“You said this time, can we make it through?”

Being taken the lead and finished apprenticeship is disadvantageous, the black cat feels uneasy about this and it must be incomprehensible.

“I can only hold it through.” Zi Xuanzi clenched his fist, then loosened it, and murmured again, “It can only hold through…There are too many disasters in one’s life, and there are many It’s not fair, but in order to survive, we can only make it through.”

“Does that really make sense?” The black cat’s movement was a little stagnant.

“Who knows?”

Zi Xuanzi shrugged with a wry smile. This question can only be found by himself, but others cannot answer it. The black cat rolled his eyes in disappointment.

“How did you become a Master?”

“Xiaodao always felt that he was not a competent Master…it always made you wronged.”

Zi Xuanzi’s face is not without guilt, she said exactly what the disciples just turned a blind eye to the black cat. He knows, knows that this situation has always existed, after all, the origin of the black cat is not considered positive.

“…” The black cat opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Although Shadow Sect is expensive as the Five Great Sect, the dísciples of the other four schools cannot see the Shadow Sect people.

Zi Xuanzi often regrets it. At the beginning, it should not have been widely admitted that the black cat was the person of Shadow Sect. He thought that being a person needs to be just and honorable enough. If you don’t explain it in advance, it may be more troublesome to expose it later.

This may not be unreasonable, but the confession this time put the black cat on the edge of being boycotted.

Fortunately, Taoist Sect is still quite tolerant, but no one can guarantee that no one will mind the black cat’s birth, and no one can guarantee that people will not be jealous of her who flew on a branch and became Phoenix.

Well, Zi Xuanzi is naive sometimes.

He is the Ancestor Master of Taoist First Sect. Naturally, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks to him, but black cats are different. Over the years, the black cat has suffered a lot of white eyes and grievances, this is because Zi Xuanzi did not consider that’s all.

“But I…Although I only have a little bit, I am very grateful to you.”

A long period of silence, a long period of thinking, a long period of care After being speechless, the black cat suddenly spoke. With a sudden heartbeat, Zi Xuanzi looked over in amazement, but could not see the other person’s expression. The other party was lowering her head, her expression covered by the pouring hair.

“What did you just say?”

Zi Xuanzi didn’t understand what he heard, he couldn’t believe it, and asked blankly.

“You really don’t look like a Grandmaster at all.” The black cat scolded the other party a little angrily.

She took out a knife and made several cuts neatly on the fish, and sprinkled salt on the fish. The fish was ready, she handed the fish to Zi Xuanzi.

“For the trail?”

“Otherwise?” The black cat shook the fish stabbed with the snag.

“You’re welcome, that trail.”

Zi Xuanzi laughed happily, and took the fish that had just been grilled. The black cat took out a new one to grill her own. There are still several in the basket. It is said that this batch of fish was specially caught by the martial arts.

“Speaking of which, martial demons are more miserable.” Black cat suddenly said.


Zi Xuanzi, who just took a bite of the fish, raised her head in amazement, making a single tone of doubt.

“They didn’t wait to see them, but at the moment they are standing on the same line with us, and they also took the initiative to help us find some food to eat… It is said that the only supplies in the town west are dry food and so on. .”

Fish grilling on the campfire intently, the black cat’s voice was a little absent-minded, and a pair of beautiful eyes were dimmed in the light of the fire.

“The army was like this…”

Zi Xuanzi said, “However, we are indeed sorry to Wu Yao…it is the same before then. So, when Sue No one was surprised when Kirin and Qi Qiqi proposed to end the trial of the Martial Demon Realm. Junior Sister, when he first told Xiaodao, Xiaodao felt different-Sue Kirin was different.”

“…You should know that I don’t like hearing that name.”

“Still remembering the hate…”

Zi Xuanzi sighed awkwardly.

Helplessly, he can understand the reason why the black cat cannot be relieved. Whatever the reason, who can easily forget-let go of the hatred of killing his father? Rather, it is more like a miracle that the black cat can admit that Zi Xuanzi is the Master.

“If you can forgive the trail, why can’t you forgive Snow Girl?”

“Don’t be in front of me, Snow Girl before Snow Girl!”

The black cat threw the fish in his hand to the ground excitedly, and his expression suddenly became gloomy. Zi Xuanzi didn’t expect the other party’s reaction to be so big, and was also stunned.

“You can forgive him, I don’t have as much as you! Do you know, how can I forgive you? Just because you are good to me? I just deceive myself and put all the hatred emotions Only by pushing it to Sue Kirin can I face you so calmly! I tell myself every day, Father’s death is not to blame for you, it was Sue Kirin’s slut who did it!”

“But, you should also understand, If it weren’t for your father’s entanglement, your father wouldn’t end up like that!”

Zi Xuanzi likes Sue Kirin and cherishes his own discipline, so he doesn’t want the two to stand up against each other. I want the black cat to let go of this hatred and turn hostility into friendship with Sue Kirin. He knew very well that as long as the black cat no longer entangled in this, Sue Kirin would not care about her.

However, this must be an extra sentence.

When Zi Xuanzi realized that, tears were already in the eyes of the black cat. She clenched her teeth and called Zi Xuanzi not knowing what to do and was distressed. Is this girl born unhappy? No, she is deeply loved by her father.

So blame Sue Kirin? Zi Xuanzi didn’t think so.

In the final analysis, this is a question of position.

“Then what do you want me to do?”

The black cat cried, but stared at Zi Xuanzi with her eyes wide open, proving her stubbornness. Only this step is not allowed, otherwise she will be ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“…” Zi Xuanzi was silent.

He sighed and apologized and said:

“The trail is not good, too believe oneself infallible.”

Yes, he just will do everything Develop according to your own ideas, thinking that the black cat can let go of hatred, because only in this way will he not be caught between Sue Kirin and her. After all, this is just a kind of self-satisfaction that’s all.

So selfish, Zi Xuanzi laughed at himself secretly.

“…Aren’t we here at the right time?”

There were two slender and tall shadows in the corner of the campfire.

It was like two spikes inserted into this frozen and embarrassing atmosphere, stabbing the black cat and Zi Xuanzi to froze at the same time. In unison, they slowly raised their sights, but saw Xihe and Ziyunzi standing by.

They don’t know how long they have been here, but they should have heard something that neither of them wanted to hear.

Ziyunzi’s face was quite embarrassed, with a little sorry between her smiles, but Xihe’s face remained as usual, and there was no emotion on that cold face.

“Aiya, it turned out to be you…”

Zi Xuanzi brace oneself greeted the two, while the black cat lowered his head, as if he wanted to find someone The place is like getting in.

“The matter has been dealt with?”

Seeing this, Zi Xuanzi wanted to get in and out of the embarrassing atmosphere, so he took the initiative to raise this question. As a result, Zi Yunzi raised her eyebrows at once, and said dissatisfied:

“It’s finished? How can it be finished?” She bitterly and angrily sat down beside Zi Xuanzi. , “Inventory the injuries, the aftermath of the disciplines, and the meeting with the governor of the West Mansion-all kinds of things are really piled up like a mountain, there is really a mountain as high as a mountain, but I don’t see you for help, it’s hard for you Junior Sister. Now.”

She glared fiercely at Zi Xuanzi, complaining all over. Xihe quietly took a seat next to the black cat like an innocent person.

“It’s okay for you to let me charge into battle-you don’t know that your Senior Brother is the worst at dealing with these.”

“Yes, yes, at the beginning you refused to teach him This is also the reason for the position. How can you know if you don’t try? If I go earlier than you one day, the position of teaching will still fall on you for the time being!”

Ziyunzi could see clearly and didn’t shy away from mentioning his life. Of course, she is already in heaven and her lifespan is not short, but she and Zi Xuanzi are actually not much different in age, and Zi Xuanzi is already a Grandmaster, and her lifespan is generally speaking shorter than him.

“Hey, my Junior Sister will naturally live a hundred years old. Is there any reason to go before me?”

“Just your sweet mouth.” Ziyunzi appreciated Zixuanzi A blank eye.

Zi Xuanzi smiled bitterly, and no longer coaxed him, but turned his gaze towards Xihe.

“Miss Xihe, how is the situation with Miss Qingli?”

“Fortunately, the shell fell crooked.”

When I answered like this, Finally, Xihe’s face changed a little, and there was a hint of rejoicing.

“Thanks to Zixuanzi Senior for your timely assistance, and thank you Black Cat Girl for saving Qingli elder sister.”

Xihe thanked Zixuanzi master and disciple one after another. For the black cat, she thanked him for the second time. Zixuanzi sighed in his heart and responded sincerely:

“No effort at all, if you can help us regardless of your predecessors, we should thank you.”

Xi and nodded, I don’t know what it means.

“The girl Xihe really helped us a lot.” Ziyunzi interrupted with a smile, and then thanked Xihe again.

“You are polite.”

Xi and lightly replied, “We just want to defend our residence. You can enter the Martial Demon Realm to fight the enemy, which is enough for us. “

“The requirements are so low…” Zi Xuanzi narrowed his eyes, “It’s totally different from those of us who want to get more and don’t know.”

” I think Senior Brother, you are also this kind of person.”

Zi Yunzi dialed Zi Xuanzi cold water.

“cough cough, the trail still has something to pursue in some respects.” Zi Xuanzi replied with an awkward expression.

“Oh, if Xue Zunzu is also included, you should still have some pursuit.”


Zi Yunzi said casually He said, but Zi Xuanzi bounced slightly. The latter winked at Ziyunzi immediately, and kept groaning at the black cat.

“Ah…” Zi Yunzi understood and smiled apologetically.

The black cat is still bowing her head, focusing on grilling her fish, without any response. For some reason, Xihe kept staring at the fish, as if he wanted to eat it.

Well, Xihe is Nine Lives Cat, a kind of cat.

“How is the situation in Zhenxi Mansion?”

Zi Xuanzi already knew the loss of Taoist Sect in advance, and lost a total of 30 dísciples, and Zhenxi Mansion’s loss should be It was much worse. After all, only a few hundred people came to Taoist Sect, while there were tens of thousands of people in Zhenxi Mansion.

“Not optimistic, more than two thousand people have been lost in the past few days, and at the cost of these sacrifices, almost no tactical or strategic results have been achieved.”

Ziyunzi frowned and looked distressed, “Bharata is coming so aggressively, it seems that Zhenxi Mansion is not considering counterattack anymore.”

“Want to defend?”

“After all, the troops are not enough, and the’witch’ of Bharata possesses great magical power… To be honest, if the Grandmaster is not Senior Brother you, but Snow Venerable, I think the situation should be a lot easier. .”

“Even if you say that, Xiaodao still can’t learn to spell for a while.”

Zixuanzi can be said to be quite helpless.

He feels that he is not weaker than Sue Kirin, even if there is a fish in Beiming, he can’t be said to be stable against him, because the higher the realm, the smaller the gap, but in terms of functionality, he is indeed weaker than those two .

One of them is good at spell with various functions, while the other is good at long-range sniper and fire coverage. On the battlefield, they are much better than Zi Xuanzi, who is only good at single body.

“Don’t you have some magical charms given by the Snow Venerable? Can you do something with those things? We have already suffered a lot of “witch” losses. No, we are probably going to explain here.”

“They are all very simple charms, and the number is limited. I think the effect is quite limited. Maybe it can achieve some small tactical goals, but strategically I should not be able to control too much.”

After hearing Zi Xuanzi’s reply, Zi Yunzi was disappointed.

“I think we will suffer so much because we don’t know each other’s situation.”

Unexpectedly, the black cat interrupted at this time. She handed the grilled fish to Xihe, and the other party took it without saying anything. It seemed that the sentence just now was simply not what she said.

But Zixuanzi and Ziyunzi can hear them clearly.

The black cat took another fresh fish out of the basket, stabbed it with a snag, and moved it to the campfire for roasting. She seemed to enjoy the process very much, grilling the fish one by one, and had no plans to put all the fish on the fire at the same time.

“Ke’er, can you tell me something?” Zi Xuanzi asked consciously, without having to use her eyes to gesture.

He doesn’t know what the black cat thinks, but three heads have worked with Zhuge Liang. Maybe the black cat can put forward some ideas or countermeasures to change the situation.

The black cat did not look up.

“The people of Bharata have been prepared for a long time, and they must have found out a lot of things. We take a step slowly and are restrained everywhere. I think most of the reason is here. On the other hand, the opponent’s troops are no less than us. , And there are “witches” at work. We have a good chance to suffer from a frontal conflict. In this case, we might as well change our minds instead of confronting them directly, but hide in the dark and find opportunities to give the opponent a blow. Retire and look for another opportunity.”

To insist, this may be the assassin’s usual thinking.

Hide in the dark, looking for opportunities to inflict damage or even a fatal blow.

Zi Xuanzi thought about the direction that the black cat said, but the black cat continued to say:

“Bharata’s witches are not endless. If we divide the troops To fight against them in many ways, they should not be able to mobilize them, so that they can reduce the role of the’witch’ as ​​much as possible.”

“You mean, let’s not be too concentrated?”

“Are you not afraid of being divided and annihilated?”

Zi Xuanzi and Zi Yunzi asked one after another. They looked at each other and felt that the black cat said something reasonable.

“But we are now surrounded by gatherings. We add the strength of Zhenxi Mansion in the Martial Demon Realm to more than 10,000, and the remaining 40,000 will form a line of defense outside the Martial Demon Realm. , And the 10,000 people who entered the forest are all distributed in four places. This is quite a big goal in a jungle, isn’t it?”

Zi Xuanzi and Ziyunzi looked at each other again , In each other’s eyes are all stunned and surprised.

None of them could refute the words of the black cat.

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