The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2726: I'm reluctant to give up

   Yu Qing's pale complexion remained the same with a faint smile.

   When the three arrows were about to approach, Yu Qingqian had an extra purple longbow in his hand. He also used his mental power and soul power to condense into three arrows, and stretched out his hand and pulled it towards the back.

  Three arrows with streamers flew out in an instant, and they collided with the arrows flying from three sides.

   In an instant, the surrounding space vibrated violently, and many space cracks shattered unconsciously.

  The three purple arrows annihilated the three arrows formed by the soul power of the soul clan. When everyone thought that the three purple arrows would disappear at the same time, an unexpected scene happened.

I saw that the three purple arrows had indeed disappeared, but from the arrows, there were three more arrows with a smaller size, flying out from the arrows that had disappeared before, as if they had been peeled off, and went straight towards the arrow. The three soul clan flew away.

   The three of them stared wide-eyed and looked like hell, they never thought that the offensive formed by the strongest golden triangle would be broken by a woman from the human race.

   Not only that, the combined offensive of the three of them was resisted by Yu Qingqian, indicating that the woman's soul and spiritual power were stronger than the three of them combined.

   This realization made the three of them unacceptable.

   It’s just that now it’s not a matter of whether it’s acceptable or not. The three of them felt the power of the purple arrows, and immediately offered their holy weapons to resist.

  But the three purple arrows penetrated directly from the shield of the three-person sacred artifact, and the strength was only weakened by 10%, and they continued to go straight towards the three of them.

   The three of them couldn't help but their faces changed drastically, and without hesitation, they activated and peeled off the blue feathers on their brows.

  Three cyan feathers fell from the forehead, which was able to withstand the power of the three purple arrows.

  The three of the Soul Clan couldn't help but have lingering fears. At this time, they deeply realized why Yu Qingqian and others had killed so many Soul Clan before. It turned out that her soul power and spiritual power were so strong.

   Before the three of them could really breathe a sigh of relief, they saw Yu Qingqian raise his purple longbow again and look at them with a half-smile.

   "No, hurry up!" One of the soul clan immediately shouted, and then ran towards the other end of the suspension bridge and fled.

   The other two did not move slowly, turning around and heading towards the other end of the suspension bridge almost at the same time.

   Previously, they had been summoned to tell them to escape if they were in danger, so the three of them turned around and ran away without any scruples.

   "Want to run? Who made you so valuable, I can't bear to give it up!" Yu Qingqian chuckled, the purple longbow in his hand pulled.

  Three more powerful purple arrows headed towards the three soul clans who had fled far away.

The three soul clans escaped very fast, but Yu Qingqian's arrows not only condensed with soul and spiritual power, but also added space and time power to it, so just a few teleporting arrows penetrated straight through. on the chests of the three soul clans.

   The three of them just happened to return to the entrance of the suspension bridge again, but arrows also penetrated.

"This, how is this possible?" The leading soul clan looked down at the already penetrated chest with an unbelievable appearance, and then gradually turned into a pool of mud, and a red-black soul bead condensed and fell. on the ground.

   The other two were in the same situation. They couldn't believe that they would die in the hands of a human woman who seemed to be good at healing the spiritual realm. It's a pity that they didn't have much time to think about it before turning into soul orbs.

The people standing at the entrance of the suspension bridge were stunned for a while. Except for Nangong Bing and the others, no one had expected that the Great Demon King, in addition to the powerful group healing technique just now, would be so powerful against the Soul Clan.

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