The scimitar cut in his eyes, cold glow dazzling.

The sharpness of the sword force is so strong that the air on both sides of the path is twisted until naked eye is visible, and the energy is amazing. Sue Kirin evaded his cold glow temporarily, lowered his body, and asked the blade to pass over his head. He lifted his long sword and counterattacked the opponent and pointed out the cold glow.

Cang Rin did not evade, holding his empty left hand into the finger of the sword, he cut out like a sword and knocked it precisely on the face of Li Qiankun’s sword, knocking it away from the path of the stabbing.

The long sword pierced between the head of Cang Rin’s slightly side.

And the scimitar changed its move again, the blade turned ninety degrees, and cut it down with the fierceness that he wanted to cut Sue Kirin in two vertical sections.


Sue Kirin kicked the ground and leaped aside, and at the same time retracted his sword diagonally in front of him to block the blow. The body was suddenly pressed by the infiltrating knife strength, and she reached out in time to support the ground so as not to hit the ground. She straightened her arms and bounced her body away from Cang Rin.

However, Cang Rin clenched tightly, and instantly approached Sue Kirin again.

The sword and the sword clashed again, knocking out dozens of ear-piercing and crisp sounds. When a lot of sparks burst out, Sue Kirin was pushed back. She found that she was gradually moving away from Qin Shiyu who was protected by her own charm.

Beside her, the huge White Wolf Silver Soul is facing her glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Presumably as long as Sue Kirin stays further away, it will open its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, aim it at Qin Shiyu’s delicate body, just bite it hard.

Can’t let her suppress me too far!

Sue Kirin now uses his Spiritual Qi to maintain the powerful Formation that guards Qin Shiyu ─ ─ enough to withstand the Grandmaster’s two or three blows, and even more powerful Formation. Sue Kirin cannot be too far away from Qin Shiyu. With such a large amount of Spiritual Qi supply, once the distance is farther away, her Spiritual Qi supply cannot be pulled up.

As long as the Formation weakens, Qin Shiyu will face death.

However, she cannot suppress Cang Rin, especially now that spell has weakened the formidable power.


It seems that a tentative attack was made, and there was some fluctuation in Formation. Probably Yin Po hit it. The Formation was not broken, but it was enough to attract Sue Kirin’s attention.

As soon as her gaze fell over, Cang Rin caught the girl’s chance to get distracted.

She flicked a knife and told Sue Kirin to instinctively block it, then suddenly took a step forward and drove straight in. When the scimitar brushed the blade, a lot of sparks blurred Sue Kirin’s vision. When she found that a silver hair had reached the bottom of her eyes, Cang’s lashes had reached her middle door.


With a dull sound, Sue Kirin arched his body directly and pulled his feet off the ground. The impact penetrated her body and squeezed her chest cavity. She opened her mouth and exhaled all the air in her lungs in an instant.

Then, in a round of shock and vigor, she flew out.

The girl crashed into the waste rock pile like a cannonball, and her body rolled on the ground like rags for several times. The sword fell to the ground. She finally stabilized, propped up her body, and opened her mouth to spit a mouthful of blood.

The Spiritual Qi cycle within the body is further confused.

Sue Kirin didn’t have time to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth and stabilize his internal breath. Cang Rin killed him again and slashed his machete. Facing this fierce blow, Sue Kirin, who had no sword in his hand, condensed a thunder gun.

Suddenly, the lightning gun was not strong enough, and it was easily broken into two pieces by the opponent. Sue Kirin hit the knife in the shoulder again, she cried out in pain, and put her left hand on Cang Rin’s knife-holding wrist before knocking the shoulder-length knife away.

The girl took the opportunity to retreat and stretched her right arm toward where her sword fell.

The ink-colored long sword that fell into the air rose automatically, and returned to Sue Kirin’s hand at a swift speed. But just such a simple action, but because it affected the wound, it was particularly painful.

She feels that her right hand is not hers anymore.

Cang Rin launched a fierce attack on her, and the opponent would naturally not let go of this opportunity. On the other side, Yin Po also gave up the boring temptation and directly attacked Qin Shiyu.

The number of attacks on Formation has become intensive.

Sue Kirin already feels that it is more and more difficult to maintain Formation. After all, she was blown away by Cang Lin for a considerable distance in the gap just now.

This is no way to continue!

Sue Kirin became more and more anxious with the war, and Sword Art became a little messy.

‘Kirin, hold on. Cang made a reminder, and I could hear her voice a little more worried. Cang Rin’s melee ability is too strong, even with Cang’s blessing, Sue Kirin, who has a bad foundation, still struggles to deal with the North Country Great Grandmaster.

Sue Kirin also knows he can’t rush.

She tried her best to restrain the irritability in her heart, calmly dealt with it, and finally found a gap. The air sword in her left hand scratched Cang Rin’s side waist. Cang Rin’s eyes opened slightly, but he had no hind legs. He hit Sue Kirin’s left shoulder with a palm on his backhand.

The two exchanged an effective offensive and separated.

“Seventh of Thunder and Flame Dragon!”

Sue Kirin was not reconciled to this, opening his mouth to spit out violent flames. The flame fluidized into a dragon shape, opening his mouth to bite Cang Rin. Canglin remained unmoved, stabilized his figure and cut out the blade light, neatly cutting the flame dragon into two parts.

“Break the Army III!”

Sue Kirin quickly knotted his handprints, the flying flames froze out of thin air, condensed into countless long spears and shot out. Canglin gripped the scimitar tightly, and a dense blade light was drawn between the slashes, forming a siege of the flame spear with the knife net.


“The fifth of thunderbolt!”

Sue Kirin took advantage of the gap and swung his sword around to set off a violent lightning telescreen, such as A big net covered Cang Rin. Cang Lin knew the formidable power of thunder and lightning, and finally retreated again and again.


Sue Kirin inexplicably vomited a mouthful of blood. Regardless of the injury, he forcibly raised his breath again and slammed on the ground. A large number of stone cones pierced through the soil in the direction pointed by their toes, intervening between Yinpo and Qin Shiyu. Yin Po couldn’t avoid it, and his right front foot was struck, and he was drawn out of blood.


Cang Rin’s eyes sank, and he rushed out. She circumvented the power grid at high speed. Several rabbits flew and fell. She took advantage of the rocks. She was short, and easily walked around Sue Kirin’s side. The scimitar in her hand dragged across the ground and sparked. Change the direction of the blade ten degrees to Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin was prepared.

The talisman that greets Cang Rin is enough to fill her vision. Although she knew that Sue Kirin was here prepared, the sword still kept moving. She slashed a few magic charms and cut to Sue Kirin’s silhouette.

No hit feel.

Cang Rin retreated in amazement, but felt a cold glow rushing behind him, and he slashed away. I saw that the girl didn’t know when she came around her back, stabbing a vicious sword.

Just before Canglin’s knife was about to touch Sue Kirin, there was a circle of blue light blooming in front of the girl. Sue Kirin went in and disappeared in silhouette.


Cang Rin made a shocked voice for the first time.

Her knife went through the empty place, but she didn’t care about it. First, she looked around all around with her gaze, looking for the profile of Sue Kirin, but found nothing.

Sue Kirin even disappeared.

What about people? Cang Rin frowned, gave up looking for Sue Kirin, turned and attacked him and he would be saved. The target of her blade was changed to Qin Shiyu, and she arrived in front of Qin Shiyu in one step.

Qin Shiyu, who is protected by Formation, is expressionless, just staring at the blue silhouette without a trace of flinching. The knife slashed on the Formation, setting off a huge ripple that Silver Soul could not create after many attacks. The entire Formation was distorted, and the knife’s landing point was even more inward.

Fortunately, Formation is tenacious enough.

When the strength of Canglin’s scimitar disappeared, the force of the rebound bounced her sword high.

At this moment──

A circle of blue stars bloomed on Cang Rin’s head, drawing a dark round curtain.

Like a meteor falling from the sky, Li Qiankun stabbed from the curtain, and then the girl appeared one after another, dragging the black shadow, and pierced Cang Rin’s head with a sword.


Cang Rin was shocked by Sue Kirin’s silent approach, and the scimitar, which had already cut the second cut in his hand, could not close the knife in time. She could only kick back, but she was still a step slower. Sword edge slashed in front of her, slashing her clothes, drawing a faint blood mark in front of her.

Even if it is a step forward, her injury must be aggravated and not a little bit.

Seeing don’t let slip an opportunity, after Sue Kirin hit the ground, he bounced his short stature, like a curved gun barrel straight, a sword pierced the atmosphere, and took straight from the throat.


Cang Rin stared, too late to escape.

However, the sword could not touch her body.

The girl flew to the side suddenly, a huge white shadow replaced her and appeared before Canglin’s eyes. It turned out that Yinpo came to help in time and hit the petite girl.

Sue Kirin smashed several stones in succession before finally stopping.

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