“How long did I sleep?” Sue Kirin asked eagerly, with some gasping.

This may be a question asked knowingly.

However, even though from the conversation just now and Shui Yuner’s appearance at this time, it seems that she should not at all sleep for long, but she still can’t feel at ease in her heart. She is always afraid that she will sleep for several days. , And when I finally woke up, everything was settled.

A fish in Beiming squinted his eyes.

Her eyes glowed brightly and became deep inexplicably.

For a moment, Sue Kirin felt as if there were only two deep purple beads left in his eyes-a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through the world.

──She is observing me… observing my outside and also observing my soul.

Sue Kirin feels this way, for no reason. She didn’t know why the other person had such a look-looking at herself with a look of strangers, or even of the heretical path of the devils, but she didn’t dare to go deep, she just felt uncomfortable.

“Less than an hour.” Beiming Youyu said.

“Huh?” Sue Kirin didn’t believe his ears, “How long did you say?”

“Less than an hour.” Beiming Youyu said in a steady tone, slowly And replied clearly twice.

“Less than an hour?”

There are nodded fish in Beiming.

──How is it possible?

This is Sue Kirin’s first thought. She has always been shocked.

How can I recover from the almost exhausted state of True Qi to the current half full in less than an hour? Not to mention for the time being, the behavior of unconsciously ingesting Spiritual Qi is much slower than consciously. Even if she consciously absorbs Spiritual Qi from the outside world, it is a fantasy story to return to a half-full state in such a short time, let alone the spirituality center. It is impossible to convert.

Sue Kirin doesn’t think that Beiming Youyu is lying to himself-the other party has no motive to deceive himself, nor is he the kind of person who likes to joke.

In this way, the impossible situation should indeed happen, and it happened to Sue Kirin.

Looking at the extremely tangled Sue Kirin, Beiming Youyu sighed heavily, and his tail collapsed weakly on the ground.

“Sue Kirin, you should buy a mirror.”

“Huh?” Sue Kirin made a puzzled voice.

“You should buy a mirror, and see from that reflection how amazing and amazing you are just now…”

As if to consider the words, Beiming Youyu suddenly stopped talking after hesitating for a while.


In the end, Beiming Youyu used these four words to describe a girl.

It’s amazingly outstanding, these three words are in Sue Kirin’s thoughts.

“I…what’s wrong with this?”

“When you were asleep, you almost emptied the Spiritual Qi around you. It was completely unconscious, and you didn’t remove Spiritual Qi first. Specialization, there is no sense of ingestion, it is as if you are not rejecting the incoming, all Spiritual Qi is absorbed and absorbed within the body…No, maybe it is Spiritual Qi voluntarily pouring into you The same within the body-do you know how unbelievable this is?”

Bei Ming Youyu’s tone is still calm, but the unbelief in her eyes has already transformed her true thoughts Exposed. Although she had witnessed the whole process just now, she still seemed unable to accept it well.

There is nothing wrong with it.

That’s too abnormal.

Generally speaking, when a martial artist engages in the act of absorbing Spiritual Qi, he must first interfere with the surrounding Spiritual Qi, and obtain the control of Spiritual Qi in a nearly plundering manner, which is half turned into his own Spiritual Qi ──semi-special spirit transformation Qi──can be incorporated within the body and transformed into one’s own full-special spirit transformation Qi through the mind and spirituality center. As far as martial artist is concerned, the spirit of the whole special spirit transformation is True Qi.

The external Spiritual Qi invoked when driving spell also belongs to semi-special spiritual transformation. It has already developed spiritual connection and resonance with someone, and only in this way can it be manipulated and controlled.

The Spiritual Qi, which has no specialization at all, is impossible to be manipulated, and naturally impossible to be absorbed within the body.

If Beiming’s judgment is correct, those Spiritual Qi who were included in the body by Sue Kirin have not been specialised. If they “autonomously” enter her within the body, there is indeed only “Abnormal” can describe what happened to her just now.

Sue Kirin stared at his hands blankly. Those hands were the same as before—there were no traces of them, but they became a little stranger inexplicably. Are these hands really his? She was puzzled.

She suddenly felt a little strange to herself.

It seems that from the very beginning, you have never known yourself.

Probably because she has never had any innate talent. Although she learns quickly and has a good affinity with Spiritual Qi, she can’t practice well. Her body is like a container full of holes. In general, things that have been saved with great difficulty will often shed half, or even at most.

Because she feels that she doesn’t have any innate talent, she is simply not suitable for spell training, she seems to always ignore herself deliberately. After all, only by ignoring your own strengths will you ignore your shortcomings.

Even when she came to this World, she was already shedding body, exchanging bones, and she never re-examined herself.

Until now Beiming Youyu mentioned that she refocused her gaze on herself a little bit and began to think about memories, and then she was surprised that she was so strange and different from the past.

Have you changed? When one’s own body changes, has something more fundamentally changed along with it? Or…at first, that’s the case with me, but I never noticed it?

Sue Kirin doesn’t understand, it’s not clear.

She is now in a mess and feels terrifying.

The strange self is really terrifying.

terrifying my soul wants to jump out of this body immediately.

Is this really me? She was even so skeptical, that this body was simply not hers, and she was afraid that she had actually entered someone’s body and occupied the magpie’s nest instead of becoming the current one because of the cultivation technique. She knew that these thoughts were create something from nothing, just the product of her own random thoughts, but she couldn’t help but go to Lenovo and doubt.

The girl from the very beginning does not belong to this World. She has been trying to substitute, but she always feels a little alienated. She is often afraid of someone disappearing from her. Maybe she is just afraid of her disappearing from them.

──She is afraid that she does not exist. Sue Kirin was indeed heartless and quickly accepted all kinds of things, but it didn’t mean that these things didn’t accumulate and leave traces in her heart, but she didn’t care about it.

So, when those accumulated things were provoked by people to show her existence, she really couldn’t help but realize that she had accumulated so much, enough to shake her control. Everything, even the affirmation of self-worth.

Often only one opportunity is needed.

Some things that you don’t think are important and don’t care about will involve your soul.

“──Don’t deny yourself.”

Sue Kirin realized that he was shaking violently while holding his arms.

Then someone held the girl’s trembling little head and embraced it with a warm embrace.

What a gentle embrace, Sue Kirin thought.

The warmth makes people feel the other party’s existence, and it seems to be able to prove their existence negatively. Sue Kirin couldn’t help but drill into the other person’s arms, trying to feel more, more and more…

No matter how desperate and painful, but if you have the warmth that will not leave yourself, tolerate your own warmth─ ─Is it enough to be happy enough to see the warmth of one’s soul? Just leaning in the arms of others, Sue Kirin felt that his mood was much calmer.

Being able to give her this kind of warmth is by no means the only person in Beiming Youyu.


“You have to accept yourself. There is no time for you to struggle. The plain and soft pure white voice is falling from the sky, “There is still someone waiting for you, isn’t it? “

“Yes. “

Even though the body is still shaking, Sue Kirin still leaves from Beiming Youyu’s arms, accentuating the tone and then uttering the word “yes”.

Not now When struggling with things, it’s not the time to enjoy gentleness here.

Because someone is waiting, waiting for Sue Kirin to meet her and take her home.

“── I want to save her. “

Sue Kirin’s tone is firm.

She has been waiting for a long time, so she can’t let her wait any longer.

Girls don’t allow herself to let her more Wait one minute and one second.

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