“Imperial Teacher has caught the opportunity? Is she alone?” Ajislan asked.

Cang Lin nodded.

Ajislan became silent, frowned as if thinking.

“I want to mobilize the soldiers.” He said.

“Lion cavalry?”

“Yes, soldiers are very fast. Only lion cavalry and eagle guard have the strength to attack thousands of miles in the army. I don’t want to underestimate the enemy.”

Ajislan crude in most matters, but subtle in some.

“Yes.” Canglin nodded replied, and then said:

“Remember one thing, for the glory of my waiting, Qin Shiyu must be unplugged, so you must personally The leader, otherwise it won’t be easy for her to start when she arrives in King Ning’s city.”

Cang Rin’s complexion changed a little, and her narrowed eyes flashed with brilliance.

“──This is the best opportunity.”

Ajislan also knew this well, and clenched his fists unconsciously. He was extremely excited. For him, it was his wish to be able to attack and fall into the enemy, and to be admired by thousands of war exploits.

If Qin Shiyu can get the first rank, he will definitely be able to stay in history and pave the way for the North Kingdom’s offensive this time.

Arislan stood up and saluted Canglin one-knee kneels solemnly.

“The final general will surely obtain the first level of Qin Shiyu, dedicated to the Imperial Teacher…” He raised his head and looked towards Cang Lin to add three words, “For the bride price. “


Cang Rin did not answer.

Ajislan did not continue to flirt, and after getting up he refocused on the current topic:

“Dare to ask the Imperial Teacher, how many people are there beside Qin Shiyu?”

He is confident but not conceited.

Do not attack blindly, first ask the situation clearly.

Cang Rin motioned to the eagle guard who came for the call to explain the situation. The eagle guard was reluctant in his heart, but he did not dare to follow his orders. He stepped forward and first handed the paper with the place where Qin Shiyu was located to Ajislan, and then said solemnly: “Ding Guoji was only one guarding the sword beside him, and no Two hundred elite soldiers.”

Ajislan was a little unexpected. Next to such an important figure, he didn’t expect that only a few hundred troops were guarding it. Although the sword guards were strong, Ajislan didn’t think the opponent had any chance of victory in the face of him.

“Only when you start lightly, you can proceed as quickly as possible, and it is not easy to be found.” Cang Lin said his judgment.

Ajislan rubbed his short, messy beard, thinking deeply. He felt that Cang Rin made sense, and it was like what the impudent Princess would do.

To put it to death and resurrect, such a strategic policy is not uncommon in her.

“She’s speeding up with us…”

Arislan muttered, deeply interested in the Princess of the Hua Dynasty.

“She is gambling.” Cang Rin’s view is slightly different from that of Ajislan.

Ajislan didn’t refute, just chuckled.

“If I can catch her alive, can the Imperial Teacher give her to me?”

It is a common practice in this northern country, so It is not surprising that Ajislan made this request.

Ajislan has no shortage of women, but he is not interested in ordinary women, even if they are beautiful and beautiful. He likes things that give him a greater sense of conquest, such as Cang Lin, or Ding Guo Ji who name shakes the whole world. He even imagined that Qin Shiyu was tied to a chain and forced her to lie down and be his own bitch.

But Canglin was silent.

She stared at Ajislan for a long time before finally opening her lips and saying:

“Nurturing a tiger to invite calamity is unwise.”

“Imperial Teacher, even if she cuts her wings, she can’t escape my shackles.”

Ajislan is confident, precisely because of this confidence and arrogance, He has the nickname “Lion”.


Cang Rin did not believe in his confidence.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if Qin Shiyu is not dead, Canglin will not feel safe one day. The best insurance is to get rid of the threatening person, and only the dead will not have any chance of turning over.

“…” Ajislan was a little dissatisfied.

“This seat should give you corresponding glory, but Dingguo Ji can’t.”

Cang Lin gave a rare explanation.

Ajislan did not speak, but it can be seen that he did not accept it. He was afraid of Qin Shiyu, but that didn’t mean that when the opponent fell into his palm, he did not restrain and subdue the confidence of the opponent.

Just hide her then.

Ajislan did not clashed with Canglin head-on, thinking secretly, but pretending that he had given up struggling. Cang Lin didn’t know if she could see it, she was just silent.

“So, the general will set off immediately.”

Ajislan knows that don’t let slip an opportunity, and the army is so fast, he got up and saluted Canglin.

“Go.” Cang Rin’s words are still as short as they can be, enough to be called a model of cherish words like gold.

Ajislan nodded, picked up his own Euphorbia, turned and walked out.

“Ajislan, remember not to be lucky.”

As he walked out of the 2nd Step, Cang Lin suddenly raised his voice. Ajislan stopped in surprise, looked back towards her, and met Cang Lin’s calm but wise eyes.

She saw through her thoughts.

Ajislan gave a light spit, and intuitively understood that the other party had already seen through his careful thoughts.

But, what about? He is the lion Ajislan.


A sigh sounded slowly.

After the silhouette of Ajislan disappeared into the yard, Cang Rin rubbed his forehead, a little tiredness appeared on his face. She relied on the strength of one person to prosper the Northern Kingdom again. Over the years, she has experienced various things of large and small, especially preparing for a full-scale attack this time, which consumed a lot of her mind. The tiredness that has accumulated so far is not light.

For this reason, she entrusts many of her affairs to the talents she has selected over the years. She couldn’t put everything on herself, so she would be crushed even if she was a god.

She is not a god, so she must understand the principle of division of labor and cooperation.

be that as it may, but this battle is very important, she still can’t be ignored, and besides mastering the general policy, some important things have to be handled by her personally.

As if feeling the exhaustion of the master’s spirit, Yinpo walked over slowly, rubbed his furry head against Cang Rin’s body, and made a whisper, seeming to comfort her .

Cang Rin smiled lightly, stroking White Wolf’s fur.

She seldom laughs, almost never laughs, but her only smile is almost only shown in front of Yin Po. Only it, she regarded as close relatives.

“Thanks for your hard work this year,” Cang Rin said to Yin Po in warm voice.

Yin Po shook his head humanely, indicating that he was not working hard. The eagle guard on the side did not pay attention to the interaction between a man and a beast, but stared in the direction where Ajislan was leaving, twisting a stinky face.

For Ajslane’s repeated insults to Cang Rin, he is still brooding.

This is because the emperor is not in a hurry. The eunuch is in a hurry, Cang Rin thought, but the eagle guard asked with a lazy and selfish feeling:

“Imperial Teacher, I want to Don’t send someone to follow?”

“There is no need.” Cang Rin replied not even think.

“But…” Eagle guard hesitated, and questioned for the first time, “If Ajislan hid the Dingguo Ji without authorization──”

” this Majesty’s person.” Cang Lin interrupted the opponent in a low voice.


Eagle Guard was suddenly startled, his eyes staring.

Lion Cavalry is the pro-army of Ajislan, and his confidant who has fought from the tribe until now, and Lion Cavalry is the Grandmaster after he became the “Northern Lion” , Taken for this group of relatives, showing how strong the relationship is.

Didn’t expect, Cang Rin was still able to arrange threads inside.

“A pro-army of five thousand people, impossible without any weak spot.”

Cang Rin closed his eyes, and the light and fluttering sentence made people shiver. Never be an enemy of her, this is Yingwei’s first thought, and it is also because he has a deep experience that he will worship Cang Rin so much.

She will never lose in this war! Yingwei’s eyes looked at Canglin with astonishing enthusiasm.

He didn’t notice the exhaustion on Cang Rin’s face at all, and forgot that Cang Rin was also a human being although he was the Imperial Teacher of the North Kingdom and one of the Grandmasters of the name shakes the whole world.

As long as you are human, you will be tired. The difference is that everyone can bear different pressure that’s all.

She is not a god, really not a god.

But, who has ever sympathized with her?

A North Kingdom official walked in.

Is a civil official.

Even so, he is also dressed in the typical clothes of the North Country, covered in fur. It looks like uncommon martial heroism ── Is it nonsense that all the people in the North Country are soldiers?

“Imperial Teacher, there is not enough food and grass.”

This civil official is also straightforward, without any courtesy at all, and immediately tells the matter when he salutes. Canglin face doesn’t change because it is expected.

The garrison of Yancheng is only 50,000 to 60,000. How can the food and grass that are available can be used by the 100,000 troops of the North?

“How many days can I last?”

“Less than fifteen days.”

The civil officials answered almost quickly and were very efficient.

He is also a capable person selected by Cang Lin, and he is naturally not a mere name.

It’s worth mentioning that the amount of food and grass is less than Canglin’s estimate. The root cause is probably because of the fundamental difference between the Chinese people’s food intake and the northerners’ lives. Geographically, they are destined to have more food than the Chinese.

However, it is still within the scope of fault tolerance, which does not hurt.

“The people should have grain in stock.”

“Should they be confiscated from the Chinese people?” The civil servants can get through.

Cang Lin nodded, expressionless said:

“Northern Domain has been in war for a long time, hoarding food is already a must for the people, they naturally have surplus food. Before the end, capture Ninglan City and open up the supply channel.”

“How much is collected?” the civilian asked again.

“Just leave them with the most basic, food is not afraid of too much.” Cang Lin had a case for a long time ago, and reminded him, “Remember, food should not exist in the same place, it must be divided and stored, lest the city When the people burn the granary, I will fall into the land of eternal damnation when I wait. The defense of the granary must not be neglected, especially to guard against the approach of martial artists in the city.” Cang Lin finished speaking, and suddenly woke up and threw a “No” word.

“Imperial Teacher?” The civil officer didn’t notice that something was wrong.

“For precaution, all the martial artists in the city should be swept out and put in prison.”

This decision Cang Rin was communicated to the eagle guard.

“Yes.” Yingwei agreed without hesitation and asked, “If anyone resists?”

“Beheaded on the spot.”

Cang Rin didn’t feel any softness.

Cutting the grass must eliminate the roots, otherwise Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More, too excessive tendency to clemency will only invite more resistance. Appease can wait after the event, but now there is no room for mistakes and can only be severely treated.


Eagle has no opinion this time.

“Go ahead.” Cang Lin let out a sigh of relief.

Yingwei turned and left, but Cang Rin suddenly remembered something and stopped him.

“Imperial Teacher still has orders?” Yingwei walked back.

“The dísciple of Heavenly Jade Palace pay attention to the hunt, they may carry some convenient spell tools.”

Cang Rin has not forgotten to control everything in the imperial capital battle. The Hua Dynasty Grandmaster.

“Yin and Yang Carp”

According to the legend, a creature that can control the vastness of the world, but now it is another name for the Grandmaster Sue Kirin of the Hua Dynasty.

Cang Rin has been investigating spell and knows the power of spell. What she was afraid of was that the Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple in the city had the means to break through her information blockade and recruited Sue Kirin early.

Sue Kirin is far more threatening to the Northern Army than there are fish in the North.

Her spell can easily destroy a large number of people, and it is easy to gain an advantage between the two armies. She doesn’t want Sue Kirin to join the battle early before the North Country can successfully establish a foothold.

Speaking of this, Cang Lin remembered again that he had failed to catch a fish from Beiming in Lingyue Valley.

This is the only problem so far.

“Imperial Teacher?”

It turned out to be unconsciously plunged into contemplation again, Cang Rin returned to his senses in response to the voice of the civil official, and looked at the two separately.

“Go.” She hasn’t ordered anymore.

The civil servant and Yingwei gave a salute to Canglin at the same time, and they left the yard together.

At this time, there was a large number of intensive and plural horseshoes from far away, presumably Ajslan had already taken his two thousand cronies to attack Qin Shiyu.

As expected of Ajislan, he understands the principle of the speed of war.

If there were no accidents, Cang Rin should have seen Qin Shiyu’s head within a few days. As long as Qin Shiyu is pulled out, there will be one less thorn in her heart.

“…At that time, only Gong Jing and King Ning will be left.” Cang Lin murmured.

We have waited too long for this opportunity.

As long as Northland achieves complete success, it will be able to retreat and travel around the world, right? Erqige, Canglin asked the father who was no longer there, but didn’t get a single answer.

Well, the father who never gave up looking for her can no longer answer her question.

Even though many years have passed, she still clearly remembers that when father fought off the wolves and found her in the wolves, her body was wounded, her face was tearful, and she hugged tightly. She said, “It’s nice that you are still alive…”.

I also remember that father died because of the injury and illness at that time.

I also remember that in the remaining time, he imparted his life’s experience and wisdom to himself as much as possible, hoping that he could live happily with these inheritance thoughts and fatherly love.

That’s why she will stand up and save the northern country that father loves.

Father’s love is like a mountain, and Canglin will repay the country.

“Uh, please take a good look at it, and see that I offer a beautiful landscape to the Northland you love so much…”

Yes, the Imperial of the Northland Master Teacher, I have struggled for my little thoughts so far.

──This is a long enough journey.

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