Doudou just roared, and the beast on the battlefield fell to the ground. This is the real surrender without a fight.

   The owner of the beast felt a sense of suffocation, and finally had to call his beast back.

   There are young masters or senior dudes sitting in the major private rooms. It is not only once or twice that they have come to play Beast Fighting. Now, seeing the noble bloodline spirit beasts with such a big contrast, his eyes can't help but light up.

  Doudou is definitely an almighty spirit beast that can be cute and coquettish internally and can kill enemies and protect the master externally.

   Next, there were still many unwilling people who released their beasts.

   It will roar a few times in the beginning, but every roar will frighten its opponent to lie on the ground and tremble without fighting. It is boring.

  Doudou was born as a Spirit Sovereign, with a high level of intelligence, so he stopped yelling at each other after that, and restrained his aura.

   When the fierce beast fighting against it was full of momentum and wanted to show off its power, it moved around.

   Gently slap the huge beast away with a single claw, and then pull it back and forth, crushing it in minutes, making the owners of those beasts want to cry without tears, and feel embarrassed.

   After playing a few games at the end, other people didn't want to lose face, and there were no opponents.

   It transformed into the size of a palm, flew back to the private room, and then rubbed against Yu Qingqian's legs in a very aggrieved way.

   Those vicious beasts are too bad, not fun at all.

  If those beasts saw Doudou's grievance and uninterested complaining at this moment, they would definitely want to die.

  Feng Chengyang suddenly realized what kind of spirit beast it was when he transformed into his original form.

"Qingqian, you are really amazing, even the Nihuang Beast can be subdued and hatched." The Feng family where Feng Chengyang is located not only controls Lingzhi and Yaozhi, but also controls a lot of beasts and spirit beasts. Only he can build a private property like the Colosseum.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "I also got it by chance, and it took a lot of effort to hatch it."

   Her fingers rubbed Doudou's listless little head. The birth of this little guy has gone through a lot of twists and turns. If it weren't for his tenacious vitality, he would have died in the egg.

   Feng Chengyang is very aware of how difficult it is for the Nihuang Beast to be born, and sighs that Yu Qingqian is not only lucky, but also very powerful, and the thumping heartbeat is even stronger.

   Such a woman was just made for him, and for the first time in many years he was really attracted to a woman.

   Once a man from the Feng family is moved, it is difficult to get his heart back.

   "Maybe the third way of playing it won't be too boring." Feng Chengyang himself likes to domesticate beasts and spirit beasts, so he can naturally see what he is wronged.

   He signaled that the beautiful woman appeared on the battlefield again.

   "The second way of playing has no one's beasts and spirit beasts to challenge, let's go directly to the last way of playing."

   "Our Colosseum will release the most ferocious and powerful beasts to fight. VIPs who want to challenge can release their own beasts. If whose beast wins, our Colosseum will pay double the bet."

The beautiful woman changed the conversation and reminded: "What we are going to release this time are all extremely ferocious and murderous beasts captured at the border of the beast domain and the human domain. If there are VIPs who want to challenge, then you must be prepared. Life or death."

   "If someone's war beast is bitten to death, then the Colosseum will not take any responsibility. Please think twice before challenging."

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