Watching the five men disappear into the alley, two men on the other side of the street frowned.

“Where are they from?”

One of the men with a ponytail asked, and his companion fiercely said:

“It must not be ours People, I don’t know which rice buckets are sent, probably because they want to claim credit.”

They have been lurking for a long time, waiting for an opportunity, but someone is ahead of them. If those five people don’t Success, things will become troublesome.

“This is bad. If we let them beat the grass to scare the snake, our next actions will become difficult. Qin Shiyu will definitely wake up.”

“What to do?” the companion asked the ponytail man.

After thinking for a few seconds, the ponytail man made a decisive decision:

“Withdraw, we can’t show up easily.”

“Just withdraw?”

“Our task is to stop any disappearance of Ninglan City and delay Qin Shiyu’s return to Ninglan City as much as possible. However, since someone has been kicked in, we have to retreat. With Qin Shiyu She will definitely be aware of her ability.”

Hey, the ponytail man sighed.

“We can only return without success this time.”

“We can find another time!” The companion reluctantly proposed.

The ponytail man shook his head resolutely and explained:

“This beat the grass to scare the snake, there is no longer a chance. Do you want the brothers to be folded here? When Qin Shiyu is attacked, Zhen Guowei might come out. We can meet the brothers first and listen to what the leader says.”

The companion gritted his teeth, but he knew that the ponytailed man was justified.

Although he is not reconciled, he can only retreat.

They quickly disappeared into the crowd, as if they never appeared.


It’s really fishing!

Qin Shiyu was a little surprised when he heard the footsteps coming from the front and back.

She feels that her trap is too obvious, and anyone who is more cautious will not be fooled. The reason why she insisted on going her own way was purely out of whim.

After all, if you want to catch all those who are following you, even if the silver screen is not enough, there will be Zhen Guowei.

Qin Shiyu knew that in many towns, the State Guards pretended to leave, but in fact they still followed him in the dark, protecting his safety from a distance.

Yinping left early, which is also the reason for informing this group not to beat the grass to scare the snake.

“It looks like a bunch of idiots…”

Mumbling, two men blocked his way, Qin Shiyu turned his head and saw three men from behind Reached quickly and quickly blocked her in this alley.

Northern people.

How sharp Qin Shiyu’s eyes are. At a glance, he can tell that these five people are not from the Hua Dynasty, but from the North. Their faces have strong northern characteristics.

Cang Rin sent it?

Qin Shiyu had this guess for a moment, but before letting it stay for long, he shook his head and shook his head away. If it were someone sent by Canglin, it would be absolutely impossible to be so stupid.

“Qin Shiyu, be obediently surrender.”

A bald head wearing a monk’s clothes raised his voice.

Qin Shiyu held a ball fan to cover his lips, and narrowed his eyes.

“You are from Northland.” She said bluntly.

These five people were obviously a little frightened, they were also disguised anyway, how could Qin Shiyu see through it at a glance.

“Where did you come from mob? You dare to be embarrassed by such a poor disguise.”

“Fuck you shit!”

The bald head doesn’t like it Qin Shiyu’s contemptuous gaze immediately pulled out a sleeve sword under the monk’s robe and aimed it at Qin Shiyu.

“Look at me catching you here today, and dedicated it to the Great Imperial Teacher.”


Qin Shiyu’s eyebrows trembled Shaking, I thought impossible.

“Whose are you from?” She looked suspiciously, “If you are really Canglin sent, Canglin’s head must be pretty funny.”

Five people The expression of surprise was revealed again, and they looked at each other.

Although they are from the North, they really weren’t sent by Canglin. The person who sent them was just a small northern general.

“It was really disappointing, I thought it would be some fun.”

“Why?” Bald frigid irony and scorching satire, “Do you still want to use this sword to deal with Our five brothers?”

“You mobs, don’t even have the qualifications to let the palace draw the sword.”

Qin Shiyu yawned, showing his contemptuous attitude. Exhaustive.

The bald head was furious, and rushed towards Qin Shiyu with a sharp scream. Four of his companions also rushed out, planning to do it quickly.

Immediately afterwards, they made a surprised voice.

They collapsed and lay down on the ground, caught by several big nets suddenly covered by the sky.

“What, what’s going on!”

The bald head and hideously cut the nets with a sword in his hand, only to find that these nets are made of metal threads, no matter what he No matter how you cut it, you can’t cut it.

“Bold thief!”

A sword reached the bald head.

He swallowed his saliva and looked up and found that the person who came was actually the silver screen that had just left.

It was counted! He then realized.

The four companions looked towards him with “finished!” eyes, the bald face was as gray as death, but he saw a large number of dark shadows at the top of the alleys on both sides.

Zhen Guowei also came.


“Well, let’s talk about who sent you here.”

Qin Shiyu smiled and fanned Feng squatted down in front of the bald head.

Seeing the mockery in this woman’s eyes, the bald head just felt angry, and subconsciously shouted:

“Slut, don’t be proud, soon our army will kill At that time, I will let you beg for mercy under my crotch!”

Hearing this, Qin Shiyu’s complexion suddenly changed.

It’s not because of the other party’s vulgar words, but his words seem to reveal an extremely important piece of information. He said that our army will soon arrive.



The Northern Army? Qin Shiyu reacted extremely sensitively to this word, even to the point of a little nervousness, but is this really the case?

“They’ll leave it to you.” Qin Shiyu told Zhen Guowei, “Ask this palace, fiercely, and ask them what’s the matter with the army in the North.”

Zhen Guowei looked at each other.

In their opinion, this is just these guys uttering that’s all, why is Qin Shiyu the same thing? But Ninth Princess had the order, and they didn’t dare not obey it. Small Captain from the national guards of the town quickly responded respectfully.

“You must be careful.”

Qin Shiyu emphasized again after nodded.

Next, she cast a look at Yinping and walked quickly out of the alley.

“Your Highness, do you think that is true?” Yinping couldn’t help asking.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Shiyu asked, one after another.

“Northern Army.” Yin Ping replied somewhat depressed.

“The Northern Kingdom sent them to follow the main palace, and the main palace had to wonder if there was a reason for this.”

“That was a group of rice buckets, would Cang Rin not send such people to act? Isn’t it easy to expose it?”

Yinping makes sense, and Qin Shiyu also thinks that the five people are too stupid, even stupid than pigs. Such a simple strategy is fooled and embarrassed. Some intelligence was also exposed below.

However, it cannot be ruled out that some people acted without authorization.

It is not uncommon to want to please Shangguan’s private actions. How can Qin Shiyu conclude that this is not a similar incident? Therefore, she explained that Zhen Guowei went to rigorously interrogate several people.

In the matter of interrogation, both Zhen Guowei and Ye Xing have sufficient abilities, but Qin Shiyu himself is not very good at it.

At the same time, Yinping was still expressing her own opinions. From her point of view, Qin Shiyu made some fuss. She said:

“The Northern Kingdom has always regarded your Highness as a scourge. Even if you send some people to make targeted actions, it is not surprising… Recently, the Northern Kingdom does not seem to be acting. , If there is a large-scale operation, we should have received intelligence a long time ago.”


Qin Shiyu laughed out pu chi, and then Stopped and turned to look at the screen.

“Our source of intelligence depends on the night travel, and the night travel is in the hands of the father, they may not necessarily report all the information to us truthfully.”

There are some disputes involved. .


Yinping couldn’t understand the behavior of Qin Shiyu and even Qin Yu.

She caught up with Qin Shiyu, who was striding again, and looked at the other side’s face in a puzzled way.

The invasion and attack of the North Kingdom’s army is not only a matter of Northern Domain, but also a major event of the entire Chinese dynasty. How could Qin Yu play a trick here?

Well, she didn’t understand, nor did she understand that it was not the first time Qin Yu had acted like this.

How can Qin Yu not use the method of murder a person with a borrowed knife?

Who to kill?

Ning Wang or Qin Shiyu are both possible.

The former is Qin Yu’s biological brother, and the latter is his daughter, but both have a common problem, which is that they have too much prestige and control in Northern Domain.

How many heroes have been decapitated since ancient times?

Qin Yu is not a broad-minded person. Qin Shiyu has a foreboding that one day he will always go to Ning Wang. Well, she herself is fine, she is a daughter after all, but King Ning is different.

Hold the military power, and it is also the Imperial Family.

“It is useless for us to guess here, and even if the five people really confide the truth, it is difficult to be convincing, so──”

Qin Shiyu As he said, he stopped again, spreading his arms like a child who asked for a hug.

“Come and hug.” She said, with a rather innocent smile on her face.

The silver screen hearing this is stunned.

“His Royal Highness, can you not use this term? It’s embarrassing.” She continued helplessly.

Qin Shiyu ignored him, but continued to smile at her, Yinping sighed helplessly, but had to stretch out his right hand to wrap around Qin Shiyu’s waist.

People were surprised that the two girls were cuddling in public in the street, and they thought they had some strange hobbies, but the next moment they were all dumbfounded, and the mutation on their faces was shocked and amazed.

──Holding Qin Shiyu with one hand, the screen jumped on the ground.

The two got up at night and quickly turned into two black dots in people’s eyes.

“Where to go?”

Hanging in the air, listening to the wind whistling in my ears, the screen increased the volume to ask. Qin Shiyu pointed to the direction outside the city, where there was a separate building complex.

“Go to the barracks.”

The building complex is where the You Prefecture army is stationed. It belongs to the permanent garrison. There are a total of 30,000. The barracks seem to be of a size Smaller cities have even had stone fortifications, which can be turned into fortresses when necessary.

In the Chinese dynasty, apart from the Forbidden Army and the defenders of the city, only a few troops were stationed in the city.

First, we must consider the factors that disturb the people, and second, the barracks must be sufficiently mysterious and independent.

You Prefecture is the third line of defense for Northern Domain. In the early stage of preparation, the quality of soldiers is inferior to that of Zhenbei Prefecture, but this does not prevent them from still having a higher battle strength than the general army.

This can be proved by the soldiers who spotted the two of them and ordered the archers to guard them. In addition to receiving relevant training and being strictly required, who would look up at the sky anytime and anywhere to see if anyone attacked from the sky?

“This is the military camp in You Prefecture. The martial artist who has been flying there will immediately turn around and leave, otherwise execute without any mercy!”

A general with martial arts has a voice like Hong Zhong Warning Yinping and Qin Shiyu.

Rao Shiyinping didn’t dare to go straight to the barracks. After spinning twice in the air, she took Qin Shiyu down to the ground some distance in front of the barracks. For the next journey, they walked forward.

Those soldiers did not dare to neglect, the countless crevices on the barracks wall flashed cold light, proving that the archers were still shooting their bows and arrows, aiming at the two walking people.

A general squinted his eyes to visit here.

As the two approached slowly, he seemed to recognize Qin Shiyu on the side of the screen, showing a shocked expression.

“Quickly, go and pass on Ling Shuai!” He quickly called his subordinates and issued military orders.

The soldiers hurriedly led away.

The general personally went to meet Qin Shiyu.

As the general of Battle Armor, he ordered someone to open the camp door and walk quickly to the front of the barracks. When Qin Shiyu walked up, he immediately dropped one-knee kneels, without daring to be negligent.

“The final general pay respects to Nine Her Highness the Princess.”

He shouted and knelt, and the Armored Soldiers next to him were all one-knee kneels, facing Qin Shi Rain bowed his hands to the military salute, and those Archers were naturally released.

“Vice-General Zhou, I see you have a good breath, but recently you have a new concubine to get started?”

Qin Shiyu’s greetings are approachable, without the slightest arrogance.

However, this does not mean that the generals in front of them can relax their etiquette. I saw Lieutenant General Zhou maintaining the power of kneeling and arching his hands, and replied heavily:

“Your Highness, this is You guessed it wrong, the final general’s wife and children are not allowed to marry again!”

“It seems that Vice-General Zhou has a good wife, and you can be put to death by Vice-General Zhou.”


Qin Shiyu laughed, and then said to him to get up, then Lieutenant General Zhou dared to stand up. Then, he put on a puzzled expression and asked:

“The final general heard that His Royal Highness was investigating the case in You Prefecture recently. He had also borrowed some soldiers from General Ling to transfer. Your Royal Highness will come today. Is it also for that matter?”

“Little things.”

Qin Shiyu waved his hand and took out a fan to fan the wind.

“It’s been solved a long time ago.”

“Then your Highness…?”

Vice-Zhou looked towards the silver screen, wondering why this Highness is only Bring the sword guards over.

“You will naturally know later that although this palace often wanders around, it is one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause today.”

Qin Shiyu said humorously. , And then walked directly into the barracks.

Although Lieutenant Zhou was a little puzzled, he took steps to follow Qin Shiyu, and Yinping was on both sides of Qin Shiyu. As soon as they disappeared behind the barracks gate, they got up and continued their work.

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