Feng Chengxuan and Feng Chengyang did not stop, but took them directly to the private room on the third floor.

  The private room is very large and equally luxurious. Even the table is made of very high-grade and precious spirit stones, and the chair is made of a ten thousand-year-old spirit wood that can refresh the mind.

The ornaments around    are made of very expensive spar carvings, which are exquisite and exquisite, and it can be seen that it really conforms to Feng Chengyang's preferences.

  Yu Qingqian always likes beautiful and delicate things, so he doesn't feel uncomfortable in such a luxurious private room, instead he sits down naturally and leisurely.

   Feng Li and Sheng Mo Ran were also used to seeing the world, and they did not reveal any strange colors when they entered the private room.

  The four beauties put the tray in their hands on the table, got up and walked to a pool on the side of the private room to clean their hands with spiritual water.

After cleaning their hands, the four of them gracefully returned to the table. The two of them were half-kneeling and beat their legs for Feng Qingyang, who was leaning lazily on the back of the chair. Take it off and feed it into Fengcheng Yang's mouth.

   The remaining beauty was half-kneeling in front of the table, her voice soft and soft, her beautiful eyes looked at Feng Chengyang and asked, "Young Master, are you drinking tea or drinking?"

   "There are a few juniors with you today, so let's have some tea." Feng Chengyang swept away Yu Qingqian and the others spoke indifferently.

   Yu Qingqing's eyes overflowed with a little smile, this Feng Chengyang is really a person who knows how to enjoy life.

  The beauty nodded, picked up a pot of spiritual tea, and took out a bucket of Lingshan spring that came with it, and began to brew tea.

  A beauty is a beauty, and the movement of making tea is soft and graceful, which is pleasing to the eye.

   Yu Qingqian couldn't help but take a few more glances. She likes beautiful things, including admiring beautiful women.

Feng Chengyang noticed Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran just now. Seeing their extraordinary temperament, they didn't show the slightest surprise or strangeness after entering the private room. is not simple.

   "How is this little friend looking at tea?" He looked at Yu Qing and said with a light smile.

  Yu Qingqian raised her eyes and replied with a smile, "Whether it's good or not, we won't know until you taste it."

   "Haha, the little friend is also interesting, I don't know what to call it?" Feng Chengyang and Feng Chengxuan are equals, so they also consider themselves elders in front of Yu Qingqian and the three.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "My surname is Yu."

   Feng Chengyang was slightly surprised, "The surname is Yu? The little friend is from the Sky Palace?"

   There are very few people with the surname Yu in Lingxi Continent, and the surname of the temple owner of the Sky Palace is Yu.

   "Exactly." Yu Qingqian didn't hide it, it was not difficult to find out his identity with Feng Chengyang's method.

  The first-class business family has its own set of source channels. Although it is not as large as the Peng family, it is not bad.

   Feng Chengyang changed his mind and turned his eyes to Sheng Moran, "This little friend is also very good-looking, don't you know your surname?"

   "Your surname is Sheng." Sheng Moran said lightly.

   Feng Chengyang's eyes were a little more surprised, his eyes fell on Yu Qingqian again, and he took a closer look.

   "Are you Yu Qingqian?" He couldn't help but ask tentatively.

   Recently, the name Yu Qingqian has been widely circulated in Lingxi Realm, especially the incident of Yinfengya being cleared last month, which attracted the attention of the major families in Lingxi Realm.

   Feng Chengyang can become the young master of the Feng family, and naturally he will not be the kind of slutty disciple who really only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day, and pays close attention to the latest news in the whole Lingxi territory.

   But he really didn't see that Yu Qingqian was a woman at this time.

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