Because of the evil cultivator's blocking, when the shield was blocked for a few breaths, the Cliff Lord of Yinfeng Cliffs would fall with all his strength in an instant.

  Sheng Moran stood not far from Yu Qingqian's side, he pushed Yu Qingqian away without hesitation, and went to meet the fierce blow of the opponent himself.

   Nine-leaf Spirit Sect's full-strength blow, Sheng Moran, who is the Second Leaf Spirit Emperor, is absolutely impossible to take. If he is hit, he will not die or be seriously injured.

The people on the Sheng family's side stared blankly at the front, with tight expressions on their faces, especially the high-level and elite disciples of the Sheng family. , also worried.

   Is their young master going to perish here today?

  The evil cultivator also watched intently, and in their hearts they prayed that the cliff master would not only be able to kill the young master of the Sheng family with one blow, but also kill that nasty stinky girl of the Yuling Sect.

  Sheng Moran's actions came from the heart, and greeted the fall of the palm with a calm and indifferent face.

  Yu Qingqian was stunned after being pushed away by Sheng Moran. She didn't expect her brother to greet the palm instead of herself at such a time.

   Such a move warmed her heart and touched her deeply.

  The instincts that people make when they are in danger can best express their hearts. Sheng Moran regards Yu Qingqian as more important than his own life, there is no doubt about it.

   Just when everyone thought that Sheng Moran was going to be hit and guessed whether he would be seriously injured or dead, a red afterimage suddenly passed by.

   Immediately, the hand of the Cliff Master of Yinfeng Cliff fell, but it fell into a void.

   The palm wind fell and did not hit Sheng Moran, nor did it touch Yu Qingqian's edge, and landed straight on the ground.

  In an instant, the hit ground shook for a few breaths, and a huge crack appeared in front of everyone.

   And everyone's attention did not fall on the crack in the earth, but looked for the traces of Sheng Moran and Yu Qingqian, and guessed who the red afterimage was.

   Soon, two people appeared where the Sheng family was.

  The scarlet armor transformed by the Demon Emperor Grass envelops Yu Qing's delicate and graceful figure, and coupled with the stunning face, it gives people a gorgeous and coquettish feeling.

   One of her hands was on Sheng Moran's arm, and it was obvious that the red figure just now was Yu Qingqian.

   "How is that possible? You are just a Spirit Emperor, how can you do whatever you want?"

  Yinfeng Cliffmaster looked shocked. His cultivation base was not bad, so he could naturally see that Yu Qingqian pulled Sheng Moran to avoid his own blow just now. It was definitely the effect of space teleportation.

   That's not right, it's not just the teleportation of space, when the palm of his hand fell, the time also slowed down by a beat.

   Could it be that this **** stinky girl is still married to a time-related spirit plant? impossible!

   If a time-based spiritual plant appears, even if he re-enters the spiritual plant space, he should be able to sense it.

  Yan Jun did appear just now, but it was only for a moment, and he appeared with all his strength at Yu Qingqian's request.

   Once the time was slow, he immediately entered the small tower space.

  Yu Qingqian didn't want to expose Yan Jun's existence, after all, Yan Jun's time rule can also be used as a hole card.

   Yu Qingqian could have used space teleportation to avoid the opponent's attack before, but Sheng Moran instinctively pushed her, and he greeted her, which also caused a momentary time difference.

  If Yan Jun didn't make a move, Yu Qingqian could dodge the blow of Yinfeng Cliff Lord by pulling Sheng Moran, but it might be slow and hurt Sheng Moran.

   Naturally, Yu Qingqian could not tolerate this, so Yan Jun made his move, even if he was exposed.

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