Zi Xuanzi pretended to wipe away non-existent tears.

But at the next moment, he suddenly changed his listless posture, put on a solemn expression and walked forward with both hands, his eyes biting the shadow that had already stood up.

Is he able to show such an expression? Sue Kirin curled his mouth and thought, it really didn’t suit him.

“Shadow, I always don’t care about chores.” Zi Xuanzi paused and smiled helplessly, “Too annoying, isn’t it?”

Then his tone turned cold and his tone was cold. More questioning meaning:

“However, you are also a martial artist, but you betray your colleagues for glory…Don’t you think this is a shame to Shadow Sect’s reputation for hundreds of years?”

I can hear that the white clothed boy feels slightly stunned.

Facing his question, Shadow closed his eyes.

“hmph, please be prosperous?”

The words were mixed with sighs and mouth-like breaths, and the shadow smiled sullenly-although he could not see the other person under the black cloth Mouth, but Sue Kirin intuitively thought that he did smile.

“I’m just surviving that’s all.”

Shadow eyes opened, giving Zi Xuanzi’s “you should also understand” eyes, and her voice suddenly became low:

“The meaning of’Son of Heaven’ can be understood by anyone with a discerning eye, right?”

Zi Xuanzi was silent, but the bitterness that flashed in his eyes was the best answer. Shadow

“In what he planned for the Chinese dynasty, the current Wu Family is an eye-catching existence – no, it should be said that a strong Wu Family is too unstable.”

Shadow’s gaze deflected away from Zi Xuanzi and fell on Sue Kirin.

“Five years ago, Qi Return to Origin entered the Imperial Palace. Although he was eventually forced to retreat, he never withdrew from the heart of’Son of Heaven’. On the contrary, it made him treat our Wu Family The jealousy is getting deeper and deeper.”

The shadow whispering “Yes…Yes…” showed a slightly dull expression. He was reminiscing about a past that was not far away–a scene that could never be forgotten.

“The sword of Qi Return to Origin left in the heart of’Son of Heaven’, far more hideous and profound than the scar on his face…has…beyond ours. I have imagined it.”

The shadow pulled away from the memory and met Zi Xuanzi’s sight again. At the same time, he raised his hand to signal that those surrounding Jin Guowei and soldiers who wanted to release arrows again stopped temporarily.

“For him, our existence itself is the’uneasy’ itself—unstable, unsteady, unreliable, and feel uncontrollable, even to the point of thinking about it day and night and unable to sleep… …Yes, that person’s heart doesn’t seem to be at ease. He has been looking at us, thinking about how to prevent these unstable things from becoming a threat to him, thinking about how he can fall asleep sweetly and peacefully.”

Shadow asked again with the words “Isn’t it?”

In this regard, Zi Xuanzi said faintly sighed, “it is true”. And Sue Kirin can’t quite understand. She hasn’t experienced what happened five years ago, but she can understand the kind of…the kind of “uneasy”.

People often seek the so-called “reasonable peace of mind.” For peace of mind, they can by fair means or foul, feel that something is a threat to themselves, they will instinctively eliminate this threat, otherwise they will not be able to spend every day and night safely, and they will be a kind of almost persecuted delusion Tortured by the unreliable feeling, then slowly twisted, and finally collapsed.

“──’Son of Heaven’ has been enchanted.”

The shadow is long sighed, and the helpless breath is not at all spreading far away in this place full of screams and screams.

“Only ideals and beautiful words and so-called righteousness alone cannot constitute the world. No matter how you want to show the good side, you cannot erase the ugly side connected to it. Just like you can’t get rid of your shadow, the world is always one and two sides, and light and darkness can’t be lost. In this way, you will always choose to die with your ideals and persistence, or give in, in exchange for struggling on whilst at The life of death’s door.”

“…So, did you choose to yield?”

Zi Xuanzi asked sadly.

That kind of tone, that kind of expression seems to be the face that will only show up when you see your friend fall for himself.

“Yes.” Shadow closed his eyes, “We are on a different path, haven’t we?”

Next, he smiled twice, seemingly Self-deprecating is also mocking others.

“We people have always been slaves. You are and I am too, but the things that enslave us are a little different that’s all.”

“It’s not like this… it must be It’s not like that.” Sue Kirin couldn’t help saying, “If you think that pursuing the essence of something is a kind of servitude, what you get in the end will definitely go bad–even if the performance of the two is not at all any difference. , But… the mood will be different, and the so-called happiness is often reflected in this mentality. You won’t be happy like this…”

Shadow did not answer.

It wasn’t because of Sue Kirin’s words that my heart was shaken vividly, but it was useless to say more-the firmness in his eyes was so telling. Noting this, Sue Kirin could only shut his mouth.

“The ways are different, can’t make plans together.”

Zi Xuanzi said abruptly, taking two more steps:

“In that case, through Defeating the opponent to show one’s own ideas is unavoidable… Shadow, is it?”

“From the very beginning.”

There is no hesitation in Shadow’s reply. It even revealed a sense of relief of “that’s all right”.

Then, the hostility between the two began to gather, and suddenly it reached a critical point.

“I’ll help you, do it quickly.”

Sue Kirin proposed so, but it was immediately rejected by Zi Xuanzi.



“I will take over this battle. Two-to-one is contrary to my mind. “The white clothed boy gave a pure smile, “Moreover, you have other things to do-that is something that only you can do.”

“en?” Sue Kirin was puzzled. “Are you saying to rescue Xiaoqi?”

This is the only thing she can think of and urgently need to do it herself.

“No.” Zi Xuanzi shook the head, “Before this, we need your help even more.”

He pointed finger towards Midair, and “──through Help her.” So added.

Sue Kirin involuntarily looked at the pure white silhouette in the air, and immediately understood what Zi Xuanzi meant. Beiming Youyu was fighting with the Great Sacrifice of the Palace, and her many support attacks were blocked by her opponents, unable to touch the battlefield on the ground. If you can create a gap for Beiming Youyu to perform an attack that breaks the current situation, people of various sects have the opportunity to break through and retreat to the eastern courtyard.

By at first, the victory or defeat will all hang on Grandmaster.

However, I… can I really earn opportunities for Beiming Youyu with my own strength? Sue Kirin suddenly lacks self-confidence, and this is probably because her success is related to the life and death of many martial arts colleagues in Xianyizhuang.


“Be careful yourself.”

Sue Kirin exclaimed with a serious face.

For the girl’s concern, Zi Xuanzi only smiled confidently.

“I’m dead, I can’t forgive you.”

Sue Kirin whispered to himself, then turned around at the moment when Zi Xuanzi was stunned by surprise, and turned towards the people of Heavenly Jade Palace. Where to rush out. Zhen Guowei and the army, who had adopted a wait-and-see attitude, immediately responded, and hundreds of arrows pounced on the girl.

──Only by breaking the current situation can we have a chance to rescue Qi Qiqi who was abducted by Zhen Guowei.

So, even if she was under heavy pressure, she did not have the confidence to be able to do it, so she could only muster the courage to move forward.

The people who stand in front of the girl, whether it is a god or a heretical path of the devils ──

“──all get out of my sight!”

Lightning is raging, the town’s national guard and soldiers who have lost their shadow cooperation wailed the girl away.


Under Sue Kirin’s feet, is a gigantic formation Totem that she portrayed on the ground.

The points and lines of the array are all composed of pure Spiritual Qi, exuding blue light, and they are covered with a lot of magical charms that are messy and disorderly at first glance, but in fact they secretly conform to a certain law.

The magic talisman also exudes the same color of light as the array, but it is strange that their light is not at all fuse together, but instead creates a certain sense of hierarchy. The brilliance of the magic talisman is obviously suspended in the array. It is like candle after candle.

──This space is like an altar.

This piece of space is almost filled with blue, and the space created by the Heavenly Jade Palace and Taoist Sects is like a solemn and inviolable Holy Land that prays to God for blessing.

In the Holy Land of the altar, girls sing and dance.

She stepped on the right pace, and each step fell in response to some magical charms; she chanted the incantation like a song, and every syllable had Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi singing and responding.

Any large-scale spell, the “ceremony” used to construct its surgical style is always complicated and relatively complicated.

At this moment, Sue Kirin uses array magic incantation and even mudra and dance as part of the “ceremony” to construct the “surgery”. The corresponding spell as it should be by rights is terrifying formidable power.

──She is in summon.

She is in summon something.

And that thing seems to have responded to the girl’s call.

Unconsciously, the sky became more gloomy. Accompanied by Sue Kirin’s voice and actions, countless dark clouds gathered in the sky over the leisurely villa, and a certain kind of “Destruction” was brewing in the passage of time.

hong long long ──!

The sky rang vigorously, as if roaring.

In the thick clouds, the white thunder and lightning are jumping like a dragon and a carp, exuding an overwhelming power.

That may be the majesty of heaven.

Some people noticed this unusual mutation ── the impossible natural thundercloud is only concentrated in the sky above Xianyizhuang, this small place is too narrow for the sky──then they are looking for the reason At that time, he caught the place in Yuluo, which was supported by the people of Heavenly Jade Palace and Taoist religions.

And that girl.

Finally, Zhen Guowei and the army realized that the abnormal situation in the sky was most likely to be caused by the girls, and immediately swarmed to attack. They used mainframe crossbow and crossbow cavalry to charge, and they continued to attack the martial artists who guarded the girls like crazy.

Can’t let her continue, they must have such a strong idea in their hearts. There is no reason, and I don’t know why, but instinct tells them that what is in the sky is a kind of destruction.

Unfortunately, they have been blocked by martial artists time and time again.

The experts in the town’s national guard tried to break through with a single point, and they did kill the blood for a while, but when they were about to touch Sue Kirin, they were “want to touch my old lady’s friends, there are no doors!” Bei Xiaolu, who roared so furiously, and other heaven experts of various sects jointly repelled.

As a result, the Imperial Court side also lost a few corpses while missing only one opportunity to prevent destruction from coming.


“──The thunder of the sky, please sing it from prayer!”

Finally, destruction is in the moment when the sky is bright as day Come.

At that moment, the sky was divided into two, all the sounds were swallowed by thunder, and the color of everything was erased by the white light of the blind.

Everything was dyed white. The white of death.

However, the destruction that people expected not at all descended on the earth.

In the scorching eyes, the wave of light that pierced the sky was not at all falling on the ground. It fell in midair, on top of the dark shadow that fell ─ ─ fell on the old Grandmaster, swallowing his silhouette clean.

The consciousness of the girl who prayed for a response was also whitened by the light, and fell to the ground very quietly like a broken puppet.

Somewhere in Imperial Capital, Yu Yao was suddenly startled.

If she felt something, she looked at Xianyizhuang and witnessed the white arc that struck her and trembled.

“Lei Fa…Tian Lei?”

She whispered, and then suddenly laughed.

“Sue Kirin, you always bring me some surprises…” She showed a funny smile from the bottom of her heart, “Where did you learn our Supreme Secret Art from Heavenly Master House? “

As if just asking casually, without expecting an answer at all, Yu Yao pulled back his gaze on the other side.

“However, loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain.”

Although the thunder that blooms in the distance is powerful and looks quite scary, it is actually formidable. But the power is quite inferior, not even immediately after, Beiming Youyu’s violent blow that is like the falling of countless meteors. If this is not the case, the devastation that has been hit hard will have to be half-life if not dead.

However, Yuyao can still feel the majestic breath of Elderly. Faced with him who had endured such a blow, although the imposing manner was weakened, it was less than ten or two, which can only be regarded as lightly wounded that’s all.

“For this small achievement, Sue Kirin, you may have exhausted all the’Tian’ attribute Spiritual Qi that you have finally raised, right? At the price of this, it is not worthwhile to exchange for Wu Family Is the long waiting time really worth it?” On the empty street, Yu Yao’s question should be answered, but──

“Yu Yao, where are you!! !”

The roar of violent True Qi came from not far away.

The golden glow broke into the corner of Yu Yao’s field of vision, and rose into the sky not far away.

“Well…It’s really terrifying…”

There is no fearless color on Yu Yao’s face who sighed like this.

Then she stepped forward and continued to play the long-lost “hide and seek” game with Jia Lan.

“The golden ghost is coming to catch me.”

Yu Yao hummed a song and walked aimlessly. Each step of her is very light and thin, but all of them span a long distance, as if they are constantly moving instantaneously.

And wherever she walked, there were flowers blooming.

──The flowers are used to catch Jialan’s bait.

Yuyao doesn’t want to do anything with Jialan anymore. Fortunately, as long as she drags Jialan, she can explain on the grounds that she can’t win – even if “Son of Heaven” repeats that she wants to win Go to Jialan’s life.

Kill a “full” Wu Family Grandmaster one-on-one?

In order to realize that dream, she has been helplessly living for countless years, so she will not be stupid enough to put herself in danger.

“I don’t know if our small group, which is temporarily cooperating because of interests, is actually different in nature, can we really wipe out the Wu Family elite?”

This The answer to the question is still leaning in the direction of “able” for the time being.

But it’s hard to tell until the dust settles, isn’t it? Yuyao thought with interest, and then suddenly realized that he was also a person of evil taste.

So, she smiled again.

The flowers behind her seemed to smile.

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