The man beside Yu Qingqian was taken aback by her evil smile, his eyes were full of surprise, but he quickly subsided.

   "Young Master wants to drink, so of course I want to accompany him." His hands were long and fair, and he picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine.

   He did not hand the wine to Yu Qingqian, but directly smiled and handed it to her lips.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly and took a sip of the wine from the glass he handed over. His voice was clear and sexy, "Good wine makes people more beautiful!"

   In the last days, as the leader of the base, there are times when she leads a group of high-level executives out for a show, but she never crosses the bottom line.

  I can't even be single once, and now I can't even have a sick beauty. It's just a play.

   "Cough cough..." Feng Chengxuan coughed dryly, he realized that he was wrong, he shouldn't have brought Yu Qingqian here.

   Not only can this woman bet and fight, she can even play in a place like this, what else can she do?

  Yu Qingqian turned her head and raised her eyebrows at Feng Chengxuan, "Uncle, do you have a bad throat?"

   "..." Feng Chengxuan twitched the corners of his mouth, he really wanted to kneel!

  The beauty glanced at Feng Chengxuan inexplicably, raised her hand and poured another glass of wine, feeding it to Yu Qingqian's lips, "Young master is really a wonderful person."

   He could see that the other party looked at him with pure admiration, but he didn't have the slightest desire, but the words he said swayed people's hearts like a cat's scratch.

   "Can beautiful women play the piano?" Yu Qingqian narrowed his eyes slightly, and Jun's face was dyed with a sinister smile. In the eyes of the people here, he was more attractive than the handsome man next to him.

  Sheng Moran held his forehead and threw it at Feng Chengxuan like a knife.

   This person can come here to play and listen to the ditty.

   Feng Cheng Xuan Dun felt that he was lying down with a knife.

   Beauty shook her head and said bluntly, "I'm not good at playing the piano."

   "Then what are you good at?" Yu Qingqian leaned back on the soft chair lazily.

   Beauty chuckled: "I'm good at painting."

   "It happens that I am good at painting, why don't you draw a pair of my painting now?" Yu Qingqian seemed to be interested, "I'll give you a gift after painting."

  The beauty is not hypocritical, "What does the young master want me to paint?"

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while, then pointed at Wen Qing who was playing the piano with a folding fan and said with a smile, "Just paint that beauty."

   Beauty stood up and smiled calmly, "Okay, please wait a moment, son."

   He went to a table next to him, there happened to be a pen and paper on it, and he picked up a pen and started to draw.

   Yu Qing's shallow eyes were full of admiration for the beautiful smile, "Beauty, do you need me to grind it for you?"

   "Go help him grind." Feng Li instructed the man beside him.

   He felt that he had endured to the limit, and he could not wait to throw the beauty in Yu Qingqian's mouth into the lake.

   At first, he thought that Yu Qingqian was just teasing and playing, but he didn't expect that she was still addicted to playing, whether she could bear it or not!

   The man beside him was startled but did not refuse. He looked up at Yu Qingqian and found that she had no objection, so he stood up and walked to the table to grind.

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows: "Are you free?"

   Feng Li got up and walked to Yu Qingqian's side to sit down. He smiled wickedly and charmingly. He raised his phoenix eyes and asked, "Is he more beautiful than me?"

   Yu Qingqian pushed the person away with disgust, "Enough is enough!"

   Feng Li then restrained his charming smile and charming eyes, and straightened his face, "I'll give you the same words."

   "You said what would you do if the fake fairy saw you like this?" He leaned into Yu Qingqian's ear and asked with gritted teeth.

  Yu Qingqian pretended to be thoughtful, and suddenly smiled brightly: "I don't know, I haven't tried it, do you want me not to try it?"

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