The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 850: 037: Little Princess, Sister

   Chapter 850 037: Little Princess, Sister

  037: little princess, sister

   half an hour ago

  Kyoto Airport

  Gu Qiao was wrapped like a ball, surrounded by several handsome men, one better-looking than the other.

  These men, each with their own characteristics, stand together, they are simply more dazzling than international stars.

   Even at the airport late at night, there are still paparazzi squatting there.

  Paparazzi A: "Those people are so special. Could it be that some company secretly cultivated a new team."

  Paparazzi B: "Never mind, he looks so good anyway, it's a pity not to take pictures. Snap, snap..."

  Paparazzi C: "That's not right. The cold man in the middle seems to have been seen before."

   "Wait, he...he,...he seems to be..."

   Then, before he finished speaking.

   A group of people in team uniforms came out of the airport.

   The leading boy, after seeing the pedestrian, ran over and hugged the bear-like figure in the middle.

   shouted excitedly. "Little princess!"

   When the other brothers saw this, they quickly stepped forward to protect the little princess. "Be careful, don't fall on your sister."

  Qi Xianheng hugged Gu Qiao hehe and didn't let go, then smiled: "Don't worry, why am I willing to fall on my sister?"

  Gu Qiao was really suffocated, he stepped back half a step, lifted the brim of his hat, and took a few breaths of air.

   Qi Xianheng looked at Gu Qiao's flushed face, and reached out to caress it worriedly. "Little princess, what's wrong with you, are you sick?"

  Gu Qiao gave Qi Xianheng a look that he felt for himself, and then he was hugged out of the airport by his brothers.

  After getting into the car, Gu Qiao could finally take off his heavy coat and breathe freely.

   Sitting in the car, Shi Jiudu was ordered not to show up at the airport. Seeing the little girl's red face, she felt a little distressed.

   "Want to drink water?"

  Gu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head. "No need to."

   Qi Zhuoqian touched his nose. "Sister, aren't we afraid that you will be scared by the paparazzi?"

   "Hey, it's all Xiao Si's fault. I have to ask you to pick me up."

  The innocent Xiao Si Qi Xianheng lowered his head silently under the threatening eyes of his brothers.

   "Sister, I'm sorry. It was me who was not careful."

  So, after the group left the airport. The photo of the group appeared on the Internet.

   Especially the expression "Little Princess."

   and the cold little face of Gu Qiao in the car in the parking lot.

  In an instant, the entire network felt like a deep sea bomb was thrown.

   "What, the mysterious younger sister of the gods, turned out to be Gu Qiao."

   "Oh my god, my goddess is actually my male god's sister, this is incredible."

   "Remember what you said at the global finals a few months ago?"

   In an instant, I can still remember what I said on the stage of the finals that day.

   On that day, the talented young man in e-sports, we YYDS, stood on the high platform holding the trophy of the finals.

   proudly said.

   "I told my teammates about this trophy from the very beginning."

   "I'm going to give this trophy to my little princess. My cutest and most beautiful sister."

   "Sister, look, fourth brother, I won the trophy for you in the finals. I didn't embarrass you!"

  When the interview was turned out again, everyone turned into lemon essence in an instant.

   "Suddenly want to become a goddess sister."

   "Suddenly want to become a **** and have such a fairy sister."

   "Don't fight, don't fight, the goddess belongs to Shiye, and the male **** belongs to everyone."

   "No no no, goddesses and male gods belong to everyone, and always belong to the goddess."

   "I instantly feel that my background as a goddess is also very powerful. With the elder brother Xian Shen, I think who would dare to say that she is not worthy of Shi Zong."

   Of course, there are a lot of unpleasant sounds.

for example.

   "Brother, sister, I'm dying of laughter. I'm afraid it's a love brother, a love sister. Gu Qiao's identity, everyone should not forget. She is the Gu family in Huacheng. She is not a surname Gu. What kind of brother is she?"

   "I guess it's my brother who can't be farther away. She's making a hype by showing off her spirit."

   "Gu Qiao also used that face to flirt with Shi Zong while flirting with him to show his spirit. It's really disgusting."

   Of course, except for people on the Internet who have this idea.

  Many people who love Shi Jiudu and Qi Xianheng also have this idea.

   No, it just so happens that the direct time of a female anchor is at night; it is after this news.

  It is well known that she likes Qi Xianheng.

   So someone asked her. "Yueyue, is that little internet celebrity really a god-like sister?"

   Many people know that Yueyue knew Xian Shen very early, her brother, and a member of Xian Shen's team.

  Yueyue was also surprised when she saw the online news.

   But more is jealousy and hatred.

   So he deliberately pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah. I don't know."

   then added: "However, I didn't hear my brother say it."

   "Maybe I just met recently."

   So, with her words, more and more voices on the Internet instantly said that Gu Qiao deliberately hyped it up, and also said that Xianshen's sister is definitely not Gu Qiao.

   Those reporters must be mistaken.

   Those reporters are also monkey spirits. There are high-definition pictures and videos in hand. Don't let it out, and let those people on the Internet continue to quarrel.

   "Boss, won't you release the evidence?"

   "What's the hurry! Good things should naturally be released at the most suitable time."

   Then, these reporters didn't think about it; it wasn't until the time was right for them to know.

   Qi Xianheng couldn't help it when he saw the news on the Internet after returning home.

   went directly to his own account and published Gu Qiao's photo directly.

  XBW-XH: Let me introduce, my little princess. My dearest sister... [Photo. 】

   This photo is still a photo of Gu Qiao holding the championship trophy in the finals.

   The little girl was holding the trophy as if she was being forced to open a business, but her beautiful face was enough to keep everyone licking the screen.

   The face slap came too fast, and when many people didn't respond, they were slapped in the face.

  The entertainment reporter saw that Xianshen was on the stage, and quickly followed it and attached the video he took. Of course, the faces of the men in the video, except for Qi Xianheng, were all mosaic.

  So, everyone enjoyed a video. In the video, as soon as the XBW team came out of the airport exit in the team uniform, they saw Xian Shen rushing towards a person.

   Then he shouted excitedly: "Little Princess." Immediately afterwards, he picked up a man dressed as a bear and turned around several times.

   That little princess is extraordinarily loud.

   Next, in the parking lot. The girl took off her coat, revealing a beautiful little face, which was obviously flushed by the thick coat.

   Then he represented his head, as if he was talking to the girl.

  The girl was holding the jacket she just took off.

   (end of this chapter)

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