Chapter 894 081: Banquet

  081: Banquet

   Mr. Xu only recently discovered that his granddaughter seemed to have a lot of opinions on the Duan family.

   Especially what has been rumored in Kyoto recently.

   Others don't know who the girl Duan Si has been chasing and beating, but Mr. Xu knows.

   Several times, Mr. Xu met the boy Duan Si at the door of his house.

   Mr. Xu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at his granddaughter.

   "What's the matter with you and Duan Jiasi kid?"

  Xu Xixi threw a grape in her mouth and replied nonchalantly: "It seems that my beauty is gone."

   Mr. Xu: "..."

   Mr. Xu looked up and down at Xu Xixi, his granddaughter was naturally good-looking.

   However, to say that this Kyoto can be on par with her, or even prettier than her, there are also some.

   "Stinky girl, tell me honestly, did you do something that's sorry for others." Otherwise, why would he come to the door every day to meet by chance.

   Even chased to that kind of place...

  Don't think he doesn't know, that boy from the Duan family is a mess, but he has been by Shi Jiudu's side since then, what kind of woman he has never seen before.

  Xu Xixi rolled her eyes at her old man, obviously not wanting to explain more to him.

   laughed secretly in his heart, I'm sorry, that's why he's sorry for her.

   Why did she ever feel sorry for Duan Si.

   However, Xu Xixi didn't plan to tell the old man about these things.

   "Okay, old man, don't worry about these things. If you have time, think more about your apprentice. She will have to come to Kyoto in a few days."

   "My business, don't worry about it."

   After saying that, Xu Xixi took out two tissues and wiped her hands, then got up and left. He also threw the paper towels into the trash can.

   Mr. Xu looked at the back of Xu Xixi leaving, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

   could only roar. "Stinky girl, don't forget that there will be a banquet for the four major families after the new year. Just go and have a cutscene."

  Xu Xixi waved back to the old man. "No. Not available."

   Mr. Xu: "..."

   The old butler of the Xu family brought in the cakes, only to see Mr. Xu frowning and sighing.

   The old butler changed the old man a cup of tea and said slowly, "Old man, you should trust the young lady."

   "Actually, the purpose of the Duan family's banquet. The old man must have heard some rumors."

   "Presumably, Miss may..."

   Mr. Xu suddenly thought of something and looked at the old housekeeper fiercely. "That stinky girl already knew something."

   The old butler smiled and nodded comfortably. "Perhaps, after all, Miss Gu and Miss have an unusual relationship."

  Ms. Gu is from the Qi family again. She is so smart, maybe she already knew what the Duan family wanted to plan for this banquet.

   Actually, thinking about it this way, it would be good for the Xu family not to join in.

   Mr. Xu picked up the teacup and took a sip of water. "That's all, just let her go."

   "This family, really dare to think about anything."

   Mr. Xu shook his head, then got up and took the old housekeeper back to his courtyard.

   No matter what happens outside, since the old man decided to hand over the Xu family to Xu Xixi, he will naturally not interfere any more.

  He, just focus on cultivating his apprentices well.


   At this time, other aristocratic families in Kyoto, those who didn't get the Duan family's post, wanted to squeeze their heads and squeeze in.

   And the family who got the post was a little hesitant.

  After all, there are too many things happening in Kyoto this year, and the Duan family suddenly released the news as the gathering of the four major families is imminent.

   In a tea house, Mr. Sui was drinking tea with several old men.

   The wheelchair boy on the side was sitting beside him with a computer and was typing, and he didn't seem to be affected by the chatting of a few old men.

   One of the old men said: "Elder Sui, what is the purpose of this family? I have been feeling wrong these two days."

   This old man is not from the Kyoto family, but he is also the old man of a large family.

   As you can imagine, the Duan family took a lot of effort to invite all the famous people from this big family.

   Old Sui smiled calmly. "What are you afraid of. They dare to invite, but you still dare not go."

   The faces of the old men turned pale, they were not the old Sui, and they dared to say anything directly.

   "Elder Sui, just tell us about it. At least, let's be mentally prepared."

Sui Lao took a sip of tea and said leisurely: "It's true that the older you get, the more afraid of death, what are you worrying about. Since you are in Kyoto, you should eat, drink, and go to a banquet, and you will die. ."

   "Old Sui, we are here too..."

   Several people sighed lightly, but it was obvious that Elder Sui was unwilling to reveal any news. The last few people can only regret it.

   After the old men left, Gu Xucai raised his head from the computer, took off his flat glasses, and looked at the old man beside him.

   "Grandpa, why didn't you tell them."

   Old Sui smiled coldly. "Nothing to say. It's just a bunch of greedy old men who are afraid of death."

   Mr. Sui turned the cup in his hand. "Duan's family, luck is here."

  Gu Xu turned over the glasses in his hand, the light from the lenses reflected on the opposite wall, printing a bright light.

   "Xiao Qiao is very protective."

   Old Sui smiled and patted Gu Xu on the shoulder. "The entire Qi family protects the shortcoming!"

   "Even if it's Mrs. Qi who married into the Qi family."

   "The primary and secondary must be clearly distinguished."

   "You, don't think about it. Come to the banquet with me tomorrow to see if there is a girl you like."

   "While the old man can still move, hurry up and give you a daughter-in-law, and I can also entertain Sun Xiangtian at home."

  Gu Xu whispered in a low voice. "You are very happy now."

   Elder Sui glared at him. "What do you know. What I want is Cheng Huan's knees, with a little great-grandson to hug, hum..."

  Gu Xu: "..."

   "It's impossible to rely on me. Maybe Xiao Qiao hopes to be bigger."

   Speaking of Gu Qiao, Elder Sui couldn't help it. "No, how old is this girl. She's just grown up. She has to wait for thirty before she can get married."

  Gu Xu ruthlessly pierced. "You can't say it, you have to agree with Xiao Qiao."

   Sui gave Gu Xu an old-fashioned and fierce look, and his heart was even more determined, he must hurry up and make a daughter-in-law for the stinky boy.

   This matter has to be put on the agenda quickly, we can't wait any longer.

  Gu Xu saw what Elder Sui was thinking about Yoyo, so he didn't dare to speak any more, and closed his mouth wisely.


   Empire Group

   Shi Jiudu sat at the desk with his hands crossed, unintentionally working, staring at the mobile phone screen in front of him.

   On the screen are pictures of the little girl one after another, which are constantly showing like a slideshow.

   Shiquan and Wenren looked at each other.

   draws a conclusion.

   (end of this chapter)

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