“Oh, I got it.”

Next, Sue Kirin threw the short cloak that had taken off his bag and himself onto the bed. As expected, the bed is soft and resilient, as if half buried in a pile of feathers. This is a supreme enjoyment for girls who have not slept for a few days.

I really want to just fall asleep like this! Thinking of this, she kicked off her shoes, rolled on the bed for a while, and finally spread the big font on the bed. As for the cloak and luggage she left indiscriminately, Shui Yuner folded and sorted them.

It didn’t take long for the maid to bring in hot water and washing utensils with a few handymen.

In addition to coming in according to Qi Qiqi’s instructions to put things down, they also asked “guests, is there anything else to order?”. When they got a “no” answer, they left the room quickly and silently, as if they had never appeared before.

“Okay, the water temperature is right!”

Qi Qiqi, who was probing the water temperature, was satisfied and nodded, then turned her head and looked towards the sleepy Sue Kirin. With her hands on her hips, she asked angrily:

“Get me up, you or me first?”

Sue Kirin did not respond.

Ripples in the deep and faint Mingyellow eyes, shaking with uncertain emotions. Lying on the bed, she stared at the ceiling, not knowing what she was looking at.


Qiqiqi called Sue Kirin softly.

As if suddenly awakened from sleep, Sue Kirin propped up his body.

“Ah, you chant first!” I’ll find something to eat, by the way──”

She got out of bed, humming a little tune, and walked to the door.

” “Remember the past” with people. “

Who recounted the past? Qi Qiqi stayed for a while.

When she came back to his senses, the door had closed again, covering Sue Kirin’s petite silhouette.


Only the last words she said still reverberate in the room.

Sue Kirin is sitting at the stone table in the courtyard and pouring herself Drink.

The seat opposite her is clearly empty, but there is a wine cup full of wine.

The wine is the finest bamboo green leaves, which she got from the Inn. She bought it, and she took out the wine cup for the wine from the rented room.

Sue Kirin likes to drink from time to time.

She is actually not good Wine, there is no tendency to appreciate wine and hobby, she just likes the feeling of being slightly drunk.

Whenever she sinks and sinks on the ocean where drunk and sober meet, she always feels an inexplicable sense of happiness. It seems that even her mood will improve a lot because of this.

Especially when she is troubled and painful, she will always use wine as a companion to seek false happiness when she is half drunk.

Perhaps, occasional self-deception has become a prescription for Sue Kirin to resolve emotions.

But she is not trying to resolve emotions today, but needs a good mood that’s all.

Well, she was afraid that she could not help but would do it.


“So, are you not going to drink? I am full for you. “

Sue Kirin put down the wine in her hand.

She raised her brows and looked in a certain direction, and continued with dissatisfaction:

“You don’t drink Yes, but I don’t like being watched by others while drinking, especially by uninvited guests. ”

──The response was a little arriving slowly.

When in the sky suddenly sighed, Sue Kirin had already had two glasses of wine.

“Uninvited guest…”

The moment the voice turned out, a man wearing a black robe appeared from a corner of the yard that the afterglow of the setting sun could not reach.

Sue Kirin took a look. The man puts on the dark golden Minghuang mask that covers his face.

“I don’t like your mask, it’s too tacky. “Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose, “Why use golden?” Rustic. “

While approaching Sue Kirin, the man said lightly:

“Actually, Luo did not like it. Wearing this mask is too hot. Every time you sweat on your face, you have to take off the mask to wipe it off. “

“Oh, then you don’t have to wear it.” “

Looking at Luo Hong who was sitting opposite him, Sue Kirin lifted his cheeks boredly.

“Don’t worry, no matter how handsome you look, I won’t be tempted. . “

“Luo knows how much Snow Maiden loves herself not at all, and Luo has nothing to do with her appearance. “

After finishing speaking, Luo Hong picked up the wine cup that had been full of wine, and took a sip.

“Oh, quite self-knowledge. “Sue Kirin raised his finger angrily. “You have to give me money for wine.” “

“Nature. “

Luo Hong took out some broken silver from his sleeve and put it on the stone table.

“Five taels should be enough. “

“Ouch, are you quite rich?” There are so many. “

be that as it may, Sue Kirin still swiftly received the broken silver into his sleeve, for fear that the other party would regret it.

At this time, it seemed to be aware of the yard The moving Shui Yuner looked towards this side from the crack of the half-open door. When she saw Luo Hong, she showed a slightly unexpected expression, and said hello to him as nodded. Luo Hong also responded with nodded.

Next, Shui Yuner reminded Sue Kirin, “Don’t drink too much. “, he retracted his head.

“The girl just now should be your dísciple? “

“If I don’t tell you, I will greet you. “

Luo Hong’s eyes stopped slightly, as if saying, “You really can’t do anything about it”.

After shook the head helplessly, he let out a sigh.

“Since Snow Maiden invited me to drink, Luo Mou said something straight. “

Sue Kirin glanced at the other person and expressed the meaning of “talking” with his eyes.

“Frankly speaking, no matter what Luo looks at, compared to Heavenly Jade’s Ancestor Master, Snow Maiden is more like a carefree child. “


Sue Kirin, who just brought the drink to his mouth, drags his words far away.

“I I don’t think your vision is good. “

“Perhaps. “

“Furthermore, this doesn’t need you to care, right? I do whatever I like, after all I am me! “

“──Am I…? “

Like eating something difficult to swallow, Luo Hong continued to ruminate this sentence looking thoughtful.

“So, how come you dare to come to me? “

Sue Kirin curled her mouth and stared at Luo Boom.

Her left cheek was slightly sunken, revealing a single-sided pear nest filled with reddish red, which was moistened with a cherry color by wine. The thin lips seem to be covered with dewy small petals.

As a result, she has this salivating appearance–

“You are not afraid. “

Mingyellow’s eyes are swaying with red light flickering.

“Did I kill you?” “

Luo Hong paused for a moment when he brought the wine cup to his mouth.

“It’s not a question of being afraid. “

After finishing, he drank the wine in the bottle in one breath. “It’s a question of Believing or Not-I don’t believe you will kill me.” Even if you put your sword on my neck now, I don’t believe it. “

“You are very funny! Sue Kirin let out a laugh, “Why do you think I don’t?” Wouldn’t you say “I believe you” that laughs away people’s teeth? “

“I can’t talk about trust or not between you and me. “

“You really know yourself well. “

Luo Hong did not answer, but slowly raised his head to look up at the end of the sky.

The waning moon that had just emerged from the back of the mountain for half a round was reflected in his dark eyes, faintly like water The opened moon shadow is like a mass of melting snow burned by Yu Yang.

His face must be full of melancholy now.

Although the other party’s face is covered by the mask Cover, Sue Kirin still catches some clues from the other’s eyes.

“…I just believe in Qing that’s all. “

Luo Bang not at all continues to call himself Luo Mou, perhaps because he opened his heart a little.

As for hearing him mention Luo Qing’s Sue Kirin, his movements are obviously stagnant. She touched her lips with a wine cup and remained silent.


Before she whispered like this, she sat there for a while.

What color is Sue Kirin in Luo Qing’s eyes? What does she think of Sue Kirin, and how does she comment on Heavenly Jade Ancestor Master in front of Luo Hong? Sue Kirin doesn’t know, because she should answer in person People don’t exist anymore.

This topic may seem a bit heavy for both of them.

They just drank quietly for a while without making a sound, even There is no sight communication.

“By the way, why are you at Imperial Capital? I heard that you are the leader of the National Guard of Jinling Town? “

Sue Kirin suddenly threw this question and curious look at Luo Hong.

“I was transferred back. “

“Oh, rise or fall? “

Luo Hong was shrugged, and explained calmly in a tone as if a matter of no concern to oneself:

“Although the rank has not changed, no one likes me in Jinling Dominate, but in Imperial Capital, I am always under the eyes of the Great Commander of Zhen Guowei, subject to its constraints. “

“tsk tsk tsk. “Sue Kirin showed a grinning smile of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. “Is it a crime, or is it defeated in the power struggle?” “

“Something has happened. “

“Oh, so careless, really–wait, why are you looking at me with meaningful eyes?” “

“Heavenly Sword Gate. “Luo Hong filled Sue Kirin with wine, “I’m not satisfied with the above, and think I’m too arbitrary. “

Sue Kirin hummed from his nose, expressing obvious disgust.

“Deserve it! “

“I don’t regret it. “

Even if Xiaoqing died, he wouldn’t regret it? Sue Kirin raised his brows, and inadvertently added gravity to his palms.

oh la la ──!

The wine cup was crushed by the girl, and the fragments were scattered on the stone table, making a crisp bell.

The drink that lost its place wetted her small palms and splashed on the corners of her eyes. Water droplets like teardrops.

The expression on the girl’s face disappeared quickly, and she silently pulled out the shards of the wine bottle stuck in her hand.

“You should regret it. “

Looking at the bloody palm, Sue Kirin said coldly.

“Why? “

When I heard this voice, a raging anger spurted from the depths of Sue Kirin’s within the body.

The mind was hot and heavy.

The unprovoked anger and killing intent turned into extremely destructive flames, burning her thoughts to ashes, burning her whole body like red iron.

When she reacted, the sword light was already shining.

The azure long sword left a faintly discernible track in the sky, and the cold blade approached Luo Hong for an instant, and finally stopped at his neck. Next to it.

Sue Kirin, holding a long sword, stands on the stone table, looking down at Luo Hong from a high level. Her face is distorted, and her eyes are full of endless killing intents, like a selection of people. And the ominous beast.

However, in the face of the long sword that may be cut down at any time, Luo Hong remains unmoved. Even though the yellow eyes of the two pearls are already stained with a little thick fishy smell , He still stares at him with calm and composed eyes without fear.

“Sue Kirin, do you want me to insult her determination? “

The questioning tone.

Just like this, let the long sword in the girl’s hand slowly move away from her, and finally hang down weakly.

Luo Hong’s words seem to have a certain magical power, causing the burning sensation in Sue Kirin’s throat to quickly retreat until it disappears in her stomach.


Xiaoqing, what should you tell me to say? Sue Kirin sighed faintly.

While Sue Kirin was still looking up at the sky, Luo Hong suddenly lightly coughed in embarrassment. .

“What’s wrong? “

Sue Kirin, who seemed impatient, lowered his head and stared at Luo Hong. As a result, Luo Hong pointed at Sue Kirin’s lower body dodgingly.

“Snow Maiden, you are about to Gone. “


Sue Kirin stared back and forth in the eyes of himself and Luo Hong.

When I understood that I was so far away Not far away, Sue Kirin sank a face, turned around expressionlessly, jumped off the stone table, and sat down on the chair again. Although she didn’t say a word, the blush on her face had already betrayed her, proving her It’s embarrassing.

At this time, silence is often more embarrassing.

So, Sue Kirin took the lead in breaking the ice:

“So? What is the matter with you coming to me? “

When I asked this question, Sue Kirin lowered his head and did not look at Luo Hong.

“I’m here to give you advice. “

Sue Kirin frowned and raised his head, casting a suspicious look at the opponent.

“Advice? What advice? “

“If you can follow the normal procedures to visit the Gong Family to seek a meeting with Eldest Miss, you can take what I say next to the ears. I hope that even if you are turned away , And don’t act rashly. Don’t try to be late for the purpose in any unorthodox way. You have to remember one thing–“

His tone is unprecedentedly serious and beyond doubt.

“This is Imperial Capital. “

Are you warning yourself not to mess around? Sue Kirin guessed.

“Oh, but I don’t think Xiaoqing will back down because of the word Imperial Capital, right? “

Sue Kirin cherishes and puts Luo Qing’s last sword, Tianqing, into her sheath.

“If you are really worried…” Sue Kirin raised his eyes and stared at Luo Hong intently, “Why do you want to confide in the news and tell us where Xiaoqing is? “

Her eyes suddenly brightened, staring at the depths of Luo Hong’s eyes as if she wanted to explore something. Luo Hong hesitated for a while, but finally still didn’t answer the topic, just left the wine in the cup Drank all of her wine in one breath.

“Luo Mou wrote down the love of Snow Girl today. “

Then he stood up neatly.

“I also hope Snow Maiden will remember that this is Imperial Capital. “

Before leaving, he reiterated this softly.

As for Sue Kirin, who was left behind, he didn’t know what he was thinking, and he didn’t move for a long time.

When she subconsciously wanted to drink, but couldn’t find the drink, she finally came back to his senses.

“It’s terrible…”

The fragmented wine cup reflected in his eyes, and Sue Kirin let out a profound and long sigh.

------------------------ ---------------

In the words of the house: Yipai’s theme song has been released, and the included album has also been pre-sold. Welcome your support. House I won’t tell you that the song is very nice!

This is not an album pv link!: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av5157367/

This is not an album Pre-sale link!: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.0.0.yFVjT3&id=534728946884&_u=11nscim8a6f7

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