The Almighty is In the Headlines Again

Chapter 376: 377: sprouting

   Chapter 376 377: Quietly sprouting

   "Nothing, talk about your childhood."

   "As soon as you said it, you came back."

   Actually, Jiudu noticed that Grandma Gu seemed to have something to say to him.

   It's just that before he could say anything, Gu Qiao pushed the door and came in.

  In the garden, two people walked side by side.

   "I brought my lunch. Want to eat some?"

  Gu Qiao said without changing his face, "I've eaten it."

   Shi Jiudu pulled her and headed towards his office.

   "I didn't eat, eat some with me."

   In front of the glass table in the office, Gu Qiao and Shi Jiudu were sitting on the sofa.

   Shi Jiudu was eating his meal gracefully, one bite at a time, as if he had been trained.

   Even on the sofa in the office, he didn't look embarrassed.

   Every move is full of dignity and elegance.

   As if those things were brought out of the soul.

   "Drink some soup." Shi Jiudu didn't just take care of himself, he even dug out half a small bowl of soup for Gu Qiao.

  In the soup, there are also two pieces of yellow corn.


  Gu Qiao finally took the soup bowl and picked up the spoon.

   Shi Jiudu continued to eat gracefully, as if he was sitting at a high-end dining table, eating something delicious.

  Gu Qiao pursed his lips with the soup in his mouth.

   Ripples in my heart...

   A few minutes later, watching Shi Jiudu calmly eat the food little by little.

  Gu Qiao slowly put the soup bowl down.


   These meals, in the mouth of a normal person, should be like Duan Si's reaction, which is right.

  But this man...

   seems to be eating some delicacies from the mountains and seas.

   Shi Jiudu swallowed the last bite of the dish, picked up the paper towel on one side, and slowly wiped his mouth clean.

   just opened his mouth.

   "There is no why."

"Because is you."

  These meals are made for her.

   He wants to eat with her.

  Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy; he was with him.

  It doesn't matter if she has a weak sense of taste, he will accompany her.

   For the first time, Gu Qiao's clear eyes were undisguised, and he looked at Shi Jiudu with countless complicated emotions.

   Shi Jiudu saw a bottomless abyss in Gu Qiao's clear eyes for the first time.

   "What beautiful eyes." Shi Jiudu's slender and fair fingers stroked her eyelashes.

  Gu Qiao's eyelashes trembled, she thought of all the reactions of Shi Jiudu.

   did not expect, his reaction...

   Shi Jiudu moved his hand up and rubbed her forehead.

   "In the future, I will protect you."

   "Chuck." For the first time, Gu Qiao showed a sneer in front of Shi Jiudu.

   Even the disgust and rejection are so vividly expressed.

   "Master Du, go back to your imperial capital."

   "There's nothing in Huacheng worth your stay!"


  The office door was slammed shut.

   Shi Jiudu was stunned for only half a second, grabbed the jacket on the sofa and chased outside.

   At the elevator entrance, when Shi Jiudu was closing the elevator, he suddenly stretched out a hand and reopened the elevator.

   In the elevator, Gu Qiao was the only one.

   Shi Jiudu walked into the elevator and put his coat over her.

   Tie her a scarf again.

   "It's windy outside, and your coat fell off."

   The numbers on the elevator were jumping. During this period, neither of them spoke.

   Until, two people stepped out of the elevator.

   Shi Jiudu suddenly grabbed Gu Qiao, and Gu Qiao moved his hand to Shi Jiudu for the first time.

   resisted his closeness to her.

  Shi Jiudu only felt a pain in his abdomen, and the next second, his hands were empty, and the man had already jumped out a zhang.

   A pair of clear eyes, but at the moment they looked at him as if they were looking at a stranger.

  Shi Jiudu straightened his waist and came towards Gu Qiao again.

   This time, before Gu Qiao lifted her foot, Shi Jiudu suppressed her next move.

   hugged her tightly.

   Shi Jiudu didn't dare to let her go, he was afraid,

   Afraid, as soon as she turned to leave, she really exiled him completely.

   "Gu Qiao, I'm not in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry to push me away."

   "Are you okay?"

   This is the first time for Shi Jiudu to call out her full name.

The words    are obviously simple, but they came out of his mouth, but they seemed to be dyed with thousands of affection.

   Gentle and tender...

"I'll hold."


   "When you grow up,"

   "Waiting for you,"

   "Wait for your nod,"

   "Wait for you to speak."

   "Wait for your permission."

   Waiting word for word, it came out of his mouth, as if wrapped in the gears of time.

   Far away and firm...

   "Sister Qiao, what are you thinking?" In the classroom, Wen Sihan's hand shook in front of Gu Qiao's eyes.

  Gu Qiao took a few days off and only came to school today.

  But after Gu Qiao came back, it became a little strange.

   In the past, Sister Jia was either playing games or reading the black book.

   But now, she is in a daze.

   "Sister Yu, how is Grandma Gu?"

  Wen Sihan knew that Grandma Gu came to Huacheng.

   "In a while, I'll go see Grandma Gu with you."

   "I'll go too." Wang Yihe actually liked Grandma Gu quite a bit.

   Feel kind.

   After all, his grandmother left early.

  The way Grandma Gu protects Sister Jia is very much like his grandma protecting him.

  Gu Qiao lowered his eyes and responded.

   "Hmm. Yes."

  Gu Qiao didn't know what happened, after leaving the hospital.

   Until the next day, she kept repeating sentence after sentence in her head,

   Shi Jiudu's words kept circling in her mind.

   can't go away...

  Gu Qiao buttoned down his clothes and hat in annoyance and buried his head in the crook of his arms.

   "What's the matter with Sister Jia?" Wang Yihe asked in a low voice.

  Wen Sihan shook his head. "I do not know either."

   It was the first time I saw Gu Qiao so emotionally exposed.

   In the past, Gu Jiao was always calm and had no mood swings.

   the most, frowning, expressing a trace of displeasure.

   But not as terrifying as it is now.

   Shi Jiudu didn't want to push Gu Qiao too tightly.

   After what the hospital said, Shi Jiudu didn't go to the hospital very much.

   Going to the hospital is also to take care of grandma's health report.

   Shi Jiudu understands that children can't push too hard,

   is too tight, she will run...

   She needs time.

   But afterwards, Shi Jiudu regretted it too late.

   I hate myself for not sticking to Gu Qiao tightly.

   When Jiudu saw Gu Jia again, it was a few days later.

   After he received it, Grandma Gu suddenly entered the operating room.

When    Shi Jiudu arrived at the hospital, the operation was over and Ren Er had already left.

   Time goes back an hour.

  Gu Qiao was on his way to the base when suddenly the hospital called.

   "Professor Gu suddenly passed out."

  Gu Qiao rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible.

   At this time, Grandma Gu had already woken up on the hospital bed, but her whole body was about to reach its limit.


   Grandma Gu reached out to Gu Jia.

   For the first time, Gu Qiao did not step forward, but looked at her from a distance.

   Grandma Gu looked at Gu Yue who was standing on the other side.

   "Xiaoyue, go see Xiaojiu..."

   "No!" Gu Qiao said coldly.

   His eyes were fixed on Grandma Gu.

   Thanks to the king squid for giving 1 flower, thank you, alright~

   Thank you liyi****011 for voting for 3 monthly tickets, thank you, ahhh~

   Thank you WeiXin****290 for voting for a monthly ticket, thank you, ah~

   Thank you Big Eyes for voting for a monthly ticket, thank you, alright~

   Thanks to hfang for voting for 3 monthly tickets, thank you, alright~

   Thank you Kuzhang Yuren, for the uninterrupted recommendation ticket every day, more than heart...

   Thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and collections, thank you.

   Bow to the little fairies, Jimei...



   (end of this chapter)

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