Like must be in order to a companion to rescue, martial artists armed with guns and knives come from left and right.

Sue Kirin was preparing to attack, but found that they suddenly changed the angle of attack, stabs and slashed at Sue Kirin side Qin Shiyu.

The soldiers from the North finally realized that they needed to support their own martial artist.

They are obviously well-trained. Even if the situation is chaotic, they can still find the space accurately and shoot Sue Kirin and Qin Shiyu with bows and arrows.

Faced with the siege, Sue Kirin quickly drew a base circle on the ground.

“Protect the world! Stand up!”

In response to her voice, a translucent dome took shape instantly, protecting the two of them. Sue Kirin immediately threw out “Expand!” and the circular Formation quickly expanded.

It’s like howling a strong wind.

The omni-directionally swelling Formation blows up the arrows, slowing the attack of the two martial artists.

Sue Kirin flicked his sword to block the cut from the front, while the long spear stabbed from the side of the waist. She lifted her right leg and turned her body around her left leg. She took Qin Shiyu with her left hand and told Her Highness the Princess to lift her feet off the ground.

While sweeping with his right foot, a thick water-colored icicle suddenly grew out of the sole of his foot.

The gun collided with the icicle, and the latter turned into ice-colored dust and shattered, and a large number of ice fragments permeated, violently filling the vision of the gunman.

Then, he saw a little black light.

My eyes hurt.

He only realized a strange flash of blue and black ink mixed together, but he didn’t realize that it was a sword that pierced so fast and almost to the extreme.

There was a slight cold in the throat.

Still rushing forward and hitting the girl’s body, but the gun in his hand was already weakly hanging down. He made a questioning voice, and wanted to raise his strength to attack the girl just in front of him.

He slowly raised the long spear of the right hand, but he saw a blood flower blooming instantly.

He didn’t know whose blood it was, only that the curtain of blood gushing out blocked his vision. The spurting blood did not last long. When his vision was restored, he was shocked to realize that he had fallen to the ground. There was a warmth outside of his neck, and a crescendo of coldness slowly penetrated his body inside.


The female martial artist with a knife called out the name of her companion angrily.

Seeing the blood pouring from her partner’s throat, as well as her mouth, she knew that her partner was out of help. Not to let his death go to waste, the female martial artist clenched the big knife in her hand and glared fiercely at Sue Kirin.

Then, her consciousness suddenly bounced away.

No, she bounced back all over.

She only saw a blue flash. It was so fast that it was impossible to catch it. I could only see the girl with half of her cheeks stained with blood from her partner moving away. When she finally stopped flying, she couldn’t touch the ground with her feet, and she saw her belly with her head hanging down, not knowing when she was penetrated by the long spear.

It’s her companion’s gun.

The gun stabs on the ground diagonally, and she hangs on the gun.


A female martial artist opens her mouth to spit a mouthful of blood.

Have you been recruited? She smiled bitterly, her eyes dimmed.

“I want you to lose your life!”

The remaining martial artist with a sword supported himself in the fallen crowd, and saw that both of his companions were already there. Death is inexhaustible. He opened his mouth to speak Chinese fluently, and he must have been the martial artist who lived from the Chinese to Qin Shiyu’s mouth.

“I ask you, are you forced to desperate, or are you just tempted by profit?”

Sue Kirin expressionless, look at the past, the golden-yellow’s sight is more than the stars in the sky To be bright and intimidating, the pupils that shrunk into vertical lines are surrounded by a faint blue floating light.

Unexpectedly, the other party would ask himself questions, and the martial artist holding the sword was stunned.

“The person in front of you is the Hua Dynasty Ninth Princess Dingguo Ji Qin Shiyu. If you are forced by the situation and just want a place to stay, there is no need to stand up and be hostile to her at this time ──You know what it means to be an enemy of her.”

While speaking, dozens of soldiers from the North wanted to be surrounded. Sue Kirin didn’t even look at them, just flung his sleeves and shot a large number of flying fireworks, which made them respond in embarrassment. Many soldiers from the North were wounded by the flames and fell to the ground and screamed.

“I understand that everyone has difficulties, but──”

“Don’t say again, the two people you killed just now were kind to me and were my friends. How can I back down here?”

Sue Kirin sighed, seeing the firmness in the opponent’s eyes, and the shallow gratitude and entanglement in the opponent’s eyes.

“Never mind, no matter how beautified the so-called war, it’s just a mass killing that’s all.”

“Thanks Senior for your understanding.”

Holding a sword martial artist raises the sword in his hand, ready to accomplish his benevolence here.

Sue Kirin shook his head, but his left hand secretly grasped Qin Shiyu’s palm. She pinched the other person, and the other person realized what she meant.

“You are really naive sometimes.” Qin Shiyu whispered, “However, they are beginning to recover. Well, it’s time.”

She acquiesced in Sue Kirin’s silent proposal.

Sue Kirin came over halfway and nodded. Qin Shiyu must have understood what Sue Kirin didn’t want to be an enemy of the Chinese martial artist.

The soldiers of the Northland attacked again.

And the martial artist took the lead, with the Azure Edge Sword in his hand piercing Sue Kirin like an arrow.

Sue Kirin sighed again and stomped his right foot again. Her strength is scary-is that really human? I saw that a large area centered on her sank softly like paper, undulating like waves because of that foot.

Then, one high wall after another rose, covering the two of them.

The soldiers of the Northland had no way to go. They rushed into the front row and directly hit the wall. The companion behind could not be restrained and hit the companion in front. Some unfortunately those in the front were injured by weapons lifted by their companions behind, and the Northland soldiers who charged were huddled together.

The martial artist holding the sword was also blocked on the wall.

However, he is finally in the heavenly realm. Naturally, he will not be overwhelmed by the soldiers from the north. Among them hung on the wall.

In the wall, a blue light flickered towards the night.

“Senior, you…”

At a glance, the martial artist holding a sword recognized the real body of light and shadow that was turning in the air and swiftly flying away. He was silent for a while, then looked down at the plight of the soldiers in the North.

“One person is enough to become an army, is this the Grandmaster?” He grimaced and did not catch up.


Before the twelve consecutive explosions shook the earth, Alor Tusso was in a camp, discussing the destruction of the city with his right and left. Of the policy.

This is the first time he played against King Ning of the Hua Dynasty.

With an army of more than 100,000, he besieged Bei’an City with only 30,000 trifling defenders. He thought he would easily capture it.

After several attempts, he knew that there might be people with false reputations in the world, and King Ning would definitely not be that kind of person.

Time is passing away.

With the sufficient supply of Bei’an City and the thick walls of the city, King Ning took a defensive position, and he just didn’t come out to fight-no matter how Alor sent someone to provoke.

“It’s really coward.” There is a bit of hatred in Allor’s comment, but there is also helplessness.

The army of King Ning is no less than the elite of Zhenbei Mansion.

Several times of siege, although there was damage to each other, but his side suffered a loss, even if his soldiers were well-trained, they could be called elite soldiers.

Furthermore, the organ weapons on the head of Bei’an City are also quite difficult.

Alor’s army also has organ weapons. This was prepared by the Great Imperial Teacher Cang Lin for many years. Alor did not intend to carry it out when he attacked Bei’an City, but he saw that Bei’an City was not broken. , He knew that these killings could not be hidden.

He intends to attack the city again tomorrow, bringing out all the weapons and artillery, and is about to blast the city wall of Bei’an City.

“hmph, I see how long you can support it!”

After agreeing with the left and right hands on the strategy of attacking the city tomorrow, Allor’s eyes flashed light, no Consciously clenched his fists. His subordinates also be eager to have a try. When they came to Bei’an City the past few days, they ate a lot of sulking, especially no matter how they clamored, King Ning was remaining unmoved, which made them feel like a barking dog.

On the other hand, they also want to capture Bei’an City as soon as possible in order to repay Canglin’s trust and kindness.

“Master Aluo, I remember that there is a river in the upper reaches of Bei’an City. Not equal to me. How about flooding Bei’an City?”

One of the subordinates proposed another plan.

“Are you stupid? We are also in a downstream position! If it is really water attack, we will have to suffer.”

Another subordinate raised an objection, third The subordinates are also nodded.

“The flow of that river is not enough.”

The subordinate who made the suggestion was speechless, scratched his head, and said in embarrassment:

“I still don’t give any more ideas. I’m still good at charging. You still have to leave these strategies to you…”

Looking at this bold man With an expression like a bad guy committing a crime, everyone present laughed. They all knew that although their own companion had a bad head, he was very fierce in the charge. The pair of tomahawks on the left and right did not know how many lives had been taken.

If he is not capable, Alor Tusso will not allow him to participate in the meeting this time.

However, they did not laugh for a long time.

Their laughter was quickly interrupted and obscured by the twelve bursts that shook Heaven and Earth.

“──What’s going on?”

The ground shook for a while, Allo held the table, calmed down and asked about the situation first.

His subordinates looked at each other and didn’t know what happened. An enlightened subordinate first opened the camp and rushed out to check the situation outside.

He returned soon with a serious face.

“Master Allor, there seems to be an explosion in the barracks! There are fires in several places.”

“Will it be a cannon?” a subordinate asked with a raised eyebrow.

No one can answer his question.

Alo didn’t bother to wait for the news here either. Knowing that there would be no bird to discuss here, he took the initiative to walk out of the camp and look around.

There were twelve fires in the military camp.

The location is uncertain, and the distance between each other is also different. Alo confirmed that although some important materials were stored in these military camps, the loss was not heavy. He relaxed, immediately sent his subordinates to inquire about the situation, and issued several orders at the same time, and the other subordinates took the orders one after another, leaving only the strong man following closely.

He is the only heavenly general in the army.

“Master Alo, be careful, there is movement in the distance!”

The big Han Hula took the initiative to warn, with a feverish fighting intent in his eyes, looking towards the south . Alomo was right, and followed, only to see a faint blue lightning flashing in the distance.

“Are they from the Hua Dynasty?” He muttered to himself, “A person from King Ning? Or a person from Qin Shiyu?”

Aluo has learned of Ari About Silan’s failure, I knew that Qin Shiyu was probably approaching here, and I also knew that there was a Grandmaster beside her.

Only Grandmaster can make such a big noise.

“Master Alor, this is the Grandmaster.” Hula suppressed the excitement in his heart, and did not forget his mission. “Master Alor, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You can’t expose it, otherwise the Grandmaster is likely to treat you It’s not good.”

“I think you are so cruel that he is not good to me, so you have a chance to shoot, don’t you?”

Alo said jokingly, but his face was grave expression. There is no reduction.

“Rao is the Grandmaster. Under that distance, I shouldn’t find me. Don’t worry too much.”

He doesn’t worry about his own safety.

What really made him look ugly was that the Grandmaster made such a big disturbance, and he must have sacrificed a lot in the barracks. He can’t allow the other party to continue to behave.

So, he called a subordinate.

“Go, organize some manpower–“

In the middle of the conversation, a blue flash of light shot up to the sky interrupted it. Allo swallowed the half-word that had not been finished, looked up at the night sky, and found that the light was rushing here quickly.

“Master Allor, hide first.”

Hula was extremely alert and unexpectedly cautious. Alor is nodded and should start with this matter. The power around him is not enough to protect him when facing Grandmaster.

Under Hula’s protection, Allo turned around and wanted to return to the camp.


“Master Alor!”

Hula suddenly creded out in surprise.

Alo stopped subconsciously, and was about to turn his head and looked towards his men, but unexpectedly a strong impact hit behind his eyes, he flew forward and hit the camp cloth curtain.

After rolling a few times on the ground, he finally stopped his strength and turned to face upward.

He is completely out of the situation, only to see that the camp has disappeared. He looked back in a daze, only to see that the camp had been overturned and blown out for some time, and fell not far away like a pile of tatters, crushing several soldiers.

What happened?

He couldn’t figure it out, his gaze slowly turned back, turning to the place where he stood just now.

There is a silhouette of Hula lying on the ground.

The eyes of the two just met, Hula just smiled bitterly at Allo, opened his mouth to say something, but only spit a mouthful of blood.

Beside him, a blood-stained girl stands tall, and the ink-colored long sword on her hand is still dripping with blood of unknown origin.

Coming so fast!

Deserving to be a general of the army, Alor’s soul quickly returned to his position, and immediately understood the situation. The blue electric light that just ascended into the sky-a Grandmaster leaned over here at swift speed, keenly captured where he was, and attacked himself.

Hula caught the murderous intention of dropping from the sky and warned herself loudly and pushed herself away. However, he was loyal to protect the Lord, but he was not saved from disaster, and was killed by the Grandmaster.

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