The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 839: 026: The Jiang Family

   Chapter 839 026: Jiang Family

  026: Jiang Family

   "Xiaojiao, this is definitely an excellent location. After a while, you will definitely be able to see a big show."

  Gu Qiao yawned while lounging on the sofa, looking at the hotel opposite.

   Today is Qi Shen's single release conference. Star and Yu probably spent a lot of effort and specially held it in a private room in a high-end hotel in Kyoto.

   is very grand...

   Of course, there are people here who are investing and sponsoring, otherwise, with the background of Xingyu, it is impossible to hold a press conference here.

   "Xiao Qiao, you said that the scene will be **** for a while." Xu Xixi patted her chest and continued pretending to be.

   "Oh, I'm so old, but I can't see **** scenes."

  Xu Xixi pretended to say, and approached Gu Qiao.

  Gu Qiao glanced at her, gave her a look, and realized it for herself.

   She has never seen any **** scenes, such a small scene will scare her, how is it possible.


   In another place, on a corner of the street opposite the hotel, there are several black cars parked, and the drivers are all strong and strong men.

   "Little girl, don't worry, in a while, I will make that kid never dare to appear in Kyoto again."

   "I absolutely won't let him get close to you and Xiaoyao. He never wants to step into the Jiang family." Jiang Yao's grandfather's family was born in the underworld in the early years, but these years, it has gradually become white.

   However, it is still black and white, and in Kyoto, not many people will provoke them.

  After all, the people who do their job are all ruthless people.

  Jiang Yao is the only daughter of the Jiang family and Mrs. Jiang. Although she is the daughter of the family, and the second oldest in the Jiang family, she is also well-loved by the Jiang family.

   Coupled with the existence of Mrs. Jiang's background, in the Jiang family, she still did not dare to provoke her.

  The lady sitting in the luxury car lifted the bracelet wearing a large golden bracelet, plucked a hair from her handbag, picked it up, and threw it out the window.

   As if throwing it out was not hair, but something dirty.

   "The third child, you are Xiaoyao's niece. If you don't stand up for her, she will not be bullied by the Jiang family in the future."

   The strong man quickly patted his chest and assured: "Little sister, don't worry. The third brother will definitely handle this matter for you."

   "From now on, let alone the Jiang family, even in Kyoto, that kid would not dare to take half a step."

   "You are waiting for my good news."

   After the strong man finished speaking, he hurrahed and got out of the car with a group of bodyguards in black suits.


   At 9:30, Qi Shen's single press conference officially started.

   It took some effort for Xing Yu to release the press conference. The entertainment reporters and people from all walks of life were specially invited to cheer for Qi Shen.

   Qi Shen's single release also opened a nationwide live broadcast channel, and countless fans flocked to it.

  In an instant, Qi Shen's single released this entry, and it was directly pushed to the Internet.

   The press conference was in full swing. In the voice of the host and the scene, the protagonist sang along with the music and slowly stepped into the scene.

   As soon as the singing voice came out, the voice of the audience instantly became higher, and the whole scene was very lively.

   "Qi Shen! Qi Shen! Qi Shen!"

   "Speak alone! Speak alone! Speak alone! Speak alone!!!"

  Duyan is the name of Qi Shen's single. This song is a bit dark, but it doesn't feel very sad, but it feels a little sweet.

When the    singing ended, the whole scene was full of hilarity.

   While the host was interacting with Qi Shen and the fans, a group of men in black suddenly broke in.

   "Who are you? Please go out." The security guard of the hotel immediately stopped him, but when the big men in black showed the guys in their hands.

   The security guards were all cowardly.

   "You don't want to die. Do you know who the leader is? That's the third master of the Ten Prospects."

  The Ten Prospects, that is a well-known existence of the older generation in Kyoto.

  Even if there were Xingyu security personnel at the scene, in front of real guns and real swords, they were all cowardly.

   "Who is Qi Shen, let him come out. I won't embarrass the rest of you." In an instant, a group of black-clothed men surrounded the scene.

  The fans were a little panicked, and some fans were protecting their idols and not letting these black men get close.

   But when the man in black directly took out the guy in front of everyone.

  In an instant, the scene got out of control. "what……"


   Screams sounded, and the crowd fled everywhere, but the people in the Ten Prospects were accustomed to seeing this kind of scene.

   "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. I just want Qi Shen."

  Xingyu's President Zhang was shivering while sitting on the second floor. He had never seen such a scene. But thinking of Qi Shen's background, he still gritted his teeth and went downstairs.

   "My dear fellow, do you have any misunderstanding?"

   "We Qi Shen didn't provoke anyone. Besides, my dear fellow, you know that Qi Shen is not an ordinary person."

   "Eight great families in Kyoto, this brother, you should have heard of it."

   "Huh..." The third master was even more happy when he heard it. He sneered directly. "You are President Zhang of Xingyu, right?"

   President Zhang's face turned pale, his footsteps stopped, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

   Sure enough, the next second, a knife slapped his face coldly.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, talk about you. It's not good for you to provoke anyone, but I'll provoke my niece."

   "Jiang's family, that's where you can provoke, and you are a little star and dare to cling to."

   Mr. Zhang's pupils suddenly shrank, thinking of a rumor he heard this morning.

   Rumor has it that last night, at the banquet, Mrs. Jiang beat up the Jiang family. The reason is that...

   However, this morning, Patriarch Jiang sent another confidant, so President Zhang didn't care.

   Just when President Zhang was about to turn his head to look for that confidant, that confidant was quietly preparing to leave.

   When he saw the people from the Ten Prospects, he knew that the matter was over.

   "Li, where are you going?" Li Yang was stunned, but he saw Madam Jiang walking towards him.

   "Madam." Yang Shi's palms were covered in cold sweat, and he thought to himself that he was finished too.

  Mrs. Jiang snorted coldly, and then let people press Li Yang into the scene.

   At this time, the director of Xingyu saw that the momentum was not right, and was about to let people turn off the live broadcast, but unexpectedly, the live broadcast was like a virus, and it could not be turned off no matter what.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, this Qi Shen is completely famous. It is still famous nationwide." Xu Xixi said with a schadenfreude smile.

   A press conference turned into a joke after Mrs. Jiang appeared, and it was the biggest blow and joke to Qi Shen.

   He has also become the most scumbag male green tea in the eyes of the people of the country.

   (end of this chapter)

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