The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 872: 059: old things

   Chapter 872 059: Old things


   "You have a bad stomach, drink this..."

   "Otherwise, if you eat hot pot and barbecue, you should be uncomfortable."

  Gu Qiao was still very disgusted, but he didn't push it away. Occasionally take a sip or two.

  In the restaurant, the heat is rolling...

   While hot pot, grill meat at the same time; you can also enjoy the snow scene outside.

  Gu Qiao is only in charge of eating, while Shi Jiudu is only in charge of roasting meat and serving the little girl. The whole restaurant has become warm and harmonious.

   Xu is that the two of them are too serious and enjoy the moment too much, so that when there are more people at the door of the restaurant, they don't know.

   The Qi brothers at the door were a little angry when they saw this scene.

   Shi Jiudu actually kidnapped the little girl and opened a small stove alone.

   However, after seeing the warmth between the two people, he was not willing to disturb them.

  Gu Qiao has been back to Qi's family for a while. After getting along for several months, Gu Qiao seems to be very integrated into the big family of Qi's family.

   But at this time, Gu Qiao was different in front of Shi Jiudu.

  Xiao Yu couldn't hold back and coughed lightly.

   "Cough cough... President Shi, you are taking your little wife to eat alone."

   At the beginning, Jiudu may not have noticed the arrival of several people, but he still noticed it later.

  Xiao Yu didn't feel as deeply as the Qi brothers. After all, in her opinion, Gu Qiao had been at Shi Jiudu different from them.

   So I didn’t feel embarrassed, and I just sat in the empty space.

   Shi Jiudu didn't get too angry when he saw that the lunch of the two was disturbed, and took out tableware from the kitchen.

   The hot pot for two people became five people.

  Qi Tianchen, Xiao Yu, and Qi Zhuoqian.

   Qi Zhuoqian came to the door after seeing the news on the Internet.

   Qi Tianchen originally had an appointment with Xiao Yu for lunch, but suddenly something happened, and the two of them turned around.

   So the three of them met at the door.

   However, the Qi brothers grew up with Shi Jiudu since childhood, and they knew him a little bit.

   We all know that at this time, it is impossible for the two of them to eat in a certain restaurant, and it is only possible that they have returned to Jingan Garden.

   I came here on purpose...

  After eating and drinking, Xiao Yu leaned back on the chair comfortably and enjoyed the snow outside with Gu Qiao.

   "You seem to like snow."

  Gu Qiao did not deny it either. "It can cover the dirty world. Make it look like it."

  Xiao Yu drank some wine, but seemed to hear something else from Gu Qiao's words.

   "This world is quite dirty."

  Gu Qiao looked back and smiled lightly.

   "But it's worth it."

   "Isn't it?"

  Xiao Yu didn't know if her face was a little red after drinking, or she was surprised by Gu Qiao's smile when she looked back, or what Gu Qiao was referring to made her blush.

   For a while, he lost his words.

  Gu Qiao looked at the Qi brothers and Shi Jiudu who were cleaning up in the restaurant.

   These three people are all the favored sons of heaven, and they grew up with golden spoons in their hands.

   It can be described as a young master who does not touch the spring water with ten fingers.

  The two are big bosses in the business world, who are feared by everyone, and the other is an international superstar who has over 100 million fans and is sought after by everyone.

   At this moment, he was cleaning up the dishes like a housewife and man.

   Therefore, no matter how unfair the world is, no matter how disgusting it is. There are also worthwhile people, waiting for your presence.

  Xiao Yu followed Gu Qiao's gaze and naturally saw the scene of three men in the restaurant.

   In an instant, his face turned even redder, and even the roots of his ears turned red.

  Xiao Wei patted her flushed face with her hand, trying to cool down.

   Seeing Gu Qiao looking at her with a funny look, her face turned even redder in an instant, even her neck was red.

   "Actually, my eldest brother is pretty good."

   "You can trust him."

  Xiao Yu naturally knew that Qi Tianchen was very good, but some people, just because they were too good and too perfect, made her feel that she was not worthy of him.

  Gu Qiao slowly looked away and looked out the window. "You can be like a fish in water in Kos, why should you look down on yourself."

   What kind of place is that in Kos, a land of no matter what.

   But it was this famous lady from Kyoto, the eldest young lady of the dignified Xiao family, who stayed in Kosi Continent for a few months, mixed well, and returned to Country C unharmed.

  Who dares to say that Xiao Yu is incompetent and incompetent.

  Xiao Yu was slightly surprised when she heard this. Then what came to mind, it became clear again.

   "Do they know what happened to you in Kos?"

  Xiao Yu first met Gu Yu in Koszhou. Gu Qiao rescued her casually, of course it was just a real convenience. Then she left.

  Xiao Yu guessed that maybe at that time, Gu Qiao could see that she could actually solve those troubles later.

   It's just that Xiao Yu didn't think that the boxing champion of Kosi Continent turned out to be an eighteen-year-old girl.

  Gu Qiao propped his chin with one hand and responded slowly, "It's all over. Now the Qi family is fine."

   are all smart people, and naturally they all understand the meaning.

   Xiao Yu also understood.

   It seems that Shi Jiudu knows. The Qi family didn't know, and Gu Qiao didn't plan to let the Qi family know.

  Xiao Yu did not ask about the past, but changed the subject.

   "Four big family gatherings, will you go?"

  Gu Qiao hummed softly and looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously.

  Xiao Yu explained: "This year is just the turn to hold it at Xu's house, and Xu Xixi should take care of it. If it was in previous years, I would never have participated. But others will."

   "However, Xu Xixi called me this morning and told me to go."

  Xiao Yu sighed lightly. "You know, at that kind of party, the four major families are all there, and everyone is watching. Xu Xixi has to do it again, so I definitely don't have time to accompany me."

  Xiao Yu looked at Gu Qiao with a smile. "are you going."

  Gu Qiao shook his head and refused. "Don't go."

   turned to Gu Jia and said, "There should be someone willing to accompany you."

   Before Xiao Yu could react, a shadow suddenly shrouded him behind him.

  The tall figure of the man came over and enveloped her.

   The smell that belonged to that man also followed.

  Qi Tianchen naturally sat next to Xiao Yu. Asked: "The gathering of the four major families?"

  Gu Ying hummed. "Xiao Yu said that this year is handled by the Xu family. Xu Xixi told her to go."

   "She asked me to accompany her."

  Qi Tianchen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qiao. "At that time, you didn't seem to be free."

   Shi Jiudu handed a glass of **** water to the little girl and answered for her. "She's not free. I'll trouble big brother to accompany Miss Xiao."

   Qi Tianchen was clearly at ease, but he rubbed his brows pretending to be distressed.

   "Okay. Miss Xiao, don't mind if I accompany you."

  Xiao Yu gritted her teeth. The two brothers and sisters can sing together. At this time, Jiudu was too overbearing.

  Xiao Yu snorted coldly and turned her head. "Don't bother President Qi Da."

  Qi Tianchen also knew that Xiao Yu was also a little petty, so she was left to her. But I still made up my mind to follow.

   (end of this chapter)

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