In the depths of the Imperial Palace, Qin Yu is isolated on the second floor balcony of the small building in the bedroom garden.

He remained motionless, as if he had been frozen here since yesterday. He has not left a step, still holding his hands, looking at the other side of the gloomy sky, even in the gloomy sky, it is even more obvious. The dazzling and bright winter flowers didn’t make him look away.

The sky reflected in the eyes of the man, covered by heavy dark clouds, looks shaky, as if it will be weighed down at any time, making people particularly depressed. There was no sun and no moon, and it was difficult to distinguish day from night for a time.

Everything becomes blurred, as if reflecting the confusion in Imperial Capital.

He thought to himself, it was near.

Imperial Capital’s First Stage snow is about to fall.

The snow that is about to fall must be the funeral white money sprinkled by Divine Immortal in the sky. Yes, for those who are about to die in the Imperial Capital, the blood will also stain the immaculate snow, and stain the Imperial Capital, which is popular with thousands of people.

──A brutal king.

In the future, history books will definitely add this kind of evaluation to himself, Qin Yu “ha” sighed.

It doesn’t matter, he knows what he is doing.

The path paved by blood may be full of grief, but the ideal homeland it leads to is still worth his pursuit. For the world, life is not more important than death, and you can experience the value not inferior to survived in the world if you die well enough.

“So, don’t blame me…”

Qin Yu’s mumbling will probably never reach the ears of those dying.

He took off the mask, revealing the face underneath that had been eroded by years of wind and frost, and the outline became quite square. The scars across the face were still hideous and still eye-catching.

Unconsciously, a tingling sensation came from his palm. It turned out to be the scum on the chin.

As a king, he has to maintain a neat and upright posture all the time, but the past few days, he did not trim the edges, and even slowed down the combing of his hair. He is not in the mood to pay attention to these trivial matters. At least, he didn’t until everything settled down.

Boom dong──!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Your Majesty, is a slave.”

“Oh? Gongliang?”

While asking, Qin Yu put on the mask again, covering it My own hideous face.

In fact, in front of Gongliang, he probably doesn’t need to wear a mask.

But, I don’t know when, as long as he doesn’t wear a mask in front of outsiders, he will feel uneasy, even if that person is his biological daughter, or the person who has spent countless times with him. Close servant. What his mask covers is not the scar on his face, but his weak heart and only goodwill.

As a king, only kindness and weakness are not allowed.

He must look at everything rationally. When necessary, sacrifice the minority to achieve the majority; when necessary, hesitate to raise the butcher knife; when necessary, he does not hesitate to deceive the people.

If possible, he wants to bury all his emotions, and he also wants to bury the deep hostility accumulated in his eyes.

“Come in.”


Immediately after the promise, the sound of the door opening.

In the corner of the man’s eyes, the close-fitting servant who had been with him for more than ten years bent over to the back.

“Your Majesty, Mr. Mo and Heavenly Master have already acted.”

“I know.” Qin Yu stretched his right hand forward, opened his palm and closed it again , “The breath of their fighting is already stinging on my skin.”

“Is this…Is this?”

Gyōliang looked a little surprised, presumably strange How did Qin Yu, a martial artist, perceive those breaths?

In fact, Qin Yu is indeed not a martial artist, but he is not an ordinary person either. The “True Dragon protection” on him has long made him different from ordinary people-yes, he got the Imperial Jade from him From the moment Seal admitted, he was not a “man” but “the will of heaven.”

“Where is Xianyizhuang?”

Qin Yu’s tone was steady. It sounds smooth.

Only he knows how turbulent his inner emotions are. The turbulence makes his heartbeat violently accelerate, and even his breathing becomes a little messy that is difficult to suppress.

“Martial artists have started, Beggars’ Sect is leading.”

For a moment, Qin Yu felt out of breath.

The pattern he has planned for a long time, if there is no accident, it will really be outlined today, and as long as it takes time, the posture of the world he expected will be presented.

His wish will be realized in the near future. How does this teach him not to be excited? How to not feel the acceleration of heartbeat?

In the end, these feelings turned into a burst of deep laughter.

“hahahaha ──!”

His laughter has a kind of power that penetrates his chest, and a kind of boldness that is hard to ignore. “Good! Good!!! Very good!!!” After finally laughing, he spit out this sentence word by word.

However, it is still not time to relax at this time──

“Gongliang, pass on my order!”

Qin Yu waved his sleeves abruptly, his voice Sternly ordered:

“Send orders to station in the two towns outside the city, tell them that the martial artist has reversed, and ask them to evacuate Nancheng and surround Xianyizhuang. Rebels, kill! Those who surrender, also kill. I want the martial artist in Tian City today to’ten without leaving three’!”

In the words, there are heavy killing intents.

Gongliang was deterred for a while, and did not respond for a long time, until Qin Yu turned to him with fierce killing intent eyes, and after his gaze stung him, he hurriedly bowed and replied:

“…Yes! The minions will do it right away!”

“Also, if the’Night Walk’ spreads news, it is said that all the people who harbor the’anti-thief’ will sit together, and at the same time Let the two towns exhort the two towns not to harm civilians if it is not necessary, but if there is a suspicion of harboring martial artists, they will be sent to prison once verified! Um…” At the end of the talk, Qin Yu pondered, like Is thinking whether there is any omission.

“The water is already mixed, why not take the opportunity to touch a few fish…”

He whispered, and the corners of his mouth gradually aroused, bending into a person to have one’s hair stand on The solitude of end. “What does Your Majesty mean…?” Gongliang asked in a hesitant and cautious tone.

“Hubei Shangshu remembers that he has a very good relationship with Xiaojiu, doesn’t he? In addition, how many ministers in the Ministry of Industry seem to have been opposed to organ techniques?”

Qin Yu’s answer spread The profound meaning is also intangible.

The color of doubt flashed across his face, Gongliang thought for a while, and then replied: “It is true.”

“Well, let’Night Walk’ People who pretend to be Five Great Sects, give them all…”


Qin Yu suddenly stopped speaking and did not say the last two words.

However, he believed that his most loyal dog had understood what he meant.

“brought trouble to others……?” Gongliang swallowed subconsciously, Qin Yu nodded and said yes, and then said in an indifferent tone:

“Let’s “Ye Xing” creates a few homicides and puts a few fires! There must be civilians who die. These civilians are better known in the market. The list is up to you!”

hearing this, Christine Liang Dao took a breath.

Regardless of the slave’s reaction, Qin Yu’s eyes flashed a cold glow, said solemnly:

“They are not dirty enough, the people’s mind and the wind direction of the Imperial Court have not yet been completely towards me. I want them to lose their hearts! They are disgusted by the people and looked down upon by the Minister of the Imperial Court! Only in this way will they not make a comeback in the past as easily as they were five years ago!”

The shadow outlined by the candlelight shook suddenly.

This is not because of the wind, but his body trembled suddenly. At this moment, he must have the thought “Your Majesty wants to push the martial artist into the abyss of ten thousand zhang!” in his mind.

The forbidden topic. The silence brought by the will of black fills the room, making the fire star bursting from the swaying candles faintly audible, and the whole room is indulged in extremely deep darkness, intertwined with light and dark. The shadow is twisting and shaking, like a legendary demon.

“──If you understand, then go.”

Finally, Qin Yu broke the silence.

The silence actually only lasted for a while, but it gave people the illusion that a thousand years had passed.

Behind the “Son of Heaven”, Gongliang echoed, saying, “I will live up to my lord’s trust” and slowly receded. He left the room, and there was a rush of footsteps outside the concierge.

When the footsteps were far away to the slightest, the snow fell from the sky.

White snow, unsullied snow, thin snow.

“Well, it really looks like white paper money for funerals…”

As soon as the man’s sigh came out, it disappeared in the dark room.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention the raging flames of war ignited in Xianyizhuang now──

“Look, Beggars’ Sect Dare to fight for your Sect Leader, what about us? We are still silent! I don’t care, I will fight for the sake of the master!”

“Valley Master is in danger, Vice Valley Master Falling into the clutches of the Imperial Court again! The resentment five years ago has not yet subsided, and mankind wants to take away the hope and dependence of our martial demon! Our body and body should be protected by us!”

First Taoism, then Lingyue Valley, and other various sects, even the Heavenly Jade Palace has some dísciples threatening to fight the Zhen Guowei to the death and rescue Qi Qiqi’s voice.

“Sect Master’s life and death are unknown, Zhen Guowei has sinister intentions!” “Brother, don’t forget what happened five years ago! Today, they are trying to take our lives again!” “Sect Master is kind… “

Such calls for incitement sounded one after another.

In a blink of an eye, people in various sects of each door were incited-joining the battle circle to aid Beggars’ Sect or attacking the nearby town guard.

“rebel, rebel!” Zhang Ji smiled back and forth, “Notify Great Commander! Summon the Forbidden Army!”

He also ordered all existing battle strengths to counterattack.

Zhen Guowei has been fully engaged in the battle, and the remaining troops have joined the battle after more and more martial artists have joined the battle.

On the other hand, some martial artists who could still remain calm, saw their same sect one by one hurt and wailed, and even died at this time, they couldn’t stand by and could only devote themselves. In it.

At first, most people have restrained, maybe they still have the idea of ​​not hurting the other party as much as possible-they are trying to avoid the repetition of the thing five years ago, but when his weapon touches When they were with each other, they lurked deep in their hearts, and the hatred left over five years ago surfaced again.

At this moment, in their eyes and minds, the situation five years ago must have resurfaced.

The smell of blood is often maddening.

The pleasure of killing a person who hates is often overwhelming.

The hatred written in blood for five years is still so deep and so maddening, and the peace that has been tossed for several years is so worthless, and this is true for the various sects of martial arts, and for the town The same goes for Weihe Army.

On the battlefield, generals often describe the enemy as being extremely vicious and brutal, prompting soldiers to recognize the enemy as a demon worthy of hatred, which is not shared with him. Other things that are different from oneself are demons that will mutilate their own compatriots and relatives, thus causing soldiers to slay their killers and fight their enemies bravely.

Well, yes, unless you are a lunatic, it is not at all easy to kill someone.

However, the deep hatred between Wulin and the Imperial Court not at all has greatly diminished due to the passage of time. It has always existed in the deep in one’s heart of the two, entangled in those unable to In the picture of forgotten tragic memories.

This kind of pure hatred has long made them imagine each other as absolutely irreconcilable enemies.

Soon, too fast for people to react, the flames of war have already implicated all the creatures in Xianyizhuang. People’s eyes gradually filled with violent vigor as the blood splashed on their faces and the wailing of the enemy.

──The situation is out of control.

In the ever-expanding chaos, Heavenly Jade Palace was naturally involved without exception.

Originally benefiting from the restraint of the people, and the repeated suppression of Xia Xue who returned from the battle with Beggars’ Sect, they not at all took the initiative to attack the town’s national guard or the army.

But in the chaos, the swords and guns are always eyeless, and the opponent does not strictly distinguish the leisure of the enemy from the innocent—no, maybe the opponent has no intention of distinguishing early on. Heavenly Jade Palace will soon It was attacked by the Zhen Guowei and the army and forced to fight.

They have repeatedly reiterated that they had no intention of fighting, and they could not avoid a deadly battle. After all, the other party’s killing intent and madness had long been provoked by the bloody smell and hostility that permeated this space. .

All of this must be in that person’s expectations.

Through killing to achieve what he thinks…he really hasn’t changed. Shui Yun’er thought, hating her extremely.

Although she has repeatedly taken care not to kill others, she still cannot avoid hurting others with a horizontal knife in her hand, and she was stained with blood. She hates the smell of blood. Because it reminded her of the fire sea.

A town guard approached from the right holding a horizontal knife. Shui Yun’er raised his knife to greet him, and then he caught the cavalry rushing here with the corner of his eye.

“go die for me!”

“The blood debt five years ago, you have to pay it back!” They chanted slogans full of hatred and killing intent, and went forward. Take the long spear, want to hit the Heavenly Jade palace people in a circle against the enemy.

Through horsepower, cavalry can exert amazing penetration and impact. If they are hit directly by them, the consequences will be unimaginable in the absence of space to move.

They must be stopped! Shui Yun’er pushed the horizontal knife in his hand forward, pushing Zhen Guowei, who had been stalemate with her knife, back a few steps in embarrassment. She took the opportunity to take a step forward and hit the opponent’s abdomen with an “inside elbow”. The opponent received a heavy blow and fainted.

“Gong younger sister!”

Shui Yun’er turned around and called out, then lowered his body and ran towards the cavalry who was charging.


Gong Tianqing’s double swords cut out several sword energy, and shot down the weapons in the hands of several soldiers, and then used the sword with a thunderous force. Shank stunned several people.

After successfully regaining her freedom, she flew to catch up with Shui Yuner.

The two men cut diagonally from the side into the cavalry team that was charging. “Lijie! Curtain of Cangshui!” A wall of water rose from the ground, surrounding the cavalry squad. Even though they immediately reined in their horses, two cavalrymen slammed into the curtain of water, lost their center of gravity under the washing of the water, and fell from their horses.

“Drink ──!”

I don’t know when, Gong Tianqing, who jumped into the air, fell quickly, her body spinning like wheels, holding the two swords on the left and right, swinging his swords. Of the storm. The remaining three cavalrymen hurriedly challenged and stabbed the long spear from their hands, but were cut off by the water blade from the side.

Only the long spear on the handle of the wooden stick was cut into section after section by Gong Tianqing’s double swords. The cavalry withdrew their hands in a panic, and when they wanted to retreat, they were stunned by the ice falling from the sky, and finally fell off their horses.

The battle strength of the cavalry who lost their horses was greatly reduced, and under the attack of Gong Tianqing and Shui Yuner, they were weakened within a few seconds.

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