Time will not stop running for anything.

It is just like a river flowing endlessly. Anything in it will inevitably move forward under the current to the end. The only difference is that it is going forward by the current, or Is being pushed forward.

And on this night, the people of Imperial Capital were pushed forward.

For them, the end is the moment of dawn between night and day. Once the moment called “breaking dawn” comes, everything will fall to the ground. This is the end point for most, but it may also be the starting point for some people.

Tentatively without mentioning these differences, it is destined that a lot of lives will die at dawn.

Sue Kirin is deeply overwhelmed by this, but she is unable to prevent such a catastrophe from coming. This man-made disaster is no different from natural disasters, and in the face of natural disasters, even the Grandmaster is powerless.

Mountains and rivers collapsed, and the wind changed color.

It is hard to imagine how far the foundation of Hua Chao could be shaken in this man-made disaster.

Standing in the yard, watching the blooming red lotus gradually wither away, Sue Kirin didn’t dare to think, imagine what kind of scenery the Imperial Capital will be like when tomorrow comes.

She can occasionally hear the footsteps of some people running around outside the palace.

Those people are probably rushing for help for friends and relatives who are unconscious and will die at any time, but what they can get in the end is probably only disappointment after time and again and finally will usher in Desperate.

“Kirin…” Qi Qiqi walked slowly to Sue Kirin’s side, her eyebrows with deep fatigue, “Is there really no way?”

“… …”

Sue Kirin glanced at her, then stopped talking.

Qiqiqi sighed, knowing what she meant.

“Has the little fish gone?”

The two stood side by side for a while, during which silence continued, and finally Sue Kirin brought up a new topic.

“Bei Ming Senior has left, and he is still carrying the Sect Leader.”

“So…” Sue Kirin nodded asked again, “Where is Xiaolu going?”

“Bei Sect Leader said that the imperial capital is in trouble, there will definitely be instability among the people, and there will be some follow-up matters that need to be dealt with. She will return to Beggars’ Sect quickly, hoping to mobilize Beggars’ Sect dísciple and raise money. Some supplies were used for disaster relief.”

“She really cares about the people.”

Sue Kirin couldn’t help but admire a little, Qi Qiqi replied:

“Bei Sect Leader is from the market, and Beggars’ Sect is also the Great Sect of the market. It can be said that the common people have the same lineage, and it is understandable that they will be so caring for the common people.”

After the imperial capital people passed away, The corpses left behind may cause various infectious diseases, and some people who avoided a catastrophe need some material help. Bei Xiaolu probably took this into consideration before rushing back to Beggars’ Sect to prepare.

In this case, the capabilities of the Imperial Court are quite limited, because they also suffered the same blow.

“…Yu Yao, is this what you expected?” Sue Kirin couldn’t help but questioned Yu Yao who was not present.

Of course there is no answer.

And Qi Qiqi is also silent, just as the topic continues, they all have to bear heavier pressure and depression.

“I hope everything is well in Northern Domain.”

Qiqiqi suddenly sighed.

“Um…” Sue Kirin responded lightly.

Beiming Youyu will rush to leave the Imperial Capital and return to the Northern Domain, just considering that the Imperial Capital has been hit hard, the Northland and other Congress took the opportunity to act and drive the army to attack again. In this way, the existence of fish in Beiming is very important.

Although the situation in Northland is in a calm period, it is often rainstorm after calm. In fact, Beiming Youyu left Northern Domain at this time, and it was also taking a big risk.

Be aware that the North Kingdom has been training troops, a large number of troops are also moving south, and the Western Regions also have disturbing movements.

So after the incident at Imperial Capital, Beiming Yuyu must not stay here. She must return to Northern Domain just in case, but she was so eager that she could not stay for a moment, so she left directly.

Sue Kirin actually feels that she can’t bear to see the grief of Imperial Capital when the Sun Wheel climbs.

“Are Xiaoqing and the others okay?” Sue Kirin changed the subject again.

“Everything is settled.” Qi Qiqi said.

“Xiaoqing seems to have a fever?”

“Well, it is a fever. I have helped her to put a towel on her forehead to cool down… Master Gong life hanging by a thread , She has gone through a hard fight again-she has worked hard.”

“Ai, so are you.”

Sue Kirin sighed, Qi Qiqi showed an expression of concern.

“I’m fine.” Qi Qiqi laughed, “It’s Kirin you, you should rest too.”

“Who can rest at ease?”

Sue Kirin laughed sadly, “We couldn’t stop Yuyao. Strictly speaking is also an accomplice… I think I have an obligation to witness all this. That’s it.” She scratched her head, looking very sorry. .

“You are finally responsible.”

Like a parent whose children are finally resuscitated, Qi Qiqi nodded again and again with some joy.

“Look at you!” Sue Kirin was so angry and funny, I really don’t know who is the real elder.

It is true that Qi Qiqi can be regarded as a poor child. She was in charge of her family early. She had lost her parents since childhood and shouldered countless auras and responsibilities. Some parts of her are actually more mature than Sue Kirin.

“By the way, Kirin, Shui younger sisters…”

Qi Qiqi has an afterthought.

Probably because there were too many things to deal with just now, too much amazing information needs to be digested, Qi Qiqi didn’t think of the unknown Shui Yuner and Bai Ze until then.

“She probably will be here soon.” Sue Kirin had a weird expression on his face, “She is like this sometimes, appear and disappear unpredictably…”

“Don’t worry Is she?” Qi Qiqi was a little curious.

Sue Kirin put on a helpless expression and spread out his palms.

“Worrying is naturally worrying, but she and Bai Ze should not have a big problem, and she is much smarter than us.” Suddenly felt that something was wrong, Sue Kirin added in a panic Said: “Hey, hey, I’m not saying you are stupid, but Xiaoyun and she… know how to save her life.”

Qi Qiqi did not respond and looked at Sue Kirin blankly. There was a little surprise in her eyes, and a little relief.

“You have changed a bit.” She said finally.


Sue Kirin was stunned, “Where did I change?” She seemed to want to see how she was different, twisting her body left Take a look at the right side and look at what’s wrong with him.

The shawl slipped off when I put it on my body.

Qi Qiqi amusedly bent over to help her pick it up, and put it back on her. Then, her smile faded, with a trace, while helping Sue Kirin tidy up her shawl, she said softly:

“In the past, you would definitely panic too much, must see Shui younger sister can only rest assured when she returns to her side…Especially in this case, you will definitely look around like crazy.”

Qi Qiqi’s eyes drifted away, and so did her voice.

“In fact, sometimes I think you are too unreasonable, but thinking that you just value us, I hold back not laughing.”


Sue Kirin blinked, only to realize that Qi Qiqi was actually teasing herself.

“Okay, have you learned to joke on me?”

Qiqiqi covered her mouth and laughed, ignoring Sue Kirin’s protest. She laughed so beautifully, Sue Kirin wiped her nose and looked away awkwardly.

Then, as Sue Kirin said–

There were multiple footsteps outside the courtyard.

Qi Qiqi looked over and saw Shui Yuner and Bai Ze walking in. They also saw Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi and approached here.

“Xiaoyun, it’s not that I said you bae, you have to say it when you leave.”

Just as she stood still, Shui Yuner heard Sue Kirin’s reprimand.

She smiled bitterly and said:

“I made the little Master worried, I really shouldn’t.”

“You…” Sue Kirin is helpless Deeply sighed then said, “I only talked about it, and you will still be like this next time.”

“The little Master understands me.”

Shui Yuner covered her mouth and made a sound of silver bells.

Bi Duan Qi Qiqi was greeting Bai Ze, and she didn’t know anything, but at this moment she turned her head and asked Shui Yun’er curiously and said:

“Shui younger sister, you guys Where did you go just now?”

Shui Yun’er turned to her, when she was about to answer──

“hmph, naturally I went to break the Formation of Longting, otherwise what would happen to Longque May appear in the Dragon Court?”

Bai Ze took the lead to answer.

She didn’t look good, and then she said displeased:

“But it seems that we still fell short, and the dragon bird failed to prevent Zhang Nianzhi from coming back to life.”


Shui Yun’er frowns stared at Bai Ze, obviously to blame her for the untimely remark. Bai Ze snorted and stopped talking. This scene is a bit rare, and Sue Kirin has a surprised expression.

As for Qi Qiqi, after listening to Bai Ze’s words, she fell into silence again.

But even silence cannot stop the passage of time.

──The rest of the time is finally gone.

As if the sky splits.

A soft bright light oozes from the top of the mountain range on the east side, and falls slowly and gently to this side, dispelling the gray clouds entangled in the surrounding scenery.

“Finally coming…” Sue Kirin let out a heavy breath.

They closed their mouths at the same time, holding their breath and looking at the golden ray of light from the east. Under the radiance of the light, the plants that should have liked the Sun Wheel’s brilliance were burned, spontaneously combusted, and turned into countless gray flying debris.

The sky is filled with dust.

Mixed in the gradual softness of the sky, it looks like a funeral paper.

The plants wrapped around the palace also burn themselves in the sun. There is a short time before the palace can see the sky again, and when it is completely bathed in the sun, the dying people in the Imperial Capital also It must be dead.

On the palace, that huge red lotus also began to burn, ushering in its final withering.

It’s a long and short time.

Sue Kirin wanted to stop at this time, but he also knew that this was extremely unrealistic wishful thinking. She can only bear it, and those who survive can only bear it, bearing the massive deaths of Imperial Capital.

Time is passing bit by bit.

Then, finally, at a certain moment──

“Sue Kirin…”

Bai Ze suddenly raised his voice, breaking the silence and Mu Su.

“What’s wrong?” Sue Kirin frowned in dissatisfaction, but still asked what happened.

“That flower…”

Bai Ze looked serious and raised his hand in the direction of the palace. Sue Kirin said “en?”, and then raised his head and looked over there.

The red lotus caught in the flame has changed a little.

Its dim petals suddenly bloomed with bright light, and then slowly closed, as if trying to resist the erosion of flames. It returns to the state of flower buds, protecting its core part with the 9th layer of stacked lotus petals.

“What’s going on?”

It’s far away, but Sue Kirin can still feel that the buds that have already gone to death are bred with strong vitality again. The vitality kept getting stronger and stronger, and to a certain extent, the petals of the red lotus suddenly became coated with a warm jade color.

The jade of red lotus, the red lotus of jade.

“Zhang Nianzhi and Yuyao…what do they want to do?” Sue Kirin asked blankly.

No one in the room knew the answer to her question, even Bai Ze didn’t know, she just put on an unhappy expression, frowns was watching all the weird changes without making a sound.

The bud will be released.

It’s just that the blooming moment of that flower bud comes quite quickly.

The red jade lotus blooms in an instant.

When it blooms, the petals spread out like flapping wings, and a faint red trace is leaked under the Sun Wheel during the fanning, which seems to be poetic and beautiful.

That may be the beautiful scenery that can only be seen once in the entire world.

The red jade lotus blooming again dispelled the firework that was attached to itself, and it should linger until it burned down. There were countless red light spots at the center, shaking to all around, Cover the entire Imperial Capital.

Snow as red, and rain as red.

“What is this…?” Qi Qiqi was surprised.

She stretched out her hand to pick up those snowy spots, but saw that the red spots penetrated the skin of her palm and easily penetrated, disappeared.

The red eyes are wide and confused.

Sue Kirin also tried to reach upstairs, and found that the red dot easily penetrated into his own body. On the other hand, she also found that these red dots can penetrate any structure and building.

“This is…”

She carefully sensed the changes after the red dot entered within the body, and suddenly found out.

The other eyes turned to her at once, looking forward to her answer, but before that–

The stars are dazzling.

Like a rising meteor, a blue stream rises at night, from the center of the palace to the sky, hanging in the sky, resisting the bright sun seeping from the east.

But how long does that not at all last.

The stars fell again.

It’s not a return to the original road, but a turn in the air, pulling a sloping trajectory, crashing towards the palace, and hitting Sue Kirin.


Sue Kirin was taken aback and waved his hands in a panic.

As a result, the blue meteor was so fast that people couldn’t react, and it slammed into Sue Kirin’s belly fiercely. Sue Kirin groaned under the impact, bending and bounced like dried shrimps.

“Kirin!” “Little Master!”

Qi Qiqi and Shui Yuner screamed.

Sue Kirin landed at five meters away, and went around on the ground several times in a row. After being covered in dust, he finally stopped the momentum and stopped.

“Kirin, are you okay?” Qi Qiqi immediately asked with concern, while Shui Yuner held Sue Kirin in her arms.

Sue Kirin’s eyes widened as if he lost his soul. While being supported, he muttered:

“How is it possible, how is it…impossible!”

Sue Kirin looked up at the red lotus in a daze. Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er were about to ask what happened, but Bai Ze opened her lips first:

“What’s going on?”

Sue Kirin was shocked, unbelieving, and disturbed He turned his head one after another and looked towards Bai Ze:

“…’Cang’ is back.”

In an instant, silence filled the space between several people.

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