The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 802: 417: Duan Xu Engagement

   Chapter 802 417: Duan Xu's Engagement


  Yan Li and Qi Tianchen were quite familiar, so when Qi Tianchen's eyes saw him, he took a half step back and said.

   "She was bitten by a mad dog. I was a hero to save the beauty once."

   Qi Tianchen looked at Xu Xixi's clothes dripping with water with a half-smile. "Yan Li, in ancient times, she looked at a woman's body, but she was responsible."

  Yan Li's face suddenly turned red, and his fingers subconsciously clenched.

   Xu Xixi didn't know that Qi Tianchen was teasing. "Brother Qi, don't tease people. They are still children."

  Yan Li looked at Xu Xixi's somewhat disgusting eyes and muttered softly. "I'm not young, I'm almost an adult."

   Qi Tianchen's ears are naturally useful, especially in such a quiet night.

   He looked at Yan Li in surprise, but Yan Li had already restrained all his expressions and turned into a melancholy young man again.

  Xiao Yu took over Yan Li's work and helped Xu Xixi. "What's wrong with you."

  Xu Xixi snorted coldly. "Bitten by a mad dog."

  Xiao Yu:  …

   Does the Qi family have a dog? And, still a mad dog.

   "Xi Xi..."

   "You listen to my explanation."

  Duan Si dipped in water all over his body and rushed over.

   Before he got to Xu Xixi, Xu Xixi stabbed him in the eye and stopped Duan Si in place.

   turned to Xu Xixi and looked at Gu Qiao pitifully. "Sister Qiao, please take me in."

  Gu Qiao glanced at Duan Si who was covered in water not far away, then glanced at Xu Xixi and nodded.

"follow me."

   So, Gu Qiao led Xu Xixi, Xiao Yu supported her, and the three walked towards Gu Qiao's room.

   Although Duan Si dared to chase to the backyard, he dared not let him chase to Gu Qiao's room again.

   Moreover, Qi Tianchen and Shi Jiudu are still here.

   "Master Du, there is a misunderstanding between Xixi and I, please help me."

   Shi Jiudu shrugged. "This is the Qi family, I can do nothing."

   Duan Si turned to look at Qi Tianchen. "Big Brother Qi..."

   Mrs. Qi Er is the eldest lady of the Duan family, so the relationship between the two families is relatively close.

   But Duan Si is still very worried about Qi Tianchen, because he is the kind of person who is so indifferent that he doesn't even want to talk to you.

  Qi Tianchen gave Duan Si a look that he could experience on his own, then turned and left.

   Only Duan Si stood there, looking a little pitifully tight.

   As Qi Tianchen and Shi Jiudu left, Yan Li snorted coldly at Duan Si. "You can't even protect the woman you like, so what qualifications do you have to pursue her."

   "You really failed."


  Yan Li doesn't know what kind of love, what kind of love. But he knew that if he liked someone, he should protect her first and not let anyone hurt her.

   And this man, while saying there was a misunderstanding, did not protect her well.


  Gu Qiao's room can be regarded as a small villa.

   Even if there are a few more people, it is more than enough.

  Xiao Yu nestled on the sofa, looking at Gu Qiao who had changed into home clothes, her eyes were full of sweetness.

   This made Gu Qiao overwhelmed several times.

   Just when Gu Qiao couldn't help but feel embarrassed, Xu Xixi changed her clothes and walked out.

   "Sister Yu, I want to live here tonight." Xu Xixi knew without thinking that once she went out, she would definitely meet Duan Si.

  Gu Qiao left her alone. "whatever."

   "You and him, haven't settled yet."

  Xu Xixi held her head up, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm just not reconciled."

   "If you are not willing, take revenge and go back and make yourself willing."

  Gu Qiao's rigid answer made Xu Xixi stunned for a moment.

   "Sister Yu, what do you mean by that?"

  Gu Qiao took a sip of milk and said lightly: "The Xu family and the Duan family have a marriage contract. It was the Duan family who broke the contract first and hurt you first."

   "There's no reason why Duan Si can stand in front of you so confidently."

  Xiao Yu looked at Gu Qiao in surprise, and then looked at Xu Xixi.

  How could she think that she ate a big melon.

  Gu Jiao continued: "With your skill, the possibility of anyone wanting to hurt you is almost zero."

   Therefore, Xu Xixi fell into the water, there should be an element of testing Duan Si.

   And obviously, Duan Si disappointed Xu Xixi.


   On the other side, Duan Si did not dare to chase after Xu Xixi and Gu Jiao, so he could only rely on Shi Jiudu's side.

   "Master Du, I'm really unintentional."

   "I didn't expect that she would fall into the water."

   The two were chatting, and then they pulled up, and then Duan Si didn't hold back all of a sudden, and Xu Xixi fell into the water.

   Shi Jiudu asked calmly without raising his eyes. "Then what."

   "Of course I hurried to hold her hand. But she refused outright."

   When Xu Xixi got up, he directly kicked Duan Si into his hand.

   Shi Jiudu gave a cold snort after listening to it.

  Girls are cute, complex creatures.

   "I remember you know water."

   Duan Si nodded. "Yes."

   "Then why don't you go down and pull her."

   Duan Si was stunned. He is standing on the shore, how can it be more convenient to be on the shore? Why did he follow into the water.

   Shi Jiudu said no more, and closed the file directly.

   "It's late, Shiquan, take him back."

   Duan Si didn't understand the meaning of Shi Jiudu's words until he was kicked out of the Qi family.


   "Xixi, I don't think Duan Si is right for you. You should change it." Although Xiao Yu didn't know what happened between Duan Si and Xu Xixi.

   But it can be seen that although Xu Xixi's love for Duan Si is over, his trust is in jeopardy, and it is already collapsing.

   "I think the young master of the Yan family is pretty good. He's a good match for you." Especially when the two of them came here, they looked particularly seductive.

  Xu Xixi gave Xiao Yu a roll of eyes. "They are still children. Miss Xiao, please don't mutilate the little flowers of the country."

  Xiao Yu "cut". "How can someone who grew up in Yan's family really be a simple little white flower."

  Xiao Yu suddenly got up and stood in front of Xu Xixi. "Xu Xixi, I think you should start a new relationship."

   "In this way, you will feel that Duan Si, in your eyes, is nothing."

   "When your life is getting better and better, even if your boyfriend is not as good as him, his background is not as good as his, but he treats you better than he treats you."

   "You are the one who is happy, and he must be the one who regrets it."

   "Or, you can get back together with him again, and then completely smash him once again, **** full of green grasslands."


  Xu Xixi's mouth twitched, feeling a little weird.

  Look, is this what the first lady in Kyoto can say?

  Gu Qiao sat aside and listened to the two chatting for a while. Feeling sleepy, he waved his hand and prepared to rest.

   "You guys talk slowly. I'm going to sleep first."

   "The rooms are all empty and tidied up. You are free."

  Xiao Yu wanted to stay with Gu Qiao for a while, but seeing Xu Xixi who was languishing aside, she decided to stay and comfort her.

   (end of this chapter)

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