As abrupt as the cicadas in the forest in the summer night stopped their screaming all together──

The continuous sound of the cell next door──the screaming of the abused person, the whip tearing his clothes The soft sound of flesh and blood, as well as the heavy breathing of excitement of the abuser, seemed to be swallowed by darkness in an instant, and suddenly stopped.

The treacherous silence fills the gap instantly.

Then the moment it was filled, it was driven away by loud applause.

“Lin Sect Master really has a stiff mouth.”

A clear and out of place voice.

The clapper actually praised Lin Yu, who was ravaged by him, with admiration.

“Thank you…”

Lin Yu’s voice is almost inaudible, like a gossamer.

Even if he is a heavenly realm, but when True Qi has been sealed and has become an ordinary person, Zhen Guowei’s torture obviously caused him extremely heavy damage.

“Admire and admire.” After a few more rounds of applause, the clapping person said sincerely, “If I can, I really want to make friends with Sect Master Lin.”

” Lin…has his own set of rules for making friends…Great Commander may not be in line with it…”

Lin Yu’s answer did not seem to be mocking at all, on the contrary, it appeared to be generous and generous. I apologize a little bit, it seems that I really feel guilty for not being able to make friends with Jin Guowei Great Commander.

“oh?” The man who looked like the Great Commander of Zhen Guowei made a meaningful voice.

“Lin and Mr. Xianyi… have old… and he died under yours… and Great Commander also embezzled his face… and identity… to deceive Lin’s fellow fellows, And… hurt them… Lin really can hardly violate his conscience…”

“so that’s how it is…”

Jing Guowei Great Commander felt from the bottom of my heart He sighed with disappointment. Somehow, Qi Qiqi can imagine a man shaking his head artificially.

“If you can’t make friends, then you can only become an enemy…”

“What a pity…”

“Yes, it’s a pity .”

Great Commander sighed again.

Immediately after a short silence, there was a sound of unlocking and locking.

A loud sound of footsteps approached here in the silence, Qi Qiqi knew that Great Commander and his subordinates had left the cell next door. She could hear the series of voices of Lin Yu sitting paralyzed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Just now, he must have stood upright facing the Great Commander of Zhen Guowei.

Under the severe torture of the Zhen Guowei threatening him to confess treason and try to bend the beating into a move, it is not easy for him to persevere–before him, several people had not withstood the cruel torture and fainted. In the past, she even confessed her guilt and begged for mercy–and she was able to maintain the posture and conversation that the leader of the faction should have. Qi Qiqi deeply admired this.

In this way, maybe I can also muster some courage, Qi Qiqi spurs me.

She should be the next one.

For the malice that is about to be imposed on her body, Qi Qiqi loosened her hands on her knees and sat upright and solemnly. She decided to be firm, just like before, sweeping the anxiety and fear in her heart to the corner of her consciousness.

──Yes, just as usual.

It didn’t take long for the man to come to the outside of the cell, and slightly surprised Qi Qiqi through the gap in the iron fence.

“Oh, Palace Master Qi is not afraid…”

If a man has something to say, his scrutiny will be on the bright red girl.

“It looks like.” Then he added.

Did you see through your disguise? Qi Qiqi was slightly surprised.

“No matter how you arm yourself, you can’t conceal your inner weakness.” The man said, “You have not seen it straight now, it is the best proof, Palace Master Qi.”

hearing this, Qi Qiqi has the illusion that she is about to cry.

Nothing has shaken her more than being seen through the disguised strength.

──I can’t show weakness, because I am Lord of a Palace.

Qi Qiqi secretly scolded her disappointing, stubbornly slowly raised her head pretendingly and calmly, looked towards the man.

The man who was covered in black robe.

His stature is quite tall, as for the figure, it’s hard to tell–the black robe blurs everything, and his face is hidden in the shadow of the hood. The thin lips that appeared were sickly pale, with no trace of blood.

Like a dead person.

Next, Qi Qiqi met the man’s eyes. Stiff, trembling, uncomfortable, and even nauseous, her body had various reactions, like a stick poked in her belly, frantically fiddled with the internal organs, making her feel so uncomfortable that she wanted to miss her sight.

That is a pair of dark eyes that are still full of stale smell no matter how the owner can decorate them.

Like stagnant water, but also like a sea of ​​blood.

Accumulated a heavy hostility, and closed to the rot and smell, this person must have taken many lives in a pure killing method without morals and ideas, and filled his own with their blood A pair of eyes eventually created this “mass killer” look.

Qiqi Qi seems to smell the smell of blood.

It was not an illusion, but a taste of real existence, and its source was not the torture instrument on the wooden cart pushed by the subordinate behind the man.

Yes, the smell comes from the man. Really.

“Palace Master Qi seems to be very interested in my eyes.”

When people look into the abyss, the abyss also looks back at people.

Just like when Qi Qiqi observes the man’s eyes, the man also uses his way to search for everything in the deep red eyes.

In fact, they spent a short period of time biting each other’s eyes, trying to see each other’s tip of the iceberg from the window of the soul.

“Annoying eyes.”

The girl made comments with a voice that was suppressed but still trembling slightly.

“haha…” Great Commander smiled bitterly, “I think so too.”

After that, he asked for the key from his subordinates, unlocked the lock, and stepped lightly. Enter the cell. The subordinates behind him followed closely and pushed in the cart full of torture instruments-blood-stained instruments of torture.

A subordinate places a chair directly opposite Qi Qiqi, but Great Commander will gesture to the subordinates to move the chair away, and then each minding their own business sits cross-legged opposite her.

“Palace Master Qi, how do you feel?”


Qi Qiqi answered coldly, and Great Commander shook her head solemnly.

“No, before I have determined whether it is a friend or an enemy, I always give the other party due respect, especially Palace Master Qi, you really deserve my respect.” “shameless!” Qi Qiqi sullenly yelled curse.

“Palace Master Qi, you can’t say that…”

Great Commander smiled helplessly, and his gaze swam to the ceiling with a green smile, just like the first awakening of love Young people think of their dream lover.

“Your sect’s little Ancestor Master ruined my plan a while ago. I have always held a grudge against it, and I can’t wait to abuse her and press her under me. She is also a beautiful woman, right? Although petite, the Spiritual Qi is overflowing, as if the temperament and appearance of the natural benevolence can provoke a man’s desire to conquer and abuse, I only have a relationship with her, but I have been shocked by heaven. Palace Master Qi, can you understand it? This kind of feeling. The feeling of first love.”

As if it was just a child telling his beautiful dreams, the man’s tone was innocent.

This man no longer has the distinction of black and white, so he can express such disgusting thoughts in a pure tone. Qi Qiqi listened to him insulting her elders and hated her so much that her nails fell unconsciously. In the palm of your hand.

One drop. Two drops.

Blood flowed out of the palm and fell to the ground.

“And Palace Master Qi, a beautiful woman who has a close relationship with her, I also thought about torturing him in every possible way to take revenge on Sue Kirin.” The man said with a smile, his voice as gentle as water.

Qi Qiqi finally held back her vomiting.

“Palace Master Qi is famous for his beauty.”

Great Commander licked the girl’s whole body inch by inch with his viscous gaze, revealing an expression that was still unfulfilled.

“Or a rare genius in a thousand years, the leader of a faction, only sixteen years old…As far as I know, the young, talented people who admire the palace lord of Qi are no less than thousands, some ignorant And incompetent rich and powerful children are even privately betting on who can be the first to take the palace lord of Qi into your bag, and press under your body to make you breathe again and again-Oh, even if you are old, you seem to want old cow eating. The young grass has been spying on Palace Master Qi.”

These Qi Qiqi know more or less, but this is the first time that Qi Qiqi has been selected so blatantly. She tried to stop herself from imagining certain scenes, but her thoughts were uncontrollable for a while, and finally she couldn’t help but retaliate.

Men seem to have not noticed, and still each minding their own business saying:

“As it should be by rights, it is reasonable.”

His chin leaned behind him, Qi Qiqi’s gaze followed as if hooked, falling on the two town guards behind the man.

“Look, my subordinates have not left the palace master since they came in.”

As soon as Great Commander finished speaking, the two town guards immediately Make a wretched laugh.

Their eyes wandered over Qi Qiqi without hesitation, falling on her exposed skin several times. One of them still stared at Qi Qiqi’s pair of slender legs and never moved away. She shrank her legs subconsciously, but still unavoidable.

“I am a person who is very laissez-faire to friends and subordinates.”

“…what do you mean?”

Qiqiqi has a bad feeling.

“If Palace Master Qi wants to make friends with me, I will naturally treat Palace Master Qi as the guest of honor──”

“I’m afraid the way to make friends with you is to confess guilt by arresting them? “

Qiqiqi snort disdainfully interrupted the other person’s speech, almost scolded like a pretentious:

“Despicable villain! Shameless! I──Qiqiqi disdain to have sex with people like you Friend!” In the end, Qi Qiqi gave a “pooh” and betrayed her.

Great Commander grew sighed in disappointment, and while standing up, shook her head and said:

“It seems Qi Qiqi looks down on me…like a bunch of violent waves of butterflies.”

Even with goosebumps all over her body, unfavorable premonitions and chills have already filled every corner of her body, and despair with nowhere to escape is constantly attacking her heart, but Qi Qiqi still does her best to maintain her final strength. He stared at the man with a solemn gaze that would not admit defeat or yield.

──I absolutely unyielding!

This is her last dignity, even if she knows more or less the pain that will come to her next, she will never beg for mercy, and she will never be in the same way.

The reason is simply because she doesn’t want to face that girl again.

A very magical thing.

As long as I think of the girl who looks dumb, disobedient and often causes troubles, but is unexpectedly reliable, and does not give up when she is in danger, Qi Qiqi seems to have a force in her heart, supporting it. She keeps her from falling apart.

“It seems that Palace Master Qi has decided.”

Great Commander is nodded with regret and appreciation.

“My two subordinates have been loyal to their duties and have no bad habits. They are just lustful. They have not touched a woman for a long time in order to prepare for today’s affairs… Palace Master Qi, can you help me Can you comfort them?”

Although she had been mentally prepared, when she saw the explicit eyes of the two behind Great Commander, she still wanted to escape and gave up all her insistence.

But she quickly erased it.

Seeing Qiqi Qi acting like this, Great Commander seemed laughed without understanding. “Never mind.” He quickly changed his tone, and grabbed the expression on his face.

“Palace Master Qi is a beautiful beauty, use’Xing’ to be polite.”

He bit the word “Xing” hard, and the overtones are clearly exhausted. The two subordinates smiled “hehe” and signaled that they understood, and then looked at Qi Qiqi again, showing the expression of be eager to have a try.

They are already very excited.

“Palace Master Qi, what a pity…”

The Great Commander shook the head arrogantly, then turned and left the room. He walked casually and didn’t care about the innocence of a young girl who was about to be scattered ashes and smoke.

After he left, the two town guards immediately leaned against Qi Qiqi, but stopped a few steps away from her.

Reining in the cliff? How can it be.

They just found that Qi Qiqi’s body trembled irresistibly with every step she approached, and when she stopped, she unconsciously relaxed, with a hint of hope in her eyes.

They are teasing the girl and feel satisfied and excited about it.

Aware of their evil taste, Qi Qiqi bit her lower lip tightly, her naked humiliation almost cut her heart to pieces.

However, they didn’t at all take it for a long time, and soon couldn’t help but pounce on Qiqiqi.

First, the National Guard of Buzhen clasped Qi Qiqi’s wrists with one hand and pressed it against the wall. Qi Qiqi snorted in pain, but the two ZhenGuowei became even more excited.

“Luoyang number one beauty, as expected, name is not in vain……”

Another Zhen Guowei raised Qi Qiqi’s chin and nodded very satisfied. “I have lived for thirty years in this life, and I have never seen a beauty born in such a way.”

After that, he and his companions looked at each other, and then there was a series of wretched laughter.

Qiqiqi didn’t say a word, she stared at them fiercely, as if she was about to smash them into pieces with her eyes. If the look in the eyes can kill people, the two town guards must have been Dismemberment by Five Horses long ago.

Unfortunately, the eyes can’t kill.

The two town guards have long been used to them. They didn’t react with any fear, but smiled more impudent.

“Are you behind and me?”


The two quickly reached an agreement.

One person stretched out his hand to Qi Qiqi’s lower body, while the other was more direct, lowering his head and kissing the girl’s face.


Qi Qiqi finally couldn’t help closing her eyes and staggering her eyes, her heart shook her head to avoid it.

But, can you really avoid it?

The two town guards did not touch Qi Qiqi.

Their laughter stopped as if they were suddenly frozen, replaced by ──


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