guowei? We were ambushed?”


Lin Yu nodded with difficulty, and then shook the head again.

“About a dozen people, it should just happen to meet.”

“There are only a dozen people? Is there a heaven expert?”

Lin Yu Shook his head.

“Then how could you…injure this way?”

There are only a dozen ZhenGuoGuo guards, how could it be possible that Lin Yu, who is a heavenly realm, could be injured like this? Qi Qiqi was only surprised.

“It’s a shadow.” Lin Yujiao’s good face was covered by gloomy clouds, “He killed the dragon Sect Leader.”

Such as Five Thunderbolts.

“How come?!”

Hearing that Long Tianyu was killed by the knife in the shadow, Qi Qiqi exclaimed. “Impossible!” She resolutely and decisively denied, believing that the shadow alone shouldn’t be able to kill Long Tianyu under Bei Xiaolu and Zi Xuanzi and severely injured Lin Yu’s two heavenly realms.

Isn’t it?

Long Tianyu and Lin Yu’s physical condition is no matter how poorly they are in heaven. Within the body True Qi should have recovered 30 to 40%, and Bei Xiaolu and Zi Xuanzi still retain at least 70% of their strength, even if the shadow is in Peak state, facing their combination like this, it is impossible to achieve such a result, even more how Zhen Guowei has no heaven expert to support him.

However, the facts are often not as expected.

“Ziyunzi’s head teacher was also seriously injured, and several Sect Masters were shot dead by Zhen Guowei’s random arrows.” Lin Yu said with a miserable expression, ” It’s not more than half – it’s not more than half.” He cried, and the blood on his face was stained red with tears.

“No, it’s impossible! Lin Sect Master, don’t make a joke.” Qi Qiqi shook her head blankly, trying to resist the fact that.

Firstly, she felt that the shadow was impossible to create such a tragedy, and secondly, she simply did not want to admit such a fact. If you admit this fact, wouldn’t it be meaningless for Sue Kirin to delay Grandmaster? She didn’t want Sue Kirin’s efforts in vain.

──I don’t want to end up seeing Sue Kirin’s corpse and have to admit that the girl just sacrificed for nothing.

“Palace Master Qi, I will not use this to make a joke.”

Lin Yu smiled bitterly and grabbed Qi Qiqi’s wrist. He seemed to hold it very hard, but Qi Qiqi felt it Less than a little bit of strength. Lin Yu probably has no strength.

“Shadow has abandoned even the last dignity. Poison, he used poison. Very powerful poison, as long as he is injured by his dagger, within a few breaths…you will feel True Qi going retrograde. The battle strength is greatly reduced… Xiaolu she──Bei Vice-Gang Leader… She was the first to follow his way… But she just relied on the cultivation base of the Great Heaven Realm to hold it down… Give you to me, and she herself Dealing with the shadow with Zixuanzi Senior…Still fighting outside…Unfortunately, Sect Master Long was cut in the throat by the shadow without notice, and eventually lost too much blood and died-cough cough cough!”

The more he talks, the more messy his breath becomes. Qi Qiqi persuaded him not to say it first, but Lin Yu was unwavering, and finally he was interrupted by a series of coughs. He coughed up blood again, Qi Qiqi was pleased with him again.

“…The arrows of the Zhen Guowei are also poisonous, and they are not equipped with ordinary crossbow machines—it’s mechanical crossbows… I and several Sect Masters were also shot and poisoned… I finally took you and a few Sect Masters to kill Jin Guowei… But many of the Sect Masters were seriously injured and died… And after I brought you here… I was too weak and fell. ……”

Finally, Lin Yu coughed again.

This time Qi Qiqi is not at all for him. She slumped down on the ground.

“How could it be like this…” Qi Qiqi murmured.

She feels that her world is about to collapse. Those experts who name shakes the whole world will die one after another. Sue Kirin is missing again, life and death are unknown.

It’s cold and cruel.

Her tears flowed out unconsciously.

“Palace Master Qi, don’t cry…Even if you are the only one…you have to go back alive…your aptitude Seize the Worlds’s good fortune, the future is boundless…so–“

Lin Yu stretched out her hand to wipe Qi Qiqi’s tears, but the blood on her fingers inadvertently put a bright red eye shadow on the girl.

“You must live.”

Lin Yu held Qi Qiqi’s cheek and asked her to look directly at herself. The bright red eyes immediately reflected a faint smile.

“Only in this way, our sacrifice will not be in vain, at least we can save your life.”

To survive?

Only oneself to survive? Just like five years ago, living under the shelter of everyone, watching those who treat themselves well die one by one, without even knowing where they died?


She doesn’t want it, she doesn’t want to live alone anymore. Even if she died, she would die with her closest person. She didn’t want to endure countless lonely nights anymore, nor did she want to curl up on her knees and cry in bed, feeling the coldness of the cold night.


If you can’t get happiness, what do these things have…meaning?

It makes no sense anymore.

I can’t get the praise of my loved one, I can’t see the smile of my loved one again, and I can’t bury my head in the arms of the loved one again. What is the meaning of such a life? ?

Qiqiqi doesn’t want to live alone.

At this moment, the only thing she can think about is to go to the girl who will care for herself, hug herself and give herself extremely warm.

She is still alive, so bring her back; she is already dead, just die with her.

“Kirin, wait for me…”

Qiqiqi whispered to herself, making up the firmest determination in her life.

“Wait for me…”

The bright red girl staggered to her feet, took her sword, and walked her way.

──At the end of the road, there is only symbiosis or death with that girl.

Nevertheless, there is endless power in the depths of her body supporting her to find the happiness she believes in.

The snow is getting more and more urgent.

Among the dangling snowflakes, a white silhouette with a looming purple light drifted around. In the blink of an eye, dozens of attacks were punched or palmed or grabbed or wrapped.

The attacks in this set of combos were filled with empty, soft and firm vigor between the plum blossoms and bamboos, one fast and one slow, both virtual and actual. Shadow only had time to cross his arms to block him, resisting intensive attacks like a shower, and was finally knocked out by an “inside elbow”.

He crashed into a building like rags, piercing through several walls, until he finally smashed the rockery in the courtyard of the building, and finally stopped and flew after a loud noise.

However, the white silhouette still follows.

He vomited a few mouthfuls of dark blood one after another, before he had time to suppress the screams of his whole body, he got up, he was stomped on his chest by the white clothed boy, and fell back in the rubble.

“Yunyun footwork… Ethereal Fist… Eight Diagrams Sanshou… Eight Extremes Fist… Zhao Jibei, your Wudao fruit is above me… But the last thing I expected is, You are so tolerable, and the hidden hand has not been used until now. If you used it earlier, your colleagues would not die so miserably.”

Shadow reluctantly eyes opened and raised his eyes Look directly at the boy who is wrapped in purple light. Zi Xuanzi looked back at him unemotional, as if what he was stepping on was just an ordinary pebble on the side of the road.

“The Purple Void Heart Technique highest realm of the Taoist One Sect is really powerful, and it allows you to play a half-step Grandmaster’s strength… didn’t expect, really didn’t expect… …When did you practice it? You monster, you paid a lot of lifespan as a price?”

“Dongxu realm” is a paid trick.

It can temporarily improve the cultivation base of the caster, but because it achieves the effect through the form of squeezing the body’s potential, it will also damage the lifespan of the caster, ranging from a few days to heavy. Ten years, and after the effect is over, the body will be injured in many places, and will be extremely weak for a period of time.

It is precisely because of such a large negative effect that Zi Xuanzi did not easily display it. He is the person who is most likely to be the Grandmaster in recent years. He didn’t want to lose this opportunity. He didn’t hesitate until everyone died in front of him one by one. And this time, Zi Xuanzi stubbornly raised the cultivation base of the Great Sky Realm to 70% of the Grandmaster’s, which at least lost seven or eight years of lifespan.


Zi Xuanzi is expressionless, her voice has no ups and downs.

“Compared with you who killed the same sect and sold the dignity and morality of the martial artist, I am just a little insignificant.”

Zi Xuanzi increased the strength of the soles of the feet, and the shadow of the chest Immediately there was a crisp fracture, and the pain groaned him.

“Collaborating with the Dog Emperor, killing Zhongliang, indiscriminately killing innocent people. Although I have known that Shadow Sect does not speak morality and kills for money, I didn’t expect even the last trace of martial artist Dignity has been abandoned, and it has become a vicious blade that harms innocent innocents. I may be a monster, but what about you? You are like me and not a human being.”

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