‘──King Qi.

Kirin Qiqi, ten days have passed, how are you doing? I’m all well and my tail is gradually recovering, so there is no need to worry.

I don’t know how to express myself, and it’s the first time to write to others, so I don’t know what to write, so I write and so on according to what I think of Right…

Since you left the town of Martial Demons, I have been running around in the Martial Demons Realm, telling the Martial Demons that the Trial of Martial Demons has been cancelled, so until now I can spare some time to write to you.

Everyone was quite surprised at the sudden cancellation of the Martial Demon Realm trial, which resulted in a lot of different opinions and opinions. Some people think that Four Great Sects is plotting wrong or perfunctory.

Although there are differences, everyone is actually relaxed. After all, in terms of results, there is hope.

Finally able to live a stable life, they must all have this idea.

So I have to say thank you again. If it weren’t for you, maybe things would not go so smoothly. I also… finally can give a quite satisfactory explanation to the compatriots waiting for me on Yellow Springs Road.

In addition, did you spread the news that the Martial Realm trial was cancelled? Recently, a lot of Martial Demons who wandered around in different places came back to Martial Demons Realm, and they said they came back after receiving the news.

I know that this trial of the Martial Demon Realm can be cancelled, largely due to the change of the Imperial Court…

I don’t know, when everything is stable, five Will Great Sect restart the trial again…Although it is a bit selfish and cunning, I believe you will reach out to me again—to the martial demons. I am so convinced.

There is one more thing I have to mention. The Imperial Court seems to be shifting the garrison recently, and the elites on the border have been transferred back to the capital. The Zhenxi Fu Army who was stationed near the Martial Demon Realm has also been Other troops replaced the garrison…

Bei Ming’s elder sister said that five years ago, the matter was not over yet, but it’s all hidden under the water for the time being. So I’m thinking that these transfers may be aimed at the martial arts, which is gradually reviving. You must be more careful.

If you need help, write to me and I will do my best to help.

The last thing, if you have plans to come to the realm of Martial Demon, please contact me early, and I will prepare good specialties for you. Looking forward to the next meeting.

Xihe’s autographs’

“Yo, Xihe seems to be having a good time!”

Sue Kirin With a weird sigh, he folded the letter and stuffed it back into the envelope.

“What do you mean? It’s ugly.”

“Little Master, I’m naughty again.”

Whether you join the letter reading army in the middle, At this time, Shui Yuner, who was covering her mouth and smiling, was still frowns Qi Qiqi dissatisfied, and Sue Kirin ignored them.

She stuffed the letter into her sleeve, then jumped out of the bed with a hey, and walked towards the porter.

Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er feel unfathomable mystery about her behavior, and face each other. Finally, Qi Qiqi asked:

“Hey, Kirin, where did you go?”

“Write a reply.”

“Hey, really Isn’t it? But don’t you know how to use a brush? And why don’t you write in your own room?”

Sue Kirin suddenly became stiff at hearing this, but quickly recovered.

“Writing to write this kind of thing pays attention to the right time and place, I have to find an outstanding place to hold my breath, and bring inspiration.”

“talk nonsense!” Qi Qiqi picked frowned, “Say, are you guilty? What bad things did you do?”


What bad things can you do? I’m not afraid that you will find the tooth marks on the calf… Sue Kirin was out of breath and uttered something in his heart.

“I have to breastfeed Xiao Ji, let’s not talk about it!”

Sue Kirin quickened his pace, and it turned out──


Qiqiqi only used two words to disappoint Sue Kirin to stop.

“Turn around!”

I have hard to avoid calamity! Sue Kirin turned around crying.

“Come here and sit down!”

Qiqiqi pointed to the floor in front of her, and Sue Kirin could only follow her instructions like a falling eggplant.

“Say, what did you do. Be lenient in confession, strict in resistance! If you let me know afterwards-hum.”

Qi Qiqi shook her fist, frightened Sue Kirin stood upside down.

Under the threat, Sue Kirin stupidly bit the other party’s foot without omission and in detail.

As a result, she was greeted with another extremely long lecture.

It’s just different from just now. This time, Sue Yuner’s snickering voice has been accompanied by Sue Kirin’s voice, making Sue Kirin even more ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Li Wanting is a fool.

She is obsessed with the technique of forging swords with iron, and even more obsessed with mechanism skills. She is able to forget about food for this reason, and even spend a lot of money to build a private forging in the yard where she lives. Metallurgical workshop.

And her enthusiasm is vividly and thoroughly reflected in her room.

In the spacious room, there are several large shelves similar to bookshelves.

In addition to the books, there are more kinds of weapons and blueprints, which are breathtaking. Some things Sue Kirin can call out names, some are not. Some of them are things that Sue Kirin has never seen before, and I don’t know what they are used for.

Although he is full of curiosity, Sue Kirin dare not touch the things here. She still remembered that when she came here for the first time, she was almost shot as a hedgehog because she moved a certain mechanism because of curiosity.

Since then, she can only be a thief-hearted person here.

Curiosity killed the cat, Sue Kirin didn’t want to die an untimely death.

However, no matter how many times, Sue Kirin feels that this is very difficult to deal with in a sense.

“──Little Ancestor Master, tea.”

Pulling attention away from the maze-like shelves in this room, Sue Kirin looked towards I don’t know when Li Wanting will be back.

When Sue Kirin first visited and sat down, she said “I’m going to make some tea” and then left the room. Only then did she return with the steaming teapot and poured it for herself and Sue Kirin. Serve a cup of hot tea.

“Oh, trouble Xiaoting.”

Sue Kirin grinned and thanked Li Wanting.

After replying “you are welcome”, Li Wanting picked up the book on the table and read it.

Sue Kirin holding a tea cup accompanied by the slight noise of turning pages. At that time she not at all realized that the tea was still smoking tobacco.

The next moment──

Puff──! Sue Kirin sprayed out all the tea he had just drunk in his mouth. The tea is too hot.

Although it happened quite suddenly, Li Wanting responded quickly. She quickly leaned to the side, avoiding the shower of tea barrage, still holding the tea cup and the book she was reading tightly in her hand.

Sue Kirin exhales like a puppy with a pink tongue to cool the burned tongue.

“Little Ancestor Master, are you okay?”

Hearing Li Wanting’s concern, Sue Kirin waved his hand.

“It’s okay…”

Sue Kirin thought that Li Wanting would pour herself a glass of cold water or hand her a handkerchief and so on, but Li Wanting just “oh”. So he moved the chair back to its original position and buried his head in the book again.

I always feel that this indifferent attitude makes the earth fire inexplicably big…Is the book more important than me? Sue Kirin thought so, while not happily wiped the tea stains on his lips with his sleeve.

Then she clenched her right hand into a fist and put it in front of her mouth, lightly coughed.

“Xiaoting, what book makes you so fascinated?”

Half of this question is to remind the other party not to neglect guests, and the remaining half is out of curiosity.

Since Sue Kirin stepped into this room, she did not see Li Wanting lower the book she was holding. Even when she went to make tea, she brought it with her.

I guess I was reading a book while making tea. Otherwise, although Li Wanting is not good at making tea, she would not fail to notice the problem of too high water temperature.


Li Wanting didn’t raise her eyes, but just replied in such a short and indifferent manner.

“Oh, does it look good? Tell me something and so on?”


Heard the other party’s absent-minded answer, Sue Kirin picked frowned and suddenly found it difficult to continue the conversation.

Is it really that good-looking? She doubted.

“A mechanical weapon like the Universe of Heaven?”


“Is the book newly bought?”


“How many pages are there?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s really that good-looking? “

“It looks good.”

“The tea is too hot.”

“Will it?”

Oh my God, this I asked what happened to the dialogue that she answered? Sue Kirin couldn’t stand it, “ha” exhaled greatly.

Although Sue Kirin has known for a long time, once Li Wanting enters a state of concentration, she will concentrate attention completely on the things in front of her, not paying much attention to other external things, and she also knows that she might disturb the other party. But she still felt a little bit dissatisfied.

Since you are willing to receive yourself, you can count yourself as a guest, and neglecting guests is really not an appropriate behavior-Sue Kirin thinks so.

So, she knocked on the table a little angrily, and then protested:

“I feel left out!”

Sue Kirin deliberately spoke In terms of disconnection, emphasize your unhappiness.

“Huh, left out?”

Li Wanting finally looked up.

The orange red eyes are full of surprise, reflecting Sue Kirin’s unhappy look.

“Who left out who?” She stared wide-eyed, pointed at herself and asked: “Who left out who?”

Wow, I didn’t even realize it! Sue Kirin rolled his eyes.

“Of course you snubbed me! There are others here besides me and you?”

“I snubbed you the little Ancestor Master? Are there any?”

Sue Kirin scowled and said “Yes” in a deep voice.

“Is that so…?”

Li Wanting scratched her cheek and smiled awkwardly.

“I thought little Ancestor Master you were just here for tea, so I made a pot of tea for you. And you didn’t say anything, just asked me about the book.”


Sue Kirin’s complexion suddenly became stiff. She really didn’t explain why she came, so Li Wanting thought she was just coming to eat and drink to kill the time, it seems excusable, after all, Sue Kirin has a lot of history, and is a famous “leisure” in Heavenly Jade Palace.

“Hmm, I understand! Little Ancestor Master came to me for something, right?”

“Yes, yes!”

Sue Kirin again and again nodded.

“I see.”

Slap, Li Wanting closed the book in her hand.

She took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and padded a corner of the table before putting the book on it.

Seems to cherish this book very much, Sue Kirin blinked.

Li Wanting pulled off the hairpin and untied the long ponytail. A dark red hair was immediately scattered, like the sparks of a fire dropping from the sky, as if it would make a crackling sound like a fire star bursting.

Li Wanting combed her split-end hair with her fingers. The long, slightly dry hair rustled between friction.

Unlike other women that Sue Kirin is familiar with, Li Wanting is slim but does not make people feel weak. Without delicate facial features, she can barely be classified as beautiful, and her skin is more because of the long-term fire. Work before, and was dyed the color of wheat.

In the Hua Dynasty where pure whiteness is beautiful, Li Wanting really does not conform to the aesthetics of ordinary people. Even according to Sue Kirin’s aesthetics, it can only be regarded as beautiful, far inferior to Qi Qiqi and the others.

It’s just–very healthy and refined.

Li Wanting, who is active on the front line of work, gives people a sense of vitality.

Furthermore, she has a straightforward and generous personality. It can be said that she is widely loved by everyone in the Heavenly Jade Palace. Sue Kirin also heard Shui Yun’er say that some male dísciples have admiration for Li Wanting, but Li Wanting has a bit of affection. Slow, not aware of that’s all.

“So little Ancestor Master, what do you do?”

Asked, Li Wanting took up her long hair and tied it back.

I always feel that this question should be asked at first…Sue Kirin’s heart is a little tired. She sighed.

“I just came to ask how my sword was repaired!”

The Heavenly Universe was seriously damaged in the battle with Jialan. Not only the external components were damaged by Sue Kirin. After being removed, the body was also damaged by the impact of the erupting Dragon Vein after it penetrated the Indestructible Vajra Body of Jialan. Fortunately, the spell-processed core gem that hosts the Dimensity Spirit Physique is still intact.

Sue Kirin sent the Universe of Heaven to Li Wanting for maintenance. It has been a while. She estimated that the time should be almost up, and finally had today’s visit.


“Not yet.”

Li Wanting repressed her feelings and replied.

Sue Kirin seems to have come early, and it seems that he has come at the wrong time.

“Oh, it needs more–“

The question was interrupted by a loud sound. Li Wanting suddenly slap the table and stand up, even so hard that things on the table jumped up, staring at Sue Kirin angrily. Her face flushed with anger, and her trembling silhouette enveloped Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin was stunned by the unexpected fierce reaction, and she blinked her eyes and looked back at each other in confusion.

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