The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 813: 428: Ancestor, you have to make an offering.

   Chapter 813 428: Ancestors, have to offer.


   Hidden in the dark, watching a pair of wall men walking in the moonlight, holding hands, it's not even showing up, and it's not even showing up.

   Until, the two were ready to go back to the house to rest, and the old men finally couldn't bear it anymore and hurried out of the dark.

  Gu Qiao yawned and glanced casually at the few old men who were immortal and clean.

   "Go back to where you should be."

  The old man opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

  Gu Qiao's eyes darkened, and the indifferent eyes were a bit sharp. "Don't mess with me."

   Several old men:  …

   "Bang!" After the door was closed, several old men responded.

   They were rejected, rejected by that little girl.

  In an instant, they felt that they were not as important as they thought.

  Fuyin appeared in front of several old men at the right time.

   "Miss doesn't like too many people around her. She likes to be quiet."

   "When she wants to find you, she will naturally find you."

   "On weekdays, it's okay, it's best not to disturb her."

  Compared to others, Fu Yin was the one who stayed by Gu Qiao’s side for the longest time. It could be said that among this group of people, he knew a little bit about Gu Qiao.

   Several old men looked at each other and decided to follow Fu Yin's advice and left with the group.

   Although, they called Shi Jiudu Master and Gu Qiao Mistress.

   But they all understand that Shi Jiudu must listen to Gu Qiao. And in their eyes and hearts, the mistress is more weighty than the master.

After the    old man dispersed, the dark guards were also arranged by Fu Yin to disperse.

   Only one old man remained.

   "The eldest miss wants to see you later, so please stay at Qi's house for a few days."

  The old man smiled and nodded. "Okay. It doesn't matter. I've been waiting for so many years, I don't care about these days."

   In fact, the old man had probably guessed when the eldest lady was looking for him.

   Alas...I just hope that when the time comes, everything will finally be cleared up.


   Somewhere in the state house, in some manor

  The noble man stood on the balcony of the ancient castle building, with a pair of bottomless eyes, staring at the distant night sky at night.

   As if you can cross the night sky and see something.

  This stop lasted a whole night until a ray of sunshine gradually rose in the sky.

   "Master, what's wrong?" The subordinates know that their master can observe the sky and predict the future.

   So after seeing the master watching the night sky all night, the first thought was, what vision did the master see.

  The man slowly retracted his gaze, hidden his bottomless eyes, and lightly opened his lips. "nothing."

   "What big event can happen in country C recently."

   The subordinate immediately handed a tablet to the man.

   "There may be something that the master will be interested in."

   "It's related to Miss Gu Jiao."

  The man glanced at his man. "That's the future little princess of our Kos continent."

   Subordinates:  …

  Gu Qiao didn't agree with others. Is the master making a one-way decision for others?

   But subordinates dare not respond. "Yes, it is related to the little princess."

   The man finally took the tablet with satisfaction, but after seeing the message above, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

   "The little princess of the Qi family."

   "Luo Family."

   "The marriage contract between the Qi family and the Shi family."

   Finally, the man tutted a few times. "Tsk tsk tsk..."

   "I noticed that girl long ago, it's not easy. It turned out to be..."

  The man swiped the tablet a few times, feeling happy for a while, and ugly for a while.

The subordinate    said that it was the first time he saw such a look on the master's face. It used to be the same, Taishan collapsed in front of him without being surprised, always a light, calm face.

   The man snorted coldly after turning a few pages.

   "Go and blackmail the person who blackmailed her."

   "Our little princess in Kosland dares to be black, so presumptuous!"

   The subordinate held the tablet and looked at the man in shock.

   And the man has turned and left with steady steps, like a king, after patrolling his territory, he returned triumphantly.

   Soon, all the news about Hei Gu Qiao on the entire Internet disappeared in an instant.

   And those black scumbags who are black Gujiao have been banned one by one.

  Some unlucky people have been exposed.

   Even the eighteenth generation of the ancestors and all the black history were dug up.

  Some miserable people, even because of their momentary happiness, directly caused the entire family to fall into a panic.

   "Who told you to hack her! Didn't I tell you to offend anyone, but not Gu Qiao?"

   "Do you think that your life is too long, or that our family is too comfortable."

   "Go away, get out of here. We don't have a granddaughter like you in our family."

  The entire network is in a panic because of the black Gu Qiao.

   Because they found out that if they said something wrong to Gu Qiao, they would soon be banned.

   The scolding is serious, and it will even be directly exposed.

   Even the things I did when I was a child will be dug up.

  In an instant, Gu Jiao became a person who could not be offended by the entire network.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, suddenly a little scared. The backstage is strong, I dare not move..."

   "I can only say that my sister is upright and has a clear conscience. I can't even see the hacker, so I need to help her."

   "That's right, what kind of family is the Qi family. If sister Qiao is really a third party, do you think the Qi family will let sister Qiao go? I think you are nothing, and the wind is rain."

   "I feel the same, I feel the same. Support upstairs, support Sister Qiao..."

   "I finally realized a truth. If there is Gu Qiao, there will be hot searches, and if there is Gu Qiao, there will be reversals. You don't believe anyone, you have to believe in your sister Qiao. She is a **** you can't afford to offend."



   And the man from a certain castle in a certain country, looking at the net of Qing Qing, finally applauded, and no one dared to mention Gu Qiao's fault again. Then he nodded in satisfaction.

   He threw the tablet to his subordinates.

   "Next time this kind of thing, don't have a second time."

   The little princess of Kossia, no one can touch her.

   subordinates are helpless.

   Just at this moment, a blond man came over, saw the subordinate, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter."

   The man pointed to the tablet in his hand, and the blond man instantly understood.

   "Master, you really want to recognize her as your goddaughter."

   This blond man can be said to be the right hand of a man, and he is also a man who often follows men.

  The last time he met Gu Jiao at the border, he was there.

   The man raised his eyes slightly. "Why, don't you think that I have a good relationship with her?"

  Blonde Man:  …

   is indeed very fateful, first the auction house, then the border...

   No one will believe it if it’s a miss.

   However, this coincidence is too coincidental.

   And, for the second time, also…

   "Master, that kid from the Ji family was given to her by her..."

   The man laughed. "So what? Don't talk about a Ji family. Even if she wants the whole Ji family, maybe the whole overseas, I'm willing to get it for her."

The   blond man was not surprised this time, but shocked.

   Just a few short encounters, how could the master...

   The man got up, the corners of his mouth curved slightly. "I've lived to this age. I finally found a little girl who closes my eyes and likes it very much."

   "willing to hold."

   Even if there is no blood relationship, even if she does not want to be his goddaughter. He was willing to hold her.

   The blond man was completely afraid to answer this time.

   But in his heart, he already knew Gu Qiao's identity clearly.

  It seems that he has to tell him to go on.

   This Gu Qiao will have to be offered in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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