The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 890: Can the little ancestor stop making trouble?

   Feng Chengxuan and Feng Li saw Feng Chen who suddenly appeared outside the attic.

  There is only one thought in my mind, it's over!

  Sheng Moran didn't expect Feng Chen to appear suddenly, but he was inexplicably relieved.

  Yu Qingqian was drunk, he was afraid that she would make trouble again, none of them could stop her, only Feng Chen had that ability.

   Fengcheng Yang saw that Yu Qingqian would actually throw himself into a man's arms, acting like a spoiled child with a sweet and dependable voice, his face instantly gloomy.

   Does the famous flower already have an owner? But so what.

  Feng Chen temporarily ignored the few people who were standing not far away thinking about each other, but looked down at the woman who was hugging him tightly in his arms.

   "Have you had a good time?" Feng Chen asked softly, the word "happy" being too heavy.

   Yu Qingqian raised her head and blinked, it's over, the sick beauty seems to be angry!

   "Uncle and Feng Li have had a lot of fun with me and my brother these past two days!" Yu Qingqian showed a different side after getting drunk, with a bit of childishness, and his voice was full of coquettishness.

   But it sounded like a magic sound in the ears of Feng Chengxuan and Feng Li, both of them could not wait to disappear immediately, this woman was too much, she even betrayed them as soon as she came.

   Feng Li saw Feng Chen look over, and his cold eyes were stained with an unexplainable taste, he immediately said, "Uncle brought us to have a good time."

   In one sentence, all the responsibility was put on Feng Chengxuan, who was brought by the uncle.

   "..." Feng Chengxuan's eyes widened, he looked at Yu Qingqian, who was stuck in Feng Chen's arms, and then at Feng Li, who pretended to be innocent, and suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood.

   These two are too shameless, although he brought them to play, but who is playing more crazy than him, is it really good to push them all on him?

   Feng Chen glanced at Feng Chengxuan indifferently, and said quite meaningfully: "It seems that Uncle has been too busy recently!"

   "How could that be? I'm not idle, I'm not idle at all." Feng Chengxuan smiled and wanted to cry.

   For some reason, he is not afraid of the serious old man or the stern elder brother Feng Chengzhe, but he is a little afraid of this cold and cold nephew who seems to know everything like the back of his hand.

  Feng Chen said with a half-smile, "Since Uncle is so busy, why should I let Uncle rest for a while more recently."

   "..." Feng Chengxuan suddenly felt like he was digging a hole to bury himself.

  Fengchen, this wolf in the skin of a crane, doesn't know what else is going to hurt him, why is he so unlucky, with such two nephews...

   Feng Chen no longer looked at a few people, but took his eyes on Yu Qingqian and coaxed in a low voice, "Let's go home."

   Yu Qingqian was drunk and hazy, and shook his head: "No, I haven't had enough."

   "Then what else do you want to play?" Feng Chen stretched out his hand and stroked the broken hair between Yu Qing's shallow forehead.

   Yu Qingqian thought for a while, and said with great interest, "I still want to drink to see the beauty."

   "..." Feng Chengxuan and Feng Li couldn't help holding their foreheads, can the little ancestor stop making trouble?

  Feng Chen squinted his eyes, first glanced at Feng Chengxuan and the others coldly, and then asked the drunk Yu Qingqian, "What kind of beauty are you looking at?"

   "Isn't there a night party performance in Zuiqing Pavilion? Naturally, it is to watch beautiful performances!" Yu Qingqian said bluntly.

   "It turned out to be watching a beauty perform!" Feng Chen's tone became a little more serious, and he made a note of Feng Chengxuan and Feng Li in his heart.

  Yu Qingqian raised her head and bit Fengchen's chin habitually, like a beautiful and coquettish Persian cat, her eyes were bright and watery, she said with a smile: "Of course, no one is more beautiful than you!"

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