Chapter 470 085: Two more

   "How can this be enough!" Qi Tianchen's eyes showed a fierce light.

   In his own heart, he had already determined that Gu Qiao was her sister.

   Especially when he knew that Gu Qiao's mother was called Yunxi.

After    was the child bride-in-law of the Gu family, he could almost conclude that Yunxi was the aunt their Qi family had been looking for for more than 40 years.

  The bloodline is really amazing.

  Especially for a hidden family like them, the bloodline with ability is even more amazing.

   When he saw Gu Qiao's photo, he had a different feeling for her.

   After seeing her, this feeling became stronger and stronger, as if they were a family.

   One is the only eldest lady of his Qi family; the other is the only little princess of his Qi family.

   After suffering so much, how could it be exposed so easily?

   Qi Tianchen pinched his palms, his aunt and sister were still too kind.

   Such a family member should just chop it up and feed the dog!

  Why are you still keeping the world!

   Shiquan did not know why, his brain flashed, he suddenly became smart, and even got to Qi Tianchen's mind.

   hurriedly said.

   "Young Master Qi, you can't touch the family."

  Qi Tianchen looked at him coldly, as if he couldn't give a reasonable reason and would cut him at a glance.

   "The young lady and the master have other plans for keeping the Gu family."

  Qi Tianchen took a deep breath and said coldly, "What about Cui Qinqin's mother and daughter, and that fake daughter!"

   If the Gu family has other plans, then what about the mother and daughter and Gu Xingqiong, who is dove occupying the magpie's nest! !

  Bah, that person is not qualified to be called this name.

   The name Gu Xingqiong was obviously given to my sister by my aunt.

  Xingqiong, star dome;

   That person is not qualified to be called this name!

   Shiquan sighed, this Dashao Qi is too excited about the matter of the young lady.

   "Young Master Qi, Young Madam and Master didn't move, naturally they have other plans."

   "In case you disrupt the plans of the young lady and the master. The young lady may be angry!"

   Sure enough, as soon as Shiquan said these words, Qi Tianchen was like a balloon that was suddenly deflated, unable to go up or down.

   I can't swallow this breath, but I can't spit out this bad breath!

   But in his heart, he had already given up his plan to attack the Gu family and Cui Qinqin's mother and daughter.

   "Shiquan, tell me more about Gu Qiao." Qi Tianchen poured another cup of tea for himself and Shiquan.

   Shiquan looked at the tea that Master Qi handed over, and felt uneasy in his heart, always feeling a little afraid to take it.

  Ten Izumi didn't dare to sit down any longer, and hurriedly stood up.

   "Young Master Qi, I know, I told you."

   "As for the rest, I don't know."

  Ten Quan seemed to have suddenly opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, his brain was running rapidly, and he immediately pushed the trouble out.

   "If you want to know anything else, you can ask Guang Bai. Guang Bai has been following the young lady, he should know more than I do."


  Toizumi nodded quickly. "That's right, it's the person who has been with the old man today."

  The old man of God also has a very good attitude towards Young Master Qi. Presumably with the friendship of the Qi family, the old man of God will say something else.

   Qi Tianchen narrowed his eyes, recalling this person in his mind.

   There was indeed an expressionless man beside the old man of God. This man seemed to have a lot of skill.

   He has been following Gu Qiao's side all the time?

   Qi Tianchen took this matter to heart, but he still did not let Shiquan go.

   "Then tell me what Gu Jiao likes and what she hates."

   "As long as you know, tell me carefully."

   Shiquan was stunned, and looked at Qi Tianchen vigilantly. "Young Master Qi, Young Madam and Master have a very good relationship."

  You don't even think about digging corners.

   Qi Tianchen glanced at him like an idiot.

   I don't know what Shi Jiudu saw in him, it's okay to be stupid.

   In fact, it's not that Shiquan is stupid, the main reason is that Qi Tianchen paid too much attention to Gu Qiao. Now that he asks such a question again, everyone will doubt whether he is going to dig a corner.

   "Don't worry, you won't dig his corners."

   "Maybe one day, your master will try to please me."

   Shiquan glanced at Qi Tianchen suspiciously, what Qi Dashao said was too strange.

   "I'm not too sure about the young lady's preferences. These things are all done by my father."

   "However, the young lady is very nice. Don't think that she is cold and cold on weekdays, and she also looks alienated from others."

   "Actually, she's a very nice person. As long as you don't provoke her, she's pretty easy to get along with. Besides, the young lady treats friends very well."

   "Let's talk about the little granddaughter of the Wen family. The young lady brought both the Zhao family and the Fang family in Fucheng for her."

  Although this is what Master Du said, and Shiquan has no evidence, but Master Du said it, it means that the young lady did it.

   "I heard that even Mrs. Xu's acceptance of her as his apprentice was facilitated by the young lady."

   "Also, doesn't the Gu family have a young son named Gu Xinghao?"

   "I heard from Guang Bai that it was because that kid helped her block that at the engagement banquet of the Gu Shu family. The young lady didn't do anything to him."

   Now the entire Gu family is in a difficult situation, except for this Gu Xinghao, Gu Qiao did not take action against him.

   Even secretly let someone protect him.

  These are all he heard Guangbai say.

   said that his eldest lady was too soft-hearted or something.

   Qi Tianchen commented the same after listening to it. "She's still too soft-hearted."

  Ten Springs: "…"

   Do we have to kill them all?

   Qi Tianchen glanced at Shiquan contemptuously.

   "If you two brothers hadn't been asked to leave by Shi Jiudu, do you think the two of you would still be able to live well in Shijia?"

  This society is so realistic!

  Ten Springs: "…"

   Young Master Qi, this is too sharp.

   Qi Tianchen snorted coldly. "What if he bites back later?"

   "Weeds are cut without rooting, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates."

   After all, Gu Xinghao also has the blood of the Gu family. Moreover, his mother is Cui Qinqin...

  Ten Izumi touched his nose and dared not speak any more.

  Qi Tianchen was silent for a while, then said, "For tomorrow's apprenticeship banquet, get me an invitation."

   Toquan was surprised! Mr. Xu's banquet, Young Master Qi is going to go, and he won't be able to get an invitation.

  Qi Tianchen didn't want to answer his doubts, so he drove him out.

  Ten Izumi looked at the empty main road on the street, raised his hand and glanced at the time.

   3:30 AM!

   Young Master Qi is too inhumane, so he just drove him out, and he didn't even leave him the car keys.

   Really throw it away when you run out...

  Ten Izumi took out his mobile phone and started bombing in their small group, making all kinds of noises.

   complained for half an hour, the screen kept sliding up dozens of pages, all his various rants.

   But he did not expect that a man who was sent thousands of miles away would infiltrate their group.

   At this time, I happened to see all kinds of babble from him.

   The handsome and handsome Si Shao: Hahaha... I'm happy to see that you guys are not happy.

   (end of this chapter)

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