
Sue Kirin’s mouth is tilted to one side, portraying a smile of harboring malicious intentions, and will move his body forward and beckon to Li Wanting. Li Wanting leaned forward for unknown reasons.

“I’ll tell you in a low voice, I’m just asking that’s all as a rule. If I let her know that I eat alone without telling her, she will definitely make a big noise.”

Li Wanting was speechless for a while. After straightening her body, she blinked and stared at Sue Kirin.

“That’s it?”

“Hey, my name is’play first and cut later’! Anyway, she can’t eat anymore, she can only stare, but didn’t expect it. I’m asleep, hey, it saves a lot of trouble. For example, I’m eating her while thinking and so on.”

Li Wanting first put on an expression like “I can’t stand it”, and then laughed. When he got up, he gave Sue Kirin a flick on the forehead.

“The little Ancestor Master is really bad. If you tell the younger sister of the palace lord, you will definitely be taken down again.”

“Not afraid.” Sue Kirin rubbed his chin and said. “Xiaoting’s mouth is quite small.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are saying that you are not a big mouth, you can keep secrets.” He waved his hand. Later, Sue Kirin curled his mouth, “You are not Xiaoxue.”

“Hello, is this talking about Junior Sister Xia?”

“Isn’t it?”

Li Wanting showed helplessness, lightly sighed.

“I don’t deny this. With Junior Sister Xia’s character, it’s hard to say that one day I won’t miss it.”

Sue Kirin was a little unconvinced with Li Wanting’s statement.

“Spoken? Humph, she won’t be able to bleat. In her dictionary there is only intentional, simply won’t be’careful’! That guy can be shrewd!”

“She is still well-measured in major events.”

Next, Li Wanting touched the chin and added:

“Of course, it’s hard to say in small matters.”

It turned out to be a small thing to keep me away from violence! Sue Kirin rolled the eyes dissatisfied, holding a tea cup and took a sip. The tea has been cold and it doesn’t taste very good.

Seeing Sue Kirin pick frowned, Li Wanting coughed awkwardly.

“What’s wrong?”

“May I make another pot?” Li Wanting smiled bitterly, and pointed to the tea cup that Sue Kirin had put in front of her mouth. Concentrated on reading and didn’t pay much attention to the water temperature. It’s hard to drink, right?”

“It’s fine if you know it. I’m a guest anyway. You treat guests so perfunctorily.” Sue Kirin calmly voiced, imitating Li Wanting’s tone, “If you let Xiaoqi know it, maybe you’ll have to take it down again.”

“Haha, it’s really terrifying.”

Li Wanting is straightforward , Laughed up and was not as tactful as other women. Perhaps this looks like a very uneducated smile in Hua Dynasty, but Sue Kirin feels particularly comfortable.

Laugh when it’s time to laugh, laugh when it’s time to laugh, what’s to suppress and hide? Sue Kirin thinks so.

“You don’t need to make tea anymore. You can drink it. I don’t have any requirements.” Sue Kirin’s eyes fell on the book in Li Wanting’s hand, “It’s the book, it’s really so interesting? Said the agency. “It’s so funny.”

“Yes, it’s interesting.” Li Wanting said excitedly, “There are some places that I can’t understand. This book is suddenly enlightened.”

” Oh, so…”

After hearing Li Wanting say this, Sue Kirin suddenly felt a little curious.

“Can I have a look?”

“en?” Li Wanting looked up and down Sue Kirin in surprise and suspiciousness, “Little Ancestor Master, do you know anything about mechanics?

“No no, I am an unknown and incompetent idler, how can I understand the’mechanism’! I’m just curious. “Sue Kirin appeared indifferent, “If it’s not convenient, then forget it.” “

“There is no convenience or inconvenience, it’s just a little unexpected that’s all. “

After speaking, Li Wanting let out a laugh, picked up the book placed in the corner of the table, and handed it to Sue Kirin. Sue Kirin looked at the book and Li Wanting back and forth.

” Really? “

“Hey, just say it. “

Sue Kirin “Oh” nodded and took the book. She hesitated for a moment before opening it.

As a result, what came into my eyes was a pile of densely The line segments and labels of the packed.

It’s the structure picture.

Sue Kirin’s eyes are wide open as if seeing something incredible.

These structure pictures are three-dimensional The perspective drawing technique looks very similar. The most unbelievable thing is that there is something similar to the modern scale in the annotations beside the knot map. It is hard to imagine that these auxiliary annotations will appear in this era.里.

The number representing the ratio is naturally impossible, and it is not the usual modern representation. However, it does not hinder the understanding. Even Sue Kirin can understand it with a little thought.

It seems that I still underestimated the wisdom of the Chinese people? Until now, Sue Kirin thinks that many places in ancient times are lagging behind modern times, but now she once again realizes that the wisdom of ancient people is not inferior to modern times People, just lack some accumulation of experience that’s all.

“Huh? “

Sue Kirin suddenly found something strange.

In these structural drawings, there are some complex and regular line segments. These line segments are obviously not ordinary structural lines, and It is a separate structure. If you want to compare it, it is like a bird’s eye view of a city’s complex alleys or streets or meridian in the human body.

The relevant line segments are marked by ancient Chinese Written, it’s a bit different from the general grammar of the Chinese dynasty. Sue Kirin didn’t understand the grammar of the Chinese dynasty originally. Even more how is ancient Chinese?

But since the text is the same, Sue Kirin is still roughly the same. Understand the general idea.

The general idea of ​​the annotation is: these line segments are some subtle True Qi pipelines. When True Qi flows in these pipelines, they can promote some organ structures.

so that’s how it is, is it a power pipeline? Sue Kirin uses his usual concept to explain these line segments.

It’s just──

Although there is no basis, once these lines Viewed as a whole pattern, Sue Kirin looked more and more and felt that the pattern combined by these line segments looked like a surgical pattern.

However, in the next second, Sue Kirin felt This idea of ​​my own is a bit ridiculous.

“How could it be…”

The girl whispered. If these line segments are really art maps, the organ weapons will not become the spell weapon monsters. Have you guided weapons? It’s hard for Sue Kirin to imagine that similar technology will appear in the Hua Dynasty, which is backward in magic theory. Of course, it’s not certain that it is possible that mechanism technology is the prototype of similar technology.

── The so-called things are similar, and the veins of the tree are also a bit like an art map!

Anyway, Sue Kirin felt that she was thinking too much, so she abandoned this idea.

It coincides with this time──

“That’s right…”

Li Wanting’s tone of hesitation pulled out Sue Kirin’s indulging consciousness in her thoughts. Sue Kirin from the book Li raised her head, looked at Li Wanting, and found that the other party was frowning slightly.


Sue Kirin made a questioning voice, and Li Wanting started with the word “I heard”. , Said:

“Zhenbei Great General returned to the court? “

“Zhenbei Great General? “Sue Kirin seemed a little impressed, “You mean the Great General whose surname is Gong?” “

Li Wanting nodded said yes.

“Oh, it seems to be right. I heard Xiaoqi talk about it a while ago, but I’m not quite clear. The details are. “

By the way, this incident seems to have spread all over the city a long time ago. It seems that even people who don’t know much about current affairs have heard about it. Why is Xiaoting not so clear about it?

However, after Sue Kirin thinks about it for a little while, he finds nothing strange.

After all, Li Wanting has long been fascinated by swordsmanship and mechanism skills. It is not surprising that the news is blocked. And Sue Kirin is responsible for the role of “Listening to Qiqi Qi’s grievances when eating every day”, so she knows more as it should be by rights than Li Wanting.


I didn’t know what was thinking, and Li Wanting responded with a sluggish tone.

“What’s wrong? Why did you suddenly ask about this? “

Sue Kirin asked strangely, while closing the book, and handing it back to Li Wanting.

“Um…” Li Wanting looked serious, “Little Ancestor Master knows Zhenbei House? “

“Seems to have heard it. Sue Kirin thought for a while, then shook his head frankly, “I don’t know. “

“Little Ancestor Master, you really know too little, you should know more about the outside world… some basic common sense is still necessary. “

Sue Kirin knew that Li Wanting made sense, so she rang and laughed “ah ha ha…”. Li Wanting sighed helplessly, and then explained:

“Hua Although there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the North Korea, few of them can be called elite divisions. The most famous of them are the Dragon Protecting Guard, which guards the Imperial Capital and the Imperial Palace, and the Four Towns, which guard the frontier. The so-called four towns are the four towns in the southeast and northwest. They have long-term experience in foreign warfare, and they are among the elite. “

It seems that to give Sue Kirin time to digest the information, Li Wanting paused a little, and then continued:

“Zhenbei Mansion has been guarded in northern Xinjiang for a long time and has fought against the North for many times. It is the town with the highest battle strength among the four towns. However, the Imperial Court suddenly transferred it back to Chang’an… Perhaps the meaning behind it is not simple. “

Sue Kirin groaned.

If we say that the transfer of the Imperial Court to Zhenbei Mansion is not regular, but there is an overtone–

“Imperial Court transferred the original external town to the Imperial Capital. Does it mean to change’external’ to’internal’? “

Sue Kirin made such a guess.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly remembered what Xihe mentioned in her letter.

“Speaking of which, Zhenxi Mansion seems to be back…”

The next second, Sue Kirin clearly heard Li Wanting’s gasp.

“Even Zhenxi Mansion returned. Is it? “


Sue Kirin was a little frightened by Li Wanting’s excited tone, and shrank his shoulders.

“Xihe said so of. “

“Xihe? “Li Wanting asked uncertainly: “Is that Celestial Demon?” “

“Yes. Sue Kirin touched the ear beads of her right ear, “She is in the realm of Martial Demon, and the realm of Martial Demon seems to be not far from the station of Zhenxi Mansion. She seems to have got the news because of a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first. “

“Little Ancestor Master, a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first doesn’t mean that? “

“Uh, shouldn’t the point be here? “

“That’s true. “

Li Wanting showed a troubled expression.

“I only hope that the transfer of these two towns is not for martial arts various sects. “

“No way? It’s not about five──”

Sue Kirin suddenly fell silent.

───“The undercurrent left over five years ago is about to surface. The darkness lurking in the depths of the Imperial Palace is deeper and thicker than you and I imagined. “

She remembered what Beiming Youyu said to herself.

If──if these words are of special significance, then the probability that can be derived There is only one…

“No way…”

Sue Kirin is unbelievable. The Imperial Court and the martial arts are going to fight?

──No, not necessarily It’s a war.

As far as Sue Kirin knows, the turmoil caused by the assassination incident five years ago was ultimately unsuccessful to both sides. If the person sitting in the Supreme Position still feels bad about it In this case, even if he turns out this old account and liquidation is not impossible at any time.

In other words, the Imperial Court may have the meaning of attacking the martial arts.

So, Only if there is a fish in the North Ming can Sue Kirin become stronger.

Only in this way-Sue Kirin can protect his love in everything that may happen next.

Sue Kirin’s mood It suddenly became heavy.

She felt that something heavy was dropping from the sky, weighing heavily on her back.

If all this speculation will be in the near future When it becomes a reality, what should I do?

The silence does not know how long it has lingered between the two.

During its lingering, it seems that even the air is frozen by it. , Became extra heavy.

“──Does Qinger know about the Great General’s return to the court? “

This is the question that finally broke the ice.

Sue Kirin came back to his senses and looked up in amazement.

“What? I do not know. Why did you mention Xiaoqing suddenly? She should know, after all, it’s Xiaoqi’s discipline. “

“No, it stands to reason that the palace lord’s younger sister It shouldn’t be specifically mentioned it to Qing’er. “

Why? Sue Kirin put this question into the expression.

“Hey, little Ancestor Master, don’t you know?” “Li Wanting’s surprising appearance made Sue Kirin a little irritable. She was not impatient with Li Wanting, but she suddenly realized that she knew too little–whether it was from the Chinese Dynasty. The matter is still the matter of the people around you.

I…Is it self-proclaimed in my own world?

Or, I haven’t really lived in this World until now. Where is it?

Sue Kirin’s heart is entangled in a daze, making her feel upset.

“What the hell is it! “

She has no desire to improve, holding her head and shouting, trying to vent her inner feelings.

“…Little Ancestor Master, what’s wrong with you? “

For Li Wanting’s concern, Sue Kirin waved his hand wearily and said “It’s okay.”

“So, what is the matter with Xiaoqing about the Great General’s return to the court? What about the relationship? “

“Qing’er──Gong Tianqing is the granddaughter of Gong Great General! “

At this moment, Sue Kirin was finally able to be sure–

I don’t know anything.

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