Yu Qingqian looked at the slave ring and handed it to Feng Chen.

   "Little girl, don't try to play tricks or delay time, this emperor is not a fool and will let you play tricks." The middle-aged man saw that Yu Qingqian didn't consciously put on the slave ring, and his face was a little ugly.

   Yu Qingqian sneered: "I didn't want to play tricks or delay time!"

   then changed the conversation: "I'm just teasing you brightly, don't you see it?"

   There are many hidden high-level plant patterns in the slave ring. Yu Qingqian can't break it now, and Feng Chen needs to take it back and study it slowly.

   As for these two Eternal God Emperors, Yu Qingqian really didn't take it to heart.

   Two **** emperors who were raised to the eternal realm with spiritual objects, her golden thighs can be pinched to death with one hand.

   "Stinky girl, you are courting death!" Since the middle-aged man was promoted to the Eternal God Emperor, no one has ever dared to be so presumptuous in front of him, so he slapped Yu Qingqian directly in a rage.

   Although this palm only contained three layers of strength, if it landed on Yu Qingqian, he would definitely be beaten to death.

  Yu Qing's pale eyes became colder, this **** emperor really made a move without any scruples, and it was shameless to bully the little one.

   "I don't know who is courting death!" Yu Qingqian straightened her back and glanced at the middle-aged man lightly.

   Nangong Bing and the others and the **** emperors in the human race base camp were about to die, and Commander Nangong almost couldn't help but want to rush over.

   When the fierce palm wind of that palm fell on top of Yu Qingqian's head, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Yu Qingqian, just raised his hand slightly, and the power of that palm was completely annihilated and disappeared.

   The middle-aged man stared in disbelief at the man with a mask who suddenly appeared.

   He can be promoted to Eternal God Emperor, even if he uses spiritual things, he is not stupid.

   "You, you are the Eternal God Emperor of Gale Wind?" The middle-aged man stepped back fearfully and asked tentatively.

  Otherwise, who would accompany Yu Qingqian and possess such terrifying strength.

   Hurricane Eternal God Emperor is too lazy to pay attention to this kind of people who use spiritual things to upgrade to Eternal God Emperor cultivation.

   "You are also a hindrance to the level of God Emperor, so just die!"

   The Eternal God Emperor of Gale spit out a sentence, gathered a force in his hand, and used the same attack method to slap the middle-aged man and the old man who had turned around and started to escape.

   The middle-aged man had already completely determined the identity of the Eternal God Emperor of the Gale Wind, and a panic arose in his heart, and he also turned around and fled without hesitation.

   Neither of them thought that the Eternal God Emperor of Gale Wind would follow Yu Qingqian into Shenlai Island for protection.

   He scolded Luan Xin in his heart. The information about the dead woman was not accurate at all, and it hurt them badly.

   Just before they could think too much, the palm print of the Eternal God Emperor of Gale fell on the middle-aged man first with the momentum of thunder.

The    palm print only stayed on the middle-aged man for a moment, and immediately penetrated his body and continued towards the old man.

  The old man escaped very fast, but not as fast as the palm print of the Eternal God Emperor of Gale.

   "Ah!!" Several screams accompanied a figure falling from the air.

  Yu Qingqian and others found that the breath of life on the middle-aged man and the old man began to gradually dissipate, which also meant that the two were about to die.

  Suddenly, two white light groups emerged from the corpses of the middle-aged man and the old man, obviously trying to escape again with the help of their souls.

   But how could the Eternal God Emperor Gale give them such an opportunity? With just a wave of his hand, the two groups of souls that were desperately struggling fell into his hands.

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