In an instant, the two identical Totems burst out with a strong light, taking away the Spiritual Qi around them.

──The light is fleeting.

Like the stars appearing when the day is suddenly covered by the night, the light shrinks into countless points of light, floating all around Gong Tianyang’s body, surrounding him like a Fire Insect.

Sue Kirin is now brow beaded with sweat.

However, she can only let the sweat sting her eyes, and dare not wipe the sweat.

Although the operation can almost take on most of the work, she still has to spend a lot of energy to control and monitor the stability of the operation. It is a matter of life, and she does not want to cause casualties because of a careless mistake.

“Xiaoyang, spread his hands and feet, lie down in a big font.”

Sue Kirin shouted.

After Gong Tianyang followed suit, she patted her hands.


Abnormally loud clapping applause sounded, shaking the atmosphere and setting off a shock.

With this as a prelude, the light spot starts to move slowly. They slowly approached Gong Tianyang’s silhouette, walked along the skin, and finally stopped at a special location.

If you look closely, you may be able to find a total of 720 spots of light, each of which is hovering over a certain human acupoint.

“Transformed into needles!”

Sue Kirin tenderly shouted and clapped his hands again.

The light spot responded instantly, condensing and prolonging, and finally countless long needles composed of light appeared in everyone’s eyes.

Already about to succeed, Sue Kirin exhales for a long time.

Next, these long needles made of Spiritual Qi are left to pierce Gong Tianyang’s acupuncture points around his body at the same time to break the “spirituality seal” of his body this step.

Sue Kirin closes his eyes, breathes deeply.

The next second, she suddenly opened her eyes, and let out a breath full of Spiritual Qi from her lips.


The loud voice exploded.

Such as a falling meteor, the light needle shoots out and pierces the main acupuncture points of Gong Tianyang.


Gong Tianyang’s painful hum was the first to spread to everyone’s ears, followed by another strange, crisp blast. This sound is a bit similar to the result of numerous bubbles being pierced simultaneously by people.

Then the change she had been looking forward to finally appeared.

Floating on Gong Tianyang’s body in the air, all acupoints are emitting white mist at the same time.

That is the extra Spiritual Qi that naturally overflows from Gong Tianyang within the body.

Even if the Spiritual Qi, which has been under pressure for a long time, is liberated, it is still very thick, filled with smoke, blurring Gong Tianyang’s silhouette and blurring the vision of everyone.

It’s done! Sue Kirin stepped back weakly, showing a successfully accomplished smile, and slumped on the ground like collapse.

Gong Jing and Gong Yue looked at each other, then walked quickly to Sue Kirin’s side, helped her up, and asked anxiously and worriedly:

“Snow Girl , Dare to ask…?”

Even if he didn’t say it clearly, Sue Kirin already understood the meaning. She grinned weakly at Elderly.

“Go, open the doors and windows to let the fog dissipate.”

“Yue’er Qinger, hurry up!”

Gong Jing Turning back to Chao Gong Yue and Gong Tianqing loudly roared, the two immediately followed suit without any muddle.

Spiritual Qi has begun to escape at high speed, leaking out of the house through the opened window.

Sue Kirin’s high-speed mental method has even begun to absorb and transform these Spiritual Qi overflowing from Gong Tianyang within the body.

On the other hand, Sue Kirin still feels Gong Tianyang’s breath, and there is no sign of weakening at all, even more how these Spiritual Qi are not bursting out, proving Gong Tianyang’s body and meridian Still intact.

Sue Kirin declined Gong Jing to continue his support, staggered to stabilize his body, smiled confidently and said:

“Gong Old Master, there should be no major problems… Just wait for the mist to clear.”

“grandfather, I’m fine! Although my body keeps spraying mist now, I can’t see things! But I feel… so cool!”


As if to confirm Sue Kirin’s statement, Gong Tianyang also shouted. What is really cool? His statement was a bit ridiculous, causing Sue Kirin to roll his eyes.

Suddenly, Gong Jing held Sue Kirin’s right hand firmly with both hands.

The girl turned her head in pain, and Gong Jing’s slightly distorted face was printed in her eyes with excitement.

He shook his hand very hard. Sue Kirin felt that the right hand was a bit painful, but she knew he was agitated, so she didn’t say much.

Finally, tears burst into his eyes.

Slid down his cheek, and a tear fell to the ground.

Because grandson was finally saved, he has been on the battlefield for decades, making the North Country become terror-stricken at the news, the veteran of the name shakes the whole world shed tears in front of Sue Kirin—even if it’s just a drop , But he really shed tears in front of Sue Kirin.

“Thank you──Snow Maiden, thank you!”

He was sincere and solemn, and his tone was trembling with several suppressed excitement.

Sue Kirin thought about how to respond to his gratitude, but before she got the answer, the fog had completely cleared. She glanced at the location of Gong Tianyang, and happened to see it slowly falling to the ground.

After a clear sound of glass being smashed, it shattered, and the technique that had completed its mission was turned into countless light shavings.

While the light shavings fell, Gong Tianyang propped up his upper body and sat on the ground, turning his head to meet Sue Kirin’s gaze.

“Gong Old Master, go! Go and see Xiaoyang and see your grandson.”

Gong Jing opened his mouth, as if there were a thousand words to say.


Sue Kirin gave him angrily. “I’m going to rest! I have no strength at all, do you want me to lift him to bed to rest?”

Gong Jing took a deep breath and smiled a little ashamed Said:

“Snow Maiden, let you laugh.”

After that, Gong Jing let go of Sue Kirin’s hand and walked towards Gong Tianyang with a slow but powerful step.

Even Gong Old Master is just an ordinary person… Sue Kirin suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and giggled. She found that Gong Jing hadn’t suppressed the slight trembling of her body at all.

“Where are my relatives…”

Sue Kirin looked up, and then thought of his niece again.

When her niece was cured by Qi Return to Origin, she was also very excited. Compared to Gong Jing, she was even better.

When a loved one is saved, who can stay out of the excitement? No one can. Therefore, no matter how excited Gong Jing is, it is as it should be by rights.

Xiaoqing, how are you doing? Qi Return to Origin, did the old fart take good care of you? No more quarreling with your big brother…

Her question may never be answered.

──Blessing alone. Even if the two places are separated and never to meet in person again, she can still bless and wish her niece happiness.

Just this is enough.

My thoughts will surely reach the heart of the girl “far away”, she wants to believe so.

Listening to the chattering and laughter not far away, Sue Kirin pulled his gaze back from the invisible place and looked towards the place where Gong Tianyang was.

The three of the Gong Family have surrounded Gong Tianyang.

Gong Tianyang was lying in Gong Jing’s arms, and was talking to Gong Tianqing, causing her to cover her mouth and chuckle, ringing a silver bell-like laughter. I don’t know if I want to tell them I’m okay? Gong Tianyang raised his thin arm again, contorts one’s face in agony, bulging his loose biceps.

Seeing that he can be frivolous, Sue Kirin seemed to feel a warmth and couldn’t help putting on a gentle smile.

“Don’t disturb them at this time…”

Sue Kirin turned around and wanted to leave, intending to leave room for them to meet, but was called by Gong Tianyang.

“Snow elder sister, where do you want to go!”

His tone is a bit dissatisfied.

However, after Sue Kirin turned his head, he saw Gong Tianyang beckoning to him happily. How could there be any dissatisfaction?

“I’m tired! Talk about it, I’ll go to sleep!”

“No! Snow elder sister is my great benefactor!”

“You know that I am a great benefactor, so you are not allowed to go to sleep?”

Sue Kirin asked amusedly, Gong Tianyang curl one’s lip, and replied confidently:

“The benefactor should look like a benefactor! As a benefactor, why don’t you listen to me thank you so well?”

Wow, he has several points of truth. ! This Small Fox! Sue Kirin really didn’t know whether he should be angry or laugh.

“Yanger, don’t talk nonsense!”

Gong Yue turned out to be responsible for Tianyang.

He lowered his head and arched his hand at Sue Kirin.

“Until now, how prejudiced and offensive Xue Senior is, Gong Yue apologizes here. Please don’t care about Xue Senior. You are kind to Gong Family. If you have any future needs, please feel free to speak up. Gong Family is willing to do its best.”

Sue Kirin’s sudden goodwill made Sue Kirin a little completely unprepared, and he could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

“no effort at all… As for your disrespect to me, I don’t take it in my heart…”

She is not a person who bears hatred, except for some deep hatred Besides, I basically forgot when I turned around. No matter how badly treated by others, as long as she doesn’t touch her bottom line, she will at best adopt an unacceptable attitude. To Gong Yue, she just has a small dislike.

“Snow Senior’s generosity makes Junior ashamed of being inferior…”

Gong Yue lowered his gaze and sighed with shame.

“Where and where!” Sue Kirin touched the back of his head, half proud and half embarrassed, “Don’t praise me, I will be proud.”

“Snow elder sister is true shameless!”

Gong Tianyang scratched his nose, sarcasm Sue Kirin.

“You control me!”

Sue Kirin gave him a stare, then turned and walked out of the room quickly, ignoring Gong Tianyang’s retention. She firmly believes that this kind of time should be reserved for his closest relatives, and should not be shared with her by an outsider.

She waited to go to the hall and waited until everything calmed down, and then asked Gong Tianqing’s wishes to see if she left alone or took Gong Tianqing away.

As a result, Sue Kirin was forced to stop before he left the yard.


A team is rushing to meet each other.

The leader is a young girl in a palace dress. She is about eighteen years old. She is beautifully born and exudes a luxurious temperament from in the bones.

The most eye-catching thing is her long hair with slightly water-colored hair. Her hair can only be described as “long”. It is scary. Although it has been folded several times, Sue Kirin estimates that her hair is at least twice her height.

Sue Kirin looked at her a few more times, then fixed his gaze on the woman on her side.

The female is tall and plump, holding a long sword, dressed as a lady, and her long gray and black hair is like the silence in the deep winter. However, none of this could be the reason Sue Kirin looked at her.

The real reason for Sue Kirin to watch her is the majestic imposing manner she exudes.

There is no doubt that she is a heavenly realm.

However, there is also a kind of intimacy. Sue Kirin thinks the breath of the maid is quite familiar.

You can let the guards of the heavens be there, who is this girl? Sue Kirin has doubts about the identity of the palace girl.

With the ringing of the bell, the girl in palace costume came to Sue Kirin and looked at her from top to bottom, regardless of whether the other party would be dissatisfied with it.

“Sue Kirin…?”

The question sounded a little hesitant, but both the tone and expression were somewhat determined. Obviously, the palace girl is probably just asking knowingly.

Sue Kirin was dissatisfied with this and asked with her eyebrows curled up:

“Who are you?”

Another maid–not the one holding the sword Position──Suddenly took a step forward and shouted in anger.

“Impudent! I ask you──”

The girl in palace clothes raised her hand to signal the maid to stop. The maid said, “Just follow Princess’s orders”, and then backed away.

Princess? is it possible that ──Sue Kirin was taken aback.

“I don’t have time to play pranks with you here. I ask you, yes, or not?”

The palace girl squinted slightly and asked twice.

Her tone contains a certain high-level pressure, even stronger than the imposing manner of the heaven next to her.

“So what is it, what is it not?”

If the other party asks herself in a good manner, Sue Kirin will definitely answer frankly-it’s not that she can’t see people , However, the girl’s unbelievable questioning method in front of her really disgusted her.

“I like to use the word’咩’. Well, you can’t be wrong with Sue Kirin.”

The palace girl seemed to be nodded with her guess.

In fact, she should know Sue Kirin in advance, otherwise she would not know Sue Kirin’s language habit. Sue Kirin must suspect that she deliberately investigated herself.

The girl in the palace costume seemed to believe that the girl in front of her was Sue Kirin. She immediately cut to the point and asked seriously:

“Gong Tianyang, are you cured? Where is the tailor? If he guessed right, he should already not in, right?”

How did she know? Sue Kirin’s eyes widened reflexively.

Seeing the girl equivalent to the default reaction, the palace girl is lightly sighed.

“It seems to be late. Father, your prank is too much.” Then, she didn’t explain what it was, and bypassed Sue Kirin, who was still out of condition. Walk quickly to the room.

“Hey, you wait──”

Sue Kirin, who came back to his senses, turned his head and planned to call her, but the heavenly maid stopped in front of her. A big gift was given to her.

Sue Kirin was stunned, wondering what the other party meant.

However, she was still stunned.

“Yinping has seen Little Ancestor Master.”

“…you call me Little Ancestor Master? You are from Heavenly Jade Palace!”

” Yes, I am the 24th generation dísciple of Heavenly Jade Palace. According to my seniority, I am the Junior Sister of the Vice Palace Lord.”


Sue Kirin No To be right, she had no idea that her Sect even had this person. Neither Ye Zhen nor Qi Qiqi had told her, and for a while, she had no idea how to face this dísciple named Yinping.

However, she failed to ask what happened.


A panic scream resounded abruptly across the sky.

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