Sheng Moran's stern face had a gentle and indulgent smile.

   "I didn't wait long, I just guessed that you would come over."

  Yu Qingqian held the teacup and said, "Brother, Lingxi Secret Realm is about to open in a short time. I'm going to find Feng Chen and Feng Li and send the lotus seeds of the other two nine-colored magic lotuses."

  Sheng Moran is not surprised, her sister has a deep affection for Feng Chen, and if she gives her the nine-colored magic lotus, she will definitely have a share of Feng Chen.

   "Are you going to enter the secret realm of Lingxi with Feng Chen and the others, or are you going back to Yulingzong or the Sky Palace?"

   "No accident, I will enter the Lingxi Secret Realm with Feng Chen and the others." Yu Qingqian paused and said, "I don't know if their brothers have been admitted to the Feng family."

   "I received the news that the Feng family only gave Feng Li a place." Sheng Moran sipped his tea and said.

  Yu Qingqian was obviously surprised, she frowned slightly and asked, "What about Feng Chen?"

   It stands to reason that Feng Chen's performance in the forging competition, coupled with the attention of the ancestors of the Feng family, should be impossible to get a place.

   Could it be that Feng Chen gave his place to Feng Li?

   But with Feng Li's temperament, if Feng Chen gave up the quota, he would definitely make trouble and would not accept it.

   "I heard that Feng Chen himself turned down the quota, and he himself got a quota from other channels."

  Sheng Moran paused and said, "No one knows where and what channel Feng Chen got the quota from."

   "By the way, he has also been promoted to the Spirit Emperor cultivation realm not long ago. I guess he encountered some chance."

  Yu Qingqian was relieved to hear that Feng Chen had secured a place by himself, "He has a lot of potential, and it is normal for him to practice faster. It may also be like what my brother said he encountered."

  Yu Qingqian has the purification of the nine-colored magic lotus and the balance of his abilities, so he will not be suppressed by the influence of the abyss in the aura.

   And Feng Chen also has the black mandala's devouring ability to complement it, plus the special ability of the natural spiritual planter, Feng Chen should not be affected and suppressed too much.

   "I've been keeping an eye on the news of the Feng family. Feng Chen went out two months ago, and when he came back, he became the Spirit Emperor."

  Sheng Moran continued: "But this is the latest news I received. Maybe he won't be there when you go to Feng's house."

  Yu Qingqian took the jade slip that Sheng Moran handed over and browsed it, her originally stretched brows frowned again.

   "Can my brother find out where Feng Chen went?"

  Sheng Moran shook his head: "I can't find it, including the two months he was missing before, and I can't find any information, as if it was deliberately covered up."

   "But it shouldn't be done by the senior officials of the Feng family. Maybe only Feng Li knows where Feng Chen is going." He thought for a while and added.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "Feng Li should know where Feng Chen is going."

  Sick Beauty returned to Feng's house for Feng Li's sake. If there is any big move, he will not hide it because of his temperament.

   She has been running around outside all this time, and she cut off contact with the sick beauty two months ago, so he must have something important to do.

   "Does Xiaoqian need me to help you contact Feng Li first?" Sheng Moran asked.

   Yu Qing sighed lightly: "Don't bother brother, I want to go to Feng's house in person."

   She believed that the secret realm of consonance was about to open, and the sick beauty should not be away for too long.

   "Alright then, I'll go with you." Sheng Moran rubbed the teacup and said.

  Yu Qingqian was stunned and looked up at him in surprise, "Brother accompany me?"

   "Well, I have already greeted my ancestor, grandfather, and father, and by the way, I will enter the secret realm of Lingxi with you. They have agreed." Sheng Moran said with a smile.

   He was really worried that his sister, who had been remembered by Xie Xiu, went to seal the house alone.

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