“Sect Leader, your words are too irresponsible.” Xia Xue said cool words.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

Bei Xiaolu doesn’t know what Xia Xue’s untimely retort is for. Quan, when she is cold and ruthless, points to her nose with anger. Straightforwardly said:

“Then you are the elder? I yuck!”

Xia Xue sneered, like a sneer and a mockery.

“Now give me some comfort, do you think that the greater the hope of our family, the greater the disappointment? Be Sect Leader.”


Bei Xiaolu was speechless for a while.

She also knows that Dao Palace’s situation is not optimistic, so it is not unreasonable to think about Xia Xue’s words carefully, but she is still not angry with Xia Xue, looking for words to counterattack.

Gong Tianqing, anxious about father’s situation, keenly noticed the faults of the two of them, and immediately intervened between them to make a round:

“Shibo Xia, Bei Sect Leader, you and you guys calm down…” She smiled forcefully, “I’m fine, thank you for your kindness.”


Beijing Xiaolu is speechless. , The reprimand of “hate iron for not becoming steel” was revealed in the eyes.

Xia Xue sighed heavily, murmured “You are always like this”, and then beckoned to Gong Tianqing.

“Qing’er, come and help me bandage.”

While speaking, Xia Xue unbuttoned the buttons on her clothes.

She just had to protect Gong Yue, and she couldn’t bear any injuries, so she still hasn’t dealt with it. Of course, it’s not that she couldn’t bear the injuries and dirt on her body, she was just using her own way to help Gong Tianqing draw her attention away.

“I see, Uncle Xia.”

Gong Tianqing answered, patted her cheeks as if they were refreshing.

Beijing Xiaolu couldn’t see it, thinking that Xia Xue was only for her own sake, and when she wanted to yell at Xia Xue, the door rang open.

The doctor came out.

He is gray and old, and is a well-known private doctor at Imperial Capital.

Seeing him coming out, Gong Tianqing, who had just picked up the medicine bottle, rushed to Xia Xue for the first time.

“Doctor, how is my father?”

Xia Xue put on the clothes that had just fallen to his arm, and stood up and walked over to find out the situation. Bei Xiaolu was blushing for a while because he was blocked in his throat again.

“Going back to the Palace Young Lady, Master Gong’s situation is not optimistic, although she barely hangs her life… Alas, it’s a sign of death if it hurts her heart. If it’s not for Master Gong to practice martial arts, there is a realm In the body, Physique is healthy, I am afraid that it will not be able to support the old man to come… However, Gong Young Lady must also be mentally prepared, Gong Master may not be able to survive the dangerous period.”


Gong Tianqing was like a bolt from the blue sky, and everyone was stunned.

She bit her lip, grabbed the fingers of the skirt harder, and then asked after several deep breaths:

“So, how long is the dangerous period of father?”

The old doctor bowed his hands respectfully, but frowned, with a rather tricky look. He said:

“The Lord Gong is having a high fever and the wound is too deep. Be sure to observe the condition of the wound at all times, remove the rotten meat and apply the medicine. Only if the fever of the palace is gone, the dangerous period is passed. However, even if the dangerous period has passed, the palace has to rest for a section length of time, this difference Naturally, it is hard to use.”


Gong Tianqing was a little at a loss, but he still wrote down the doctor’s explanation.

The doctor probably saw that she needed some time to sort out her mood, so he turned to Xia Xue and Bei Xiaolu.

“Two girls, what do you know about the situation of Imperial Capital? People the old man knows are most likely to fall into a strange coma and lose their vitality. If this continues, they will all I have to die in a drowsiness…”

The doctor is not omnipotent. There are some states that can hardly be called “illness” or “injury”, and he is almost powerless.

“Senior, don’t worry, we are already working hard.”

“Yes, Sue Kirin and Beiming Senior are working hard to solve the problem, so you can rest assured. “

Xia Xue and Bei Xiaolu said.

Elderly seems to want to ask more, but I don’t know if it was Sue Kirin or Beiming Youyu’s name that had a soothing effect. He shook his head and stopped asking questions. Instead, he said goodbye to a few people. Up.

Xia Xue stopped him.

“Senior, Mr. Gong’s situation is unstable. Can you stay in the palace for a few days to make it convenient for emergencies?”

Xia Xue is considered It’s quite thoughtful.

Frankly speaking, it is a miracle that Gong Yue can be rescued. This is enough to prove that the old doctor’s medical skills are superb. Xia Xueliu is indeed because of Gong Yue’s instability, and it is also considered Sue Kirin and the others are likely to be injured too, so if the doctor is left to wait for them to come back, someone may take care of them.


The old doctor seems to hesitate. Will it be the people who are sleeping outside?

Xia Xue thought for a while, sighed, it’s not too difficult. She got up, intending to go in and see Gong Yue’s situation. Gong Tianqing, who remained listening, saw that Xia Xue finally made a move, and then rushed into the house in a hurry.


Gong Tianqing yelled, bypassing the shelf full of furnishings in the hall, and heading straight for the bedroom. Lin Immortal Jade was resting on the edge of the bed, and she must have done a lot of effort just now.

However, Gong Tianqing, who has always cared about others, did not appreciate Lin immortal jade.

She really cares more about her father’s situation.

The girl knelt down by the bed, took the other person’s slightly pale color, and held it tightly.


Even though he knew that the other party was in a coma and could not respond, the call could not help but leave his lips. With a crying voice, the corner of Gong Tianqing’s eyes sparkled with tears.

“Young Lady Lin, thank you for your help.”

Xia Xue glanced at the pale palace, and then fell on Lin immortal jade, with a polite smile. she says. Gong Yue is Gong Tianqing’s father, and Lin immortal jade helped her, which can be regarded as indirectly helping Heavenly Jade palace. Xia Xue’s gratitude is still needed.

hearing this, Gong Tianqing remembered Lin’s immortal jade’s kindness.

She hurriedly bowed to Lin immortal jade, but she did not kneel down because of her manners.

“Young Lady Lin, thank you very much.” Gong Tianqing said sincerely, “If there is anything in the future, please do not hesitate to tell me, I and I will do my best.”

“Uh! The two are serious.” Lin immortal jade waved his hands in a panic, “This is just doing everything, and the palace master is the imperial court minister, and the country and the people all his life, although immortal jade is a member of the Wu Family , To leave the world, but it does not hinder immortal jade’s admiration for Master Gong. It is reasonable to save him, even more how……”

Lin immortal jade’s sight fell on Gong Yue.

“Master Gong hasn’t awakened so far, immortal jade can’t bear the gratitude of both of you…”

Immediately after this sentence, there was silence.

Xia Xue looked at Gong Yue silently, and Gong Tianqing’s eyes fell on him. Compared with the latter’s simple expression of sadness, the former’s eyes are a bit more thoughtful.

Is the hand of Second Prince.

His goal should be Gong Yue sits down. The loyalty of the Gong Family from generation to generation eventually became a victim of the throne dispute. Speaking of which really has several points of irony.

“hmph, really disgusting.”

Xia Xue wrinkled her cheeks displeased.

“What do you dislike?” Bei Xiaolu is not clear, so Gong Tianqing is slightly clear.

Xia Xue glanced at Bei Xiaolu, without explaining, but looked towards Gong Tianqing:

“Qing’er, when the Imperial Capital is up, you write a letter to Jiu Her Highness the Princess, explain the situation. As for who made the move, it goes without saying that Ninth Princess is a smart person, she can guess. The important thing is that whether the Ministry of War can fall into the hands of Second Prince requires Ninth Princess go and think about it.”

“Okay…” Gong Tianqing agreed without hesitation.

She also understands the stakes, but Bei Xiaolu does not.

“Why did you tell Qin Shiyu?” So Bei Xiaolu asked this question, in which he called Qin Shiyu directly.

“The royal affairs are managed by the royal people.” Xia Xue smiled profoundly.

“A royal matter?” Bei Xiaolu blinked, “Then why does Second Prince want the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, he wants to place his own person?” She seemed to feel a bit, her expression froze suddenly, “Hey Hey, this is a battle for imperial power?”

Bei Xiaolu is straightforward, but she is not an idiot, and it takes some time to figure out what is at stake.

“We can’t interfere? And what’s the matter with Ninth Princess?” Bei Xiaolu paused, “hey hey hey, doesn’t she want to grab that position too? Grandma is a bear, she is a daughter.” Yeah!”

Obviously, I was shocked by my guess, and Bei Xiaolu was dumbfounded.

“Sect Leader, your imagination is too rich.”

Xia Xue sighed unhappily, “Even if Ninth Princess doesn’t care about that position, it doesn’t mean she can allow Second Prince recklessly acted recklessly. Moreover, because Ninth Princess couldn’t grab that position, selfishness became a less branch. Her judgment is more suitable for us to judge. After all, she knows the situation of the Imperial Court better.”

“Is that so?” Bei Xiaolu frowned and thought, but in the end he scratched the back of his head and said, “I don’t know what you mean, so I don’t care about it.”

“Sect Leader is not only self-knowing, It’s gratifying to do what he can.”

Xia Xue curled her lips and said, Bei Xiaolu felt that Xia Xue was complimenting herself at first glance, and she showed a proud expression for a while, but think about it. I feel wrong again.

“Are you taunting my old lady?” she asked, tightening her eyebrows.

“Sect Leader is worrying too much.”

Xia Xue responded slowly.

Bei Xiaolu’s eyes were suspicious, but──


There was an exclamation sound from outside.

It is Lin immortal jade who went to wash his body.

Recognizing this, Xia Xue and Bei Xiaolu took the lead to rush outside. Lin immortal jade was standing outside the door, his eyes widened as he raised his eyes from a distance.

“What’s the matter?” Bei Xiaolu asked angrily, “Aren’t you okay? What are you talking about? Are you coming to play with my mother?”

Xiaolu still reacted, Xia Xue was taunting her just now.

But she is destined to be unable to care about Xia Xue, because──


Lin immortal jade raised his finger and trembling, pointed finger The direction towards Imperial Palace.

“The flowers are blooming.”

People followed, and the eyes of the next moment were filled with the big red lotus in the distance.

The imperial palace is covered by a hemisphere entangled with thorns, and the flower that has been budding on it is blooming brilliantly, shining a red light spot like pollen.

“I strangled it, why did this flower bloom?” Bei Xiaolu jumped in shock.

At this moment, the doctor who hadn’t left suddenly fainted to the ground, knocking.


Gong Tianqing was so frightened that she wanted to run over to help Elderly who fell to the ground. Didn’t expect only took a few steps, and she just walked He staggered, lost weight and sat down on the ground.


Xia Xue was taken aback.

But it was too late to ask, Lin immortal jade also had a problem.

“Ah… dizzy.”

She covered her forehead, her body swaying, and finally leaning against a pillar, but still did not calm down.

“Hey, are your bodies so weak?”

Bei Xiaolu pinched his waist, hate iron for not becoming steel, look left and right, and finally I finished asking this Within a few seconds of the problem, she was frowned.

“Grandma is a bear, it doesn’t seem to be a problem of physical weakness…”

She also felt dizzy.

Xia Xue didn’t need to ask, because she also developed symptoms immediately, feeling that all the strength of her body was emptied in an instant.

“…It’s the flower.”

The reason is the reason for the deprivation of life, and the dazzling lotus is the culprit, Xia Xue insisted. .

──The light blood energy in the air is getting heavier and heavier.

The amulet is no longer effective.


The sound of shell breaking.

The sound of red lotus cracking.

The fragments fell on the ground, and the reminders were crisp and clear, and the red lotus was cracked and shattered like an egg, and a large number of cracks appeared in the upper half in a blink of an eye.

Then, in an instant, the girl broke out of her shell.

Like a lotus out of the water, the naked girl sits up from her shell strangely, dragging her long hair that is like splashing ink in the air. Her body was stained with a bright red liquid, like a newborn baby, her skin that can be broken by blowing is better than snow, and her luster is more dazzling than white jade.

“ahhhh…Master Nianzhi.”

Yuyao spreads his hands, and walks to the side with a staggering pace, like a blind man finally seeing the light, to there The same as the side greeted. Her cheeks were terrifying red, which was the color of excitement and satisfaction.


Is that Zhang Nianzhi? Sue Kirin is on guard.

If it’s really Zhang Nianzhi, things are not terrifying, and I’m afraid I don’t know what kind of monsters to make. She knows a lot of such things.

“Sue Kirin, what should I do?”

Beiming Youyu asked cautiously, she could hear a strong anxiety and resistance in her voice. Qi Qiqi next to Sue Kirin is even more tense, as if being wrapped in something.

“…Look first.”

Sue Kirin didn’t dare to act hastily, even though she had already begun to retire.

On the other hand, I don’t know what happened to Imperial Capital. Now that the procedure has been completed, the Imperial Capital and the people surrounding by this must have been greatly affected. She is worried and concerned about this, but this is not the focus of the moment.

Now I can only watch the changes. If you act casually, you may become the enemy of all targets.

Whether it’s the dragon bird or the one that hasn’t been eyes opened, the existence of suspected Zhang Nianzhi has the ability to take the lives of the three of Sue Kirin’s side–especially Sue Kirin’s ability to be robbed and lost Now that the battle strength is greatly reduced.

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