The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 842: I definitely want to have a great-grandson

   Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran lived directly in Fengli's courtyard, and did not go to other courtyards.

   The next morning, Feng Chengxuan came uninvited, followed by Feng Chengzhe, who was still indifferent.

   "Hello, Patriarch Feng! Hello, Uncle Feng!" Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran greeted them.

   Feng Chengxuan smiled like a rotten persimmon, "As expected of Xiaochen's daughter-in-law, she is polite."

  "..." Yu Qingqian didn't know how to answer.

   Feng Chengzhe's attitude is relatively mild, "Chen'er has something to do recently. If you need anything while staying at the Feng family, feel free to speak up."

   He felt a little uncomfortable. Why did his daughter-in-law call him Uncle Feng Chengzhe, but he called himself the head of the family. This is obviously a difference in closeness!

   Over the past few months, he and the two brothers have gotten along fairly well, but they can't get close. It's not that he doesn't get close, but that the two brothers have more than enough respect for him, but their relationship is very weak.

   This is after the two brothers knew about the incident more than 30 years ago, otherwise they would definitely not see him with a nose or eyes, especially Feng Li, who would often come up with a sarcasm.

   The eldest son's future daughter-in-law is here, and he only found out last night.

   He had met Yu Qingqian before, and had a good impression of her, and he didn't dare to interfere with Feng Chen's marriage, otherwise the son would be able to leave the Feng family if he turned around.

   "Okay!" Yu Qing smiled politely.

   As for the father-in-law Feng Chengzhe, she doesn't know how to get along anymore. The other party's temperament is too dull and she can't talk at all.

   However, during the communication with Sick Beauty, Yu Qingqian heard about what happened more than 30 years ago, and couldn't help but sigh and sigh.

  This father-in-law is self-defeating, he misses his favorite, and he is also a pitiful person.

   Feng Chengzhe and Feng Chengxuan look very similar and are the same age, but Feng Chengzhe can clearly feel a sense of vicissitudes and decadence, as if he is much older than Feng Chengxuan.

   Feng Chengxuan is very cheerful and talkative, wanton and unrestrained, with a young mentality, and he looks young and energetic.

  The lifespan of a Lingzhi master is related to his cultivation. People with cultivation like the Spirit Emperor can live for thousands of years. Feng Chenzhe and Feng Chengxuan are not even a hundred years old, so they are considered very young.

   "Don't worry, I'll take Qingqian and Mo Ran around these few days to play." Feng Chengxuan knew that his brother had a dull temper, and he had to suffocate the other party to entertain the two of Yu Qingqian.

   Feng Chengzhe didn't know how to get along with his future daughter-in-law, so he nodded: "Then take care of them a little more, and come to me if you have anything."

   Then he turned his head and said to Feng Li: "Tomorrow you take Qingqian and Mo Ran to your grandfather's yard to sit."

  The old man has heard that Yu Qingqian is coming and wants to meet.

   Feng Li is no longer sarcastic when he sees Feng Chengzhe, but his attitude is cold.

   "Why did that old man remember to see Xiao Qian'er?"

   Feng Chengzhe said helplessly, "What happened to your grandfather looking at the future granddaughter-in-law?"

  This son's temperament is basically the same as his younger brother, which is really a headache.

   "It's not even married yet, what is the old man excited about!" Feng Li rolled his eyes and muttered, he was most afraid of going to the old man's yard to sit.

   Feng Chengxuan smiled and patted Feng Li's head, "I can't guess this, the old man must want to hug his great-grandson."

   "..." Yu Qingqian had a black line on her head. She and Feng Chen were not married yet. Is it really good to talk about the great-grandson in front of her?

  Sheng Moran coughed dryly and said with a smile, "As juniors, it's right for us to visit the old man."

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