“Young Lady.”

Gong Tianqing was awakened by the cry.

Suddenly he heard someone calling him, his eyes turned to the direction of the door. Earlier, she asked Luo Hong to ask Guan Xia to find out whether the Northern Domain attack was true, and it seemed that it had been communicated.

Guanshi Xia stood at the door of the ancestral hall at this moment.

His face was thin and thin, and his face was serious and solemn, Gong Tianqing couldn’t help but grabbed his heart, and his heart was full of uncontrollable anxiety.

It’s just that you have to face it eventually.

Gong Tianqing got up with courage, and the bell rang like a death knell. Guanshi Xia was not allowed to enter the ancestral hall, so she had to go out and face the difficulties and disappointments.

“Manager Xia, have you found out what happened?”

“Yes, I found the intelligence of the military plane.”

“Military plane?”


Xia Guanshi was nodded, and replied short and focused. His answer was that Gong Tianqing was suddenly shocked. He didn’t know how the opponent got on the line of the military plane, which was the center of all wars in the Hua Dynasty.

“It is an old friend of Master Gong. Although Master Gong lost contact with the two families, but some of them are my fellow villagers, so I also percussively find out from the side.”

so that’s how it is, Gong Tianqing smiled lightly and motioned to herself to understand.

She doesn’t ask the reason and context. After all, the person belongs to Xia Xue, she just borrowed it, and the suspect doesn’t use it, so she won’t be so ignorant.

“Young Lady really knows the general situation…”

If Xia Guanshi is aware, she approves of her jaw.

“Thank you Xia Guanshi.” Gong Tianqing stopped being polite, and went straight to the topic, “So, is it true?”

Before he reacted, Xia Guanshi was silent for ten. Seconds later.

He was just nodded in the end.

His actions are so clear that Gong Tianqing has no room to question and can only accept it. The moment she got the answer, she seemed to lose most of her body’s strength and her body shook suddenly.

“Young Lady, are you okay?”

Guan Shi asked with concern, extend the hand to support her. Gong Tianqing laughed ugly, shook her head and refused Guan Xia’s continued support.

“Thank Guan Shi Xia for your concern, I’m just a little tired.”

Seeing Gong Tianqing’s face pale a lot, Guan Shi Xia’s face filled with sigh and pity. This little girl should still enjoy a carefree life, but she has to endure so much…So Guan Xia tried her best, and just wanted to lighten her burden a little that’s all.

Even so, he has to be cruel and tell Gong Tianqing all he has found.

Gong Tianqing’s face paled as she heard it, and when she heard that Yancheng had fallen and Ninglan was trapped and isolated, she once forgot to breathe and almost fell to the ground again.

This time she stood on her own.

“Have you notified Daddy?” she asked weakly.

“Yes, I couldn’t find Young Lady at first, so I went to Master Gong’s place first. Master Gong said you might be here, so I can find Young Lady.”


Gong Tianqing seemed to be able to see Father’s expression when he heard the news. It must be a disappointed and shocked expression.

“What did father say?” She asked inadvertently.

“He didn’t say anything, just silent.”

Xia Guanshi’s answer was a little unexpected, breaking Gong Tianqing’s imagination. Why is he silent? Gong Tianqing didn’t quite understand, she thought the other party would scold the North Kingdom thief.

“Young Lady, it must be extremely difficult for you to be father.”


Xia Guanshi has never interfered with Gong Tianqing’s family affairs. , It’s rare to see him mention Gong Yue’s mood, so Gong Tianqing could not immediately understand what he was talking about.

“Sorry, Young Lady, I am responsible for too much.”

Seeing Gong Tianqing’s delay in responding, Xia Guanshi took the initiative to admit her mistake and thought she had said something wrong.

“Why?” Gong Tianqing shook the head, “Guan Shi can care about me and daddy, I am very happy.” She said that she really laughed.

“It’s hard for Young Lady.”

This sigh obviously contains sympathy.

Gong Tianqing’s smile became bitter.

“Just, what did Guan Shi mean by that remark just now?”

“I think Lord Gong is impossible. Regardless of Great General’s, he will definitely try to do something. It’s just that the Gong Family is in a dire situation at this moment, and the always neutral position has also become a self-digging grave at this time. Apart from Your Majesty, Gong Master has almost nowhere to get help.”

Gong Family Always neutral.

Does not follow any forces, nor does it stand on its own. Even if Gong Yue had a good relationship with people when he was sitting in the position of Shang Shu, this kind of friendship is more of a courtesy than a strong relationship. He was able to go to the present, all because of the emperor’s favor and his cautious behavior, leaving no handle.

But at the same time, not having a strong relationship also means that no one will lend a hand in times of trouble.

A matter of no concern to oneself is the norm. Even if some honest officials jump out to help Gong Yue a few words, I am afraid it will not be of much use.

In the end, it was Gong Family who narrowed the road.

Gong Tianqing doesn’t blame her father, nor her grandparents, she thinks this is definitely not a wrong thing. If something is wrong, it is more appropriate to say this World is wrong.

Just, what should I do?

Knowing that my grandfather is in danger, what should I do? Well, it may be necessary to rescue Gong Jing, even if there is nothing he can do, I want to help him lighten some of the burden.

In order to achieve this goal, how should Gong Tianqing act?

She carries two charms in her sleeves, one is a “protective charm” and the other is a charm that can communicate with Qi Qiqi, and she has already pinched the latter inadvertently. .

When she realized this unconscious movement, Gong Tianqing shook her head. She didn’t want to involve Heavenly Jade Palace in, even if she knew that the other party wouldn’t mind.

“Young Lady, what do you think?”

A sudden sentence.

Gong Tianqing raised her head and saw her own face that was embarrassed, troubled, and confused in her eyes looking at her. She touched her face, thinking that her expression at the moment was so ugly.

“…What do I think?”

“Yes, what does Young Lady think? The Great General is trapped in the Northern Domain, so Young Lady intends to act Get up?”

He didn’t ask Gong Tianqing how she wanted to act, he asked Gong Tianqing if she wanted to act. Once he switched his thinking to thinking according to his question, the answer was magically ready.

“Naturally, I want to do something.”

“So, there are several ways to be small.” Guan Shi said seriously.

“What way?”

Gong Tianqing asked quickly without thinking, it was almost instinctive action.

“Xia Family can prepare some supplies to support the Northern Domain war. I think Xia Xue patriarch will definitely agree. In addition, Young Lady, you are the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace, as long as you are willing to The Lord’s request, Heavenly Jade Palace will definitely help. On the one hand, there are a lot of retired soldiers in Zhenbei Prefecture. It’s not bad battle strength to summon them. In this regard, the communication network of the Xia Family firm can convene it, presumably It takes less than five days to gather the retired soldiers from nearby Zhenbei Prefecture.”

Guan Shi said with a little thought, he provided three solutions at once, and these all are feasible methods. It is not necessary to choose only one method.

Gong Tianqing listened in silence, thinking that this method is indeed effective and can relieve a lot of pressure on Northern Domain.

Her face is full of tangles, and there is no answer.

“Young Lady, what do you want to do?”

I don’t know how long it took, Guan Shi Xia took the initiative to break the silence.

“Should I be hesitant here, or try to save the life of the Great General as soon as possible?” Guan Shi Xia’s voice was very gentle, without any urging.

For some reason, Gong Tianqing was stared wide-eyed in astonishment as if she was hit hard.

Suddenly, she remembered the words of Sue Kirin.

──”The important thing is my own thoughts.”

What does she want to do? Gong Tianqing wants to save her grandfather.

How to achieve it? Guanshi Xia has come up with three feasible plans, and the rest is just Gong Tianqing’s own persistence and mood issues.

Yes, it’s all in her thoughts.

As long as she wants, she can help Gong Jing anytime and anywhere. Yes, she was just taking care of herself. She was afraid of getting others into trouble, but it was someone else’s business to decide whether to help her or not. She just didn’t want to be a bad person.

Gong Tianqing, you are too cunning.

She clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and slapped herself fiercely. The clear sound frightened Guan Xia, and Gong Tianqing ignored the redness of her cheeks, turned and looked towards the table full of spirit tablets.

After many spirit tablets, there is a set of outdated Battle Armor stands there.

That is the thing left by the ancestors of the Gong Family. The sword wounds and scars on it all tell the long story of charging and defending the country for the Chinese family.

“Guan Xia, thank you.”

Gong Tianqing said without looking back, her eyes filled with gentle gratitude, and at the same time she added: “Thank you too You, Little Ancestor Master.”

She stepped forward and walked to Gong Tianyang’s spirit tablet.

There is a new set of Battle Armor in the rear, which was originally intended for Gong Tianyang to wear and inherit his family business after he became an adult.

“Xiaoyang, you can borrow the elder sister to use the cloak that you didn’t wear.”

Gong Tianqing lightly picked up the red cloak and used it. The ground shakes out. “Slit!” Red fluttered awe-inspiringly, like an unstoppable military flag.

During the red dance, the girl puts on red.

She added a bit of courage, and a bit more awe-inspiring, which changed her weak appearance in the past. For the sake of her loved ones, she was willing to arm herself and was no longer silent.

“Guan Shi Xia, I am pleased with you for the rest of the Zhenbei Mansion.”

Guan Shi Xia was silent for a while, seeming to be examining the completely different girl in front of her. He gradually showed a relieved smile. He also once had a son, but unfortunately die an untimely death. This is why he will help Xia Family with all his heart and soul.

Without him, I feel the same.

What he saw more of this young girl gritted her teeth to support her family’s palace. He wanted to help her.

“Then, in terms of materials?” Manager Xia asked.

Gong Tianqing answered not even think, her eyes filled with firmness:

“Xia Xue, elder sister, I know how to communicate over there, and I will also write to Qi elder The sister asks for help.”

This is often the case.

People are easy to persuade, but it also means that people are easy to make up their minds.

“Xia Guan, everything is up to you.”

Gong Tianqing left this sentence and walked outside the ancestral hall with a remnant smile-towards her battlefield. Guanshi Xia watched her step by step, and asked:

“Young Lady, where are you going?”

“Go to my father and tell him what I think.”

Gong Tianqing’s smile pouring out between the sides of her head is as dazzling and not dazzling as the moon hanging in the sky.

Then she continued to move forward.

──Step to her battlefield.


Night without stars.

Qinglun City is drowned in the dark night, scattered lights trembling in the thick darkness, as if to be extinguished at any time, it looks like a person holding his breath at the moment , Very depressing.

And it is indeed caught in some kind of strict alert.

Zhenxi Mansion suddenly settled in and used this as a stronghold to dispatch troops to the Martial Demon Realm, while the remaining 50,000 people stayed here. The people in Qinglun City were at a loss about this, and they didn’t understand how the Zhenxi Mansion was so aggressive.

The prefect Lin Xu was even more troubled day and night, thinking that something had happened.

Until he asked about the Great General of Zhenxi Fu, Jiang Runzhi, did the other party tell him something like thunder. Lingyue Valley had already fallen, and it was still in Qinglun City’s ignorance.

Jiang Runzhi wanted the military power from the garrison guards and put 10,000 defenders into his bag. He immediately ordered martial law and closed the city gate. Suddenly, many people have no time to leave the city.

Lin Xu has been an official until now, but he has never seen such a big battle, for fear that he would die here.

In front of Qinglun City, there is Lingyue Valley guarding the main road. It may be a bit too much to say that it is easy to sit back and relax, but it is almost the same. Since Lin Xu became the prefect here, even the enemy’s face or military strength Haven’t seen it.

So, when he heard from Jiang Runzhi that the Western Regions and the Northern Kingdom’s coalition forces are likely to be on the ground at any time, he has no real feeling at all, but his body has been instinctively weakened to the ground.

He is worried and annoying.

He has heard of the cruelty of the North since he was a child, and the Western Regions are not good stubs, and now the combined army of the two countries is about to crush this city of Qinglun, which had only 10,000 troops. Can he not worry about it? ? But his wife, son and daughter are all staying in the city.

“Master, you have been pacing back and forth several times, what are you doing?”

In the Qinglun city official mansion, the wife of the chief official Lin Xu sat on her own In the courtyard of the living hall, I looked helplessly at where my Husband was turning around anxiously, sighed secretly.

This lady is very young.

Probably only in his early twenties, more than twice as young as Lin Xu.

Well, the product of family marriage.

Mrs. Lin Xu is the young girl of the Qinglun Mountain family. In order to curry favor with Lin Xu, who had just taken office at that time and was unmarried, the family had made a marriage contract with Lin Xu early. This Lin Xu is also a strange person. He hasn’t gotten married yet when he is over thirty. It seems that he doesn’t care about it, but he doesn’t know why he agreed to the request of this big family. He married her when the young girl turned sixteen and let her Become a prefect wife.

The Kunlun Mountains area is no more inland than the Central Plains.

There can be no foreign races here, and this Qinglun clan is also one of the foreign races. Although the anti-foreign situation of the Hua Dynasty is not serious, it is more or less there. Therefore, the Qinglun clan has become as it should be by rights to seek self-preservation and development.

As a foreign race, this lady not only has a slightly darker skin, but also has a much deeper outline than the average Chinese woman. It is not considered knowledgeable, but it is more lively and real.

People are all guessing, maybe Lin Xu likes this tune, after all, the two are like glue.

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