Just as they were within reach of the stone wall, Sue Kirin slapped both hands, and there was a circle of blue light ripples between his palms.


The magic talisman pasted on the stone wall burst out with blue light, and the pure white electric light leaped out from it, and it looked like a pattern on the talisman I came alive in an instant.

Those white electric solitary like snakes wrapped around the stone wall, and spread out radioactively.

Then shrink in.

The white electricity was concealed in the stone wall, and the latter cracked and collapsed in one breath, returning to its original state.

The yellow spots of mud are scattered.

The whole process was completed in a blink of an eye. The entire group without the slightest hesitation had already crossed the original place of the stone wall, unexpectedly and simply escaped.

──However, this is only temporary.

If Grandmaster catches up with everyone, I am afraid that everyone will not survive. Sue Kirin knew a little, so she stood still.

“Huh, Kirin?”

Aware of Sue Kirin’s situation, Qi Qiqi quickly stopped and shouted at the other end. In the reflection of the red eyes, the girl’s hair danced lightly. She was silent and motionless.

“Kirin, what are you doing? Come here!”

Sue Kirin shook his shoulder, but still didn’t turn around.

Qi Qiqi was stunned when she saw this.

“Now, stop playing, okay…?” She said blankly, and then raised her leg to pull the girl over.

She just took a step, and there was a violent ups and downs on the ground without warning, shaking up and down. At this time, the flat ground was full of wrinkles, which looked like blue veins on a thin wrist. There was something surging under the ground, making countless veins protrude.


Suddenly, the ground below her feet suddenly bulged into the sky and pushed her down. Caught off guard, Qi Qiqi fell backward in embarrassment.

“Little Qi, if Grandmaster catches up, none of us will survive. Someone will delay each other, right?”

Sue Kirin laughed.

It was a vague smile, a little ugly.

“You are talking nonsense…what…”

Qiqiqinane, who fell to the ground, said as if he was knocked on the ground.

Her face is full of unbelief.

Too sudden, Sue Kirin’s decision was too sudden.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t had time to finish her words, and she didn’t have time to lift her mood. The stone-paved land rushed to the sky in one breath, swallowing her vision and blocking her voice. .

──It also erased the girl’s silhouette.


Qi Qiqi turned to kneel, and moved a few steps forward on her knees, her upper body leaning toward the thick stone wall. “I’m not sure! Sue Kirin, come out for me!” She yelled, and slammed the stone wall.

When the palm falls on the stone wall, only a small sound is produced.

That means the stone wall is very thick and hard.

Yes, even if Qi Qiqi uses all her strength to hit it with one punch after another, it still won’t move.

“That fool!” said Bei Xiaolu fiercely.

Even if she is already flushed with anger, she can’t hide the sad look on her face.

Sighed faintly, “Really silly…” Zi Xuanzi commented. The others standing a little far away couldn’t help looking at each other, and they could see the desolation in each other’s eyes.

Their reaction seemed to be lamenting: “Today, too many people have died. Do you want to add another name to name shakes the whole world?”

Then, People looked at Qi Qiqi with sympathy.

Qiqiqi didn’t feel it, she still yelled:

“You come out! Annoying bastard! If you don’t come out, I will be angry! Do you hear me? I said I would teach you a lesson! I said I don’t forgive you!”

Did the voice pass?

Did your own voice really reach her ears? Qi Qiqi didn’t know, she just patted the wall again and again. Even if the palm of her hand had been broken by the bulge on the stone and the blood shed bright red, she did not stop.

“Stop shooting, Palace Master Qi.”

Zi Xuanzi didn’t look up, and stepped forward to catch Qi Qiqi.

“I don’t want it!” Qi Qiqi shook her head excitedly, her wrists were forcefully clamped and unable to move, but she still wanted to resist by twisting her body.

“I don’t want her to stay there! I want her to stay with me!”

Qi Qiqi raised her head and shouted.

Her eyes are filled with hatred, and the bright red seems to be pouring out of her eyes, swallowing the white clothed boy in front of her.

Stay alone on the other side of the stone wall to meet Grandmaster. Sue Kirin’s end is almost predictable. Qi Qiqi can easily imagine the girl falling in a pool of blood-but she didn’t dare to think, nor did she want to Go to Lenovo.

“Let go of me! Don’t stop me!”

She roared, she didn’t have a consistent dignified image, like a shrew who can only play mischief.

The white clothed boy has half his eyes down.

In silence, he closed his eyes and opened them slowly.


His tone was low, and at the next moment he became stronger: “Enough!”

True Qi followed The boy’s voice shook open, frightening everyone.

Didn’t expect This Ancestor Master, who has always been good-tempered and can’t lift his energy in the face of anything, would actually be angry when Qi Qiqi’s body trembled and froze.

She stared at Zi Xuanzi’s angry eyes blankly.

“Palace Master Qi, you should understand why she stayed. To be honest, I don’t think she will stay for us.” “Then who is she for? You, Master Qi It should be very clear.”

Yes, Qi Qiqi is actually very clear.

She knows exactly who Sue Kirin stayed there to protect.

“…It’s for me.”

Qi Qiqi knows this very well, she knows better than anyone, what kind of position she holds in Sue Kirin in mind. She always knew it, but she didn’t even care about it.

However, although she knows and understands, it does not mean she can accept it.

“But, I don’t want to──wu!”

Qiqiqi resumed her struggle, but suddenly froze again.

I saw a petite silhouette coming up, knocking a hand knife on the back of her neck, knocking her out. The girl who passed out turned her eyes closed and fell back into the arms of the girl who stunned her.

“Bei Xiaolu, you…” Zi Xuanzi stared at the culprit dumbfounded.

“It’s useless to say more, she simply can’t listen. Isn’t it more efficient for my old lady to do this?” After speaking, Bei Xiaolu made up a grunt, and turned Qi Qiqi’s body over and carried it like clothes To the shoulders.

“Go away,” she said.

Bei Xiaolu turned around, peeped at the stone wall from the corner of his eye, and whispered softly, “Don’t die.” Then he left without looking back.

Somehow, her steps unnaturally speeded up, as if she didn’t want to stay here for another moment.

Zi Xuanzi noticed that the right hand hanging down by Bei Xiaolu had been clenched into a fist, and the blood was constantly slid down the slender fingers, fell, and finally shattered on the ground.

“This matter…”

Zi Xuanzi sighed heavily and set off to follow Bei Xiaolu.

“Next, we can only rely on ourselves. Commander Luo will stay inside.”

We rub shoulders with all the Sect Masters who have been silent and watching the development of the situation. But out of date, Zi Xuanzi left this sentence without sorrow. “We can only rely on.” He reiterated.

People looked at each other and sighed.

White’s sigh quickly dissipated in the air without leaving a trace.

Inside the stone wall, Sue Kirin stared blankly in the direction where everyone was fleeing.

“That’s good…” she murmured.

It seems to be persuading myself, and it is also like talking to the scarlet girl who has gone.

Is the voice communicated? I’m afraid not, just as Qi Qiqi’s voice did not come in.

This space, this street, has been cut off.

The girl pulled back her gaze on the other side and sighed helplessly:

“I’m not really suitable for this kind of self-sacrifice…”

Then Sue Kirin turned to look at the side black silhouette. “Right? Luo Xiaohong.” She asked.

Luo Hong let out an “um”.

Does that mean consent? Sue Kirin wrinkled her nose. She originally thought Luo Hong would be silent.

Frankly speaking, she has never really understood Luo Hong, a contradictory guy. For a long time, she had always held a grudge against Luo Hong-naturally because of Luo Qing’s affairs, but Luo Hong repeatedly extended a helping hand to her.

Sue Kirin is a person who loves and hates. She will remember whoever is kind to her, and she will repay if she has the opportunity, and vice versa. However, for Luo Hong, it is really difficult for her to treat this person with “love” or “hate”.

No matter what, at least he is his friend now, Sue Kirin thought.

“What about you?” Sue Kirin cast a curious look. “You are not the kind of self-sacrifice, right?”



Before answering, Luo Hong had a short silence.

“Perhaps…” His tone was unclear, as if he didn’t understand him, “Perhaps it was before, maybe it is not now.”

“I don’t understand.”

Sue Kirin rolled his eyes and spread out his palms.

“Two people are better than one.”

“I’m good to say, you will probably die.”

Sue Kirin thought for a while, then so.


Luo Hong showed curiosity for the first time, and the two eyes under the golden mask showed obvious interest. Sue Kirin was a little surprised at this, but still raised his right hand and shook his index finger and replied:

“Because I am stronger.”

Luo Hong was silent again, but This time it looks like I don’t know how to answer more than I don’t want to answer.

“Also, we are three people! Right? Xiaoji.”

Sue Kirin patted stood aside, a big sword that was a little bit longer than her height. As a result, there was a burst of crying from the Great Sword, and disappointingly said:

“Woo…Kirin, I’m so scared…”

For Tianji’s non-cooperation, Sue Kirin almost fell directly to his knees. “Can’t you cooperate? It’s good to pretend to be garlic! It’s so simple to expose the stuff!”

“But I’m really afraid…” Tian Ji reiterated grievances.

“You can’t fight for your breath?”

Sue Kirin angrily kicked Tianji’s sword, and Tianji weakly “Kirin is bullying people again…” Stretching out.

“Snow Maiden, are you not afraid?” Luo Hong interrupted and asked.

Sue Kirin glanced at him angrily and responded with a look of “what nonsense are you talking about?”: “Of course I am afraid! But someone has to stay. ?”

“It makes sense.”

Sue Kirin looked away from Luo Hong and cast his sight in the front and far away – where that aura came from.

“Also, I think it must be me staying.”

Luo Hong said “indeed” in affirmation.

The most obvious evidence is that the other party not at all prevented Qi Qiqi and the others from leaving, and did not put any stop to it, and remained on this street. If the Grandmaster really wanted to chase him, he wouldn’t stay here, nor would he silently watch them flee grandiosely.

More importantly, Sue Kirin has a feeling.

The other party is staring at me—Sue Kirin himself.

True Qi that she within the body is actively responding to a certain call is a good proof. That’s right, the True Qi that was surging within the body still hasn’t been exhausted until now, and it has become more intense with the passage of time, seeming to break out of the body at any time.

Sue Kirin can feel Nayu’s gaze that he hasn’t taken away from him.

The gaze that was gnawing at her still casts from nowhere.

But she definitely felt that line of sight-examining the line of sight of her soul.


Sue Kirin looked all around.

Suddenly, she felt that the line of sight was coming from the other side of the street, so she fixed the line of sight there.

“Is that so?”

The girl squinted her eyes, golden eyes glowing with golden brilliance.

“Are you here to find me?”

Her voice drifted away, and then disappeared into the void like a green smoke.

Then some existence responded to her.

It’s neither sound nor action, nor any hostility or goodwill, but──

It’s like Sun Yan quickly bringing light to the ground, those things in a blink of an eye The whole street was filled with spaces.

It is a flower.

Countless flowers broke out of everything around them, even at the feet of Sue Kirin and Luo Hong. They burst out of the ground where something suddenly seemed to sway in, highlighting one after another twisted vein pattern, growing at a speed far beyond visually discernible, and finally growing flower buds.

The once exhausted song sounded again.

The humming sound is no longer fuzzy, but it does come from the end of the street.

“Come here.” Luo Hong whispered. As he said, the girl Yanran appeared on the other side of Sue Kirin’s line of sight, stepped briskly, pacing slowly like a half-dancing. Where she landed each step, the buds that were in buds nearby bloomed.

The girl came with the fragrance of flowers, and the petals danced lightly beside her.

“It’s a big show.” Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose and made coldly snorted, “Is this a boundary?”

“It’s very possible.”

Luo Hong replied shortly, not knowing where to draw out two dark daggers. “The realm of Grandmaster is still unreasonable as always.” He rarely expressed his opinion and wiped the left and right daggers with a piece of cloth in sequence.

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