Sue Kirin, who was slightly profiled, looked at Li Wanting squintingly, thinking that this is no wonder.

After all, that crossbow machine is probably an organ weapon made by the Mohist school, and Li Wanting, who has been ringing in the Mohist school’s organist technique, is no surprise no matter how excited it is.

“Kirin Kirin, look over there!”

Transfigured into a black cat, the Tianji lying on Sue Kirin’s head, suddenly used the cat’s paws with fleshy cushions Pat Sue Kirin on the forehead, making a “puff puff puff ──” sound.

“Don’t shoot! It’s annoying!”

Sue Kirin grumbled impatiently, and saw that Dimensity stretched out another cat’s paw. Point somewhere.

“Look over there!”

“What’s the matter?”

Sue Kirin asked frowned suspiciously and turned his attention to what Tianji was referring to There, I saw a huge monster completely different from that machine crossbow.

As if to replace the crossbow that is about to pass through the city gate and disappear in front of everyone, a new organ weapon appeared on the other side of the street.

Lu Zhu noticed the people making an uproar.

Only Sue Kirin showed a smile, his cheek muscles were only half pulled up rigidly.

“Even this thing…?”

A slender cylindrical body and a base with wheels. This new machine weapon still guarded by the army looks like a cannon using black powder from the outside.

As far as Sue Kirin knows, the Hua Dynasty has not yet invented gunpowder, and the level of civilization is about the same as that of the Tang Dynasty. However, now a cannon-like thing appeared in front of her, and she had a tendency to understand all of this World.

Perhaps, this World is much broader than she knows. There are many things that are submerged by history but still have not completely disappeared.

“Senior Sister Li, what are you crazy!”

Suddenly, Xia Xue’s shout rang in Sue Kirin’s ear.

She looked subconsciously to her side, but her sight only moved halfway through, and two familiar silhouettes passed by her at lightning speed.

“Hey…that’s Xiaoting and Xiaoxue!”

Sue Kirin, whose eyes were hooked off, looked closely, and instantly figured out who the owners of the two figures are .

“Hey, where did you go!”

Sue Kirin hurriedly chased after shouting.

“Wow, Elder Sister Li is so fast!”

Tian Ji exclaimed.

As she said, Li Wanting is showing an unprecedented speed of movement, and even Xia Xue, who is known for his Lightweight Art and body skills, cannot catch up in a short time.

Seeing the two flying in the direction of the cannon-like organ weapon, Sue Kirin had a clue about their sudden behavior.

──Probably Li Wanting couldn’t restrain her curiosity and wanted to touch the organ weapon with her hands, while Xia Xue wanted to stop her.

The soldiers escorting cannon-type organ weapons as it should be by rights noticed the three uninvited guests who were approaching quickly.

Maybe they thought they were trying to seize organ weapons, and the only soldier riding a horse in the lead immediately issued orders to alert the soldiers.

Seeing that Li Wanting at the front was desperately rushing, and Xia Xue seemed unable to catch up with her to stop her before she contacted the soldiers, Sue Kirin became anxious.

Regardless of Li Wanting’s motives, her behavior is already a provocation for the soldiers, and may cause conflicts.

“Ji, hold on! I don’t care if I drop it!”

Sue Kirin increased his speed and took out a magic charm from his sleeve and shot it quickly. Out. The magic talisman came first, and was attached to Li Wanting’s back.


After Sue Kirin tenderly shouted, the charm burst out with a strong blue light.

In the light, countless vines emerged from the surface of the charm, which firmly bound Li Wanting. As a result, she fell to the ground. Fortunately, Xia Xue arrived in time to catch her steadily, and she was able to avoid a fierce and intimate contact with the ground.

However, she did not express gratitude for it.

Li Wanting, who had just been put down, threw her legs and wanted to form a circle, and rushed into the group of soldiers who raised lance. Xia Xue hugged her from behind immediately.

“Let go of me! Just touch it–I just want to touch that’s all! Let go of me!”

Li Wanting screamed while shaking her body, trying to break free The double bondage imposed on the body.

“Senior Sister Li, where are you the caterpillar! Stop moving, okay? What are you going crazy!”

The two entangled, Xia Xue proudly The twin peaks were constantly hit and shook violently. Li Wanting also exposed large areas of skin due to fierce movements.

The sight of everyone was caught by them, admiring the hard-won spring scenery, even Sue Kirin was dumbfounded and stopped subconsciously in the air.

What kind of welfare is this? Sue Kirin could even hear the swallowed saliva of some men, but then he was shocked that they would make it cheaper for the other onlookers, so he immediately shouted anxiously to remind them both of them, “I have been watched.”

“Then what are you doing there? Bastard, you come here quickly, I’m fast—”

It’s too late to say, then it’s fast, and everything I want to say hasn’t all left yet. , Xia Xue couldn’t stand Li Wanting’s long-term iron training strength, and let go. She choked back a few steps and fell to the ground after cry out in surprise, while Li Wanting regained her freedom and approached the cannon again.

“Xiaoting, don’t be naughty!”

When Li Wanting regained her freedom, she was stopped by Sue Kirin who had just ran away a few steps.

“I’ll touch it! I want to know what it is, I haven’t seen such an organ weapon!”

Li Wanting, who keeps looking around, tries to bypass Sue Kirin.

“Hey, don’t blame me!”

Sue Kirin laughed, then kicked Li Wanting in the shin without any explanation.


Li Wanting lost her center of gravity and fell forward.

Sue Kirin didn’t avoid the girl who could easily overwhelm herself.

She moved a step to the side cleverly, lowering her body slightly. In this way, Li Wanting’s lower abdomen happened to hit the girl’s shoulder, while the front half of her body continued to stick out because of the remaining force, as if she had been beaten in her stomach.

After that, Sue Kirin stood up straight and took advantage of the momentum to carry Li Wanting.

“Xiao Ji, sit on Xiao Ting’s ass.”

In order to prevent her from breaking free, Sue Kirin specifically told Tian Ji.


An enthusiastic expression appeared on Tianji’s cat’s face, and the black cat jumped off Sue Kirin’s head and landed on Li Wanting’s ass on. The soldiers showed the same surprised expressions, as if they were asking what they were doing.

“Little Ancestor Master, what are you doing? Hurry up and let me down, I just want to──”

Li Wanting on her shoulders raised her accusations unrelentingly and patted Sue Kirin’s back. Without waiting for the other party to finish, Sue Kirin rolled his eyes and took out a charm, and sealed her mouth.

“Yes, yes, I just want to touch it! Little Ancestor Master, I know! So, please be quiet!”

Li Wanting made a series of “wu” sounds, probably Is complaining. As for her expression, Sue Kirin had no choice but to keep her eyes out of sight.

The soldiers are still glare like a tiger watching his prey, Sue Kirin turned to them and grinned.

“This is a misunderstanding! You guys relax too, don’t squeeze your face!”

What is this girl talking about? As if trying to express this, the soldiers felt unfathomable mystery on the ground.

While their attention was removed from the three of them, Sue Kirin cast a “let’s run” look at Xia Xue without a trace.

Then, regardless of whether Xia Xue understood what she meant, Sue Kirin carrying Li Wanting turned around and ran away.

“ha ha ha, we if fated will meet again 咩!”

Listening to the words left by the girl, the soldiers don’t know what to do, they can only use dull eyes Watching the three of them disappear into the crowd.

“That seems to be Sue Kirin from Heavenly Jade Palace…”

After a long while, some people in the crowd declared so.

“No one will catch up, right?”

After crossing several streets and reaching a remote corner of the town, Sue Kirin stopped. , Look back at the situation.

The entrance is uninhabited, only a few townspeople in coarse clothes and linen pass by and cast their gazes at the three of them.

“Hey, I almost got up!”

No trace of the chasing soldier was found, Sue Kirin relaxed.

“Kirin Kirin, it’s exciting! Let’s do it again!”

Tenji excitedly made outdated remarks, causing Sue Kirin to roll his eyes and say, “You’re going Go by yourself!” This sentence.

Xia Xue said both hands crossed near chest as if it were troublesome, and gave a light spit.

“It sucks, I knew I had rejected the younger sister of the palace lord!”

After speaking, she hung up a sneer and stared at Li Wanting angrily.

“Senior Sister Li, you are a little bit smaller than our Ancestor Master, and you will get into trouble! It really opened my eyes! Hey, do you dare to come close to things guarded by the army?”


Li Wanting, whose mouth is sealed, can only make an awkward sound, but listening to her tone seems to be an apology.

Should have calmed down? Thinking like this, Sue Kirin put Li Wanting down, and reached out to tear off the magic charm sticking to her mouth. At the same time, Dimensity climbed onto Sue Kirin’s head again to wait.

“Sorry, I am a little excited…”

Li Wanting scratched her head to apologize with embarrassment.

Sue Kirin and Xia Xue both rolled their eyes helplessly at the same time, but Chirp Chirp Twitter Twitter turned up and looked a little excited.

“No, no, Elder Sister Li was awesome just now! Those soldiers were all stunned! And Sister Li—it hurts!”

Sue Kirin knocked Tianji on the head To stop her from continuing. Dimensity covered the place where it was struck, and tearfully protested:

“Kirin Kirin, why are you hitting me again!”

Sue Kirin turned a blind eye to Dimensity, Waving his hand.


In response to Sue Kirin’s order, the vines on Li Wanting’s body moved quickly and retracted into the source. The magic talisman burned immediately, and slowly fell to the ground before turning into a flurry of ashes.

“Little Ancestor Master is in trouble.”

Li Wanting smiled bitterly and moved her hands and feet.

Having witnessed the whole process, Xia Xue leaned against the outer wall of the nearby house, and faint smiled.

“Spell seems to be very convenient. Sue Kirin, if you have time, please teach me the spell that can tie people up.”

Xia Xue who is talking like this , There is a hint of interest on his face.

When Xia Xue said that she wanted to learn spell, Sue Kirin looked at her in amazement.

“What did you just say? You said you want to learn spell?”

Li Wanting seemed to be surprised by Xia Xue’s unexpected speech, and only heard her ask:

“Junior Sister Xia, didn’t you say that you don’t want to learn it because it is too troublesome?”

“What’s so strange?” Xia Xue glanced at the two of them disapprovingly, “How much do I want to learn?” Kind of useful.”

Sue Kirin looked up and down Xia Xue suspiciously for a while.

Next, she pinched her waist narrowly and looked up at Xia Xue.

“Yo yo yo, weren’t you uninterested before?”

“I am interested again now. There is a four-character phrase called’on a whim,’ you haven’t heard Ever?”

Xia Xue asked in a sarcastic tone with her hair around her. Sue Kirin was tenderly snorted, slightly averted his face.

“Hey, if you want me to teach me, just teach me, don’t I lose face?”

While speaking, Sue Kirin glanced at Xia Xue with a single eye. Overflowing pleasure.

“Oh, if you don’t teach, I will tell the younger sister of the palace lord that I want to learn, and she will naturally ask you to teach me.”

With a disdainful smile Xia Xue’s face appeared, and she cast a contemptuous look at Sue Kirin.

“You can try to answer her like this when you come. Hey, I seem to see a scene of a little boy jumping up and down while wailing and yelling’it’s not like this’ . Yeah, yes! Last time I seemed to have seen a certain steamed bun head stealing food in the kitchen. Um…who was it—”

Xia Xue deliberately dragged the end of the words like teasing others It’s longer, but the sight that fell on Sue Kirin several times has already made the answer come out. In fact, Sue Kirin did go to the kitchen to steal snacks earlier.

“Little Ancestor Master, did you steal it? Kirin hates others stealing it…”

“Oh──Kirin, you steal it! It’s so bad It’s not right to steal food!”

Li Wanting’s helpless voice and Tian Ji’s reproach came into her ears one after another, and Sue Kirin’s expression froze for a while.

How could I have seen it for her! Damn it, got caught! She scolded herself for being careless.

“Do you teach?”

Under Xia Xue’s gaze, Sue Kirin collapsed his shoulders in frustration.

“…Then what do you want to learn?”

Before Xia Xue answered, Sue Kirin each minding their own business and went on:

“I think you can try Muxing’s spell. After all, your Lightweight Art is very good… If you add Muxing’s wind spell bonus, then like a tiger that has grown wings!”

“Oh.” Xia Xue didn’t mean to be nodded, and then asked curiously: “Then you tied Senior Sister Li’s spell just now, was it also a wooden spell?”

“Yeah “Is it vine tied?” Sue Kirin blinked and asked, Xia Xue replied “yes” briefly.

“It is indeed Muxing’s spell……”

“Okay, then learn how to play Muxing!”

Xia Xue nodded with satisfaction, just like that A decision was made.

Looking at her reaction, Sue Kirin always feels that she decided to learn Muxing Spell because the vine tying technique belongs to Muxing Spell, not because of Muxing Spell’s influence on her body and Lightweight Art. It is helpful.

Is she wrong? Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose.

Until Xia Xue tied her up with a vine tying technique, she didn’t know why Xia Xue learned spell.

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