The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 821: Is the ancestor of the Sheng family crazy?

  The head of the Sheng family is a spiritual sect, and looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little scalp tingling.

  Sheng Qingfeng had seen Yu Qingqian and his bond with Yaozhi in the low-level continent, but he seemed relatively calm.

  The other high-level and elite disciples of the Sheng family suddenly changed their gazes towards Yu Qingqian.

  The poisonous mist in the front hall gradually dissipated, and the appearance of the evil cultivators was already unsightly. Sheng Yuan's whole body was trembling and his eyes were terrified and helpless, but he couldn't feel pity.

After the    poisonous mist dissipated, the isolation aperture cast by the Demon Emperor Grass also disappeared.

   "Cough cough..." Mr. Sheng coughed dryly, looked at Yu Qingqian and asked, "Little girl, have they always been like this?"

   "No, the illusion woven by my demon plants has a duration of about three hours. After three hours, they will be able to return to normal."

   Yu Qing paused and said, "So in these three hours, they can't send any news."

  The Sheng Family Patriarch smiled meaningfully: "Well done little girl, three hours is enough!"

   However, I couldn't help being convinced by Yu Qingqian's mental means. This little girl will definitely not be in the pool in the future. It's a good thing that Mo Ran has such a deep relationship with her brother and sister.

  The people in the torture room of the Sheng family took Xie Xiu and Sheng Yuan who were present together.

   Everyone in the Sheng family didn't expect such a result, but they didn't have much sympathy for Sheng Yuan, and the other party's actions had already stepped on their bottom line.

   But everyone couldn't help but feel chills on the back of Sheng Yuan's tragic experience, and secretly decided not to offend the young master Sheng Moran in the future.

  Otherwise, it would be terrifying to provoke such a demon star as Yu Qingqian!

  The senior management of the Sheng family controlled Yinfengya Xie Xiu who came to negotiate, and the ancestor of the Sheng family immediately took the elite team of the Sheng family to join the elites of several other families through Lingzhi teleportation.

Yinfengya is not very far from Shengyuan City. The other families are second-rate families. They are usually friends with the Sheng family. They have been plagued by evil cultivators recently. Therefore, it is easy to be persuaded by the senior management of the Sheng family. The elites of the King of Spirit joined the Qing Suppression Plan.

   The leader of the team this time is the ancestor of the Sheng family, who is a spiritual master, and the ancestors of the other families have also dispatched.

  The ancestors of the Sheng family formed a deed with the spiritual plant of the space system, and the group took just over an hour to reach the vicinity of Yinfeng Cliff.

  Yinfeng Cliff, as the name suggests, is a cliff, surrounded by Yin evil spirits all the year round. Once people of the right way and the magic way step in, they will be eroded by Yin evil spirits.

   This is also one of the reasons why Yinfengya dares to be so arrogant.

   As soon as the elites of several families arrived at Yinfeng Cliff, various discomforts appeared in their bodies.

   The yin and death energy here is too strong, coupled with the influence of the abyss in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, most people feel that the strength of the cultivation base is severely suppressed.

  The ancestor of one of the family said respectfully to the ancestor of the Sheng family: "Elder Sheng, the environment here is very unfavorable for us!"

   He is a disciple of the spiritual sect who has been greatly affected by the evil spirit and death here, not to mention the disciples of other spiritual emperors and spiritual kings.

   The ancestor of the Sheng family smiled and looked calm and indifferent, "Don't worry, since our Sheng family dares to launch a clean-up operation, it is naturally well-prepared."

   He then turned his head and smiled gently at Yu Qing who was behind him: "Little girl, you lead the way ahead."

   Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Sheng family, the senior leaders and disciples of the other families couldn't help but show their surprise, and they wondered if the ancestor of the Sheng family was crazy, and even asked a girl with a spiritual emperor to lead the way.

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