Need her more? Sue Kirin heard what was in the cloud and mist, and asked frankly:

“What does this mean?”

Beijing Youyu kept squinting his eyes and looked into the distance At the place, the thick, smooth and long-haired tail is neatly flicked.

“Can’t you feel it?”

Sue Kirin glanced at the pure white tail and suppressed the urge to hold it in his arms and torment it.

She tried to take a moment to feel it, but apart from the densely packed martial artist’s breath, she didn’t feel any special breath. Therefore, she cast a suspicious look at Beiming Youyu.

“Hey, are you fooling around with Profound Void, are you? I don’t have any special feelings…”

Beijing Youyu sighed first, and then was speechless Staring at Sue Kirin.

She didn’t say anything, she just watched Sue Kirin quietly.

The clear and sharp sight seems to be searching the depths of the girl’s eyes.

Sue Kirin was stared at her uncomfortably, and felt as if all her secrets had been seen by the other party. She was lightly coughed as a reminder.

However, Beiming Youyu not at all responded to her.

Sue Kirin had no choice but to look away, not to look at the only Great Grandmaster of the Hua Dynasty. As a result, as soon as she looked away, Beiming Youyu withdrew her gaze and looked into the distance again.

“──It’s all here.”

Bei Ming Youyu said without emotion.

Then, she walked to the stone where Xia Xue had just sat on, and flew to the top like a feather that was blown by the wind and sat down.

“Uh, everything is coming?”

Sue Kirin also sat on the rock.

Too petite body shape makes them unable to reach the ground with their feet. In order to eliminate the discomfort of being unable to “down-to-earth”, Sue Kirin simply crossed his legs, while Beiming Youyu shook his feet with a childlike innocence.

Tianji looked at the tops of the two people back and forth, seeming to hesitate whether to jump on top of Beiming Youyu’s head, but Sue Kirin, who knew that Beiming Youyu’s ears were extremely sensitive, could not be traced. Stopped her and ordered her to sit down.

At this time, Beiming Youyu’s tail suddenly jumped forward from between her and Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin couldn’t help touching it, and the tail immediately retracted.

Hey, shouldn’t you even be sensitive to the tail? She later spied on Beiming Youyu’s expression and found that there was no trace of anger on the other’s face before it was relaxed.

However, what surprised her happened later.


The exposed skin of the thigh felt an itchy sensation.

Sue Kirin felt something fluffy and limp on his lap. She looked down, then opened her mouth slightly in amazement.

The thing that exudes warmth is the tail of a fish in Beiming.

Beiming Youyu’s tail is very long and very big. Even if she goes from her back to the front and crosses her legs together, she can still curl Sue Kirin’s legs up. Partially covered.

So generous? Sue Kirin looked back and forth at Beiming Youyu and her tail suspiciously.

“Little fish, isn’t your tail very sensitive? It doesn’t matter if this is the case?”

“Sensitive?” Beiming Youyu frowned slightly and looked at Sue Kirin, “Have I said that?”

“no no no, you haven’t said that… But isn’t the tail of generally speaking very sensitive and slender? I heard that. “

──I heard from previous animations.

Sue Kirin added in his heart. Beiming has fish hearing this, lightly said:

“I don’t know where you heard it from. At least, your generally speaking does not include me. My tail is not sensitive.”


“Ah, is that so?”

Sue Kirin quickly accepted this statement, blinking and asked:

“Then can I touch it?”

Bei Ming Youyu glanced at Sue Kirin without saying a word, without comment.

Sue Kirin took her silence as a default, happily pressed her hand on her tail, and took a peek at her expression, and found that she did not at all show any disgust, then followed the hair The direction of growth strokes the end of the tail.

The hair is so soft──! It’s so comfortable! Sue Kirin’s eyes shined.

She not at all notice that as she touched her, Beiming Youyu’s eyes were slightly narrowed in enjoyment, and her cheeks were also slightly red.

“You touch it, but don’t mess up Mao.”

“Hey, good, good, good!”

Sue Kirin grinned, hi Diligently answer complied.

Touching it, she seemed not satisfied with this, cheekyly hugged the white tail in her arms and rubbed her face.


For Sue Kirin’s unsatisfied, Beiming Youyu was frowned for a while, but soon slowed down his expression and made a laugh that was almost self-deprecating.

Sue Kirin, who thought that there was a fish in Beiming, was angry, so he shrank his neck and let go of his tail. She was embarrassed about apologizing, but Beiming Youyu’s doubtful voice came to her ears first.

“Don’t hug you?”

“Huh?” Sue Kirin couldn’t hide his surprise, “I think you seem to be unwilling…”


Realizing that the other party might have misunderstood his reaction just now, Beiming Youyu shook the head obscurely.

“…It’s not like that.”

Her tone of voice was filled with unresolved sadness.

What’s wrong with her? Why is it like a young girl full of thoughts? Sue Kirin tilted his head and hesitated for a while, and then the words left without thinking.

“Little fish, what’s on your mind?”


Beiming Youyu stared at intellectual eyes and pink lips Trembling slightly.

Don’t believe what you heard? Or did I hear it, but didn’t expect to ask that? Sue Kirin was indulged in thinking and was silent for a while.

Since then fell between the two.

As if Tian Ji couldn’t keep up with the situation, she looked at the two of them suspiciously.

“Hey, why did you stop talking all of a sudden?”

Sue Kirin sometimes feels that Tianji is really incapable of observing words and expressions, saying whatever she thinks, but she also Thinking, this may also be an advantage.

Is this the so-called children’s words carry no harm? Sue Kirin rolled the eyes. Maybe it was because she thought of going to the same place. Beiming Youyu also showed a faint smile.

“Sue Kirin, you are the second person who dared to touch my tail directly, and the second person who can ask me if I have a problem like this.”

“Huh “

Sue Kirin was a little overwhelmed by the sudden opening of Beiming. No matter whether Sue Kirin’s thoughts can keep up with Beiming, each minding their own business said: “The first person is Qi Return to Origin, and you are the second.”

When reciting the name of Qi Return to Origin, there was an indescribable emotion flashing across Beiming Youyu’s cheeks.

Sue Kirin, who accidentally caught this slight change, involuntarily made a bad guess as to whether there was any love and hatred between Qi Return to Origin and Beiming Youyu.

Sue Kirin once heard Qi Qiqi mention that there is a deep friendship between Beiming Youyu and Qi Return to Origin.

However, Qi Qiqi didn’t seem to know the details. When she asked what was going on, she only replied “I don’t know either.” At that time, Sue Kirin began to wonder if the relationship between the two was that kind of ulterior motive. Now when Beiming Youyu confessed that Qi Return to Origin was the first person to dare to touch his tail, she was even more suspicious. .

“tsk tsk tsk! So old fogey was the first person who dared to touch your tail?”

Sue Kirin crooked his mouth and gave a profound smirk. It looks like the kind of expression that a horny thief would show when he saw a beauty.


I noticed Sue Kirin’s expression, originally wanted to say something and so on Beiming Yuyu immediately closed his mouth.

“Hey hey! Why don’t you say it!” Sue Kirin urged with a smiley face, “Say, baa, baa, do you have something with that old fart… hey.”

Bei Ming has a fish snered, sticking out his tail to block Sue Kirin’s face before his eyes.


“Yeah? How can you do this, obviously you said it first, and you don’t allow others to ask? It’s too much, and it’s too much. It’s itchy.”

Sue Kirin complained dissatisfied, and Tian Ji also echoed: “Yes, yes, Kirin is right!”

“No one wants you to look forward to it without authorization.”

Seeing that the other party really didn’t want to mention Return to Origin, Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose and muttered “It’s boring!”.

As it should be by rights heard this complaint, Beiming Youyu gave Sue Kirin a cold look, but the latter stroked her tail again if nothing had happened.

Beijing Youyu was dumbfounded, expressing a kind of “how can people be so shameless?” Sue Kirin pretended not to see, and hummed an unknown little song triumphantly.

“Speaking of which, what do you mean by “all coming”? It shouldn’t mean that all Sects are coming!”

Suddenly, Sue Kirin mentioned again at first, and put forward speculations about Beiming Youyu’s words. Beiming Youyu had no discomfort caused by the sudden change of the topic, and immediately replied:

“──It is the other two people.”

“The other two people?”

Sue Kirin still didn’t understand what she meant, so she asked a rhetorical question, and then browsed knit and complained:

“Beiming Xiaoyu, it’s not me who said you! You can talk. Is it straightforward? You often say half but not half, or else it is extremely mysterious and abstruse…Are you Laozi!”

“Sue Kirin, sometimes you are really stupid. “

Bei Ming Youyu sighed wearily, and his words were filled with helplessness.

“I mean, there are two other people who can match me.

Wait, what did she say? Sue Kirin was shocked.

“Could it be…”

“Yes. “

Beiming has fish closing his eyes.

“──The other two Grandmasters also came. “

Into Sue Kirin’s ears, the voice that went straight to the heart was simple and powerful, exuding unquestionable majesty.

“What? “Sue Kirin turn pale with fright, “Isn’t it all gathered now—”

Beijing Youyu’s tail flicked up, covering Sue Kirin’s mouth, so she could not Finish talking.

“Don’t say it. Lest it be heard by others, and people were alarmed. “

Beijing Youyu stared at Sue Kirin, and uttered such accusations unhappily.

“People here don’t know that the other two Grandmasters are here—no Except for a few people, most people don’t know that I’m here, understand? “

Sue Kirin nodded with her eyes wide open. Seeing that she agreed to her, Beiming Youyu slowly moved her tail away.

The well-known Grandmaster on the surface The total number is three—the “Yuehua Wanxiang” of the Hua Dynasty, the “Asura’er” Jialan of the Yuxi Region, and the “Lone Wolf of Cangsilver” in the North, Canglin.

Except for the Cang of the North. Outside Rin, Sue Kirin has mixed luck and misfortune. He has already met two of the three Grandmasters. The first one cannot be said to be that she has fish on the side of Beiming, while the other is in the realm of Martial Demon. Jialan, who has been in conflict.

If Beiming Youyu is true to her words, she will probably see the true face of Cang Rin recently.

Although she was surprised The Three Great Grandmasters are all attracted by mechanism art, but Sue Kirin thought about it again and felt that if the mechanism art was really as powerful as he had guessed, the North Kingdom and the Western Regions would naturally want to share a cup, so they would gather here too. as it should be by rights.

After all, once the interests between countries are involved, Grandmaster is likely to come forward as a deterrent force. This behavior is not driven by those in power, but by I have a sense of mission for my motherland.

However, Sue Kirin has another question. She asked:

“You just said that other people don’t know you are here… Is it? “

“In addition to the people in Lingyue Valley, there is also you. “

“But…” Sue Kirin pointed to Beiming with a fish, “You just sit here swaggering!” Other people will notice you no matter what? “

A fish in Beiming became silent.

Sue Kirin originally thought that she realized that she had been exposed to others only through her own reminder, so she was silent. .

At the next moment of such guessing, Sue Kirin’s eyes widened suddenly.

──What should be reflected in her eyes is missing.

Suddenly, a fish in Beiming disappeared-the petite body was silently turned into a light smoke and disappeared like evaporated water vapor.

“Wow, little fish elder sister is gone! “Tian Ji exclaimed.

“Huh, Xiaoyu? “

Sue Kirin stood up in fright and looked around in surprise.

However, everything that came into her eyes was not a fish in the north.

What’s the matter? How did she leave? Sue Kirin can’t feel the True Qi fluctuations that she deserves.

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