“I’ll get some hot tea back.”

“Ah, Qi elder sister, don’t bother.”

When I saw Qi Qiqi picked up the teapot, she wanted to get out of the room When going to Zhangluo Hot Water, Shui Yuner hurriedly stopped.


“It’s okay, does Qi elder sister still treat me as an outsider?” Shui Yun’er said jokingly, slightly wickedly.

“This kind of statement is too cunning!”

After hearing the other party’s words, Qi Qiqi immediately said with a bit depressed:

“You are also a guest at the door. How can you not treat me well?”

“Oh, Qi elder sister, this treats me as a guest instead of my own person? It’s sad…”

Driven by mischievous thoughts, Shui Yun’er deliberately lowered his eyes halfway, mixing sighs into the voice, pretending to be quite depressed.


It seems that she didn’t expect her words to cause such a misunderstanding, Qi Qiqi was taken aback first. When she realized that her words might hurt the other party, she suddenly fell into panic.

“Hey, hey, no! I hate it, I didn’t mean it!”

Looking at Qi Qiqi’s panic that didn’t know what to do, Shui Yuner suddenly In hindsight, I was surprised to realize one thing: Qi elder sister, she has treated me as a close person.

──”Don’t look at Xiaoqi’s awe-inspiring babbling, she is actually very clumsy! Haha, I think it’s funny when I think about it.”

Shui Yuner remembered Sue Kirin smiled and said to himself one day.

It is true that Qi Qiqi is a serious and rigorous person, but when facing close people, she is inexplicably clumsy and it is easy to take their words seriously.

She tends to believe in people close to her, and she rarely doubts every word they say, and the reason why she is so at a loss at the moment must be to take her jokes seriously.

──”Your heart is too small, just enough to accommodate one person.”

What Qin Shiyu said not long ago, suddenly appeared in his mind like The valley echoed like an echo. At this time, Shui Yun’er had a complex and inexplicable emotion in her heart.

She has to admit that her heart is really small.

But…is it small enough to accommodate one person?

until now, although she is quite close to Qi Qiqi, a large part of the reason is that Qi Qiqi and Sue Kirin are close.

Love house, and Wu.

Without the existence of the little Ancestor Master, would you really be so close to the elder sister? Shui Yun’er asked herself so, but did not get an answer, and at the same time apologized for not being able to answer this question.

──”Xiaoyun, let’s go to town tomorrow, okay?”

───”Xiaoyun, Xiaoqi bullied me again!”

──”Xiaoyun, I want to eat noodles today, do you want to eat it? I will cook it myself!”

As long as I empty my head, all I can think of are my own and that girl. It turned out that in unconsciously, apart from the ever-impossible hatred in her world, there was only Sue Kirin. It is her existence that makes up for the hollowing out of her heart because of constant loss.

“──Shui younger sister?”

In a trance, a shout forced Shui Yun’er’s thoughts back. She turned her eyes and found Qi Qiqi was looking at herself worriedly.

“Sorry, that…I really didn’t mean that just now.”

Seeing Shui Yun’er finally reacted, Qi Qiqi immediately apologized. She must be still misunderstanding that Shui Yun’er is sad because of what she said just now.

There was a bit of bitterness in my heart, and Shui Yuner gently shook the head.

“It’s okay. I just…think about something that’s all.”

“Are you angry?”

It’s like doing something wrong Like her child seeking forgiveness, Qi Qiqi at this moment actually looks a little cowardly. Seeing this, Shui Yuner snickered.

“Does Qi elder sister really want me to be angry?”

“Yeah…” Qi Qiqi denied, “I didn’t mean that.”

” What does it mean?”

Shui Yun’er asked badly, causing Qi Qiqi to roll her eyes with dissatisfaction.

“You are so nasty!”

Qi Qiqi put down the teapot panting with rage and sat down opposite Shui Yuner.

“Why are you like Kirin, do your best to me!”

“If there is a father, there must be a son, if there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice!”

“I hate it!”

For Shui Yuner’s ridicule, Qi Qiqi made such an evaluation.

Next, she breathed out slightly and asked a little curiously:

“Did you think about Kirin just now?”

“Hey, little Master “

Didn’t expect the other party would suddenly ask herself that, and Shui Yun’er was a little dazed. Qi Qiqi, who was quite confident about her guess, instantly became hesitant when seeing Shui Yun’er react like this.

“Ah, hate it, isn’t it?”

The confident expression disappeared without a trace, and instead appeared on her face, embarrassment.

Although it’s a bit hard to tell in this situation, Shui Yuner felt it would be better to tell the truth, so she shook her head and said:

“No, I’m thinking Another thing…”

“That’s it…”

Qiqi Qi with her shoulders down looks depressed.

“Your thoughts are always so elusive…”

It means exactly the same as Qin Shiyu said.

Am I really elusive? Despite this thought in his heart, Shui Yun’er, who likes to be cute and happy, didn’t intend to let go of this great opportunity, showing a narrow smile.

“On the contrary, it’s the elder sister, you…are you thinking about the little Master?”

Actually, instead of trying to mess with each other, it’s better to say that she wants to take the opportunity to divert her attention , Don’t think about the problem that bothers her.


Qi Qiqi didn’t react, she blinked.

“It is what people often say,’Thinking about the day and dreaming at night’. If Qi elder sister is not thinking about the little Master, how can she think that I am thinking about the little Master?”

Hearing Shui Yun’er’s questioning, Qi Qiqi suddenly turned into a cat whose tail was stepped on, and stood up nervously.

“What! I’m so talented! Who would miss her!”

Qiqi Qi lost one’s head out of fear and waved her hands again and again, her cheeks clearly growing The more red, the red face and ears turned red in a blink of an eye like a ripe apple, bleeding at any time.

It’s such a lovely person. Although her mouth is rather frank, her physical reaction will betray her, honestly reflecting her current thoughts. Looking at it this way, it is no wonder that she is pretending to be herself in front of others, Shui Yun’er thought like this.

“Really isn’t it?” As soon as Shui Yun’er expressed doubts like this, Qi Qiqi immediately shook her head like a splashing drum, her black hair flicking left and right in the air, like a puppy. tail.

This reaction is really funny, Shui Yuner giggled.

“…bad eyes.”

Qi Qiqi pursed her mouth and sat down in confusion. Then she lay down on the table and let out a long sigh.

“I am indeed a little worried.”

When she said this, her face was red, which was obviously shy.


Shui Yuner’s soft lips let out a questioning voice. But this was purely a subconsciously reaction, and she certainly understood what Qi Qiqi was worried about.

“The little Master has always been good luck, so the problem shouldn’t be big.”

Even though she still remembers Sue Kirin, Shui Yuner still speaks to comfort her. She knew that Qi Qiqi was not at all so strong on the surface.

“no no no, I’m worried that she will get into trouble again, who is worried about her safety!”

“Are you worried about the little Master being caught in trouble again? “


Qi Qiqi, who was about to refute, just said two words, she couldn’t help sighing, and changed her words 180 degrees:

“The situation over there is complicated…”

Her face is full of sadness.

“Qi elder sister, don’t worry too much. There is Beiming Senior over there. The relationship between the little Master and Beiming Senior is good. Even if something really happens, I want Beiming Senior I will also help.”

During a short pause, Shui Yuner smiled lightly.

“Worry about the little Master, you might as well leave it to me.”

Qi Qiqi was taken aback for a while, muttering: “I will leave it to you…?” Shui Yuner nodded with a smile.

“Yes, we have a division of labor and cooperation, how about this? I can’t help too much with the martial arts conference. It is better to leave the worry about the little Master as me and let me join you I am worried about her together, while Qi elder sister is focusing on the martial arts conference.”

Shui Yuner stretched out his hand and pressed it beside the teapot, and the lines hidden on the white right arm flashed suddenly.

“A person’s shoulders are quite limited, and they cannot shoulder everything. Just like I can help with hot tea, I can also help you share some──”

Here, Shui Yuner suddenly realized that he had “lied”.

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