Although the monk’s face was still distorted from the pain, he also knew that if he didn’t accept the move, he would die by the opponent’s sword.

Because one hand was severely injured, and the technique on the dagger hindered the concentration of Spiritual Qi, he only had one hand left to use. He placed the only available hand in front of him, blocking the opponent’s stabbing as much as possible, and then seized an opportunity to grab the Tianli Sword with his bare hands.


Qi Qiqi opened her eyes and didn’t expect the other party to “grab” the blade with nothing.

“Grab you!”

The monk shouted in a lame Chinese language, showing a hideous expression. He gave up his previous plan, and his strong urge to revenge almost buried his sanity.

He was grabbing the opponent’s sword and at the same time rammed into Qi Qiqi’s slender body sideways.

But, Qi Qiqi is so impossible to withstand a single blow? She pushed one hand on the shoulder that the opponent hit, and after bearing a small amount of strength, her whole body bounced back. At the same time, she poured a large amount of Spiritual Qi into the Tianli Sword, and the crimson pattern suddenly appeared on the sword. The technique of Tianli Sword was activated, bursting out a large amount of crimson flames.


The flame entangled the monk’s hand, burning the Spiritual Qi that was laid on it, and infiltrating it. The monk suffered burns to his arm and painfully released his sword grasping hand.

“I’m sorry.”

Qi Qiqi gave a fierce scream, whirled her slender right leg with flames, and kicked the monk on the side of the neck. The monk was kicked out and knocked down several soldiers from the North.

After getting rid of the monk, Qi Qiqi no longer entangled here, even if she wanted to kill the monk on the spot.

She is about to fall behind.

Qi Qiqi turned back to catch up with her comrade in front of her. As a result, the light curtain in front of the team suddenly exploded with terrifying flames, and the performance of the light curtain also caused huge ripples.

It is shelling.

Qi Qiqi raised her sleeves to cover the oncoming explosion smoke. She squinted her eyes and looked forward, but saw that there was another blank area in front of her, and a large number of artillery was erected at the other end.

It must be that the opponent has guessed their intention to charge, and has judged their forward path. In fact, it’s not hard to guess that Sue Kirin’s first charged shot was to open the way.

If they didn’t charge in time and didn’t give too much space and time for the enemy commander to think about it, the opponent would definitely be able to make a countermeasure earlier.

But it’s not too late.

At least, Qi Qiqi thinks so.

A total of five turrets aimed at the Hua Dynasty at the same time, using an uninterrupted method to continuously fire at them. Every time the fire is rushing, the light curtain erected in front of the army is unstable.

The formidable power of these artillery pieces is powerful. Sue Kirin tried his best to maintain the light curtain in front. It might be a matter of time before being penetrated.

“Hurry up and pull out those forts!” She shouted.

Just finished speaking, the 1st floor light curtain was shattered into countless pieces in a sudden salvo. The eight boards that make up the light curtain were shocked and flew out. Their surface was covered with scars, and the lines lost their light, proving that the damage had exceeded the range they could bear, and they fell weakly to the ground.

Qiqiqi and Xia Xueshen knew that the situation was urgent.

They were on the left and right. They lifted up and accelerated in the same way. They passed their team and rushed to the five seats before firing a round of the guns that were loading.

“It’s’Fuhu Cannon’…” Qi Qi murmured, and said the name of the artillery.

It is a large black artillery, lying on the ground and the seat is like a ferocious monster ready to go. Before the mechanism reappears on the stage, it was once the strongest killer in the battlefield. It had a barrel nearly the length of a mature man, and its extremely heavy barrel was enough to send a huge formidable power shell to a distance.

This type of artillery was originally cast only by a workshop directly under the Imperial Court of the Hua Dynasty. It stands to reason that neither the drawings nor the artillery itself should be exported to the hands of the North.

Qi Qiqi has seen the formidable power of this artillery.

In the disaster of extinction, these artillery used to pour out anger on martial artists. I don’t know how many martial artists were killed, but now they are in the hands of Northland. Once again, Qiqi and her Heavenly Jade Palace causes harm.

These artillery must be removed!

Qi Qiqi gritted her teeth with a strong desire to destroy her.

A wave of arrows came oncoming.

The North Kingdom will never allow Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue to destroy the five artillery pieces, because that is one of the few ways they can stop the enemy from charging.

Qiqiqi stretched her left hand forward, her palm swirled out violent flames, threw away the flames while spinning, swallowing the arrows that came, and Xia Xue, who was not far away, was extremely superb Shenfa shuttled in the rain.


Another five consecutive cannon sounds.

The commander of “Fu Hu Pao” noticed Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue approaching, and made the worst plan.

They know that these two people may be difficult to resist and have a good chance to break through, so they ordered the strikes to expedite the artillery fire, so as to penetrate the 2nd floor before the five artillery completely loses its effect. In the front, a light curtain that blocked many attacks and caused headaches.

On the rush, only three of the five artillery fires hit the light curtain, and the remaining two shots landed elsewhere, affecting some soldiers from the North.

However, the aftermath of the explosion also caused the old tribe of Zhenbeifu to get rid of the horse.

The soldiers of the North Kingdom rushed over immediately, wanting to harvest the lives of these few old towns in the North House. The latter did not want to surrender obediently, and tried his best to stand up and fight back.

They may be able to kill a few soldiers from the North, but they lost their horses and left the team again, waiting for them to die.

Qiqiqi and Xia Xue have approached to the vicinity of Fuhu Pao.

The soldiers from the North have rushed to reload the Fuhu Cannon, in order to fire as many times as possible. At the moment when the loading was completed and ready to make another volley, Xia Xue took the lead. Coming to the side of the Fuhu Cannon on the far right, a sword killed the northern soldiers who were about to light the cannon.

Several soldiers from the North clamored and raised their weapons to besiege the martial artist in the heaven.

Xia Xue didn’t fight with them, but instead stared at the torch that had fallen when his companion died, and wanted to light the cannon fuse.

“Don’t pick up things you shouldn’t pick up!”

Xia Xue stabs left and right with a straight sword, causing several soldiers from the North to fall to the ground. She walked through the elusive footwork and pierced through the soldiers besieging her, a sword penetrated the life of the soldier who had just picked up the torch.

At the same time, Qi Qiqi arrived.

The flames on her sword surged, holding the sword in both hands and waving it, a huge arc-shaped flame flow was drawn, and it slashed towards the nearest Fuhu Cannon. The stream of flames hit the cannon body and exploded. The nearby northern soldiers were all entangled in the flames, screaming and running left and right, and even fell to the ground and rolled around, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.



The remaining three cannons erupted at the same time.

Despite everything, the soldiers of the North Kingdom just fired artillery before Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue attacked, and the huge projectiles ejected precisely hit the light curtain.

Between the ripples, the light curtain presents violent twists and waves.

But at least not broken.

──Fortunately, it seems too early,

Just after Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue joined forces to destroy the other three forts, a few rays of light came from the extreme speed of the sky Shoot it, hitting directly on the light curtain.

These light arrows hit each other end to end and hit the same position precisely.

The first arrow failed to penetrate the light curtain, nor did the second and third arrows, but after the seventh arrow hits the same position, the entire light curtain suddenly exploded and turned into countless The fragments dispersed.

I don’t know how many attacks I have endured, even the strong Formation will shatter, and this light curtain is no exception.

The eight plates that make up the light curtain were all scrapped and fell to the ground in vain. The people of the Hua Dynasty were once again completely exposed to the enemy.


Sue Kirin let out a loud tongue.

The opponent didn’t let this opportunity pass, and in a blink of an eye, dense arrows were thrown down at them, like a majestic rain. Sue Kirin leaned forward, speeding up into the air, turning into a little bit before the rain of arrows.

She stretched her hands flat, bending her fingers around the empty space as if pinching something.

A little blue lightning oozes out of thin air in the blank space of both palms. On the surface of Sue Kirin’s organ robe, a luminous pattern suddenly appeared, like a tattoo. The hem of the robe rose up without wind, and Sue Kirin clasped his hands as if to smash the light spot between his palms.

Then lightning broke out.

The violent lightning entangled the arrows and deflected their course. After the arrow was bounced off, it affected the soldiers of the North Kingdom who had surrounded them, and they fell to the ground one after another, becoming the dead souls of the companions who followed.

The second wave arrow rain hit immediately.

Although the first wave of attacks became a murder weapon for cannibalism, the opponent apparently made a judgment that “even if it is a Grandmaster, it is impossible to fight for a long time” and intends to continue the shooting to the end.

The second wave arrow rain is still bounced away, unable to penetrate the boundaries of thunderbolt.

And the third wave, Fourth Wave arrow rain is the same.

However, since the Fifth Wave Arrow Rain began, Northland has no longer only attacked from the front. The Fifth Wave Arrow Rain was shot from all directions.

Sue Kirin strongly mentions Spiritual Qi, and the area covered by the thunderbolt realm expands in one breath until it envelops the team of thousands of people. However, in this way, it is like pressing a flat iron plate hard, and the boundary becomes much weaker than when only defending in one direction.

“Hold the shield!” Gong Tianqing made a decisive decision.

Many arrows penetrated the realm, but thanks to Gong Tianqing’s timely order, the old ministry of Zhenbei Mansion raised their shields in time to block most of a fish that escaped the net.

“Xiaoqi, Xiaoxue, find a way to pull out all these annoying archers!”

Sue Kirin shouted loudly, and a lot of rune paper flew out from under his robe. These talisman papers ignite spontaneously in the air, turning into flames one after another and spraying around.

Many soldiers from the North Kingdom hit arrows and fell to the ground with flames.

But this is not enough.

The number of arrows not at all reduced, although the opponent’s charge has weakened a lot, but it was all because the commander of the North Kingdom changed the combat strategy. They think that the bow and arrow are more suppressive to such elites, and the blind charge is not effective at all.

For a while, the number of arrows sprinkled on Sue Kirin and the others did not decrease but increased.

Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue also knew that the situation was not good, so they didn’t even have a chance to breathe, so they moved to the left and right, focusing on the Archer among the enemy forces. Qi Qiqi did not hesitate to lose Spiritual Qi. All kinds of flame spells banged at the archers indiscriminately. It was quite an imposing manner of one force against a thousand troops. Xia Xue was not good at spells, nor was he good at large-scale “qi”. “Outside, so the efficiency is much slower, but she has some magical charms in her hands, and she can still use some simple spells.

One thing is certain, this is not the way to go.

The number of arrows in Northland is certainly not unlimited, but it is ten times more difficult than heavenly ascension to survive until they run out of arrows. The problem is that Sue Kirin must try his best to preserve his own forces.

In fact, the old part of Beifu of these eight hundred towns can actually be discarded.

As long as Qin Shiyu successfully rendezvous with King Ning, their goal will be achieved. Perhaps Sue Kirin alone will lead Qin Shiyu through the enemy’s formation. It would be a simpler way, but what Qin Shiyu wants is to “use a small number of teams to attack the enemy and obtain a strategic victory to hit the enemy’s morale.” For this purpose.

Very risky approach.

But if one hundred succeeds, the morale of Beiguo Zhengchi will be severely damaged like a pot of cold water being poured out, and maybe it will not recover.

This is what Qin Shiyu wants.

Morale, this thing is intangible, but it is the battle strength hook of the army, and the impact is deeper than anyone thinks. A morale army can even exert its shocking battle strength at an absolute disadvantage.

The so-called morale is probably the strength of will and belief.

Qin Shiyu believes that Northern Domain desperately needs a campaign that can boost morale, and what is more impact than a successful passage than a thousand people attacking the enemy’s position? Qin Shiyu, this is stake all on one throw.

Northland and Hua Dynasty are fighting for time.

The key point lies in the two cities of Bei’an and Ninglan. If one of the two cities falls, the North will take the initiative for a long time to come. This initiative may mean Offensive and defensive or stalemate for several years.

For such a period of time, Hua Chao couldn’t afford it.

The Western Regions and Bharata have also taken actions. The Hua Dynasty is now at war on three sides. Even if the Hua Dynasty is fighting on the ground, it may not be able to sustain such high losses for long.

Therefore, Bei’an City and Ninglan City must not be lost, so Qin Shiyu decided to take a risk.

But is it time to stop here?

The North Kingdom’s arrow suppression finally had an effect. The old troops of Zhenbeiwei accidentally hit an arrow and fell. The number of teams is slowly but surely decreasing, even if people are fighting hard.

Furthermore, with the passage of time, the body has begun to lose strength, being chopped and stabbed by the charging Northlanders, then fell to the ground, and can no longer stand up.

There are also horses who cannot support them or are injured, causing their owners to fall to the ground.

The team’s charging speed also slowed down.

“You can’t hold on like this!”

Sue Kirin loudly shouted boredly, and threw away from under his robe to count the glowing balls. The Fireball fell to the surrounding location and suddenly exploded. The swelling flame swallowed hundreds of people in the northern country.

But these losses will soon be made up for in Northland.

Sue Kirin’s Spiritual Qi cannot be killed or destroyed, but Sue Kirin’s Spiritual Qi is constantly being consumed, and the speed of replenishment has not kept up with the rate of consumption, and exhausting Spiritual Qi has become a matter of time.

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