The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 807: 422: The eldest of the Qi family kidnapped his daughter-in-law

   Chapter 807 422: Qi Family Boss Abducts Daughter-in-law

  422: The eldest of the Qi family kidnapped his daughter-in-law

   Qi Tianchen's appearance is beyond reproach, it is extremely beautiful.

   Even standing with Shi Jiudu will not be inferior.

   In addition, Qi Tianchen has the temperament of a famous and noble son cultivated by a large family, which is something that no one else can learn.

   That is something that can only be raised by being soaked in a family.

  Xiao Yu was the first to observe Qi Tianchen so seriously and carefully.

  The previous Qi Tianchen only appeared in newspapers, magazines, and financial news.

   But now, this person is really standing in front of her. Porcelain-like skin, thick eyebrows, and precious eyes, there is a bit of gentleness and a bit of fierceness.

  The thin lips are slightly curved in a shallow arc...

   The face with sharp edges and corners is perfect without any flaws.

   Only then did Xiao Yu realize that Qi Tianchen's eyes were sometimes very similar to Gu Qiao's.

   is clear and light, as if covered with a layer of fog. After the fog dissipates, the prosperity is full.

  Qi Tianchen's throat was slightly itchy under Xiao Yu's stare, and he saw his Adam's apple rolled, raised his hand to support Xiao Yu on the pillar behind him, and wrapped most of her body into his arms.

   "Although the Qi family has a large population, everyone gets along well."

   "Miss Xiao Yu, do you want to be my wife?"

  Xiao Yu slightly looked away. "Are you going to go to the sky in one step? Go straight to the finish line."

   Qi Tianchen smiled slightly, feeling very happy.

   "Then for the rest of your life, there will be Lao Ayu."

   The deep voice, with a hint of a smile, slowly spit out. Xiao Yu only felt the apex of her heart tremble. The tips of the ears are slightly red.

  Xiao Yu did not shake her head or nod her head. He turned around and entered the room, slamming the door shut.

  After the door was closed, Xiao Yu only felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, and the next second, she seemed to be jumping out of her throat.

   The next night, Xiao Yu thought about it a lot, tossing and turning all night.

   And after Qi Tianchen had the answer in his heart, he had a good night's sleep.

  So, got up early in the morning and turned Xiao Yu away.

   The name is: cultivating feelings.

   So, one morning. Everyone on the floating island knows that the young master of the Qi family has a woman by his side.

  Xiao Yu was sitting at the dining table of Qi's family, sitting beside Qi Tianchen, opposite Qi Tianchen's parents, Mrs. Qi looked at her with a smile, her eyes were full of enthusiasm.

   Master Qi also nodded and smiled at her frequently, which made Xiao Yu feel that she was inexplicable and strange, and her identity was settled.

   "Little 妤, let the boss serve you what you want to eat. Don't be polite to him. Use him a lot."

   "If he dares not to listen to you, grandpa will teach him a lesson for you."

  Xiao Yu twitched the corners of her mouth.

   He was still Mr. Qi the day before yesterday, and he was still Mr. Qi yesterday, and he has become a grandfather today.

  Xiao Yu:  …

   But after these two days of contact, Xiao Yu also felt it. The Qi family is really different from other families.

   Don't look at the Qi family as a big family, but the interior is extremely harmonious.

   The direct line and the collateral line are very united and friendly.

  It is also very comfortable to get along with...

   After breakfast, Xiao Yu directly caught up with Gu Qiao, she really didn't want to be with Qi Tianchen anymore.

  Everything is so weird.




  Gu Qiao was sitting in the yard drinking scented tea, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and was reading documents; Xiao Yu was sitting on the other side, holding a freshly picked flower in his hand.

  Gu Qiao's yard was specially chosen by the Qi family, one step at a time; every place was carefully built.

   Even green plants, flowers and plants are expensive, and some are even on the verge of extinction.

  For example, the flower in Xiao Yu's hand is the few flowers that Qi's family irrigated with countless elixir, and it just bloomed a few days ago.

  Xiao Yu recited Gu Qiao's name one by one, and the petals in her hand were completely pulled out by her.

  She just slumped down on the table and looked at Gu Qiao pitifully.

   "Xiao Qiao, arrange for someone to take me back." Xiao Yu wanted to escape.

  Gu Qiao casually swiped his phone and said lightly, "The key is in the hand of the elder brother. I don't have it."

   "Hey..." Xiao Yu sighed lightly.

  Thinking of Qi Tianchen, forget it, do him, this is not...

   "Then you ask Shi Jiudu to arrange someone to take me back." Shi Jiudu must have a key.

  Gu Jiao: "He doesn't dare."

  Xiao Yu:  …

  Gu Qiao: "When the time comes, the elder brother asks him for someone, and he can't afford it."

  Xiao Yu: She seriously suspected that Gu Qiao and Qi Tianchen were in the same group.

  Gu Qiao also guessed what Xiao Yu was worried about.

  Gu Qiao put down her phone and poured Xiao Yu a cup of flower tea. "As far as I know, the eldest brother is very clean. So far, he has never even held a girl's hand."

  Xiao Yu: Surprised! ! ! !

  Gu Qiao nodded. "You have looks, talent, and wealth. And you're clean, you can consider taking a look."

  Xiao Yu naturally knew that Qi Tianchen was excellent, but she felt incredible when she was excellent.

  The Qi family, that is the young master of the Qi family, the future head of the Qi family! ! !

   And she...

  Gu Qiao said lightly: "You are very good, you can afford it."

  Xiao Yu:  …

  Gu Qiao continued to add: "At the banquet tomorrow, there should be a lot of girls from the Shi family. If you don't want your eldest brother to be watched by others, just keep an eye on yourself."

  Gu Qiao got up after speaking and waved his hand. "I'm sleepy, think for yourself."

  Xiao Yu was lying on the table, not wanting to move.

  Thinking of the Qi family's banquet tomorrow, and thinking of that fascinated face, I feel uncomfortable.

   Such a stay is one morning.

   Until Qi Tianchen and Shi Jiudu entered the yard together to look for someone, they saw the petals at Xiao Yu's feet.

   And she was lying on the table, the atmosphere was low.

  Shi Jiudu glanced at Qi Tianchen, turned and entered the room to find the little girl.

   And Qi Tianchen came to Xiao Yu's side and knocked on the table.

   "Knock, knock."

  Xiao Yu raised her face in a daze, and frowned when she saw Qi Tianchen. "How did you come."

  Qi Tianchen reached out and tested the temperature of her forehead with the back of his hand. After confirming that there was no problem, he sat down beside her.

   "Why did you fall asleep here."

  Xiao Yu straightened her messy hair, straightened her waist, and turned into a lady from a famous family.

   "What's the matter with Master Qi?"

   Qi Tianchen raised his eyebrows slightly, this face changed fast enough.

  Qi Tianchen crossed his hands and said quietly, "You know what kind of flower you pinch off."

  Xiao Yu smiled, disapproving. Because she always felt that Qi Tianchen's words were somewhat malicious.

   "Isn't it just a few ornamental flowers?"

   Qi Tianchen said calmly. "That's an extinct variety. The old man irrigated with the elixir for three months, and only a few flowers were opened."

  Xiao Yu: ! ! !

What? ? ? What's the meaning? ? ?

  Irrigated with elixir! ! ! !

   (end of this chapter)

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