The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 902: 089: Yun Town, Yun Da Shan Ren

   Chapter 902 089: Yun Town, Yun Da Shan Ren

  089: Yunzhen, a good person from Yunda


school entrance,

  Gu Qiao left school late, because he was basically in the lab at the end of the day, so Gu Qiao didn't have much time to look at his phone. :

   When she turned on her phone, it was already turned off.

  Gu Qiao tightened his jacket and buttoned his hat as he walked outside.

   She touched her pocket and frowned suddenly.

   Forgot to bring a mask.

  Gu Qiao glanced at the sky, it was late, it was Friday again, and it was estimated that Yan Ke and Zhang Mengchen had already left school.

  No one goes back to the dormitory now.

  Gu Qiao simply didn't go to get a mask anymore, and went outside wearing a hood.

   There was still a sparse crowd at the gate of the school, and these people were gathered in groups and seemed to be discussing something.

  Gu Qiao found out when he walked out of school.

   Then she looked into the line of sight that everyone was looking at, and she saw a long-lost figure in front of an army green off-road vehicle.

  The man was sitting in a wheelchair with his back to the crowd and the setting sun.

  The setting sun shone on him, lengthening his shadow...

   And the reason for the people who stopped the school was that there were guards armed with weapons beside that person.

   The person in the wheelchair seemed to feel the familiar gaze behind him, turned around, turned the wheelchair, the corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at her.

  Gu Qiao stepped up and walked towards the man. Under the setting sun, following her large movements, the wind blew off the hood on her head, revealing a cold and beautiful face.

  's little face in the sunset, like a pair of warm rays of light.

  Gu Qiao stepped forward, crouched down, and looked at the man. "Why did you come here?"

  Gu Xu stretched out her hand to straighten her hair that was ruffled by the wind, and said with a smile, "The old man misses you, so I specially asked me to bring him to see you."

  Gu Qiao got up and saw a majestic old man sitting in the back seat of the car.

  The old man's back is straight and his eyes are not squinting at the front. With a straight face, even through the car window, one can feel the majesty of his body.

  Gu Qiao and Gu Xu got into the car, the old man didn't even glance in Gu Qiao's direction.

   Anyway, Gu Xu felt very funny when he saw this scene.

   Until the car drove a kilometer away, Gu Xu said with a smile: "Old man, since you don't like seeing her so much. Why don't you put her down and leave her to the one behind."

  The majestic old man glanced at the rearview mirror, and sure enough, there was a black Cayenne behind him, but by looking at the license plate, he probably knew who it was.

   Gu Xu's reminder, Gu Qiao naturally also noticed that the car behind was Shi Jiudu.

  Gu Xu naturally also discovered the change of Gu Qiao. "It seems he took good care of you."

  Gu Qiao pursed her lips and did not answer. Instead, he asked, "What are you doing in Kyoto?"

  Gu Xu did not hide Gu Qiao. "The Duan family is going to act for that little great-grandson."

   One sentence probably made Gu Qiao understand what it meant.

   "Don't big families pay attention to inheritance? I remember that the eldest of the Duan family is a daughter."

  Gu Xu smiled. "How about that, in front of the big family. It's enough to have useful value."

  Gu Xu continued to look at Gu Qiao and said, "I heard that Mrs. Duan specially asked Second Mrs. Qi to take the young master from the Qi family."

  Gu Qiao's eyes suddenly sank, and then he looked at the old man beside him.

   "Sui Lao came because of this."

   The old man snorted coldly. "You think I have so much free time to take care of a **** family."

  Gu Yu: "..."

  Gu Qiao looked at Gu Xu. What's wrong with Mr. Sui? He's a little angry.

  Gu Xu smiled without saying a word, and shrugged.

  Gu Qiao tilted his head in confusion.

   Mr. Sui really couldn't see it anymore, so he glared at him.

   "Don't look at Xiao Xu, look at what he does."

   "Every day I know that bullying Xiaoxu has a good temper. Think about it for yourself, how **** have been in the past two years."

   "How long have you been in Beijing, so you can't make time for it?"


  Gu Qiao immediately understood the reason.

   She also rubbed her eyebrows helplessly. Sui Lao had been living in Kyoto. Before entering school, Gu Xu had reminded her that he was going to participate in the exchange meeting and had no time to accompany the old man in Kyoto.

   Let Gu Qiao go for a spin when he has time.

   Then, after Gu Qiao entered school, things started to increase and he forgot about it.

  Gu Qiao rubbed his nose, then turned his head away, afraid to look at Elder Sui with some guilty conscience.

  Sui was old-fashioned and didn't play it. Stared at her angrily.

   "At the beginning, when some of our old men persuaded you like that, you didn't want to come to Kyoto. You also said that you didn't want to step into the capital."

   "Now, just for that old man. You bring it to the door yourself."

   "Girl Gu, who are you looking down on?"

   "That old man is several years older than you. Don't be deceived by him, come to us and cry in the future."

  The car just stopped, Gu Qiao glanced at the car that stopped immediately.

   whispered softly. "Wait, don't be shy."

   After a few people got off the car, Shi Jiudu also got off from another car.

   On the way, Shi Jiudu had already found out the identity of Sui Lao, and naturally he also found out the relationship between Gu Xu and Sui Lao.

   In this way, it is not difficult for him to guess that this old Sui should have known the little girl long ago.

   Sure enough, when he got out of the car, Old Sui's sharp eyes glanced at him with majesty.

   Who is Ke Shi Jiudu? I have never seen any wind and rain. This dignity and scrutiny is naturally bearable.

   When Sui saw that Jiudu was not at a disadvantage in front of him, he let him look at it generously.

   Even if he met his own eyes, he was not afraid.

   Old Sui naturally knew Shi Jiudu's true identity.

   Even the old man of the Shi family, Mr. Sui, knew him.

   Elder Sui glanced at a little girl who was about to lean against the man, and coughed lightly. "Little girl, come here. Help me in."

  Gu Qiao looked at an old man who had just returned to power, and suddenly became a little weaker and needed someone to help him. Suddenly a little speechless.

  Gu Xu gestured with his eyes. An old house where a treasure.

   "Old Sui, let me come." Shi Jiudu stepped forward.

  Sui Laoli ignored him and looked at Gu Qiao. "Come here and help me in. Hurry up, don't linger."

   In the end, Gu Qiao glanced at Shi Jiudu, expressing that she was helpless, and then helped Sui Lao in.

   However, before entering the door, Old Man Sui still looked behind him.

Everyone knows what    means.

   Looking at Shi Jiudu who was following, Gu Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

   To say who Gu Qiao would be afraid of, this old Sui would probably be in the top ranks.

  Otherwise, she wouldn't be wearing that honorary professor and wouldn't dare to lose her hat.

   After Mr. Sui entered the box, he sent Gu Xu and Gu Qiao away, and left Shi Jiudu to make tea for himself in the room.

   "Although the old man didn't say anything, he was actually quite satisfied with Shi Jiudu."

   (end of this chapter)

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