The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 899: Sick beauty, I'm so hot!

   Yu Qingqian was hugged by Feng Chen, she suddenly got up and lay on Feng Chen's body. .

   "Sick beauty, you lied." Yu Qingqian frowned slightly, her voice aggrieved.

   Feng Chen suddenly felt a bit of a headache. If the little ancestor continued to make trouble, he didn't know if he would be killed by her.

   "How did I lie?"

  Yu Qingqian reached out to pull Feng Chen's clothes, and said of course, "You said you wanted to show it to me."

   Feng Chen couldn't help laughing, this drunk cat still remembered what he said to coax people before.

   "Good, it's too late today, I'll show you tomorrow." Feng Chen went to pull someone's hand that was constantly making trouble on him.

   The body that had gradually calmed down started to ignite like a wild beast again.

  Yu Qingqian pouted, avoiding Feng Chen's hand to pull her, and the movement of pulling her clothes did not stop, she muttered, "No, you must lie to me again."

   "What do you want to see?" Feng Chen couldn't help holding his forehead.

   Yu Qingqian lowered his head and smiled and said, "Of course I'm looking at your body." Then she gave Feng Chen your stupid look.

   Feng Chen sighed and let her take off the outer robe from her body, leaving only the middle clothes.

   He knows that, if you don't meet the drunk cat's requirements today, don't want to sleep.

  This little thing is even more aggressive than when he was a child when he was drunk.

  Yu Qingqian tore off Feng Chen's shirt, exposing the other party's fair skin to the air.

   She took advantage of the situation and touched it, but she couldn't help touching it again, and she kept sighing: "Sick beauty, your skin is so good, it's so comfortable to touch."

  Feng Chen took a deep breath, he could bear it, but he couldn't bear it, he turned someone who was still moving around and pinned him under him.

   "Qianqian, I've finished reading it, go to sleep."

   The blurred and drunkenness in Yu Qingqian's eyes was even stronger, "No, I still want to touch."

   She stretched out her hand to Feng Chen's bare upper body again, and touched it around, the sick beauty's skin was so smooth and delicate, and it felt good to the touch.

   Yu Qingqian kept sighing, Feng Chen was about to be tortured to death by this goblin.

   He really wanted to rectify the Fa-rectification on the spot immediately, but he didn't want to take advantage of her drunkenness.

  As the opponent's hands ignited everywhere, the desire in Feng Chen's body screamed that there was nowhere to go.

   "Qianqian, if you touch it randomly, I don't know what I'll do to you." He lowered his head and whispered in Yu Qingqian's ear, and took advantage of the situation to hold her earlobe.

   Yu Qingqian felt a tingling in his heart, and couldn't help but let out a groan, pushing Feng Chen's desire in his lower abdomen to the apex.

   His eyes were dark and hot, and he wanted to melt the people under him.

  Yu Qingqian withdrew his hand, moved his body uncomfortably, and said aggrievedly, "Sick beauty, I'm uncomfortable, I'm so hot."

  Linglongzui is a spirit among spirits, and it has a strong alcoholity. Although the rescue soup that Yu Qingqian drank has relieved a part, the alcoholism is only now beginning to play.

At this time, she felt her whole body was hot from the inside out, and the heat was uncomfortable. She twisted her body a few times under Feng Chen, and her lingerie was also partially ripped away, revealing the delicate curves and a pair of little rabbits. About revealed in Feng Chen's eyes.

   "Qianqian." Feng Chen couldn't help but covered Yu Qingqian's red lips with a kiss.

   Although Feng Chen's whole body is clamoring for desires, and his body is so hot that he needs a basin of ice to extinguish, but he belongs to a very special physique, and his body temperature is lower than ordinary people.

  Yu Qingqian was kissed by Feng Chen, so he couldn't help hugging his back, and touched him again.

   The warm feeling on the other party's body made her very comfortable, and relieved a lot of uncomfortable burning sensations in her body.

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