“What does it smell?” Sue Kirin frowned.

The fragrance made her feel disgusted instinctively, and she unconsciously squeezed her thoughts onto the slightly wrinkled face. Qi Qiqi saw it, and asked curiously:

“Isn’t this pretty fragrant?” Qi Qiqi said, her tone suddenly diminished, “Although it’s a bit weird…this smell.”


“It’s the fragrance of flowers.” Shui Yuner suddenly asserted.

Qiqiqi was stunned, while Sue Kirin stared at her with wide eyes.

Floral fragrance.

Well, these two words are unremarkable, but both Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi know that these two words have a deeper meaning behind them, because they have been linked to a character.

“…The No way?” Sue Kirin’s heart hung up.

Originally, even if it was the fragrance of flowers, she would not immediately think of going there, but after passing Shui Yun’er’s mouth, she couldn’t help contacting there.

In fact, it’s not about Shuiyun’er.

To put it bluntly, this is the smell, she has smelled it, and she has a memory, but she doesn’t want to go there with her, but when Shui Yuner points out the fragrance of flowers, Sue Kirin can’t help it. The connection between the two.

Impossible right? She thought to herself, but couldn’t help looking for the source of the fragrance of flowers.

“It seems to come from there.” Qi Qiqi pointed out suddenly.

She was referring to a dark alley.

During the decline of Heavenly Jade Palace, there were a lot of poor neighborhoods in Luotian Town, and there were also immoral things such as auctioning martial demons. After development, those areas that once piled up evil are still left. Down.

Although the crime has been reduced, some necessary things are left behind.

No place is bright, and Luotian Town is the same. Even if the entire world is bright, as long as there are people, there are silhouettes, and there are still some ugly existences in Luotian Town.

Qi Qiqi also understands that these darkness cannot be killed. Even if the roots are removed, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More, because their existence is based on human desire, as long as One day as a human being, they cannot avoid their appearance.

And, the alley from the fragrance of flowers leads to the darkness of Luotian Town.

The fragrance of flowers came from inside.

Sue Kirin, Qi Qiqi and Shui Yuner exchanged glances.

“Let’s go, go and see.” Sue Kirin can’t let it go, if the floral fragrance really comes from that person.

Qiqiqi and Shui Yuner also feel the same.

Led by Sue Kirin, they stepped into the darkness of the alley and continued to move forward.

Some vagrants and gangsters leaned against the wall of the alley.

When they saw women entering this area, they blew their whistle. Perhaps because of the light, they didn鈥檛 at all see the true appearance of the people at first, but when they walked forward empty-handedly–

“It seems that you guys are Don’t kill me?”

They finally pinched the waist and stared at them with disdain, who was it.

“Aunt, great aunt?”

The three of them were shocked and panicked.

Although the Heavenly Jade Palace allows the existence of darkness, it also draws a clear line and strictly enforces it in some places, so these monsters can only shrink in their own territory to do evil.

In the beginning, some people didn’t believe in that evil, and banned them with their bodies. Sue Kirin taught them several times.

These three self-proclaimed gangsters are one of them. They are terribly afraid of Sue Kirin. As long as they think of what happened when she was taught by her before, they would feel weak in their feet, like now .

“What are you doing? You eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, are you gutted?”

Sue Kirin walked forward, holding his nose open, tsk tsk around The three people turned. The gazes of the three bastards chased her little silhouette, holding them together and shaking.

“What are you shaking?” Sue Kirin grinned, “Am I terrifying?”

“Nothing, nothing, great aunt is…the best in the world It鈥檚 a lovely person.”

The bastard shook his head and said, as if he wanted to shake his head immediately.

“Hmm.” Sue Kirin nodded with satisfaction.


What is all this? Qi Qiqi at the back covered her face, feeling that these three Hooligans were really spineless, and Shui Yun’er on the side also smiled bitterly.

“Have you been doing evil outside recently?”

Sue Kirin raised his chin, acting like a boss.

“Dare you young!” The bullshit replied hurriedly, “Since the great aunt taught us, we dare not mess around outside.”

“Oh, really Is it?”

Sue Kirin showed suspicious eyes, “Then what did you whistle to us just now?”


The leader froze With his expression, his side brother reacted:

“Isn’t this because the great aunt is so beautiful? This beautiful girl came to our site. We can’t blow our whistle too much, right? This is our territory, isn’t it?”

“hmph, you have some truth.”

Sue Kirin knows the reason why the Heavenly Jade Palace allows bluffs to exist.

She also agreed to this management method, dividing the light and darkness of a town as clearly as possible, each of which is mixed, but independent of each other.

So, it is not unforgivable for them to do evil on their own territory.

But it doesn鈥檛 mean that Sue Kirin can鈥檛 teach them鈹€鈹€

She jumped up and gave a chestnut to one person, and the pain caused the three of them to bend over and cover the bullet and swelled. Place. They all burst into tears in pain, proving that Sue Kirin worked hard.

This can be considered a little lesson.

The three knew that as long as Sue Kirin wanted, they could bounce their heads off with a finger.

“By the way, do you know what this scent is all about?”

Although the three bastards are not very promising, they have been mixed in this area for a long time. local tyrant, I should know something, in line with this idea, Sue Kirin asked them.

As a result, they look at me and I look at you, they look strange.

“Auntie, grandma, this place is not a good place, where does the smell come from? Not smelly is already a good job in the renovation of Heavenly Jade Palace and the government…”

The boss whispered.

“You can’t smell it?” Sue Kirin was taken aback.

The boss exchanged glances with the two strikers again, and finally shook his head.

Probability is getting bigger and bigger, and Sue Kirin feels heavy. If it is really Yuyao, what she will do.

“Three people, has anything strange happened recently?”

This question was asked by Qi Qiqi.

The three bastards don鈥檛 know why not dare to look directly at Qi Qiqi, but the boss replied in a neat manner:

“No… or the same as before.”

There was no gain, Qi Qiqi felt that there would be no results if she asked again, so she thanked the three of them, and greeted Sue Kirin to go deep.

Before leaving, Sue Kirin again contorts one’s face in agony to warn the three of them not to go crazy.

The three of them walked deep. This area belongs to the black zone, dragons and snakes mingle, which is almost the messiest place in Luotian Town. They walked all the way and saw people in various forms. These people may not all have a bad face, but what they do here is usually not seen.

However, the three of them have nothing to do.

After all, they can be regarded as a sign of walking. There are definitely not a few people who can recognize them. Naturally, these people dare not pick up the tiger鈥檚 beard, and some latecomers will be warned by the first comers, even some People took the initiative to make way for them.

“Why are these people not doing a good job? They always hang around here all the time…”

When I stepped on a piece of banana peel, I got stuck with the remaining meat on it One sole, Qi Qiqi, who loves cleanliness, couldn’t help but complain.

In contrast, Sue Kirin doesn’t like a fish back in water, but it is nothing.

“Didn’t you ever control it?” She cast a glance at Qi Qiqi and said angrily, “What happened in the end? Yes, they stopped for a while, but after a while, they appeared again. Come, the most is to change your place, these things can’t be eliminated.”

“…” Qi Qiqi just complained casually, and she understood the reason.

“As long as you stand in the sun, there will be a shadow. Can you still pull out the shadow?”

“…Okay, okay, you have reason “

Qi Qiqi feels more uncomfortable as she talks about it. After all, she doesn’t want to admit that some things can never be changed, just as there is light and darkness, this is a truth.

She also knows that ideals alone cannot change anything.

Bypassing the alley, they came to a small food street, which is a small food street in the black market. After all, as long as people are human, they can鈥檛 do without food, so there are also small food streets in the black market.

The food here is not unpalatable, and even some foods have different flavors.

Of course, there are some tricks in it, and it depends on luck. However, Sue Kirin is the Grandmaster, and she has nothing to do with the general poison, even more how is the food dirty? As long as it is delicious, she dared to put it in her mouth, without any psychological burden, and she looked quite cheerful from left to right.

“You are not allowed to buy food here.”

Qi Qiqi showed some disgust in her eyes and warned Sue Kirin who was already swallowing saliva.

There is no problem with her physique, but when she thinks that these foods may be handled unsanitaryly, she can’t get her mouth down. She didn’t have too high requirements, just clean it if she could, but she saw some food materials piled up next to the drain, and some sewage even seeped into the food materials.

The fragrance does not come from here.

Qi Qiqi forbids Sue Kirin to buy food here, and she has no reason to stay here for a long time, so she can only hold back her appetite and continue walking.

In the end, they walked more and more without people, and came to the front of a gloomy alley.

The fragrance comes from inside.

The distance the three people walked is not short. You must know that this area is criss-crossed, and the road is not very messy. Although the straight line distance is not much, it takes a lot of time to actually walk over.

“Kirin, how and why is it so gloomy here?”

Qi Qiqi suddenly grabbed Sue Kirin’s sleeve, Sue Kirin turned her head and found a trace of red eyes Uneasy, you know what she is afraid of.

“Why are you afraid of? Is there still a Dracula inside who jumps out to suck your blood?”


Qi Qiqi took a breath, covered her neck and backed away suddenly.

She has a frightened look, her eyes are wide and her mouth is pressed tightly.

Sue Kirin chuckled.

Qi Qiqi was not afraid of these demons and ghosts at first, but Sue Kirin continued to tell Qi Qiqi the horrible ghost stories in the dead of night as bedtime stories. Over time, she became I am particularly afraid of these things.

Not only her, but Shui Yuner next to her also took a few steps back at some unknown time.

Well, Shui Yuner had the same experience.

It seems that at any time, women have little resistance to this kind of story, Sue Kirin thought triumphantly.

She had a bad idea.

“Let鈥檚 go, let鈥檚 go in and take a look.”

Sue Kirin didn鈥檛 comfort the two of them so that they would not be afraid, instead of mentally preparing the two of them. Step forward.


As a result, someone pulled her braid from behind.

The scalp was attached to the hair and was involved. Sue Kirin suddenly exhaled in pain, attracting the attention of people nearby. Qi Qiqi also felt that what she had done was a bit wrong, and quickly let go of Sue Kirin’s braids.

“What’s the matter? Against violence!” Sue Kirin protested bitterly.

Qi Qiqi’s eyes wandered, and she looked left and right to see the lack of focus, which was obviously a guilty conscience.

“Look, if Yuyao is really hidden inside, it may not be too dangerous for us to enter rashly.”

“oh?” Sue Kirin’s eyes are about to be narrowed. Line, “then what do you want to do?”

“I think what Qi elder sister said may not be unreasonable…”

Shui Yuner actually helped Qi Qiqi is gone, and they formed an unprecedented and firm front.

“…” Sue Kirin looked at them silently without speaking.

Qiqiqi was a little flustered when she was seen, she actually knew that Sue Kirin had seen everything, but she still didn’t want to admit it. In order to deceive herself further, she said:

“We should notify the disciplines and find鈥?#8221;

“Oh, would you like to call Zhenbei Mansion and surround it with a hundred thousand army This alley?”

Sue Kirin waved his hand impatiently, no longer paid attention to Qi Qiqi, stepped out into the alley, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shui Yun’er and Qi Qiqi looked at each other, but in the end they had no choice but to keep up.

They lean very tightly, like a pair of twins, walking up has several points of funny. They finally gathered up the courage to step into the alley, but failed to take a few steps, because when they reached the Tenth Step, the scenery in front of them changed suddenly.

鈹€鈹€They walked back to the snack street in the black market.

“…What is going on?” Qi Qiqi murmured.

The two looked at each other and saw the puzzlement in each other’s eyes.


The deeper, the stronger the fragrance.

“Yuyao, Yuyao…It’s just been a while, and you’re looking for trouble with me again? Do I have a grudge against you in a previous life…”

Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose , Whispering like this, his eyes revealed dissatisfaction. She watched all around, guarding against Yu Yao’s possible attack on herself at any time, and tied her feet with the charms pinned under the skirt.

The alley is deep and secluded, too deep.

It was definitely not that deep, and Sue Kirin thought that there must be a problem. Her pace is not fast, but it is not too slow, logically speaking, she should have come to the end a long time ago.

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