The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 458: 073: Change the sky

   Chapter 458 073: Changing the sky


  Professor Yu left suddenly this time to solve the dilemma of the laboratory.

   Coupled with the reason that Professor Wen is not in China, otherwise Professor Yu would not be far away.

   "Your laboratory will not be closed."

  Gu Xingqiong smiled bitterly. "Hopefully."

  An Che got out of the car, opened the door on the side of Gu Xing, and escorted her out of the car.

After getting off the car, Gu Xingqiong did not leave in a hurry; instead, she raised her eyes to look at An Che.

   An Che is a head taller than her, and in terms of looks, An Che is not inferior to Su Ziyang at all.

   In terms of family background, An Che is also a head taller than Su Ziyang.

  The tall figure of the boy stood in front of her, as if blocking all the wind and rain for her.

   "Junior, can I hug you?"

  An Che was surprised and looked at Gu Xingqiong strangely.

  Gu Xingqiong raised her head slightly, with tears in the corners of her eyes, looking pitiful.

   "In the past 18 years, I've been really tired."

   "I thought that coming here was my new starting point; but unexpectedly, I was casually caught..."

   "Maybe, no matter how hard some people try, it's useless."

   "Some people don't need to work hard; they can easily trample all your efforts over the past 18 years."

   "Student, am I really bad?"

  Gu Xingqiong knows how to take advantage of her strengths, and she also knows how to take advantage of An Che's indebtedness to her.

   Sure enough, when Gu Xingqiong's tears fell.

  The boy hugged her tightly with a warm embrace of the sun.

   "Sister, you are very good." During this time, the laboratory project was targeted.

  Gu Xingqiong was suppressed everywhere, even today, because Professor Yu Wenbo was not there.

   She almost didn't enter the venue and almost became a laughing stock.

   If An Che hadn't asked his assistant, he wouldn't have known that Gu Xingqiong had suffered so much grievance right under his nose.

   "Sister, I'm sorry; I was negligent before, and there will be no next time."

   Gu Xingqiong's tears flowed more and more, her voice said with a thick nasal tone.

   "Maybe, I shouldn't have been adopted by the Gu family."

   "I just don't care. I was adopted by the Gu family, and I didn't want it."

   "But why does Gu Qiao count all this on my head."

   "Why did she target me like this..."

  Gu Xingqiong did not dare to directly say that Gu Qiao was Professor Gu, so he could only pick it up.

   And after hearing Gu Xingqiong's words, An Che's face became even more gloomy and terrifying.

   It's Gu Jia again...

   She is really haunted; she really thinks Nancheng is Feicheng, she can do whatever she wants.

   However, An Che was completely unaware that Nancheng had quietly changed before he noticed it.

   An Che soothed and patted Gu Xingqiong on the back symbolically.

   "Sister, don't worry, Gu Qiao won't be arrogant for long."

   "I will avenge you."

  Gu Xingqiong shook his head in An Che's arms. "Forget it, I just complained a few words and didn't mean anything else."

   Gu Xingqiong closed as soon as she saw it, slowly withdrawing from An Che's suspicion, and continued.

   "No matter what, I did steal Gu Qiao's favor and life for the first eighteen years."

   "This matter, forget it."

  An Che's heart suddenly softened, it turns out that she still has such a good side.

  An Che said yes, but he didn't think so in his heart.

   Watching An Che's car slowly leave the dormitory building, the expression on Gu Xingqiong's face disappeared, where is the sad and uncomfortable look just now.

   "Clap clap clap..."

   Applause came from the corner, and then a smiling girl came towards her.

   "Sister is good at acting."

   "With this acting skill, you can get a golden statuette."

   is Gu Xingxuan.

   "Why are you here." Gu Xingqiong asked.

  Gu Xingxuan still smiled. "Shouldn't my sister be worried about what I saw just now?"

  Gu Xingqiong's eyes sank as he stared at her tightly.

"What do you see."

   Gu Xingxuan's words were obviously what she saw.

   Although Gu Xingqiong has other plans in his heart, it does not mean that he wants to reveal it at this time.

  Gu Xingxuan chuckled a few times, raised her phone, and clicked on the video inside.

   There is no sound in the video, but the picture of a man and a woman hugging is clearly captured.

  Even the picture of the girl stretching her arms around the boy's waist and the boy patting her back is clearly visible.

   The video is a minute long…

   "Gu Xingxuan, what do you want to do."

  Gu Xingxuan put away the phone and looked at Gu Xingqiong sullenly. "My good sister, you said, if brother Ziyang knew that you were going to climb the big tree of the An family."

   "What would he think."

   Gu Xingxuan's words changed. "Oh, no, to be more precise, what would Aunt Shu think?"

   "The front foot just got engaged to their family; the back foot climbed up to the young master of the An family."

  Gu Xingqiong pinched the palm of his hand and lowered his eyes to hide the coldness in his eyes.

   raised his eyes and explained slowly: "Xuanxuan, you misunderstood, what happened just now is not what you see."

   "Xuanxuan, you are my sister, you should believe me."

  Gu Xingxuan raised her lips and smiled.

   "Of course I believe you." Strange.

  My sister, if you really took me as your own sister, you wouldn't have caused me to come this far.

  My good sister, everything has just begun.

   If you like acting so much, let’s see how long you can act.

   "But sister, as you know, I'm a person. If your mouth is not strict, then you have to..."

  Gu Xingqiong's eyes were slightly cold. "what do you want?"

  Gu Xingxuan put away the fake smile on his face and reached out.

   "Give me some money to spend first."

  Gu Xingqiong looked at her suspiciously. "How much?"

  Gu Xingxuan stretched out a finger.

   "One hundred thousand?"

  Gu Xingxuan shook his head, 100,000, who do you look down on.

"Ten million!"

  Gu Xingxuan's lion opened its mouth wide, directly scaring Gu Xingqiong.

   "Ten million! Gu Xingxuan, you are crazy. Where can I get you ten million!"

   Even when she was favored by the Gu family again, she only had ten million in her hands.

   Not to mention, now Gu Xingqiong has no money at all.

  The Gu family has been cut off from her financial relationship since the aunt came last year.

   The restoration of her relationship with the Gu family is only a matter of years later.

  Gu Xingxuan doesn't care so much. "You don't have it, the Shu family has it, and the An family has it."

  If I hadn't come today, I would have seen such a big drama. Gu Xingxuan wouldn't bother her like that.

   "10 million, I will delete the video immediately."

  Gu Xingqiong was silent and did not speak.

  Gu Xingxuan was not in a hurry at all, and sat down on the lounge chair beside her leisurely.

   "My good sister, once my video reaches Shu's house."

   "You've lost more than ten million."

   is the name of the young lady of the Shu family.

  Gu Xingqiong gritted his teeth. "Give me a day and I'll contact you tomorrow."

  Gu Xingxuan saw that his goal was achieved, so he stayed soon.

   waved his hand and left.

  Gu Xingqiong looked at Gu Xingxuan who was leaving, but what she thought was that after this incident, she would definitely not let Gu Xingxuan go.

  But Gu Xingqiong didn't know, but Gu Xingxuan just left here.

After   , Gu Xingxuan appeared at Anjia.

   Moreover, he did not appear alone; he appeared with Cui Qinqin.

   (end of this chapter)

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