The postman saw Bei Xiaolu suddenly stop all his movements and steps, standing in front of the main seat and falling into contemplation, not knowing what to do.

“You, go back and tell your Shangguan that Beggars’ Sect knows about this.”

After a while, Bei Xiaolu finished thinking, frowned and waved to rush. People. The postman was stunned, neither going nor going, like a log.

“Why? Do you still want to stay here as a guest? The old lady tells you, although the door is also a guest, but the old lady has no time to entertain you now, you can go back wherever you come.



Naturally, the postman does not mean to be a guest, but he still has the program to go.

“Sect Leader, since you Accept the letter, and ask Sect Leader to give some proofs to Junior, and Junior Much better will return. “

In order to prevent the letter from being sent to other people, some confirmation methods are also necessary. Bei Xiaolu has also known it for a long time, so she just complained, “Damn trouble!” “, each minding their own business fumbled for a while, not knowing where to conjure a seal.

She picked up the envelope containing the letter and stamped it randomly.

“Is that all right? “

Strictly speaking, it’s not possible, but the seal of Beggars’ Sect Sect Leader is enough to fail. The postman did not make much request, so he accepted the envelope with the certificate and left. Go.

He really doesn’t look back, almost panicking.

This Bei Senior is too straightforward, right? The postman thinks that Bei Xiaolu has a certain personality It’s harder to deal with than many old foxes, at least the other party won’t scold themselves as soon as they come up.

Like the change of spring and summer──

Is the postman just leaving? In a few seconds, Bei Xiaolu didn’t even have time to drink a cup of tea to moisturize the throat that was dry just now, and Chen Tiezhu took a few Elders from the rudder and entered.

“Hey, it’s all here. ? “Bei Xiaolu looked towards them.

“Back to Sect Leader, only a few of Elder did not arrive, and everyone else was there. “

Among those who came, an Elder in his early thirties came forward to respond.

He is the new Beggars’ Sect Vice-Gang Leader Longshanyue.

Yes, surnamed Long.

He is not someone else but the nephew of Long Tianyu, who has passed away from Beggars’ Sect Sect Leader. He had previous experience in charge of sub-helms.

Bei Xiaolu nodded , After counting the heads, there are a total of five in Elder, including Vice-Gang Leader Longshanyue, it can be regarded as nearly half of the management team.

“Sect Leader, is there anyone who robs the people? Girl, do you want us to do harm to the people? “

The one who speaks a little bit mean is a woman.

Her name is Liu Yu, and she is one of the most powerful candidates for the next Sect Leader. This Great Elder is He tends to act cautiously, and he has opinions on Bei Xiaolu’s impulsiveness.

In other words, these two people are not right.

“You are not needed. “Beijing Xiaolu counterattacked unceremoniously, “Just your jack of all trades skills, if you rush in, you are afraid that you can’t get out. How dare I let you go? “

“…It seems that Sect Leader has a high self-esteem and despise me! “

Liu Yu’s chest was full of anger, but the other Beggars’ Sect Elder didn’t see it as clean, so they turned aside their eyes. They didn’t want to be involved in this kind of mess.

“Sect Leader, what is the point of calling us here? “

The third speaker, Elder surnamed Huang, is not drunk. He is the most drunk martial artist in the neighborhood. He is a little older, his hair is a little gray, and he has three wines hanging around his waist. Bottle gourd, it proves that he loves wine as one’s life.

“Look for yourself. “

Bei Xiaolu raised his chin and pointed at the paper ball that fell on the ground.

Several people looked at each other, and finally the dísciple who brought them picked it up. Paper ball.

The one who took over the paper ball was a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar. His real name is unknown. He was only called “no ink”. The weapon is also quite strange. The writing brush of Beggars’ Sect is an alternative to Beggars’ Sect.

Without ink, everyone present is undoubtedly the most literate person.

He slowly spread out the paper ball and found that it was actually a letter. The letter, there is a print of the Imperial Court on it. He frowned and read it carefully.

It can be seen that the more he reads, the more dignified his face becomes, and his eyes ooze a little Perplexed and shocked.


After reading, his eyes went back and forth between Bei Xiaolu and the letter, and he forgot to pass the letter to the other Elders. It’s up to Liu Yu to take it out in a grumpy manner, so that the other Elders can learn the content of the letter.

──Everyone is shocked.

After they read the letter in order , All showed the same expression, no one could speak for a while, and the whole hall was filled with silence.

“What about opinions? “

Bei Xiaolu didn’t have much patience, and soon broke the silence.

The people present exchanged their eyes again, and finally Longshanyue came out and responded:

“Sect Leader, this is an unusual, such a big event. Since the Imperial Court has known that people are coming to notify us for help, the civil impossible is so quiet. “

“There is also the possibility that the Imperial Court has blocked the news. After all, the alliance of Bharata, the Western Regions, and the North Kingdom is of great importance to the use of troops in China. “

There is no need to say a possible explanation.

“What does Sect Leader plan to do? Huang Buzui asked, picking his nose. “Imperial Court will write to you when you need it, and when you don’t need it, you will be targeted everywhere. I personally don’t want to agree. “

“Huang is not drunk, I think you just want to drunken stupor! “

Liu Yu replied with excitement, “Since the establishment of Beggars’ Sect, we have been based on the word’big righteousness’. Now that the country is in trouble, how can Beggars’ Sect ignore it?” No matter how antagonistic it was, Beggars’ Sect should form a line with the Imperial Court to fight against foreign enemies. “

“I’m afraid of the other party’s abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal…” Don’t sigh, stroking your short goatee.

“Even so, also Can’t just sit back and watch! “

Liu Yu is also stubborn, “Imperial Court wants to plot against us, and there will be opportunities in the future, but this time the national crisis, we can’t take care of that many. “

She took a step forward, bowed her hand to Bei Xiaolu, and said firmly:

“I also hope that Sect Leader will summon the disciplines to help the northwestern realm of the Hua Dynasty to expel those Shameful ── spying on the people of my country’s rich soil. “

Without spitting out a dull sigh, he reluctantly shook the head.

However, he also stepped forward, also saluted Bei Xiaolu and echoed Liu Yu.


“As Elder Liu said, everybody is responsible for the disaster of the country. Xiaosheng also asks Sect Leader to be clear, and let Xiaosheng step forward and do his best to protect the homeland. “

Seeing this, the remaining Elders also stepped forward, and Longshanyue was also listed.

Yes, Beggars’ Sect is like that.

Purely stick to a certain belief, even if you know that Tiger Mountain is ahead, you will not be afraid to move forward. Even if it is the abyss, as long as it is for the common people of the world, they will jump down!

Now, my old lady also has this meaning, don’t make my old lady hesitate. “

Bei Xiaolu rolls his eyes helplessly, feeling that they are trying to force the palace, and feel a little upset. Why do they think they are hesitant? She is upset because they didn’t trust themselves.

“My mother called you to come, just to discuss with you and see what to do. Even if we want to go, mobilization is not a simple matter. It is convenient for us to discuss it, right? Look at you one or two, you are afraid that this Sect Leader will reject the Imperial Court, it is really annoying! “

Beijing Xiaolu sat down in his seat, took off his bottle gourd, took a sip, and acted boldly.

“Even if the Imperial Court does not come to invite, if the old lady receives The wind will definitely be the first to rush to beat those dog thieves to the ground. “

so that’s how it is!

Several Elders showed guilt, and they blamed the suddenness of things. They were more or less lost and did not deliberately go. Think about how Bei Xiaolu would decide.

They all just expressed their opinions.

Without the use of ink to stroke their beard, they gathered their eyes and said their opinions:

“In the letter, the Imperial Court hopes that Beggars’ Sect can drive into the vicinity of the Kunlun Mountains to help Lingyue Valley guard the main road. They must be afraid that if Lingyue Valley falls, the three coalition forces will follow that path and approach the hinterland of the Hua Dynasty. “

“The location of Lingyue Valley has always been an important place, but at the same time it is also the only passable place. If Lingyue Valley falls, the situation will be serious. The enemy forces not only pose a threat to Northern Domain, but can also threaten Imperial Capital. “

Huang Buzui took the conversation solemnly, another long talk. Liu Yu, like Bei Xiaolu, is of the kind with too agile head, and her condition is more serious than Bei Xiaolu. I’m confused.

“What shit are you guys doing? So shall we go or not. “Liu Yu interrupted the two impatiently.

“Lingyue Valley is an important strategic location. It must not be lost. I think we can prevent the situation from deteriorating as long as we hold Lingyue Valley. The point of recovery. “

Long Shanyue ignored a few people, and directly went forward and said to Bei Xiaolu. Bei Xiaolu nodded, thinking it was indeed the reason, and made a decision:

” Now that you all said so, we will call dísciple and set off tomorrow for Qinglun City under the Kunlun Mountains. This time we will let go of our prejudices and join forces with Imperial Court once! “

She waved her hand and announced in a powerful voice:

“Call the northern part of Beggars’ Sect to go to the national disaster! “

This sound means that the management of Beggars’ Sect has reached an agreement.

Next, Bei Xiaolu will give a few people some tasks and let them prepare all kinds of matters and materials overnight. In the morning, the general rudder takes the dísciple and informs the other sub-pilots, and then meets the dísciple on the road.

──For Beggars’ Sect, this is probably a busy sleepless night.


The early morning mist filled the hills.

The light of dawn was not enough to penetrate the heavy mist, and it was cut to pieces and scattered. In the sword mound, among the countless standing swords, the reflections spread out, shaking off on the spirit stream.

The faint Spiritual Qi in the spirit stream ascends, blurring the light and shadow.

The girl’s feminine figure is like a silhouette, vividly carved in the faint Spiritual Qi mist, and her long hair like silk and ink is spread among the waves of water.

She breathed out lightly, and the sorrow of her breath was scattered between the sword tombs; pulling up that wet hair, her white back neck just fell into the shining sunlight, coated with a faint golden halo.

On the shore of the spring, there are the sword that the girl is used to, and her red Yitang.

Qiqiqi stayed up all night.

Since Sue Kirin was killed After Summon passed, she devoted herself to all kinds of preparations all night, worrying about the affairs of the Western Regions, and also worrying about the unknown situation of the Northern Domain-naturally, a large part of her was worried about the friends she knew.

The meeting of her, Ye Zhen, Xia Xue, and all the management of Heavenly Jade Palace did not end until dawn.

Seeing that it is getting early, there will be a lot of palaces to deal with later. Qi Qiqi did not sleep at all, and when she came to the sword mound to ride the Spiritual Qi, she was practicing Sword Art.

So, bathing and changing clothes became as it should be by rights. Sweat a little.

“I don’t know what’s going on with Kirin…”

While sighing, he gradually walked to the shore, showing his beautiful figure gradually. In the glow of dawn. Qi Qi stood on the shore and picked up the cloth towel she had prepared and wiped her body. The drops of water on her body slid along her proud and soft figure, and then dripped──

The drop of water fell back into the spring surface, making small ripples.

After Qi Qiqi wiped her body, she put on her changing clothes and picked up the sword. She wiped it and burned it. Drenching hair, while walking outside the sword tomb.

There was movement at the door of the sword tomb.

Someone left. Come in.

“Your lord of the palace is really laid back, and you have to take a bath.”

The visitor said jokingly, with a little smile in his tone. Qi Qiqi recognized this familiar voice, and slightly let go of her sword.

“What, it turned out to be Xia’s elder sister, you…”

Qi Qiqi also said who was going to trespass into the sword mound, and she had to ask out loudly for a moment. Since Sue Kirin improved the sword tomb’s array, Jian tomb will now be able to identify people on its own, and Xia Xue is also eligible to enter the sword tomb.

“Didn’t you take a bath too?”

Qi Qiqi found out that Xia Xue had changed her clothes, with a faint soap scent on her body, and she suddenly felt that she was suing the wicked first , Frowned his eyebrows more than willow leaves.

Xia Xue smiled without speaking.

“Your letter.” She handed out a letter meaningfully.

The letter paper is very small, and you can see that it is for the dark crow to send letters. Qi Qiqi raised her eyebrows, her heart was full of doubts, but before asking who was asking, she saw Xia Xue’s very intriguing expression.

Something happened.

Qiqiqi had a feeling in the heart, took the letter and read it.

“…Beggars’ Sect?”

The letter is from Beggars’ Sect, and the content written on it is nothing more than that they were invited to guard the Northwest.

“It’s not only Bharata who is mobilizing troops, but it’s also not only Northern Domain who made changes – but it is also as it should be by rights. The North Kingdom moves, the Bharatiya moves, how can the Western Regions Don’t move?”

Xia Xue wraps around the ends of her hair, full of deep meaning in her speech.

“Second Prince of Bharat is so fast. I saw him before—really. The ancients said that you can’t judge a person by appearance, and you really don’t deceive!”

Qi Qiqi remembered the appearance of the second Prince in Bharata I had seen before.

Although she didn’t mean to underestimate the other party, her style and figure really didn’t look like a capable person. For some reason, she feels that this method is more like the rumored Prince Peacock.

But the Peacock Prince no longer exists.

“The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms invaded and attacked the Chinese Dynasty. This is a great event.”

Xia Xue didn’t mean taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune at all. She was just lamenting and mocking that’s all.

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