As a result, Li Wanting shook the head, prompting a message that could have shocked the world to disappear.

“I don’t think so…” She hesitated.

“Master Li, are you sure?”

“Yes, when you hit the heavy ink with your hands, it will make a crisp sound, but the wall in front of you will not. And from the touch, it looks more like minerals than metal.”

“It seems more terrifying…”

Sue Kirin looked at Gaochu The ink-colored stone wall murmured his thoughts.

If this is not made of ink heavy gold, unspoken implication is that there is another material that is comparable to ink heavy gold, and that is unknown.

This means a lost technology.

“Aiya, it’s no wonder that the other two countries will venture into the Hua Dynasty. After all, everyone will be jealous.”

Xia Xue turned her head and glanced at Jialan and Canglin. Where, sneered slowly.

Some advanced technologies often have the potential to break the balance of power. The Western Regions and the North are naturally impossible to see these technologies fall into the hands of the Chinese, and finally usher in the collapse of the fragile balance between the three countries.

Li Wanting nodded agreed with Xia Xue’s words.

“It’s so beyond imagination. It’s already like that just outside…”

Like a cat seeing a furball, Li Wanting’s eyes gleamed.

“I’m already impatient and want to go in and find out.”

When this declaration was made, her face had several points of confusion, but more was about to be revealed A certain mysterious veil of joy and excitement.

“Then let’s go in quickly! Walk around—we will set off!”

Tianji echoed in high spirits.

But obviously different from Li Wanting, she is driven purely by playfulness, like a curious child who wants to see the unknown.

At this time, Xia Xue suddenly narrowed his eyes meaningfully.

“Look over there.”

She raised her chin, and her eyes fell on the entrance of the Mo Family’s secret hall not far from them. When Sue Kirin cast his sight there, he happened to see a group of people escaping from the Mo family secret hall in embarrassment.

They are injured.

There are about ten people in this team, all martial artists, and the cultivation base varies from human to ground, and there is no heaven. They were covered in dirt, and their clothes were damaged to varying degrees. They must have encountered some embarrassment or even crisis in the Mohist Secret Hall. They may have been caught in the organs, so they were so embarrassed. .

Some of them were injured, and others were stupidly supported. Or do you understand the truth about retreating from difficulty. The injuries of the injured are not serious. Most of them are just superficial wounds. The most serious one is just an arrow stuck in the shoulder.

“It seems to be a crisis!”

Sue Kirin was a little heartlessly surprised.

Fortunately, her voice is not loud, otherwise if the other party listens to it, I am afraid it will cause trouble again.

“…Something is wrong.” Xia Xue frowned.

“What’s wrong with me? Xiaoqi didn’t say that this kind of place must be dangerous… Hey, are you naive, why are there no danger?”

Seizing the opportunity, Sue Kirin sneered Xia Xue quickly, as compensation for the usual bullying. However, Xia Xue did not fight back uncharacteristically.

I saw her brows wrinkled and tightened, and in the end even her entire face wrinkled. Sue Kirin realized that Xia Xue was not aimless and prepared to ask what happened, but Li Wanting took the lead.

“Junior Sister Xia, how do you say this?”

Xia Xue glanced at Li Wanting.

“…There is no dead person.”


Sue Kirin took a few steps away from Xia Xue with a strange expression on his face.

“Xiaoxue, I didn’t expect your heart to be so vicious… I thought you were just a mouthful, but your heart is still very kind… I really didn’t think about it──”

“Sue Kirin, you shut up!”

Fiercely glared at Sue Kirin, Xia Xue sternly stopped her from speaking unhappily.

“Where do you come from so much nonsense! Are you full of nonsense in your stomach? I beg you, isn’t it okay to keep yourself warm? I have to say it.”

Being so severely rebuked, Sue Kirin was immediately dumbfounded. Although Xia Xue often spoke harshly to her, it was still very rare that she would be so severely reprimanded.

“Woo…Kirin is getting angry with Xia’s elder sister again, so it won’t work… Kirin, you have to be more sensible! The Xia elder sister is talking about business, so you have to be more serious.”

Tenji milkly persuades Sue Kirin.

Although he is inexplicably angry about this, Sue Kirin has to admit that Dimensity makes sense. So, she scratched her head awkwardly, and frankly apologized to Xia Xue, “I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be suspicious, even I would not make fun of this kind of thing.”

Xia Xue sighed as if she couldn’t stand it. Sue Kirin almost showed skepticism, but fortunately he held it back with “amazing” endurance.

Said it’s too late, then it’s fast, Li Wanting has already interfaced and said:

“Little Ancestor Master, Junior Sister Xia will be serious when he should be serious, so you have to trust more She is a little bit.”

Why do you think she gets worse as she talks? Sue Kirin reluctantly thought so secretly. Sure enough, Xia Xue tightened the muscles of her mouth as soon as she said this, and asked without a smile:

“Aiya, Senior Sister Li, do you have something to say?”

“What does this mean?”

Li Wanting blinked in confusion. Her mind doesn’t turn much in normal times. As it should be by rights, she didn’t realize her language problem.

Thinking that it is a stupid thing to care about Li Wanting who is lacking in roots, Xia Xue spit out unhappily, and muttered “I am too stupid” to laugh at herself.

“Forget it, I will tell you mercifully.”

“Wow, that’s really flattered.”

For Sue Kirin The contempt expressed, Xia Xue each minding their own business indifferently and then asked:

“How do you think those people are injured?”

“The central government agency?”


Sue Kirin and Li Wanting answered at the same time in different tones, and their voices overlapped almost perfectly.

“Hey, it seems that you are not stupid yet. Then there is a question, why are these institutions set up? The answer is so simple that even a three-year-old can understand it, and it must be to protect the secret palace of the Mo family. The inheritance of the Mo family.”

When Xia Xue said so, the three of them nodded without thinking about it, indicating their approval.

“If you were a design agency, on what premise would you design these agencies?”

“I know I know!” Tian Ji raised his hand to answer, but When Xia Xue motioned to her to answer with her eyes, she answered the answer, “fooling people”, which was unclear or funny. It was a waste of Sue Kirin’s accident that Tian Ji’s stupid head could think of the answer and it appeared on her face. Surprise.

Seeing that the three of them fell silent at the same time, Tianji still unconsciously asked if she had the right answer, but no one was interested in taking care of her.

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