For an instant, she was unstable.

Catch this gap, a sharp edge will come and cut straight to Sue Kirin’s throat. Sue Kirin stooped back due to the instability, and the sharp scimitar blade passed a few minutes from the tip of her nose, cutting off a few strands of her hair. Hair fluttered in the wind.

Cang Rin couldn’t get a single blow, and the long spear in his hand drilled out like a dragon and clicked on Sue Kirin’s bottom plate.

Sue Kirin simply let off the strength of his feet, and fell to the ground. The shot missed the target and passed Sue Kirin as before, and the vigor even penetrated the atmosphere.


As soon as Sue Kirin kicked the floor, the person almost slid out to the place, and did not forget to bring Qin Shiyu. The two slipped, but Cang Lin did not let them go.

First she threw the long spear in her hand, and then slammed on the floor to catch up.


Sue Kirin mobilizes the realm.

The long spear bounced under the influence of thunder and lightning, and returned along the trajectory of the shot. Cang Lin easily turned around to avoid the anti-ge gun, and then hooked it with his left foot.

With one hook and one kick, the long spear unexpectedly fell back into her hands.

In spite of this, her speed still did not slow down, she was astonishingly fast, and she approached Sue Kirin’s eyes in an instant, attacking Sue Kirin from different directions simultaneously with one shot and one.


Sue Kirin’s eyes are reflected in her eyes without emotional ups and downs, as cold as ice and frost, and Sue Kirin feels pressure. She had to protect Qin Shiyu while also taking care of Canglin’s fierce offensive. This was not easy.

Sue Kirin pushed and pulled Qin Shiyu out some distance with tenderness, making room for himself to cope with Cang Rin’s attack, and the right hand sword quickly slashed back, blocking the bend. Slash of the knife. She quickly lifted her left foot, swept, and kicked away the long spear.

At the same time, leaning on one right foot, she supported the ground to stop the flight.

Cang Rin quickly closed the gun, released the hand holding the gun, and let the gun slide back along the palm of his palm, shortening the distance between the tip of the gun and the hand. The long spear became flexible all at once, and Cang Rin stabbed the long spear again and took Sue Kirin’s throat directly.

Sue Kirin landed with his left foot and stepped on a base circle.

In an instant, the floor in front of her rose rapidly, blocking the long spear’s stabbing. The spear stab hit the narrow stone wall, and the force in it easily shattered it. Wrapped in the impact, a large amount of rubble flew out. The Body Protection True Qi on Cang Rin’s body protected her from harm, while Sue Kirin had Formation body protection.

Sue Kirin took advantage of the chance that Cangling couldn’t get a blow, and pulled away again.

“Flying flames!”

Seeing Canglin taking a step, he seemed to want to attack again. Sue Kirin flicked his sleeves and flew out from the magic box tied to his right leg. Four magic talisman, burning in the air into dozens of flames flowed towards Cang Rin.

Cang Rin’s hand stabbed a long spear, continuously piercing the atmosphere in the air, shaking out a circle of fog-like impact, shaking out a large number of spears, and filling them up accurately. The flying flames of vision.

A large amount of flame debris drifted away, and an ink sword twisted and twisted the thorns tricky, passing through the curtain of fire debris like a drill, and counterattacked towards Canglin. Cang Rin’s brows trembled, a scimitar turned back and forth, hooked on the long sword, and turned around with the sword itself as its axis.

The long spear bounced, bends unnaturally, and pushed towards Sue Kirin’s throat.

Sue Kirin shook the long sword vigorously, shook the scimitar, and faced the long spear that was left behind. She opened her mouth, spit out a violent lightning, wrapped the long spear and called it impossible to move even a little bit.

Cang Rin took the scimitar, followed by intensive slashes like a rain, the speed turned her arm into a afterimage, but each stroke still carried full strength.

Sue Kirin was forced to fight with a sword.

In just an instant, the sword and the knife fought for more than dozens of times, smashing into countless sparks, and also shocking circle after circle. The power of the two Grandmasters fighting against each other was amazing, and the impact made it difficult for people to approach, and the surrounding people’s clothes were hunting and hunting, as if they were blown by a storm. I don’t know what kind of material Cang Rin’s scimitar is made of, and it has collided so many times with the black heavy gold Li Qiankun without any gaps.

The blue electricity flickered, and ice and snow appeared.

The realm of Cang Rin became stronger and stronger, and even the water vapor in the atmosphere was frozen, causing ice crystals and snowflakes to condense near the two, and severely distorting the Thunderbolt realm. Sue Kirin felt that it was more and more difficult for him to absorb Spiritual Qi, and the Spiritual Qi operation within the body also experienced more freezes over time.

Can’t go on like this! Sue Kirin took a sigh of relief.

If you clash with Cang Rin at this distance, Sue Kirin will definitely suffer. Canglin’s realm and abilities gave her extremely strong melee combat ability, and the only person who could compete with her was probably Bei Ming Youyu, who was good at long-range attacks and flexible physical skills.

Even Jialan can only rely on the solidity of the Vajra domain and her meet force with force ─ ─ but more should only be on the side of the beating. Of course, several Grandmasters have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is impossible to generalize who is the strongest and who is the weakest. Some are just a kind of advantages and disadvantages of mutual restraint.

Unfortunately, Sue Kirin is the one restrained by Cang Rin.

The two confronted dozens of times, and it ended with Sue Kirin’s arm being scratched by a long spear. She took a step back, declaring Cang Rin’s victory, and then she was forced to be chased by Cang Rin – a more violent and intensive attack immediately fell on Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin, under the blessing of “Cang”, Sword Art hardly has any weak spot, but Cang Rin is good at using various weapons, and each weapon can be used to the extreme, and it is also a good hand. At the moment when the two were almost equal, the advantage that Cang Rin’s realm earned for her became the key to victory.

Sue Kirin can’t sit still and needs to solve the dilemma urgently.

She used the magic talisman again, and at all costs, dozens of magic talisman flew out of the box. In an instant, the box was mostly empty. Tens of magic charms are like fallen leaves swept up by the violent wind, messing up between the two.


Sue Kirin lightly shouted, and he landed on the ground and carved a circle of base circles.

The magic talisman responded to the master’s command, and crazily pasted the long spear in Cang Rin’s hand, and soon completely covered its surface.


Cang Rin was shocked and immediately abandoned the long spear in his hand.

The magic rune pasted on the long spear burst out with a strong light, and a strong red light appeared under the rune paper. Under the action of the magic talisman, the long spear melted into molten iron.

Cang Rin’s eyes widened slightly, stepped back and turned sideways, avoiding Sue Kirin’s counterattack.

Then, she held the remaining scimitars tightly and pushed her forward again──

She suddenly found a blue light on the ground.

It was probably mixed in the magic talisman that melted the long spear just now. Dozens of magic talisman fell on the ground in a disorderly and orderly manner. At this moment, they are shining light, forming a huge array.

And Cang Lin happened to be in the center of spell.

As she raised her eyebrows in a daze, Sue Kirin backed away again and again, leaving the scope of the array, not forgetting to bring Qin Shiyu.


Sue Kirin shot his hands three times, then squatted down and printed a palm on the edge of the array. The technique was instantly activated, and a stream of silver white light burst into the sky.

Everything was frozen wherever the light went, and huge icicles suddenly appeared in front of the soldiers of the northern kingdom.

Among them, Cang Lin was also frozen inside.

Sue Kirin did not take the opportunity to pursue it. She knew that this spell could not be delayed for a long time. Without a word, she wrapped Qin Shiyu’s waist, kicked the ground and flew up, stepping on a circle of lightning.

The two turned in the air and flew out of the barracks at an astonishing speed.

Ignoring the trapped master, Yin Po turned around and chased in the direction where the two had left, running faster and faster on the ground, and there was no sign of it in an instant.

Just after its silhouette disappeared, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the icicle, which suddenly shattered with a muffled sound.

Ice dust is everywhere.

A silver-white silhouette pierced through the ice dust, and a large hole was pierced in the dust ball, soaring into the sky. Only her last command fell from the sky.


That was the command Canglin left behind.

The soldiers of the North Kingdom obeyed instinctively, and immediately organized personnel to mount and chase Cang Rin away.


Sue Kirin is very fast.

However, Cang Lin’s speed is not slow, let alone the Blade Qi that she cut out one after another. During the air chase, Cang Lin cut out a large amount of Blade Qi and asked Sue Kirin to distract and avoid, unable to move in a straight line, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

As the saying goes, the two people who are close to each other are always faster than the runaway.

This sentence is probably used to describe the situation of Sue Kirin at the moment.

Perceiving that the breath behind it can’t be shaken off, and it’s getting closer, Sue Kirin’s mind started to think about countermeasures. She wanted to ask Qin Shiyu if there was a good way, but as soon as she turned her head and saw her pale, she knew that she was not under any pressure during her fight with Cang Lin just now.

Furthermore, Qin Shiyu’s body must be under a lot of pressure at the speed of fleeing at full speed at this moment.

They were chased in a wild and rocky place after they escaped from a sudden landing of Blade Qi from behind. Sue Kirin let out an impatient tusk and released Qin Shiyu’s hand. Qin Shiyu couldn’t stand still anymore, but she was standing by herself anyway, even if her steps were a little unstable.

“I really lost my wife and broke down!”

Sue Kirin grumbled as he stared at the blue stone falling on the rock in front of him. Just now, she was almost able to kill the enemy coach, didn’t expect Cang Lin to come to help suddenly, asking her to fall short, but also to be entangled by Cang Lin.

“Okay, what are you going to do? Are you going to beat you to death?”

Sue Kirin pinched his waist with one hand, but his body was still blocked by Qin Shiyu In front of him, he deliberately spoke to Canglin with a disdainful attitude.

“…Only you die, not me.” Cang Lin replied in a voice without any ups and downs.

Sue Kirin rolled the eyes, too lazy to respond, then turned his head and looked behind, and saw that white giant wolf also rushed from behind. Behind it, there should be thousands of troops coming. Cang Lin will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and is bound to trap Sue Kirin and Qin Shiyu to death here.

“One-on-one, although I can’t beat you, it’s not easy for you to beat me, right?”

Sue Kirin looked for a way out with blinking eyes.

These all directions are where you can escape. Cang Rin and her wolf chief impossible to block all the way out. Sue Kirin is definitely not without a way out, but Cang Rin was able to catch up with him just now, and then Escape once will definitely end up like this.

You must find a way to get rid of Cang Rin.

Sue Kirin turned his gaze to confirm the number of charms left. There were already a dozen charms that were originally a hundred. The formidable power that can be constructed is limited, and they can’t stand it anymore. Randomly wasted.

However, Lingmo Seal is restricted by the realm of Cang Rin, and its efficiency is greatly reduced.

Sue Kirin, who has no good countermeasures, tapped his mouth secretly.

“It’s not one-on-one.” Cang Rin’s gaze moved slowly, and finally fell on Qin Shiyu, “I and Yinpo, and you and Dingguo Ji——who has the advantage? “

She was suggesting that Qin Shiyu was a burden.

And the facts are true, Sue Kirin cannot deny it, and Qin Shiyu, the person involved, is also silent. Of course, Yin Po is also unable to intervene in the battle between Sue Kirin and Cang Rin, but in this wilderness, Cang Rin only needs to suppress Sue Kirin and push it away, Yin Po can act wilfully against Qin Shiyu.

Qin Shiyu was unable to resist Yin Po.

In the previous battle, Sue Kirin insisted that Qin Shiyu stayed close to him and was distracted to protect him. The soldiers of the North Kingdom and Yin Po were unable to easily intervene in the battle between the Grandmasters. It hurt Qin Shiyu, so she was reluctant to make her an enemy of all enemies.

Sue Kirin can naturally continue to use this method, but as long as it drags on, they will definitely be the one who suffers.

But if Qin Shiyu is ignored, she will definitely become a giant wolf’s belly lunch.

More importantly, the army will catch up.

Is there no good way? Sue Kirin has a heavy heart.

Helpless, Cang Rin did not intend to give her more time to think──


Cang Rin stood up without saying a word Disappeared.

In the next instant, the sword and the sword knocked out the sound of Jin Ge, bursting out dazzling sparks. In front of the girl, Canglin’s cyan eyes were like two blue flowers, eager for the nourishment of the blood of his dead enemy.


It was almost in the dark.

A squad of nearly a thousand people marched carefully in the wilderness, and drove hard at night under the moonlight for three days.

In order not to get lost, every member of this team is closer.

In full speed, they did not get lost and they were quite well-trained. Moreover, they had been traveling day and night without any obvious fatigue on their faces.

These two points alone prove that they are elite.

The young girl who leads Yiqi, the cloak on her body is flying like a banner. On her side, the red-eyed girl in the red dress was like a raging fire in the night.

“Qing’er, is already very close to Bei’an City.”

The red-eyed girl rode her horse close to Gong Tianqing at the forefront, resisting the dry headwind coming from her face, Shout out to remind each other.


Gong Tianqing looked at Qi Qiqi speechlessly, and then looked forward seriously.

I didn’t see any brilliance of city.

However, she is good at calculating any number. According to her calculations, she is indeed not far from Bei’an City. She then aligned Chiqi nodded.

Qi Qiqi understood what she meant, and shook the flag hanging on the flattery.

This flag is pasted with a magic talisman. As long as it is injected with Spiritual Qi and shaken, it can emit light that is not very bright, but can unexpectedly penetrate the darkness.

Thousands of people all saw her signal.

Each rider removes the long spear that hangs horizontally next to the horse, and holds it in his hand with one hand, making it easy to fight at any time.

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