The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 886: 073: Make trouble

   Chapter 886 073: Make trouble

  073: Make trouble

  To say that this year's man of the year in Kyoto, the eldest lady of the Xu family was born.

  Second is the mysterious girl Gu Jiao.

  When I first entered Kyoto, everyone thought that it was just a canary raised by Shijiudu.

  Even if he is the champion of the college entrance examination, everyone does not take it seriously.

   Until later, Gu Qiao's name appeared frequently in the circle.

   Gu Qiao is everywhere.

   And the strange thing is that every time someone engages in Gu Jiao, it is someone else who is unlucky in the end.

   Not to mention, there was a young man who later admitted that he was his heir.

  Some time ago, it was rumored that she and the **** of the game industry are brothers and sisters.

   Now it has been confirmed that she is the dark horse GQ of the Huacheng Painting Association, and there are even rumors that she may be the apprentice of Master Kong.

"I heard that she may be the apprentice of the Master Kong. This Gu Qiao, the future is really limitless." Fourth Madam Jiang and Madam Zhu didn't know Gu Qiao's real background, they just thought she was just the one It's just a small internet celebrity from Kuancheng.

   But now, her status is rising.

   "First there was a young man from the Music Association, and now there is a young man from the Music Association. This Gu Qiao's future is indeed immeasurable." Mrs. Zhu continued.

   "By the way, Madam, I remember Miss Zhu. It seems that she just entered Beijing University this year. Don't you know this Gu Qiao?"

   Mrs. Zhu naturally understood who Miss Zhu was in the mouth of Fourth Madam Jiang.

   Zhu's family is now doing all they can to cultivate Zhu Xinnuo, and Zhu Xinnuo is also very high-spirited, and did not disappoint Zhu's family.

   However, outsiders don't know about the entanglement that happened to Gu Qiao before Zhu Xinnuo.

   The Zhu family also suffered a lot because of this, but the Zhu family was also smart and did not publicize it. Instead, Mr. Zhu asked Mrs. Duan to help out secretly and solved the matter.

   For this matter, Mrs. Duan did not know.

  After all, there are too many things to help the Zhu family over the years. Sometimes she doesn't even know the reason.

Madam Zhu smiled generously, and then said: "I know. I heard from Xin Nuo that this Gu Qiao is the object of competition among professors at Beijing University. Xin Nuo is also lucky, as soon as she enters Beijing University, she will be with her. Allotted to a dormitory."

   Fourth Madam Jiang looked at Madam Zhu with admiration, and now she can have a relationship with Gu Qiao. In other words, there is a chance to have a relationship with the Shi family.

   Mrs. Zhu only said half of her words and concealed half of her words. Not all.

   On the other hand, Jiang Youyou sneered in her heart after hearing this.

   She knows about Zhu Xinnuo and Gu Qiao. Although she did not study at Beijing University, it was easy to know the news about Gu Qiao at Beijing University.

  No matter how unhappy Jiang Youyou was in her heart, her mother and others were still talking about Gu Qiao's excellence.

   Mrs. Jiang glanced at Jiang Youyou and said with a wry smile: "If only Youyou is half-excellent in Xinnuo. In this way, maybe you can still go to the same university with Miss Xinnuo."

   Madam Zhu smiled, glanced at Jiang Youyou with her head lowered, and said, "Miss Jiang is also very good."

   These words sounded very perfunctory, but Fourth Madam Jiang did not dare to say more. But in Jiang Youyou's ears, it became a mockery.

  While several people were discussing, the three of Gu Qiao in another place had already left the sixth floor. On the sixth floor, people were talking about the people who had just left.

   "Just now that person was Gu Jiao. Oh my god...she looks so pretty."

   "Better than the pictures on the internet."

   "I think the man and woman who were with her just now look good too, especially the man, you didn't see that, the look in his eyes when he looked at Gu Qiao, his eyes seemed to overflow with water."

   The waiter held a heart in his hand and said with a smile: "It really is Sister Jia, she is so beautiful. Especially when she has strength."

   "Qingqing, it is said on the Internet that she is a GQ of the Painting Association and a descendant of Master Kong. Is it true?"

The waiter named Qingqing said proudly: "Is it a descendant of Master Kong? I don't know. But she is GQ from Fencheng, and her works are very impressive. One of her works was collected by a certain museum. These are all online records, you can check them.”

   "Also, I heard that the young man from the Music Association is going to hand over the Music Association to her. In the past few months, many people saw her frequenting the Music Association."

   "Also, and... I heard gossip from those students at Beijing University."

   "I tell you, don't spread it out."

   "Speak quickly, speak quickly."

   "That's right, I heard, isn't there a visiting professor, Professor Dean, from Beijing University? You know who it is, Professor Dean."

   "He is a YYDS in academia, and his disciples are all over the world. Especially his achievements in academia, so far no one can surpass him."

   "'re talking about the international academic tycoon, Dean."

   "Well, it's him, it's him."

   "Did you know? I heard that he came for Sister Jiao. Many students heard that he asked Gu Jiao to be his student, but Gu Jiao refused."



   The audience gasped for breath. That guy is a big man in the academic world.

   Gu Qiao really dared to refuse.

   "But think about it, she is now the heir of the young and old, and the dark horse of the painting association. I heard that her grades in school are still outstanding, and the professors of various subjects have made her famous in their departments."

   "So, if someone has strength, they are willful."

   "Speaking of which, this Gu Jiao is really a legend. Who would have thought that a little internet celebrity in the eyes of everyone at the time would now become a new star in the realm of power."

   "What's this, you forgot the powerful pet girl who shows your gods. The championship trophies are given to their own sisters."

   "And Gu Tianwang, although the two did not admit that they were related. But the relationship between the two masters is definitely not simple. Of course, I am not talking about the relationship between lovers. These two people must be very familiar."

   "Especially the one from the Empire Group, who treats her as a treasure. The scandal was so big last time. The one who turned around and showed off his love in person. This is not what true love is."

   "Hey, when will I be able to find such a boyfriend."

   "You, just close your eyes and dream."

  Jiang Youyou went all the way down, and everyone could hear people discussing Gu Qiao everywhere.

   Mrs. Duan was naturally a little unhappy about this Gu Jia. But in the end, she didn't say much.

   After all, her current status is indeed something that others dare not provoke easily.

   Especially the attitude of the imperial group. Others only know that Shi Jiudu is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Empire Group, but they don't know that he is the young master of the Shi family.

   But Mrs. Duan knew about it.

   There will be no full attendance after three months, and there is no cheating full attendance.



   (end of this chapter)

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