The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 880: 067: The vest is picked up

   Chapter 880 067: The vest is stripped


   This night, until late at night, the lights in Shijiudu's study were always on, and under the lights, two figures were always in the same room.

   And Shi Jiudu was finally satisfied after he got two paintings made by the little girl for himself.

  In the study, Shi Jiudu poured a cup of soothing tea for the little girl, and then reached out and rubbed a wrist for the little girl.

  Gu Qiao picked up the teacup and poured it violently. He snorted coldly, "Don't be jealous anymore!"

   Shi Jiudu lowered his head and kissed the corner of the little girl's lips.

   "Who made you lie to me."

  Gu Jiao: "…"

  Gu Qiao wanted to ask, when did I lie to you.

  Shi Jiudu took the little girl's other hand, rubbed her small wrist, and said slowly.

   "When I arrived at the auction that day, I was looking for you."

   "You sent an old man in his seventies and eighties to me."

   "Later, after I came back, I was laughed at by your brothers for a long time."

   Shi Jiudu complained of some grievances.

   In fact, the most uncomfortable thing in Jiudu's heart is that every time it is a little bit short.

  Whether it was an auction in country G, or three years ago, country D, Platinum Palace.

  If he had appeared earlier, he would have met the little girl earlier. Is it that the little girl can't suffer from the ups and downs of those years?

   He can rely on the little girl earlier.

  Gu Qiao looked at the man in front of him who was as handsome as jade.

  This man, but the existence that everyone looks at outside in awe, only when faced with his own problems, he has been defeated many times.

   What followed was a long period of silence, because those lost moments cannot be returned.

   And Gu Qiao was not good at comforting Shi Jiudu at this time.

   After Shi Jiudu sent Gu Qiao back to the room, at the door of the room, Gu Qiao suddenly pulled Shi Jiudu.

   took a step forward, stood on tiptoe, and placed a kiss on the corner of the man's lips.

   said in a light voice: "I was very satisfied to meet again a year ago."

   "Because of everything, it's not too early, not too late. Just right."

   These two seemingly innocuous sentences calmed all the unease in Shi Jiudu's heart.

  Shi Jiudu stretched out his hand to embrace the little girl in his arms, bowed his head, and smelled the faint fragrance of the little girl fiercely.

   Feeling her presence...

   It's neither early nor late. Everything is just fine.


  Peking University Campus

   In the dormitory, Yan Ke was lying on the bed and flipping through the online posts, while sighing: "Before the goddess took a golden invitation letter and told me that she made the game. It's fake."

   "Tsk tsk tsk, I said why the goddess made a fake invitation. It turned out to be true."

  The matter of the exchange meeting of the Art Association, although it was only spread in a small area at the exchange meeting that day.

   But at that time, there were still many ladies and ladies outside the circle of the painting association, as well as daughters.

  I don't know who it was, but I took a picture of Gu Qiao appearing at the exchange meeting with a golden invitation.

   And it spread.

   Who is Gu Jiao?

   That is a person who can be recognized by her vast netizens and fans at a glance, even if she wears a mask.

   So, he picked up Gu Qiao holding a golden invitation letter and the fact that Gu Qiao was the GQ of the Huacheng Painting Association.

  In an instant, who still remembers the scandal between Gu Jiao and Gu Tianwang a week ago.

   Does anyone still remember those rumors about Gu Qiao?

   was completely shocked by the fact that Gu Qiao was the GQ of the Huacheng Painting Association.

   Not only that, but the entire circle of Kyoto was boiling.

   Huacheng Art Association, a dark horse appeared a year ago.

   With only one work, he rushed into the international circle and won the first place.

   Her name is GQ.

   In the following year, as long as it is GQ's work, without exception, all of them have won awards and won a lot of achievements.

  Many people say that this GQ is probably the treasure that Mr. Jin dug back from somewhere.

  Because no one knows the identity and background of this GQ, many people in the circle have been inquiring for a year, but they cannot find out who this GQ is.

   Only know that her sponsor is Jin Lao.

   You must know that her first entry in the competition stood out from the crowd.

  In the beginning, it was because of the sponsor Jin Lao that allowed her to achieve no small achievements.

   In the following year, each of her works is the proof of her strength.

   After the exposure of Gu Qiao to the GQ of the Huacheng Painting Association, it can be said that several schools are happy and some are worried.

   Several people who knew the inside story said.

   "It's just a GQ in Huacheng. After you know that he is a real boss, I don't know if he will be scared to death."

   "She, it's not just GQ. Master Kong, have you heard of it?"

   And after the Qi family learned that the news spread on the Internet, the happiest person was Mr. Qi.

   Show off modestly to everyone. "Oh, I didn't know that little girl was so powerful. But she's worth it."

   And those Tang Qingning admirers at Beijing University, as well as Tang Qingning's little sister, saw the news on the Internet, as if they were slapped hard.

   They showed off what happened for half a month, but they couldn't resist Gu Qiao's silent counterattack.

   They were still complacent that they could use this to press Gu Qiao's head, but they directly threw out a vest and stomped you under their feet.

   People who don't know Gu Jiao can question that the person in the photo is not Gu Jiao, after all, she didn't show her face either.

   But the students of Beijing University did not dare to deny that that person was Gu Qiao.

   Because that day, the clothes Gu Qiao was wearing were the clothes in the photo.

   Even the masks are the same.

   In the jacket pocket in his hand, there is also a Beijing University party schedule.

   These are all confirming that that person is Gu Jiao.

   Not only that, but when I questioned whether the person in the photo was Gu Jiao on the Internet, it was also confirmed by the people at the exchange meeting that day.

   That person is Gu Jiao!

   And soon, Mr. Jin also spoke up to Gu Qiao himself, proving her identity.

  After the holiday, Gu Qiao went back to school. The school is already a different scene.

   When the students in the school saw Gu Qiao, it was as if they had seen some rare action at the national level.

  Gu Qiao pressed the brim of his hat and quickened his pace.

   "Goddess, goddess..."

  Yan Ke took Zhang Mengchen and hurried up, holding a cup of soy milk in his hand.

   "Hot. Double the sugar for you."

  Gu Qiao glanced at Zhang Mengchen and asked, "You have no class in the morning."

   Zhang Mengchen motioned to Gu Qiao to look around. "You're sure, you can enter the classroom."

  Gu Jiao: "…"

  Yan Ke quickly added: "Last night, someone announced the course schedule of the Department of Agriculture on the forum. Therefore, it is estimated that the classroom is full of people now."

   "After all, you are the GQ of the Art Association. Who doesn't want to come and touch your European spirit."

   "By the way, I heard that the people from the art department went to the classroom of the agriculture department early in the morning."

   "It is estimated that some professors will have their heads in the next few days."

   (end of this chapter)

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